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synced 2025-03-04 08:24:43 +01:00

Cap'n Proto provides a schema loader, which can be used to dynamically load schemas during runtime. To port this functionality to pycapnp, a new class is provided `C_SchemaLoader`, which exposes the Cap'n Proto C++ interface, and `SchemaLoader`, which is part of the pycapnp library. The specific use case for this is when a capnp message contains a Node.Reader: The schema for a yet unseen message can be loaded dynamically, allowing the future message to be properly processed. If the message is a struct containing other structs, all the schemas for every struct must be loaded to correctly parse the message. See https://github.com/DaneSlattery/capnp_generic_poc for a proof-of-concept. Add docs and cleanup Add more docs Reduce changes Fix flake8 formatting Fix get datatype
4351 lines
158 KiB
4351 lines
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# capnp.pyx
# distutils: language = c++
# distutils: libraries = capnpc capnp-rpc capnp kj-async kj
# distutils: include_dirs = .
# cython: c_string_type = str
# cython: c_string_encoding = default
# cython: embedsignature = True
# cython: language_level = 2
cimport cython # noqa: E402
from capnp.helpers.helpers cimport init_capnp_api
from capnp.includes.capnp_cpp cimport AsyncIoStream, WaitScope, PyPromise, VoidPromise, EventPort, EventLoop, Canceler, PyAsyncIoStream, PromiseFulfiller, VoidPromiseFulfiller, tryReadMessage, writeMessage, makeException, PythonInterfaceDynamicImpl
from capnp.includes.schema_cpp cimport (MessageReader,)
from cpython cimport array, Py_buffer, PyObject_CheckBuffer, memoryview, buffer
from cpython.buffer cimport PyBUF_SIMPLE, PyBUF_WRITABLE
from cpython.exc cimport PyErr_Clear
from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
from libc.string cimport memcpy
from libcpp.utility cimport move
import array
import asyncio
import collections as _collections
import contextlib
import enum as _enum
import inspect as _inspect
import os as _os
import random as _random
import socket as _socket
import sys as _sys
import threading as _threading
import traceback as _traceback
import warnings as _warnings
import weakref as _weakref
import traceback as _traceback
from types import ModuleType as _ModuleType
from operator import attrgetter as _attrgetter
from functools import partial as _partial
cdef dict _type_registry = {}
def register_type(id, klass):
_type_registry[id] = klass
def deregister_all_types():
_type_registry = {}
# By making it public, we'll be able to call it from capabilityHelper.h
cdef api object wrap_dynamic_struct_reader(Response & r) with gil:
return _Response()._init_childptr(new Response(move(r)), None)
cdef _find_field_order(struct_node):
return [f.name for f in sorted(struct_node.fields, key=_attrgetter('codeOrder'))]
cdef class _VoidPromiseFulfiller:
cdef VoidPromiseFulfiller* fulfiller
cdef _init(self, VoidPromiseFulfiller* fulfiller):
self.fulfiller = fulfiller
return self
def void_task_done_callback(method_name, _VoidPromiseFulfiller fulfiller, task):
if task.cancelled():
f"Server task for method {method_name} was cancelled")))
exc = task.exception()
if exc is not None:
_traceback.format_exception(type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__)))))
res = task.result()
if res is not None:
f"Async server function ({method_name}) returned a non-none value: return = {res}")))
cdef api void promise_task_add_done_callback(object task, object callback, VoidPromiseFulfiller& fulfiller):
task.add_done_callback(_partial(callback, _VoidPromiseFulfiller()._init(&fulfiller)))
cdef api void promise_task_cancel(object task):
def fill_context(method_name, context, returned_data):
if returned_data is None:
if not isinstance(returned_data, tuple):
returned_data = (returned_data,)
names = _find_field_order(context.results.schema.node.struct)
if len(returned_data) > len(names):
raise KjException(
"Too many values returned from `{}`. Expected {} and got {}"
.format(method_name, len(names), len(returned_data)))
results = context.results
for arg_name, arg_val in zip(names, returned_data):
setattr(results, arg_name, arg_val)
cdef api VoidPromise * call_server_method(object server,
char * _method_name, CallContext & _context) except * with gil:
method_name = <object>_method_name
context = _CallContext()._init(_context) # TODO:MEMORY: invalidate this with promise chain
func = getattr(server, method_name+'_context', None)
if func is not None:
ret = func(context)
if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret):
task = asyncio.create_task(ret)
callback = _partial(void_task_done_callback, method_name)
return new VoidPromise(helpers.taskToPromise(
raise ValueError(
"Server function ({}) is not a coroutine"
.format(method_name, str(ret)))
func = getattr(server, method_name) # will raise if no function found
params = context.params
params_dict = {name: getattr(params, name) for name in params.schema.fieldnames}
params_dict['_context'] = context
ret = func(**params_dict)
if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret):
async def finalize():
fill_context(method_name, context, await ret)
task = asyncio.create_task(finalize())
callback = _partial(void_task_done_callback, method_name)
return new VoidPromise(helpers.taskToPromise(
raise ValueError(
"Server function ({}) is not a coroutine"
.format(method_name, str(ret)))
cdef extern from "<kj/string.h>" namespace " ::kj":
String strStructReader" ::kj::str"(C_DynamicStruct.Reader)
String strStructBuilder" ::kj::str"(DynamicStruct_Builder)
String strRequest" ::kj::str"(Request &)
String strListReader" ::kj::str"(C_DynamicList.Reader)
String strListBuilder" ::kj::str"(C_DynamicList.Builder)
String strException" ::kj::str"(capnp.Exception)
def _make_enum(enum_name, *sequential, **named):
enums = dict(zip(sequential, range(len(sequential))), **named)
reverse = dict((value, key) for key, value in enums.iteritems())
enums['reverse_mapping'] = reverse
return type(enum_name, (), enums)
_Type = _make_enum(
cdef class _KjExceptionWrapper:
cdef capnp.Exception * thisptr
cdef _init(self, capnp.Exception & other):
self.thisptr = new capnp.Exception(move(other))
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
property file:
def __get__(self):
return <char*>self.thisptr.getFile()
property line:
def __get__(self):
return self.thisptr.getLine()
property type:
def __get__(self):
cdef int temp = <int>self.thisptr.getType()
return _Type.reverse_mapping[temp]
property description:
def __get__(self):
return <char*>self.thisptr.getDescription().cStr()
def __str__(self):
return <char*>strException(deref(self.thisptr)).cStr()
# Extension classes can't inherit from Exception, so we're going to proxy wrap kj::Exception,
# and forward all calls to it from this Python class
class KjException(Exception):
"""KjException is a wrapper of the internal C++ exception type.
There is an enum named `Type` listed below, and a bunch of fields."""
Type = _make_enum("Type", **{x: x for x in _Type.reverse_mapping.values()})
def __init__(self, message=None, nature=None, durability=None, wrapper=None, type=None):
if wrapper is not None:
self.wrapper = wrapper
self.message = str(wrapper)
self.wrapper = None
self.message = message
self.nature = nature
self.durability = durability
self._type = type
def file(self):
return self.wrapper.file
def line(self):
return self.wrapper.line
def type(self):
if self.wrapper is not None:
return self.wrapper.type
return self._type
def description(self):
if self.wrapper is not None:
return self.wrapper.description
return self.message
def __str__(self):
return self.message
def _to_python(self):
message = self.message
if self.wrapper.type == 'FAILED':
if 'has no such' in self.message:
return AttributeError(message)
return self
cdef api object wrap_kj_exception(capnp.Exception & exception) with gil:
wrapper = _KjExceptionWrapper()._init(exception)
ret = KjException(wrapper=wrapper)
return ret
cdef api object wrap_kj_exception_for_reraise(capnp.Exception & exception) with gil:
wrapper = _KjExceptionWrapper()._init(exception)
ret = KjException(wrapper=wrapper)
return ret
cdef api object get_exception_info(object exc_type, object exc_obj, object exc_tb) with gil:
return (exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename.encode(),
(repr(exc_type) + ":" + str(exc_obj)).encode())
except Exception:
return (b'', 0, b"Couldn't determine python exception")
cdef schema_cpp.ReaderOptions make_reader_opts(traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit) with gil:
cdef schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts
if traversal_limit_in_words is not None:
opts.traversalLimitInWords = traversal_limit_in_words
if nesting_limit is not None:
opts.nestingLimit = nesting_limit
return opts
ctypedef fused _DynamicStructReaderOrBuilder:
ctypedef fused _DynamicSetterClasses:
cdef extern from "Python.h":
cdef int PyObject_GetBuffer(object, Py_buffer *view, int flags)
cdef void PyBuffer_Release(Py_buffer *view)
# Templated classes are weird in cython. I couldn't put it in a pxd header for some reason
cdef extern from "capnp/list.h" namespace " ::capnp":
cdef cppclass List[T]:
cppclass Reader:
T operator[](uint) except +reraise_kj_exception
uint size()
cppclass Builder:
T operator[](uint) except +reraise_kj_exception
uint size()
cdef extern from "<capnp/pretty-print.h>" namespace " ::capnp":
StringTree printStructReader" ::capnp::prettyPrint"(C_DynamicStruct.Reader) except +reraise_kj_exception
StringTree printStructBuilder" ::capnp::prettyPrint"(DynamicStruct_Builder) except +reraise_kj_exception
StringTree printRequest" ::capnp::prettyPrint"(Request &) except +reraise_kj_exception
StringTree printListReader" ::capnp::prettyPrint"(C_DynamicList.Reader) except +reraise_kj_exception
StringTree printListBuilder" ::capnp::prettyPrint"(C_DynamicList.Builder) except +reraise_kj_exception
cdef class _NodeReader:
cdef C_Node.Reader thisptr
cdef init(self, C_Node.Reader other):
self.thisptr = other
return self
property displayName:
def __get__(self):
return <char*>self.thisptr.getDisplayName().cStr()
property scopeId:
def __get__(self):
return self.thisptr.getScopeId()
property id:
def __get__(self):
return self.thisptr.getId()
property nestedNodes:
def __get__(self):
return _List_NestedNode_Reader()._init(self.thisptr.getNestedNodes())
property isStruct:
def __get__(self):
return self.thisptr.isStruct()
property isConst:
def __get__(self):
return self.thisptr.isConst()
property isInterface:
def __get__(self):
return self.thisptr.isInterface()
property isEnum:
def __get__(self):
return self.thisptr.isEnum()
property node:
"""A property that returns the NodeReader as a DynamicStructReader."""
def __get__(self):
return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self.thisptr, self)
cdef class _NestedNodeReader:
cdef C_Node.NestedNode.Reader thisptr
cdef init(self, C_Node.NestedNode.Reader other):
self.thisptr = other
return self
property name:
def __get__(self):
return <char*>self.thisptr.getName().cStr()
property id:
def __get__(self):
return self.thisptr.getId()
cdef class _DynamicListReader:
"""Class for reading Cap'n Proto Lists
This class thinly wraps the C++ Cap'n Proto DynamicList::Reader class. __getitem__ and __len__
have been defined properly, so you can treat this class mostly like any other iterable class::
person = addressbook.Person.read(file)
phones = person.phones # This returns a _DynamicListReader
phone = phones[0]
print phone.number
for phone in phones:
print phone.number
cdef C_DynamicList.Reader thisptr
cdef public object _parent
cdef _init(self, C_DynamicList.Reader other, object parent):
self.thisptr = other
self._parent = parent
return self
cpdef _get(self, int64_t index):
return to_python_reader(self.thisptr[index], self._parent)
def __getitem__(self, int64_t index):
cdef uint size = self.thisptr.size()
if index >= size:
raise IndexError('Out of bounds')
index = index % size
return self._get(index)
def __len__(self):
return self.thisptr.size()
def __str__(self):
return <char*>printListReader(self.thisptr).flatten().cStr()
def __repr__(self):
# TODO: Print the list type.
return '<capnp list reader %s>' % <char*>strListReader(self.thisptr).cStr()
cdef class _DynamicResizableListBuilder:
"""Class for building growable Cap'n Proto Lists
.. warning:: You need to call :meth:`finish` on this object before serializing the Cap'n Proto message.
Failure to do so will cause your objects not to be written out as well as leaking orphan structs into your message.
This class works much like :class:`_DynamicListBuilder`, but it allows growing the list dynamically.
It is meant for lists of structs, since for primitive types like int or float, you're much better off
using a normal python list and then serializing straight to a Cap'n Proto list.
It has __getitem__ and __len__ defined, but not __setitem__::
person = addressbook.Person.new_message()
phones = person.init_resizable_list('phones') # This returns a _DynamicResizableListBuilder
phone = phones.add()
phone.number = 'foo'
phone = phones.add()
phone.number = 'bar'
f = open('example', 'w')
cdef public object _parent, _message, _field, _schema
cdef public list _list
def __init__(self, parent, field, schema):
self._parent = parent
self._message = parent._parent
self._field = field
self._schema = schema
self._list = list()
cpdef add(self):
"""A method for adding a new struct to the list
This will return a struct, in which you can set fields that will be reflected in the serialized
Cap'n Proto message.
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructBuilder`
orphan = self._message.new_orphan(self._schema)
orphan_val = orphan.get()
self._list.append((orphan, orphan_val))
return orphan_val
cpdef _get(self, index):
return self._list[index][1]
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self._list[index][1]
# def __setitem__(self, index, val):
# self._list[index] = val
def __len__(self):
return len(self._list)
def finish(self):
"""A method for closing this list and serializing all its members to the message
If you don't call this method, the items you previously added from this object will leak into the message,
ie. inaccessible but still taking up space.
cdef int i = 0
new_list = self._parent.init(self._field, len(self))
for orphan, _ in self._list:
new_list.adopt(i, orphan)
i += 1
cdef class _DynamicListBuilder:
"""Class for building Cap'n Proto Lists
This class thinly wraps the C++ Cap'n Proto DynamicList::Bulder class. __getitem__, __setitem__, and __len__
have been defined properly, so you can treat this class mostly like any other iterable class::
person = addressbook.Person.new_message()
phones = person.init('phones', 2) # This returns a _DynamicListBuilder
phone = phones[0]
phone.number = 'foo'
phone = phones[1]
phone.number = 'bar'
for phone in phones:
print phone.number
cdef _init(self, C_DynamicList.Builder other, object parent):
self.thisptr = other
self._parent = parent
return self
cpdef _get(self, int64_t index):
return to_python_builder(self.thisptr[index], self._parent)
def __getitem__(self, int64_t index):
cdef uint size = self.thisptr.size()
if index >= size:
raise IndexError('Out of bounds')
index = index % size
return self._get(index)
cpdef _set(self, index, value):
_setDynamicField(self.thisptr, index, value, self._parent)
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
size = self.thisptr.size()
if index >= size:
raise IndexError('Out of bounds')
index = index % size
_setDynamicField(self.thisptr, index, value, self._parent)
def __len__(self):
return self.thisptr.size()
cpdef adopt(self, index, _DynamicOrphan orphan):
"""A method for adopting Cap'n Proto orphans
Don't use this method unless you know what you're doing.
Orphans are useful for dynamically allocating objects for an unknown sized list.
:type index: int
:param index: The index of the element in the list to replace with the newly adopted object
:type orphan: :class:`_DynamicOrphan`
:param orphan: A Cap'n proto orphan to adopt. It will be unusable after this operation.
:rtype: void
self.thisptr.adopt(index, orphan.move())
cpdef disown(self, index):
"""A method for disowning Cap'n Proto orphans
Don't use this method unless you know what you're doing.
:type index: int
:param index: The index of the element in the list to disown
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicOrphan`
return _DynamicOrphan()._init(self.thisptr.disown(index), self._parent)
cpdef init(self, index, size):
"""A method for initializing an element in a list
:type index: int
:param index: The index of the element in the list
:type size: int
:param size: Size of the element to be initialized.
return to_python_builder(self.thisptr.init(index, size), self._parent)
def __str__(self):
return <char*>printListBuilder(self.thisptr).flatten().cStr()
def __repr__(self):
# TODO: Print the list type.
return '<capnp list builder %s>' % <char*>strListBuilder(self.thisptr).cStr()
cdef class _List_NestedNode_Reader:
cdef C_Node.NestedNode.Reader.ListNestedNodeReader thisptr
cdef _init(self, List[C_Node.NestedNode].Reader other):
self.thisptr = <C_Node.NestedNode.Reader.ListNestedNodeReader>other
return self
def __getitem__(self, index):
size = self.thisptr.size()
if index >= size:
raise IndexError('Out of bounds')
index = index % size
return _NestedNodeReader().init(<C_Node.NestedNode.Reader>self.thisptr[index])
def __len__(self):
return self.thisptr.size()
# cdef to_python_pipeline(C_DynamicValue.Pipeline self, object parent):
# cdef int type = self.getType()
# if type == capnp.TYPE_CAPABILITY:
# return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(self.asCapability(), parent)
# # elif type == capnp.TYPE_STRUCT:
# # return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self.asStruct(), parent)
# elif type == capnp.TYPE_UNKNOWN:
# raise KjException("Cannot convert type to Python. Type is unknown by capnproto library")
# else:
# raise KjException("Cannot convert type to Python. Type is unhandled by capnproto library")
cdef to_python_reader(C_DynamicValue.Reader self, object parent):
cdef int type = self.getType()
if type == capnp.TYPE_BOOL:
return self.asBool()
elif type == capnp.TYPE_INT:
return self.asInt()
elif type == capnp.TYPE_UINT:
return self.asUint()
elif type == capnp.TYPE_FLOAT:
return self.asDouble()
elif type == capnp.TYPE_TEXT:
temp_text = self.asText()
return (<char*>temp_text.begin())[:temp_text.size()]
elif type == capnp.TYPE_DATA:
temp_data = self.asData()
return <bytes>((<char*>temp_data.begin())[:temp_data.size()])
elif type == capnp.TYPE_LIST:
return _DynamicListReader()._init(self.asList(), parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_STRUCT:
return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self.asStruct(), parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_ENUM:
return _DynamicEnum()._init(self.asEnum(), parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_VOID:
return None
elif type == capnp.TYPE_ANY_POINTER:
return _DynamicObjectReader()._init(self.asObject(), parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_CAPABILITY:
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(self.asCapability(), parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_UNKNOWN:
raise KjException("Cannot convert type to Python. Type is unknown by capnproto library")
raise KjException("Cannot convert type to Python. Type is unhandled by capnproto library")
cdef to_python_builder(C_DynamicValue.Builder self, object parent):
cdef int type = self.getType()
if type == capnp.TYPE_BOOL:
return self.asBool()
elif type == capnp.TYPE_INT:
return self.asInt()
elif type == capnp.TYPE_UINT:
return self.asUint()
elif type == capnp.TYPE_FLOAT:
return self.asDouble()
elif type == capnp.TYPE_TEXT:
temp_text = self.asText()
return (<char*>temp_text.begin())[:temp_text.size()]
elif type == capnp.TYPE_DATA:
temp_data = self.asData()
return <bytes>((<char*>temp_data.begin())[:temp_data.size()])
elif type == capnp.TYPE_LIST:
return _DynamicListBuilder()._init(self.asList(), parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_STRUCT:
return _DynamicStructBuilder()._init(self.asStruct(), parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_ENUM:
return _DynamicEnum()._init(self.asEnum(), parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_VOID:
return None
elif type == capnp.TYPE_ANY_POINTER:
return _DynamicObjectBuilder()._init(self.asObject(), parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_CAPABILITY:
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(self.asCapability(), parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_UNKNOWN:
raise KjException("Cannot convert type to Python. Type is unknown by capnproto library")
raise KjException("Cannot convert type to Python. Type is unhandled by capnproto library")
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader _extract_dynamic_struct_builder(_DynamicStructBuilder value):
return C_DynamicValue.Reader(value.thisptr.asReader())
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader _extract_dynamic_struct_reader(_DynamicStructReader value):
return C_DynamicValue.Reader(value.thisptr)
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader _extract_dynamic_client(_DynamicCapabilityClient value):
return C_DynamicValue.Reader(value.thisptr)
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader _extract_dynamic_server(object value):
cdef _InterfaceSchema schema = value.schema
return C_DynamicValue.Reader(capnp.heap[PythonInterfaceDynamicImpl](schema.thisptr, <PyObject*> value))
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader _extract_dynamic_enum(_DynamicEnum value):
return C_DynamicValue.Reader(value.thisptr)
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader _extract_any_pointer(_DynamicObjectReader value):
return C_DynamicValue.Reader(value.thisptr)
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader _extract_any_pointer_builder(_DynamicObjectBuilder value):
return C_DynamicValue.Reader(value.thisptr.asReader())
cdef _setBytes(_DynamicSetterClasses thisptr, field, value):
cdef capnp.StringPtr temp_string = capnp.StringPtr(<char*>value, len(value))
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(temp_string)
thisptr.set(field, temp)
cdef _setBaseString(_DynamicSetterClasses thisptr, field, value):
encoded_value = value.encode('utf-8')
cdef capnp.StringPtr temp_string = capnp.StringPtr(<char*>encoded_value, len(encoded_value))
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(temp_string)
thisptr.set(field, temp)
cdef _setBytesField(DynamicStruct_Builder thisptr, _StructSchemaField field, value):
cdef capnp.StringPtr temp_string = capnp.StringPtr(<char*>value, len(value))
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(temp_string)
thisptr.setByField(field.thisptr, temp)
cdef _setBaseStringField(DynamicStruct_Builder thisptr, _StructSchemaField field, value):
encoded_value = value.encode('utf-8')
cdef capnp.StringPtr temp_string = capnp.StringPtr(<char*>encoded_value, len(encoded_value))
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(temp_string)
thisptr.setByField(field.thisptr, temp)
cdef _setDynamicField(_DynamicSetterClasses thisptr, field, value, parent):
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader temp
value_type = type(value)
if value_type is int or value_type is long:
if value < 0:
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(<long long>value)
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(<unsigned long long>value)
thisptr.set(field, temp)
elif value_type is float:
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(<double>value)
thisptr.set(field, temp)
elif value_type is bool:
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(<cbool>value)
thisptr.set(field, temp)
elif value_type is bytes:
_setBytes(thisptr, field, value)
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
_setBaseString(thisptr, field, value)
elif value_type is list:
builder = to_python_builder(thisptr.init(field, len(value)), parent)
_from_list(builder, value)
elif value_type is tuple:
builder = to_python_builder(thisptr.init(field, len(value)), parent)
_from_tuple(builder, value)
elif value_type is dict:
if _DynamicSetterClasses is DynamicStruct_Builder:
builder = to_python_builder(thisptr.get(field), parent)
builder = to_python_builder(thisptr[field], parent)
elif value is None:
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(VOID)
thisptr.set(field, temp)
elif value_type is _DynamicStructBuilder:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_dynamic_struct_builder(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicStructReader:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_dynamic_struct_reader(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicCapabilityClient:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_dynamic_client(value))
elif isinstance(value, _DynamicCapabilityServer):
thisptr.set(field, _extract_dynamic_server(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicEnum:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_dynamic_enum(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicObjectReader:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_any_pointer(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicObjectBuilder:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_any_pointer_builder(value))
raise KjException(
"Tried to set field: '{}' with a value of: '{}' which is an unsupported type: '{}'"
.format(field, str(value), str(type(value))))
cdef _setDynamicFieldWithField(DynamicStruct_Builder thisptr, _StructSchemaField field, value, parent):
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader temp
value_type = type(value)
if value_type is int or value_type is long:
if value < 0:
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(<long long>value)
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(<unsigned long long>value)
thisptr.setByField(field.thisptr, temp)
elif value_type is float:
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(<double>value)
thisptr.setByField(field.thisptr, temp)
elif value_type is bool:
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(<cbool>value)
thisptr.setByField(field.thisptr, temp)
elif value_type is bytes:
_setBytesField(thisptr, field, value)
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
_setBaseStringField(thisptr, field, value)
elif value_type is list:
builder = to_python_builder(thisptr.init(field.proto.name, len(value)), parent)
_from_list(builder, value)
elif value_type is dict:
builder = to_python_builder(thisptr.getByField(field.thisptr), parent)
elif value is None:
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(VOID)
thisptr.setByField(field.thisptr, temp)
elif value_type is _DynamicStructBuilder:
thisptr.setByField(field.thisptr, _extract_dynamic_struct_builder(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicStructReader:
thisptr.setByField(field.thisptr, _extract_dynamic_struct_reader(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicCapabilityClient:
thisptr.setByField(field.thisptr, _extract_dynamic_client(value))
elif isinstance(value, _DynamicCapabilityServer):
thisptr.setByField(field.thisptr, _extract_dynamic_server(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicEnum:
thisptr.setByField(field.thisptr, _extract_dynamic_enum(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicObjectReader:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_any_pointer(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicObjectBuilder:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_any_pointer_builder(value))
raise KjException(
"Tried to set field: '{}' with a value of: '{}' which is an unsupported type: '{}'"
.format(field, str(value), str(type(value))))
cdef _setDynamicFieldStatic(DynamicStruct_Builder thisptr, field, value, parent):
cdef C_DynamicValue.Reader temp
value_type = type(value)
if value_type is int or value_type is long:
if value < 0:
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(<long long>value)
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(<unsigned long long>value)
thisptr.set(field, temp)
elif value_type is float:
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(<double>value)
thisptr.set(field, temp)
elif value_type is bool:
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(<cbool>value)
thisptr.set(field, temp)
elif value_type is bytes:
_setBytes(thisptr, field, value)
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
_setBaseString(thisptr, field, value)
elif value_type is list:
builder = to_python_builder(thisptr.init(field, len(value)), parent)
_from_list(builder, value)
elif value_type is dict:
builder = to_python_builder(thisptr.get(field), parent)
elif value is None:
temp = C_DynamicValue.Reader(VOID)
thisptr.set(field, temp)
elif value_type is _DynamicStructBuilder:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_dynamic_struct_builder(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicStructReader:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_dynamic_struct_reader(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicCapabilityClient:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_dynamic_client(value))
elif isinstance(value, _DynamicCapabilityServer):
thisptr.set(field, _extract_dynamic_server(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicEnum:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_dynamic_enum(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicObjectReader:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_any_pointer(value))
elif value_type is _DynamicObjectBuilder:
thisptr.set(field, _extract_any_pointer_builder(value))
raise KjException(
"Tried to set field: '{}' with a value of: '{}' which is an unsupported type: '{}'"
.format(field, str(value), str(type(value))))
cdef _DynamicListBuilder temp_list_b
cdef _DynamicListReader temp_list_r
cdef _DynamicResizableListBuilder temp_list_rb
cdef _DynamicStructBuilder temp_msg_b
cdef _DynamicStructReader temp_msg_r
cdef _to_dict(msg, bint verbose, bint ordered):
msg_type = type(msg)
if msg_type is _DynamicListBuilder:
temp_list_b = msg
return [_to_dict(temp_list_b._get(i), verbose, ordered) for i in range(len(msg))]
elif msg_type is _DynamicListReader:
temp_list_r = msg
return [_to_dict(temp_list_r._get(i), verbose, ordered) for i in range(len(msg))]
elif msg_type is _DynamicResizableListBuilder:
temp_list_rb = msg
return [_to_dict(temp_list_rb._get(i), verbose, ordered) for i in range(len(msg))]
if msg_type is _DynamicStructBuilder or isinstance(msg, _Request):
temp_msg_b = msg
if ordered:
ret = _collections.OrderedDict()
ret = {}
which = temp_msg_b.which()
ret[which] = _to_dict(temp_msg_b._get(which), verbose, ordered)
except KjException:
for field in temp_msg_b.schema.non_union_fields:
if verbose or temp_msg_b._has(field):
ret[field] = _to_dict(temp_msg_b._get(field), verbose, ordered)
return ret
elif msg_type is _DynamicStructReader or isinstance(msg, _Response):
temp_msg_r = msg
if ordered:
ret = _collections.OrderedDict()
ret = {}
which = temp_msg_r.which()
ret[which] = _to_dict(temp_msg_r._get(which), verbose, ordered)
except KjException:
for field in temp_msg_r.schema.non_union_fields:
if verbose or temp_msg_r._has(field):
ret[field] = _to_dict(temp_msg_r._get(field), verbose, ordered)
return ret
if isinstance(msg, (_DynamicStructBuilder, _DynamicStructReader)):
return msg.to_dict(verbose, ordered)
if msg_type is _DynamicEnum:
return str(msg)
return msg
cdef _from_list(_DynamicListBuilder msg, list d):
for i, x in enumerate(d):
msg._set(i, x)
cdef _from_tuple(_DynamicListBuilder msg, tuple d):
for i, x in enumerate(d):
msg._set(i, x)
cdef class _DynamicEnum:
cdef _init(self, capnp.DynamicEnum other, object parent):
self.thisptr = other
self._parent = parent
return self
cpdef _as_str(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
return <char*>helpers.fixMaybe(self.thisptr.getEnumerant()).getProto().getName().cStr()
property raw:
"""A property that returns the raw int of the enum"""
def __get__(self):
return self.thisptr.getRaw()
def __str__(self):
return self._as_str()
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s enum>' % str(self)
def __richcmp__(_DynamicEnum self, right, int op):
if isinstance(right, basestring):
left = self._as_str()
left = self.thisptr.getRaw()
if op == 2: # ==
return left == right
elif op == 3: # !=
return left != right
elif op == 0: # <
return left < right
elif op == 1: # <=
return left <= right
elif op == 4: # >
return left > right
elif op == 5: # >=
return left >= right
def __hash__(_DynamicEnum self):
return hash(self._as_str())
cdef class _DynamicEnumField:
cdef _init(self, proto):
self.thisptr = proto
return self
property raw:
"""A property that returns the raw int of the enum"""
def __get__(self):
return self.thisptr.discriminantValue
cpdef _str(self):
return self.thisptr.name
def __str__(self):
return self._str()
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s which-enum>' % str(self)
def __richcmp__(_DynamicEnumField self, right, int op):
if isinstance(right, basestring):
left = self.thisptr.name
left = self.thisptr.discriminantValue
if op == 2: # ==
return left == right
elif op == 3: # !=
return left != right
elif op == 0: # <
return left < right
elif op == 1: # <=
return left <= right
elif op == 4: # >
return left > right
elif op == 5: # >=
return left >= right
def __call__(self):
return str(self)
cdef class _MessageSize:
cdef public uint64_t word_count
cdef public uint cap_count
def __init__(self, uint64_t word_count, uint cap_count):
self.word_count = word_count
self.cap_count = cap_count
if getattr(_sys, 'subversion', [''])[0] == 'PyPy':
from pickle_helper import _struct_reducer
def _struct_reducer(schema_id, data):
with _global_schema_parser.modules_by_id[schema_id].from_bytes(data) as msg:
return msg
cdef class _DynamicStructReader:
"""Reads Cap'n Proto structs
This class is almost a 1 for 1 wrapping of the Cap'n Proto C++ DynamicStruct::Reader.
The only difference is that instead of a `get` method, __getattr__ is overloaded and the field name
is passed onto the C++ equivalent `get`. This means you just use . syntax to access any field.
For field names that don't follow valid python naming convention for fields, use the global function
person = addressbook.Person.read(file) # This returns a _DynamicStructReader
print person.name # using . syntax
print getattr(person, 'field-with-hyphens') # for names that are invalid for python, use getattr
cdef _init(self, C_DynamicStruct.Reader other, object parent, bint isRoot=False, bint tryRegistry=True):
self.thisptr = other
self._parent = parent
self.is_root = isRoot
self._schema = None
if tryRegistry and len(_type_registry) > 0:
registered_type = _type_registry.get(self.thisptr.getId(), None)
if registered_type:
return registered_type[0](self)
return self
cpdef _get(self, field):
return to_python_reader(self.thisptr.get(field), self)
def __getattr__(self, field):
return self._get(field)
except KjException as e:
raise e._to_python(), None, _sys.exc_info()[2]
cpdef _get_by_field(self, _StructSchemaField field):
return to_python_reader(self.thisptr.getByField(field.thisptr), self)
cpdef _has(self, field):
return self.thisptr.has(field)
cpdef _has_by_field(self, _StructSchemaField field):
return self.thisptr.hasByField(field.thisptr)
cpdef _which_str(self):
return <char *>helpers.fixMaybe(self.thisptr.which()).getProto().getName().cStr()
except RuntimeError as e:
if str(e) == "Member was null.":
raise KjException("Attempted to call which on a non-union type")
cpdef _DynamicEnumField _which(self):
"""Returns the enum corresponding to the union in this struct
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicEnumField`
:return: A string/enum corresponding to what field is set in the union
:Raises: :exc:`KjException` if this struct doesn't contain a union
which = _DynamicEnumField()._init(
_StructSchemaField()._init(helpers.fixMaybe(self.thisptr.which()), self).proto)
except RuntimeError as e:
if str(e) == "Member was null.":
raise KjException("Attempted to call which on a non-union type")
return which
property which:
"""Returns the enum corresponding to the union in this struct
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicEnumField`
:return: A string/enum corresponding to what field is set in the union
:Raises: :exc:`KjException` if this struct doesn't contain a union
def __get__(_DynamicStructReader self):
return self._which()
property schema:
"""A property that returns the _StructSchema object matching this reader"""
def __get__(self):
if self._schema is None:
self._schema = _StructSchema()._init_child(self.thisptr.getSchema())
return self._schema
def __dir__(self):
return list(set(self.schema.fieldnames + tuple(dir(self.__class__))))
def __str__(self):
return <char*>printStructReader(self.thisptr).flatten().cStr()
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s reader %s>' % (self.schema.node.displayName, <char*>strStructReader(self.thisptr).cStr())
def to_dict(self, verbose=False, ordered=False):
return _to_dict(self, verbose, ordered)
cpdef as_builder(self, num_first_segment_words=None):
"""A method for casting this Reader to a Builder
This is a copying operation with respect to the message's buffer.
Changes in the new builder will not reflect in the original reader.
:type num_first_segment_words: int
:param num_first_segment_words: Size of the first segment to allocate (in words ie. 8 byte increments)
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructBuilder`
builder = _MallocMessageBuilder(num_first_segment_words)
return builder.set_root(self)
property total_size:
def __get__(self):
size = self.thisptr.totalSize()
return _MessageSize(size.wordCount, size.capCount)
def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
return _struct_reducer, (self.schema.node.id, self.as_builder().to_bytes())
cdef class _DynamicStructBuilder:
"""Builds Cap'n Proto structs
This class is almost a 1 for 1 wrapping of the Cap'n Proto C++ DynamicStruct::Builder.
The only difference is that instead of a `get`/`set` method, __getattr__/__setattr__ is overloaded
and the field name is passed onto the C++ equivalent function.
This means you just use . syntax to access or set any field. For field names that don't follow valid
python naming convention for fields, use the global functions :py:func:`getattr`/:py:func:`setattr`::
person = addressbook.Person.new_message() # This returns a _DynamicStructBuilder
person.name = 'foo' # using . syntax
print person.name # using . syntax
setattr(person, 'field-with-hyphens', 'foo') # for names that are invalid for python, use setattr
print getattr(person, 'field-with-hyphens') # for names that are invalid for python, use getattr
cdef _init(self, DynamicStruct_Builder other, object parent, bint isRoot=False, bint tryRegistry=True):
self.thisptr = other
self._parent = parent
self.is_root = isRoot
self._is_written = False
self._schema = None
if tryRegistry and len(_type_registry) > 0:
registered_type = _type_registry.get(self.thisptr.getId(), None)
if registered_type:
return registered_type[1](self)
return self
cdef _check_write(self):
if not self.is_root:
raise KjException("You can only call write() on the message's root struct.")
if self._is_written:
"This message has already been written once. Be very careful that you're not setting "
"Text/Struct/List fields more than once, since that will cause memory leaks "
"(both in memory and in the serialized data). You can disable this warning by "
"calling the `clear_write_flag` method of this object after every write.")
def write(self, file):
"""Writes the struct's containing message to the given file object in unpacked binary format.
This is a shortcut for calling capnp._write_message_to_fd(). This can only be called on the
message's root struct.
:type file: file
:param file: A file or socket object (or anything with a fileno() method), open for write.
:rtype: void
:Raises: :exc:`KjException` if this isn't the message's root struct.
_write_message_to_fd(file.fileno(), self._parent)
self._is_written = True
async def write_async(self, _AsyncIoStream stream):
"""Async version of of write().
This is a shortcut for calling capnp._write_message_to_fd(). This can only be called on the
message's root struct.
:type file: AsyncIoStream
:param file: The AsyncIoStream to write the message to
:rtype: void
:Raises: :exc:`KjException` if this isn't the message's root struct.
await _voidpromise_to_asyncio(
writeMessage(deref(stream.thisptr), deref((<_MessageBuilder>self._parent).thisptr)))
self._is_written = True
def write_packed(self, file):
"""Writes the struct's containing message to the given file object in packed binary format.
This is a shortcut for calling capnp._write_packed_message_to_fd(). This can only be called on
the message's root struct.
:type file: file
:param file: A file or socket object (or anything with a fileno() method), open for write.
:rtype: void
:Raises: :exc:`KjException` if this isn't the message's root struct.
_write_packed_message_to_fd(file.fileno(), self._parent)
self._is_written = True
cpdef to_bytes(_DynamicStructBuilder self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
"""Returns the struct's containing message as a Python bytes object in the unpacked binary format.
This is inefficient; it makes several copies.
:rtype: bytes
:Raises: :exc:`KjException` if this isn't the message's root struct.
cdef _MessageBuilder builder = self._parent
array = schema_cpp.messageToFlatArray(deref(builder.thisptr))
cdef const char* ptr = <const char *>array.begin()
cdef bytes ret = ptr[:8*array.size()]
self._is_written = True
return ret
cpdef to_segments(_DynamicStructBuilder self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
"""Returns the struct's containing message as a Python list of Python bytes objects.
This avoids making copies.
NB: This is not currently supported on PyPy.
:rtype: list
cdef _MessageBuilder builder = self._parent
segments = builder.get_segments_for_output()
return segments
cpdef _to_bytes_packed_helper(_DynamicStructBuilder self, word_count) except +reraise_kj_exception:
cdef _MessageBuilder builder = self._parent
array = helpers.messageToPackedBytes(deref(builder.thisptr), word_count)
cdef const char* ptr = <const char *>array.begin()
cdef bytes ret = ptr[:array.size()]
return ret
cpdef to_bytes_packed(_DynamicStructBuilder self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
word_count = self.total_size.word_count + 2
ret = self._to_bytes_packed_helper(word_count)
except Exception as e:
if 'backing array was not large enough' in str(e):
word_count *= 2
ret = self._to_bytes_packed_helper(word_count)
self._is_written = True
return ret
cpdef _get(self, field):
return to_python_builder(self.thisptr.get(field), self._parent)
cpdef _get_by_field(self, _StructSchemaField field):
return to_python_builder(self.thisptr.getByField(field.thisptr), self._parent)
def __getattr__(self, field):
return self._get(field)
except KjException as e:
raise e._to_python(), None, _sys.exc_info()[2]
cpdef _set(self, field, value):
_setDynamicField(self.thisptr, field, value, self._parent)
cpdef _set_by_field(self, _StructSchemaField field, value):
_setDynamicFieldWithField(self.thisptr, field, value, self._parent)
def __setattr__(self, field, value):
self._set(field, value)
except KjException as e:
raise e._to_python(), None, _sys.exc_info()[2]
cpdef _has(self, field):
return self.thisptr.has(field)
cpdef _has_by_field(self, _StructSchemaField field):
return self.thisptr.hasByField(field.thisptr)
cpdef init(self, field, size=None):
"""Method for initializing fields that are of type union/struct/list
Typically, you don't have to worry about initializing structs/unions, so this method is mainly for lists.
:type field: str
:param field: The field name to initialize
:type size: int
:param size: The size of the list to initiialize. This should be None for struct/union initialization.
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructBuilder` or :class:`_DynamicListBuilder`
:Raises: :exc:`KjException` if the field isn't in this struct
if isinstance(field, _StructModuleWhich):
field = field.name[0].lower() + field.name[1:]
if size is None:
return to_python_builder(self.thisptr.init(field), self._parent)
return to_python_builder(self.thisptr.init(field, size), self._parent)
cpdef _init_by_field(self, _StructSchemaField field, size=None):
"""Method for initializing fields that are of type union/struct/list
Typically, you don't have to worry about initializing structs/unions, so this method is mainly for lists.
:type field: str
:param field: The field name to initialize
:type size: int
:param size: The size of the list to initiialize. This should be None for struct/union initialization.
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructBuilder` or :class:`_DynamicListBuilder`
:Raises: :exc:`KjException` if the field isn't in this struct
if size is None:
return to_python_builder(self.thisptr.initByField(field.thisptr), self._parent)
return to_python_builder(self.thisptr.initByField(field.thisptr, size), self._parent)
cpdef init_resizable_list(self, field):
"""Method for initializing fields that are of type list (of structs)
This version of init returns a :class:`_DynamicResizableListBuilder` that allows
you to add members one at a time (ie. if you don't know the size for sure).
This is only meant for lists of Cap'n Proto objects, since for primitive types
you can just define a normal python list and fill it yourself.
.. warning:: You need to call :meth:`_DynamicResizableListBuilder.finish` on the
list object before serializing the Cap'n Proto message. Failure to do so will cause
your objects not to be written out as well as leaking orphan structs into your message.
:type field: str
:param field: The field name to initialize
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicResizableListBuilder`
:Raises: :exc:`KjException` if the field isn't in this struct
return _DynamicResizableListBuilder(self, field, _StructSchema()._init_child(
cpdef _which_str(self):
return <char *>helpers.fixMaybe(self.thisptr.which()).getProto().getName().cStr()
except RuntimeError as e:
if str(e) == "Member was null.":
raise KjException("Attempted to call which on a non-union type")
cpdef _DynamicEnumField _which(self):
"""Returns the enum corresponding to the union in this struct
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicEnumField`
:return: A string/enum corresponding to what field is set in the union
:Raises: :exc:`KjException` if this struct doesn't contain a union
which = _DynamicEnumField()._init(
_StructSchemaField()._init(helpers.fixMaybe(self.thisptr.which()), self).proto)
except RuntimeError as e:
if str(e) == "Member was null.":
raise KjException("Attempted to call which on a non-union type")
return which
property which:
"""Returns the enum corresponding to the union in this struct
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicEnumField`
:return: A string/enum corresponding to what field is set in the union
:Raises: :exc:`KjException` if this struct doesn't contain a union
def __get__(_DynamicStructBuilder self):
return self._which()
cpdef adopt(self, field, _DynamicOrphan orphan):
"""A method for adopting Cap'n Proto orphans
Don't use this method unless you know what you're doing.
Orphans are useful for dynamically allocating objects for an unknown sized list.
:type field: str
:param field: The field name in the struct
:type orphan: :class:`_DynamicOrphan`
:param orphan: A Cap'n proto orphan to adopt. It will be unusable after this operation.
:rtype: void
self.thisptr.adopt(field, orphan.move())
cpdef disown(self, field):
"""A method for disowning Cap'n Proto orphans
Don't use this method unless you know what you're doing.
:type field: str
:param field: The field name in the struct
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicOrphan`
return _DynamicOrphan()._init(self.thisptr.disown(field), self._parent)
cpdef as_reader(self):
"""A method for casting this Builder to a Reader
This is a non-copying operation with respect to the message's buffer.
This means changes to the fields in the original struct will carry over to the new reader.
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructReader`
cdef _DynamicStructReader reader
reader = _DynamicStructReader()._init(
self.thisptr.asReader(), self._parent, self.is_root)
reader._obj_to_pin = self
return reader
cpdef copy(self, num_first_segment_words=None):
"""A method for copying this Builder
This is a copying operation with respect to the message's buffer.
Changes in the new builder will not reflect in the original reader.
:type num_first_segment_words: int
:param num_first_segment_words: Size of the first segment to allocate (in words ie. 8 byte increments)
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructBuilder`
builder = _MallocMessageBuilder(num_first_segment_words)
return builder.set_root(self)
property schema:
"""A property that returns the _StructSchema object matching this writer"""
def __get__(self):
if self._schema is None:
self._schema = _StructSchema()._init_child(self.thisptr.getSchema())
return self._schema
def __dir__(self):
return list(set(self.schema.fieldnames + tuple(dir(self.__class__))))
def __str__(self):
return <char*>printStructBuilder(self.thisptr).flatten().cStr()
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s builder %s>' % (self.schema.node.displayName, <char*>strStructBuilder(self.thisptr).cStr())
def to_dict(self, verbose=False, ordered=False):
return _to_dict(self, verbose, ordered)
def from_dict(self, dict d):
for key, val in d.iteritems():
if key != 'which':
self._set(key, val)
except Exception as e:
if 'expected isSetInUnion(field)' in str(e):
self._set(key, val)
property total_size:
def __get__(self):
size = self.thisptr.totalSize()
return _MessageSize(size.wordCount, size.capCount)
def clear_write_flag(self):
"""A method used to clear the _is_written flag.
This allows you to write the struct more than once without seeing any warnings.
self._is_written = False
def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
return _struct_reducer, (self.schema.node.id, self.to_bytes())
cdef class _DynamicStructPipeline:
"""Reads Cap'n Proto structs
This class is almost a 1 for 1 wrapping of the Cap'n Proto C++ DynamicStruct::Pipeline.
The only difference is that instead of a `get` method, __getattr__ is overloaded and the
field name is passed onto the C++ equivalent `get`. This means you just use . syntax to
access any field. For field names that don't follow valid python naming convention for fields,
use the global function :py:func:`getattr`::
cdef C_DynamicStruct.Pipeline * thisptr
cdef public object _parent
cdef _init(self, C_DynamicStruct.Pipeline * other, object parent):
self.thisptr = other
self._parent = parent
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cpdef _get(self, field) except +reraise_kj_exception:
cdef int type = (<C_DynamicValue.Pipeline>self.thisptr.get(field)).getType()
if type == capnp.TYPE_CAPABILITY:
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(
(<C_DynamicValue.Pipeline>self.thisptr.get(field)).asCapability(), self._parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_STRUCT:
return _DynamicStructPipeline()._init(
new C_DynamicStruct.Pipeline(
(<C_DynamicValue.Pipeline>self.thisptr.get(field)).asStruct()), self._parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_UNKNOWN:
raise KjException("Cannot convert type to Python. Type is unknown by capnproto library")
raise KjException("Cannot convert type to Python. Type is unhandled by capnproto library")
def __getattr__(self, field):
return self._get(field)
except KjException as e:
raise e._to_python(), None, _sys.exc_info()[2]
property schema:
"""A property that returns the _StructSchema object matching this reader"""
def __get__(self):
return _StructSchema()._init_child(self.thisptr.getSchema())
def __dir__(self):
return list(set(self.schema.fieldnames + tuple(dir(self.__class__))))
# def __str__(self):
# return printStructReader(self.thisptr).flatten().cStr()
# def __repr__(self):
# return '<%s reader %s>' % (self.schema.node.displayName, strStructReader(self.thisptr).cStr())
def to_dict(self, verbose=False, ordered=False):
return _to_dict(self, verbose, ordered)
cdef class _DynamicOrphan:
cdef _init(self, C_DynamicOrphan other, object parent):
self.thisptr = move(other)
self._parent = parent
return self
cdef C_DynamicOrphan move(self):
return move(self.thisptr)
cpdef get(self):
"""Returns a python object corresponding to the DynamicValue owned by this orphan
Use this DynamicValue to set fields inside the orphan
return to_python_builder(self.thisptr.get(), self._parent)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.get())
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.get())
cdef class _DynamicObjectReader:
cdef C_DynamicObject.Reader thisptr
cdef public object _parent
cdef _init(self, C_DynamicObject.Reader other, object parent):
self.thisptr = other
self._parent = parent
return self
cpdef as_struct(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
cdef _StructSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self.thisptr.getAs(s._thisptr()), self._parent)
cpdef as_interface(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
cdef _InterfaceSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(self.thisptr.getAsCapability(s.thisptr), self._parent)
cpdef as_list(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
cdef _ListSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicListReader()._init(self.thisptr.getAsList(s.thisptr), self._parent)
cpdef as_text(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
return (<char*>self.thisptr.getAsText().cStr())[:]
cdef class _DynamicObjectBuilder:
cdef C_DynamicObject.Builder * thisptr
cdef public object _parent
cdef _init(self, C_DynamicObject.Builder other, object parent):
self.thisptr = new C_DynamicObject.Builder(other)
self._parent = parent
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cpdef as_struct(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
cdef _StructSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicStructBuilder()._init(self.thisptr.getAs(s._thisptr()), self._parent)
cpdef as_interface(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
cdef _InterfaceSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(self.thisptr.getAsCapability(s.thisptr), self._parent)
cpdef as_list(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
cdef _ListSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicListBuilder()._init(self.thisptr.getAsList(s.thisptr), self._parent)
cpdef set(self, other):
"Set value of this object with the value of another AnyPointer::Reader. Don't use this for structs"
cdef _DynamicObjectReader reader = other
cpdef set_as_text(self, text):
cpdef init_as_list(self, schema, size):
cdef _ListSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicListBuilder()._init(self.thisptr.initAsList(s.thisptr, size), self._parent)
cpdef as_text(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
return (<char*>self.thisptr.getAsText().cStr())[:]
cpdef as_reader(self):
return _DynamicObjectReader()._init(self.thisptr.asReader(), self._parent)
cdef void kjloop_runnable_callback(void* data) with gil:
cdef AsyncIoEventPort *port = <AsyncIoEventPort*>data
assert port.runHandle is not None
cdef cppclass AsyncIoEventPort(EventPort):
EventLoop *kjLoop
object asyncioLoop;
object runHandle;
__init__(object asyncioLoop):
this.kjLoop = new EventLoop(deref(this))
this.runHandle = None
this.asyncioLoop = asyncioLoop
del this.kjLoop
cbool wait() except* with gil:
raise KjException("Currently you cannot wait for promises while pycapnp is running in asyncio mode. " +
"You should instead use 'await'. If you have a use-case to start the asyncio loop " +
"using wait(), please report")
cbool poll() except* with gil:
raise KjException("Currently you cannot poll promises while pycapnp is running in asyncio mode. " +
"If you have a use-case to poll the asyncio loop using poll(), please report")
void setRunnable(cbool runnable) except* with gil:
if runnable:
assert this.runHandle is None
us = <void*>this;
this.runHandle = this.asyncioLoop.call_soon(lambda: kjloop_runnable_callback(us))
assert this.runHandle is not None
this.runHandle = None
EventLoop *getKjLoop():
return this.kjLoop
def _asyncio_close_patch(loop, oldclose, _EventLoop kjloop):
# The purpose of patching the asyncio close() function is to set up the kj-loop to be closed as well.
# We replace the event loop getter with a weakref, such that it can be destroyed when all other
# references to it are gone. Then, if a new asyncio loop ever gets started, a new kj-loop can also be
# started.
_C_DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_LOCAL.loop = _weakref.ref(kjloop)
loop.close = oldclose
return oldclose()
cdef class _EventLoop:
cdef object __weakref__ # Needed to make this class weak-referenceable
cdef WaitScope* waitScope
cdef AsyncIoEventPort* customPort
def __init__(self):
cdef _init(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
self.customPort = new AsyncIoEventPort(loop)
kjLoop = self.customPort.getKjLoop()
self.waitScope = new WaitScope(deref(kjLoop))
loop.close = _partial(_asyncio_close_patch, loop, loop.close, self)
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.waitScope
del self.customPort
_C_DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_LOCAL = _threading.local()
loop = getattr(_C_DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_LOCAL, 'loop', None)
if type(loop) is _EventLoop:
return loop
elif type(loop) is _weakref.ref:
loop = loop()
if loop is not None:
raise RuntimeError(
"The capnproto event loop associated to an already closed Python asyncio event loop is " +
"still running, because not all I/O events associated to it have terminated. If you wish " +
" to start a new loop, make sure that all previous events are cleaned up.")
assert loop is None
cdef class _CallContext:
cdef CallContext * thisptr
cdef _init(self, CallContext other):
self.thisptr = new CallContext(move(other))
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
property params:
def __get__(self):
return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self.thisptr.getParams(), self)
cpdef _get_results(self, uint word_count=0):
return _DynamicStructBuilder()._init(self.thisptr.getResults(), self) # TODO: pass firstSegmentWordSize
property results:
def __get__(self):
return self._get_results()
cpdef release_params(self):
cpdef allow_cancellation(self):
cpdef tail_call(self, _Request tailRequest):
return _voidpromise_to_asyncio(self.thisptr.tailCall(move(deref(tailRequest.thisptr_child))))
cdef _promise_to_asyncio(PyPromise promise):
fut = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
def success(res): return fut.set_result(res) if not fut.cancelled() else None
def exception(err): return fut.set_exception(err) if not fut.cancelled() else None
def done(fut): return fut.kjpromise.cancel() if fut.cancelled() else None
# Attach the promise to the future, so that it doesn't get destroyed
fut.kjpromise = _Promise()._init(helpers.then(
capnp.heap[PyRefCounter](<PyObject *>success),
capnp.heap[PyRefCounter](<PyObject *>exception)))
return fut
cdef _voidpromise_to_asyncio(VoidPromise promise):
return _promise_to_asyncio(helpers.convert_to_pypromise(move(promise)))
cdef class _Promise:
cdef Own[PyPromise] thisptr
cdef _init(self, PyPromise other):
self.thisptr = capnp.heap[PyPromise](move(other))
return self
cpdef cancel(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
self.thisptr = Own[PyPromise]()
cdef class _RemotePromise:
cdef object _parent
"""A pointer to a parent object that needs to be kept alive for this promise to function."""
cdef Own[RemotePromise] thisptr
cdef _init(self, RemotePromise other, object parent=None):
self.thisptr = capnp.heap[RemotePromise](move(other))
self._parent = parent
return self
cdef void _check_consumed(self) except*:
if self.thisptr.get() == NULL:
raise KjException(
"Promise was already used in a consuming operation. You can no longer use this Promise object")
async def a_wait(self):
Asyncio version of wait().
Required when using asyncio for socket communication.
Will still work with non-asyncio socket communication, but requires async handling of the function call.
cdef Own[RemotePromise] thisptr = move(self.thisptr)
return await _promise_to_asyncio(helpers.convert_to_pypromise(move(deref(thisptr))))
def __await__(self):
cdef Own[RemotePromise] thisptr = move(self.thisptr)
return _promise_to_asyncio(helpers.convert_to_pypromise(move(deref(thisptr)))).__await__()
cpdef _get(self, field) except +reraise_kj_exception:
cdef int type = (<C_DynamicValue.Pipeline>self.thisptr.get().get(field)).getType()
if type == capnp.TYPE_CAPABILITY:
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(
(<C_DynamicValue.Pipeline>self.thisptr.get().get(field)).asCapability(), self._parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_STRUCT:
return _DynamicStructPipeline()._init(
new C_DynamicStruct.Pipeline(
(<C_DynamicValue.Pipeline>self.thisptr.get().get(field)).asStruct()), self._parent)
elif type == capnp.TYPE_UNKNOWN:
raise KjException("Cannot convert type to Python. Type is unknown by capnproto library")
raise KjException("Cannot convert type to Python. Type is unhandled by capnproto library")
def __getattr__(self, field):
return self._get(field)
except KjException as e:
raise e._to_python(), None, _sys.exc_info()[2]
property schema:
"""A property that returns the _StructSchema object matching this reader"""
def __get__(self):
return _StructSchema()._init_child(self.thisptr.get().getSchema())
def __dir__(self):
return list(set(self.schema.fieldnames + tuple(dir(self.__class__))))
def to_dict(self, verbose=False, ordered=False):
return _to_dict(self, verbose, ordered)
cpdef cancel(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
self.thisptr = Own[RemotePromise]()
self._parent = None # We don't need parent anymore. Setting to none allows quicker garbage collection
cdef class _Request(_DynamicStructBuilder):
cdef Request * thisptr_child
cdef public bint is_consumed
cdef _init_child(self, Request other, parent):
self.thisptr_child = new Request(move(other))
self._init(<DynamicStruct_Builder>deref(self.thisptr_child), parent)
self.is_consumed = False
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr_child
cpdef send(self):
if self.is_consumed:
raise KjException('Request has already been sent. You can only send a request once.')
self.is_consumed = True
return _RemotePromise()._init(self.thisptr_child.send(), self._parent)
cdef class _Response(_DynamicStructReader):
cdef Response * thisptr_child
cdef _init_child(self, Response other, parent):
self.thisptr_child = new Response(move(other))
self._init(<C_DynamicStruct.Reader>deref(self.thisptr_child), parent)
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr_child
cdef _init_childptr(self, Response * other, parent):
self.thisptr_child = other
self._init(<C_DynamicStruct.Reader>deref(self.thisptr_child), parent)
return self
cdef class _DynamicCapabilityServer:
cdef class _DynamicCapabilityClient:
cdef C_DynamicCapability.Client thisptr
cdef public object _parent, _cached_schema
def __dealloc__(self):
# Needed to make Python 3.7 happy, which seems to have trouble deallocating stack objects
# appropriately
self.thisptr = C_DynamicCapability.Client()
cdef _init(self, C_DynamicCapability.Client other, object parent):
self.thisptr = other
self._parent = parent
return self
cdef _init_vals(self, schema, server):
cdef _InterfaceSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
self.thisptr = C_DynamicCapability.Client(
capnp.heap[PythonInterfaceDynamicImpl](s.thisptr, <PyObject *>server))
self._parent = server
return self
cpdef _find_method_args(self, method_name):
s = self.schema
meth = s.methods_inherited.get(method_name, None)
if meth is None:
raise AttributeError("Method named %s not found." % method_name)
params = meth.param_type.node
if params.scopeId != 0:
raise KjException(
"Cannot call method `{}` with positional args, since its param struct is not "
"implicitly defined and thus does not have a set order of arguments".format(method_name))
return _find_field_order(params.struct)
cdef _set_fields(self, Request * request, name, args, kwargs):
if args is not None and len(args) > 0:
arg_names = self._find_method_args(name)
if len(args) > len(arg_names):
raise KjException(
"Too many arguments passed to `{}`. Expected {} and got {}"
.format(name, len(arg_names), len(args)))
for arg_name, arg_val in zip(arg_names, args):
_setDynamicField(<DynamicStruct_Builder>deref(request), arg_name, arg_val, self)
if kwargs is not None:
for key, val in kwargs.items():
_setDynamicField(<DynamicStruct_Builder>deref(request), key, val, self)
cpdef _send_helper(self, name, word_count, args, kwargs) except +reraise_kj_exception:
# if word_count is None:
# word_count = 0
cdef Request * request = new Request(self.thisptr.newRequest(name)) # TODO: pass word_count
self._set_fields(request, name, args, kwargs)
return _RemotePromise()._init(request.send(), self)
cpdef _request_helper(self, name, firstSegmentWordSize, args, kwargs) except +reraise_kj_exception:
# if word_count is None:
# word_count = 0
cdef _Request req = _Request()._init_child(self.thisptr.newRequest(name), self)
self._set_fields(req.thisptr_child, name, args, kwargs)
return req
def _request(self, name, *args, word_count=None, **kwargs):
return self._request_helper(name, word_count, args, kwargs)
def _send(self, name, *args, word_count=None, **kwargs):
return self._send_helper(name, word_count, args, kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name.endswith('_request'):
short_name = name[:-8]
if short_name not in self.schema.method_names_inherited:
raise AttributeError('Method named %s not found' % short_name)
return _partial(self._request, short_name)
if name not in self.schema.method_names_inherited:
raise AttributeError('Method named %s not found' % name)
return _partial(self._send, name)
except KjException as e:
raise e._to_python(), None, _sys.exc_info()[2]
cpdef upcast(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
cdef _InterfaceSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(self.thisptr.upcast(s.thisptr), self._parent)
cpdef cast_as(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
cdef _InterfaceSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(self.thisptr.castAs(s.thisptr), self._parent)
property schema:
"""A property that returns the _InterfaceSchema object matching this client"""
def __get__(self):
if self._cached_schema is None:
self._cached_schema = _InterfaceSchema()._init(self.thisptr.getSchema())
return self._cached_schema
def __dir__(self):
return list(set(self.schema.method_names_inherited) + tuple(dir(self.__class__)))
cdef class _CapabilityClient:
cdef C_Capability.Client * thisptr
cdef public object _parent
cdef _init(self, C_Capability.Client other, object parent):
self.thisptr = new C_Capability.Client(other)
self._parent = parent
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cpdef cast_as(self, schema):
cdef _InterfaceSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(self.thisptr.castAs(s.thisptr), self._parent)
cdef class _TwoPartyVatNetwork:
cdef Own[C_TwoPartyVatNetwork] thisptr
cdef _AsyncIoStream stream
cdef _init(self, _AsyncIoStream stream, Side side, schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts):
self.stream = stream
self.thisptr = capnp.heap[C_TwoPartyVatNetwork](deref(stream.thisptr), side, opts)
return self
cpdef on_disconnect(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
return _voidpromise_to_asyncio(deref(self.thisptr).onDisconnect())
cdef class TwoPartyClient:
TwoPartyClient for RPC Communication
:param socket: AsyncIoStream
:param traversal_limit_in_words: Pointer derefence limit (see https://capnproto.org/cxx.html).
:param nesting_limit: Recursive limit when reading types (see https://capnproto.org/cxx.html).
cdef Own[RpcSystem] thisptr
cdef _TwoPartyVatNetwork _network
def __dealloc__(self):
# Needed to make Python 3.7 happy, which seems to have trouble deallocating stack objects
# appropriately
self.thisptr = Own[RpcSystem]()
def __init__(self, socket=None, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
cdef schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts = make_reader_opts(traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
if isinstance(socket, _AsyncIoStream):
self._network = _TwoPartyVatNetwork()._init(socket, capnp.CLIENT, opts)
raise ValueError(f"Argument socket should be a AsyncIoStream, was {type(socket)}")
self.thisptr = capnp.heap[RpcSystem](makeRpcClient(deref(self._network.thisptr)))
cpdef bootstrap(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
return _CapabilityClient()._init(helpers.bootstrapHelper(deref(self.thisptr)), self)
cpdef on_disconnect(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
return self._network.on_disconnect()
cdef class TwoPartyServer:
TwoPartyServer for RPC Communication
:param socket: AsyncIoStream
:param bootstrap: Class object defining the implementation of the Cap'n'proto interface.
:param traversal_limit_in_words: Pointer derefence limit (see https://capnproto.org/cxx.html).
:param nesting_limit: Recursive limit when reading types (see https://capnproto.org/cxx.html).
cdef Own[RpcSystem] thisptr
cdef _TwoPartyVatNetwork _network
def __dealloc__(self):
# Needed to make Python 3.7 happy, which seems to have trouble deallocating stack objects
# appropriately
self.thisptr = Own[RpcSystem]()
def __init__(self, socket=None, bootstrap=None, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
if not bootstrap:
raise KjException("You must provide a bootstrap interface to a server constructor.")
opts = make_reader_opts(traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
if isinstance(socket, _AsyncIoStream):
self._network = _TwoPartyVatNetwork()._init(socket, capnp.SERVER, opts)
raise ValueError(f"Argument socket should be a AsyncIoStream, was {type(socket)}")
cdef _InterfaceSchema schema = bootstrap.schema
self.thisptr = capnp.heap[RpcSystem](makeRpcServer(
schema.thisptr, <PyObject *>bootstrap))))
cpdef bootstrap(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
return _CapabilityClient()._init(helpers.bootstrapHelperServer(deref(self.thisptr)), self)
cpdef on_disconnect(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
return _voidpromise_to_asyncio(deref(self._network.thisptr).onDisconnect()
cdef class _AsyncIoStream:
cdef Own[AsyncIoStream] thisptr
cdef _EventLoop _event_loop # We hold a pointer to the event loop here, to ensure it remains alive
def __dealloc__(self):
# Needed to make Python 3.7 happy, which seems to have trouble deallocating stack objects
# appropriately
self.thisptr = Own[AsyncIoStream]()
async def create_connection(host = None, port = None, **kwargs):
"""Create a TCP connection.
All parameters given to this function are passed to `asyncio.get_running_loop().create_connection()`.
See that function for documentation on the possible arguments.
cdef _AsyncIoStream self = _AsyncIoStream()
self._event_loop = C_DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_GETTER()
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
transport, protocol = await loop.create_connection(
lambda: _PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol(), host, port, **kwargs)
self.thisptr = <Own[AsyncIoStream]>capnp.heap[PyAsyncIoStream](capnp.heap[PyRefCounter](<PyObject*>protocol))
return self
async def create_unix_connection(path = None, **kwargs):
"""Create a Unix socket connection.
All parameters given to this function are passed to `asyncio.get_running_loop().create_unix_connection()`.
See that function for documentation on the possible arguments.
cdef _AsyncIoStream self = _AsyncIoStream()
self._event_loop = C_DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_GETTER()
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
transport, protocol = await loop.create_unix_connection(
lambda: _PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol(), path, **kwargs)
self.thisptr = <Own[AsyncIoStream]>capnp.heap[PyAsyncIoStream](capnp.heap[PyRefCounter](<PyObject*>protocol))
return self
def _connect(callback):
cdef _AsyncIoStream self = _AsyncIoStream()
self._event_loop = C_DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_GETTER()
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
protocol = _PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol(callback, self)
self.thisptr = <Own[AsyncIoStream]>capnp.heap[PyAsyncIoStream](capnp.heap[PyRefCounter](<PyObject*>protocol))
return protocol
async def create_server(callback, host = None, port = None, **kwargs):
"""Create a TCP connection server.
The `callback` parameter will be called whenever a new connection is made. It receives a `AsyncIoStream`
instance as its only argument. If the result of `callback` is a coroutine, it will be scheduled as a task.
This function behaves similarly to `asyncio.get_running_loop().create_server()`. All arguments except
for `callback` will be passed directly to that function, and the server returned is similar as well.
See that function for documentation on the possible arguments.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
return await loop.create_server(lambda: _AsyncIoStream._connect(callback), host, port, **kwargs)
async def create_unix_server(callback, path = None, **kwargs):
"""Create a unix connection server.
The `callback` parameter will be called whenever a new connection is made. It receives a `AsyncIoStream`
instance as its only argument. If the result of `callback` is a coroutine, it will be scheduled as a task.
This function behaves similarly to `asyncio.get_running_loop().create_server()`. All arguments except
for `callback` will be passed directly to that function, and the server returned is similar as well.
See that function for documentation on the possible arguments.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
return await loop.create_unix_server(lambda: _AsyncIoStream._connect(callback), path, **kwargs)
cdef class DummyBaseClass:
cdef class _PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol(DummyBaseClass, asyncio.BufferedProtocol):
# TODO: Temporary. Needed due to a missing __slots__ definitions in BufferedProtocol on Python 3.7.
# See https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/79575. Can be removed once Python 3.7 is unsupported.
cdef dict __dict__
cdef object transport
cdef object connected_callback
cdef object callback_arg
# State for reading data from the transport
cdef char* read_buffer
cdef size_t read_min_bytes
cdef size_t read_max_bytes
cdef size_t read_already_read
cdef PromiseFulfiller[size_t]* read_fulfiller
cdef cbool read_eof
# TODO: Temporary. This is an overflow buffer, which is needed for two blatant violations of the protocol.
# The first violation is in the the SSL transport implementation.
# See https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/89322, fixed in Python 3.11. This bug causes the
# SSL transport to force data upon us even when we've asked it to pause sending us data. Therefore,
# we have to store the data in a overflow buffer.
# The second violation is that a transport cannot be paused immediately after it is connected.
# See https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/103607. This also causes the need to be prepared
# for unexpected data.
# This extra code can be removed once both bugs are fixed in all supported python versions.
cdef bytearray read_overflow_buffer
cdef bytearray read_overflow_buffer_current
# State for writing data to the transport
cdef cbool write_paused
cdef cbool write_in_progress
cdef ArrayPtr[const ArrayPtr[const uint8_t]] write_pieces
cdef size_t write_index
cdef VoidPromiseFulfiller* write_fulfiller
def __init__(self, connected_callback = None, callback_arg = None):
self.connected_callback = connected_callback
self.callback_arg = callback_arg
def connection_made(self, transport):
self.transport = transport
# TODO: BUG. We want to immediately pause reading, but Python's transport implementation does not
# allow this. See https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/103607.
# To work around this, we also insert pause_reading() in get_buffer() when appropriate.
self.write_paused = False
self.write_in_progress = False
self.read_eof = False
self.read_overflow_buffer = bytearray()
if self.connected_callback is not None:
callback_res = self.connected_callback(self.callback_arg)
if asyncio.iscoroutine(callback_res):
self.connected_callback = None
self.callback_arg = None
def connection_lost(self, exc):
if self.read_fulfiller != NULL:
capnp.rejectDisconnected[size_t](deref(self.read_fulfiller), StringPtr(str(exc)))
self.read_buffer = NULL
self.read_fulfiller = NULL
if self.write_fulfiller != NULL:
capnp.rejectVoidDisconnected(deref(self.write_fulfiller), StringPtr(str(exc)))
self.write_paused = True
self.transport = None
def get_buffer(self, size_hint):
if self.read_buffer == NULL: # Should not happen, but for SSL it does, see comment above
# TODO: Bug. Workaround for the transport ignoring pause_reading() in connection_made()
size = size_hint if size_hint > 0 else 100
self.read_overflow_buffer_current = bytearray(size)
return self.read_overflow_buffer_current
return memoryview.PyMemoryView_FromMemory(self.read_buffer, self.read_max_bytes, buffer.PyBUF_WRITE)
def buffer_updated(self, size):
if self.read_buffer == NULL: # Should not happen, but for SSL it does, see comment above
self.read_buffer += size
self.read_min_bytes -= size
self.read_max_bytes -= size
self.read_already_read += size
if self.read_min_bytes <= 0:
def pause_writing(self):
self.write_paused = True
def resume_writing(self):
self.write_paused = False
def eof_received(self):
self.read_eof = True
if self.read_buffer != NULL:
cdef write_loop(self):
if not self.write_in_progress: return
cdef const ArrayPtr[const uint8_t]* piece
for i in range(self.write_index, self.write_pieces.size()):
if self.write_paused:
self.write_index = i
piece = &self.write_pieces[i]
view = memoryview.PyMemoryView_FromMemory(<char*>piece.begin(), piece.size(), buffer.PyBUF_READ)
if not self.write_paused:
cdef read_reset(self):
self.read_buffer = NULL
self.read_fulfiller = NULL
cdef write_reset(self):
self.write_in_progress = False
self.write_fulfiller = NULL
cdef api void _asyncio_stream_write_start(
object thisptr, ArrayPtr[const ArrayPtr[const uint8_t]] pieces,
VoidPromiseFulfiller& fulfiller) except*:
cdef _PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol self = <_PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol>thisptr
if self.transport is None or self.transport.is_closing():
capnp.rejectVoidDisconnected(fulfiller, StringPtr("Socket is closing."))
self.write_pieces = pieces
self.write_index = 0
self.write_fulfiller = &fulfiller
self.write_in_progress = True
cdef api void _asyncio_stream_write_stop(object thisptr):
cdef api void _asyncio_stream_read_start(
object thisptr, void* buffer, size_t min_bytes, size_t max_bytes,
PromiseFulfiller[size_t]& fulfiller) except*:
cdef _PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol self = <_PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol>thisptr
if self.transport is None or self.transport.is_closing():
capnp.rejectDisconnected(fulfiller, StringPtr("Socket is closing"))
if self.read_eof:
self.read_buffer = <char*>buffer
self.read_min_bytes = min_bytes
self.read_max_bytes = max_bytes
self.read_already_read = 0
self.read_fulfiller = &fulfiller
# Begin of draining the overflow buffer, which is created because of a bug in SSL, see comment above.
# Can be removed once Python < 3.11 is not longer supported.
if self.read_overflow_buffer:
to_copy = min(len(self.read_overflow_buffer), max_bytes)
memcpy(buffer, <char*>self.read_overflow_buffer, to_copy)
del self.read_overflow_buffer[:to_copy]
self.read_buffer += to_copy
self.read_min_bytes -= to_copy
self.read_max_bytes -= to_copy
self.read_already_read += to_copy
if self.read_min_bytes <= 0:
return # resume_reading no longer needed
# End of draining the overflow buffer.
cdef api void _asyncio_stream_read_stop(object thisptr):
cdef _PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol self = <_PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol>thisptr
if self.transport is not None: self.read_reset()
cdef api void _asyncio_stream_shutdown_write(object thisptr) except*:
cdef _PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol self = <_PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol>thisptr
if self.transport is not None and self.transport.can_write_eof():
cdef api void _asyncio_stream_close(object thisptr) except*:
cdef _PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol self = <_PyAsyncIoStreamProtocol>thisptr
# Careful, the transport object may have already been partially destroyed here.
if self.transport is not None and hasattr(self.transport, "close"):
cdef class _Schema:
cdef _init(self, C_Schema other):
self.thisptr = other
return self
cpdef as_const_value(self):
return to_python_reader(<C_DynamicValue.Reader>self.thisptr.asConst(), self)
cpdef as_struct(self):
return _StructSchema()._init_child(self.thisptr.asStruct())
cpdef as_interface(self):
return _InterfaceSchema()._init(self.thisptr.asInterface())
cpdef as_enum(self):
return _EnumSchema()._init(self.thisptr.asEnum())
cpdef get_proto(self):
return _NodeReader().init(self.thisptr.getProto())
property node:
"""The raw schema node"""
def __get__(self):
return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self.thisptr.getProto(), self)
cdef class _StructSchema(_Schema):
cdef C_StructSchema thisptr_child
cdef object __fieldnames, __union_fields, __non_union_fields, __fields, __getters
cdef list __fields_list
cdef _init_child(self, C_StructSchema other):
self.thisptr_child = other
self.__fieldnames = None
self.__union_fields = None
self.__non_union_fields = None
self.__fields = None
self.__fields_list = None
self.__getters = None
return self
cdef C_StructSchema _thisptr(self):
return self.thisptr_child
property fieldnames:
"""A tuple of the field names in the struct."""
def __get__(self):
if self.__fieldnames is not None:
return self.__fieldnames
fieldlist = self._thisptr().getFields()
nfields = fieldlist.size()
self.__fieldnames = tuple(<char*>fieldlist[i].getProto().getName().cStr() for i in xrange(nfields))
return self.__fieldnames
property union_fields:
"""A tuple of the field names in the struct."""
def __get__(self):
if self.__union_fields is not None:
return self.__union_fields
fieldlist = self._thisptr().getUnionFields()
nfields = fieldlist.size()
self.__union_fields = tuple(
<char*>fieldlist[i].getProto().getName().cStr() for i in xrange(nfields))
return self.__union_fields
property non_union_fields:
"""A tuple of the field names in the struct."""
def __get__(self):
if self.__non_union_fields is not None:
return self.__non_union_fields
fieldlist = self._thisptr().getNonUnionFields()
nfields = fieldlist.size()
self.__non_union_fields = tuple(
<char*>fieldlist[i].getProto().getName().cStr() for i in xrange(nfields))
return self.__non_union_fields
property fields:
"""All of the _StructSchemaField in this schema as a dict"""
def __get__(self):
if self.__fields is not None:
return self.__fields
fieldlist = self._thisptr().getFields()
nfields = fieldlist.size()
self.__fields = {
<char*>fieldlist[i].getProto().getName().cStr(): _StructSchemaField()._init(fieldlist[i], self)
for i in xrange(nfields)
return self.__fields
property fields_list:
"""All of the _StructSchemaField in this schema as a list"""
def __get__(self):
if self.__fields_list is not None:
return self.__fields_list
fieldlist = self._thisptr().getFields()
nfields = fieldlist.size()
self.__fields_list = [_StructSchemaField()._init(fieldlist[i], self) for i in xrange(nfields)]
return self.__fields_list
property node:
"""The raw schema node"""
def __get__(self):
return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self._thisptr().getProto(), self)
def __richcmp__(_StructSchema self, _StructSchema other, mode):
if mode == 2:
return self._thisptr() == other._thisptr()
elif mode == 3:
return not (self._thisptr() == other._thisptr())
raise NotImplementedError()
def __repr__(self):
return '<schema for %s>' % self.node.displayName
cdef typeAsSchema(capnp.SchemaType fieldType):
# TODO(soon): make sure this is memory safe
if fieldType.isInterface():
return _InterfaceSchema()._init(fieldType.asInterface())
elif fieldType.isStruct():
return _StructSchema()._init_child(fieldType.asStruct())
elif fieldType.isEnum():
return _EnumSchema()._init(fieldType.asEnum())
elif fieldType.isList():
return _ListSchema()._init(fieldType.asList())
raise KjException("Schema type is unknown")
cdef class _StructSchemaField:
cdef _init(self, C_StructSchema.Field other, parent=None):
self.thisptr = other
self._parent = parent
return self
property proto:
"""The raw schema proto"""
def __get__(self):
return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self.thisptr.getProto(), self)
property schema:
"""The schema of this field, or None if it's a type without a schema"""
def __get__(self):
return typeAsSchema(self.thisptr.getType())
def __repr__(self):
return '<field schema for %s>' % self.proto.name
cdef class _InterfaceMethod:
cdef C_InterfaceSchema.Method thisptr
cdef _init(self, C_InterfaceSchema.Method other):
self.thisptr = other
return self
property param_type:
"""The type of this method's parameter struct"""
def __get__(self):
# TODO(soon): make sure this is memory safe
return _StructSchema()._init_child(self.thisptr.getParamType())
property result_type:
"""The type of this method's result struct"""
def __get__(self):
# TODO(soon): make sure this is memory safe
return _StructSchema()._init_child(self.thisptr.getResultType())
cdef class _InterfaceSchema:
cdef _init(self, C_InterfaceSchema other):
self.thisptr = other
return self
property method_names:
"""A tuple of the function names in the interface."""
def __get__(self):
if self.__method_names is not None:
return self.__method_names
fieldlist = self.thisptr.getMethods()
nfields = fieldlist.size()
self.__method_names = tuple(
<char*>fieldlist[i].getProto().getName().cStr() for i in xrange(nfields))
return self.__method_names
property method_names_inherited:
"""A set of the function names in the interface, including inherited methods"""
def __get__(self):
if self.__method_names_inherited is not None:
return self.__method_names_inherited
fieldlist = self.thisptr.getMethods()
nfields = fieldlist.size()
self.__method_names_inherited = set(
<char*>fieldlist[i].getProto().getName().cStr() for i in xrange(nfields))
for interface in self.superclasses:
self.__method_names_inherited |= interface.method_names_inherited
return self.__method_names_inherited
property methods:
"""A mapping of method names to their respective _InterfaceMethod"""
def __get__(self):
if self.__methods is not None:
return self.__methods
fieldlist = self.thisptr.getMethods()
nfields = fieldlist.size()
# TODO(soon): make sure this is memory safe
self.__methods = {
fieldlist[i].getProto().getName().cStr(): _InterfaceMethod()._init(fieldlist[i])
for i in xrange(nfields)
return self.__methods
property methods_inherited:
"""A mapping of method names to their respective _InterfaceMethod, including inherited methods"""
def __get__(self):
if self.__methods_inherited is not None:
return self.__methods_inherited
fieldlist = self.thisptr.getMethods()
nfields = fieldlist.size()
# TODO(soon): make sure this is memory safe
self.__methods_inherited = {
fieldlist[i].getProto().getName().cStr(): _InterfaceMethod()._init(fieldlist[i])
for i in xrange(nfields)
for interface in self.superclasses:
return self.__methods_inherited
property superclasses:
"""A list of superclasses for this interface"""
def __get__(self):
cdef C_InterfaceSchema.SuperclassList classes = self.thisptr.getSuperclasses()
return [_InterfaceSchema()._init(classes[i]) for i in range(classes.size())]
property node:
"""The raw schema node"""
def __get__(self):
return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self.thisptr.getProto(), self)
def __repr__(self):
return '<schema for %s>' % self.node.displayName
cdef class _EnumSchema:
cdef C_EnumSchema thisptr
cdef _init(self, C_EnumSchema other):
self.thisptr = other
return self
property enumerants:
"""The list of enumerants as a dictionary"""
def __get__(self):
ret = {}
enumerants = self.thisptr.getEnumerants()
for i in range(enumerants.size()):
enumerant = enumerants[i]
ret[<char *>enumerant.getProto().getName().cStr()] = enumerant.getOrdinal()
return ret
property node:
"""The raw schema node"""
def __get__(self):
return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self.thisptr.getProto(), self)
cdef class _SchemaType:
cdef capnp.SchemaType thisptr
types = _ModuleType('capnp.types')
cdef _SchemaType _void = _SchemaType()
_void.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichVOID)
types.Void = _void
cdef _SchemaType _bool = _SchemaType()
_bool.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichBOOL)
types.Bool = _bool
cdef _SchemaType _int8 = _SchemaType()
_int8.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichINT8)
types.Int8 = _int8
cdef _SchemaType _int16 = _SchemaType()
_int16.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichINT16)
types.Int16 = _int16
cdef _SchemaType _int32 = _SchemaType()
_int32.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichINT32)
types.Int32 = _int32
cdef _SchemaType _int64 = _SchemaType()
_int64.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichINT64)
types.Int64 = _int64
cdef _SchemaType _uint8 = _SchemaType()
_uint8.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichUINT8)
types.UInt8 = _uint8
cdef _SchemaType _uint16 = _SchemaType()
_uint16.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichUINT16)
types.UInt16 = _uint16
cdef _SchemaType _uint32 = _SchemaType()
_uint32.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichUINT32)
types.UInt32 = _uint32
cdef _SchemaType _uint64 = _SchemaType()
_uint64.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichUINT64)
types.UInt64 = _uint64
cdef _SchemaType _float32 = _SchemaType()
_float32.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichFLOAT32)
types.Float32 = _float32
cdef _SchemaType _float64 = _SchemaType()
_float64.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichFLOAT64)
types.Float64 = _float64
cdef _SchemaType _text = _SchemaType()
_text.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichTEXT)
types.Text = _text
cdef _SchemaType _data = _SchemaType()
_data.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichDATA)
types.Data = _data
# cdef _SchemaType _list = _SchemaType()
# _list.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichLIST)
# types.list = _list
# cdef _SchemaType _enum = _SchemaType()
# _enum.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichENUM)
# types.Enum = _enum
# cdef _SchemaType _struct = _SchemaType()
# _struct.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichSTRUCT)
# types.struct = _struct
# cdef _SchemaType _interface = _SchemaType()
# _interface.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichINTERFACE)
# types.interface = _interface
cdef _SchemaType _any_pointer = _SchemaType()
_any_pointer.thisptr = capnp.SchemaType(capnp.TypeWhichANY_POINTER)
types.AnyPointer = _any_pointer
cdef class _ListSchema:
cdef C_ListSchema thisptr
def __init__(self, schema=None):
cdef _StructSchema ss
cdef _EnumSchema es
cdef _InterfaceSchema iis
cdef _ListSchema ls
cdef _SchemaType st
if schema is not None:
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
typeSchema = type(s)
if typeSchema is _StructSchema:
ss = s
self.thisptr = capnp.listSchemaOfStruct(ss._thisptr())
elif typeSchema is _EnumSchema:
es = s
self.thisptr = capnp.listSchemaOfEnum(es.thisptr)
elif typeSchema is _InterfaceSchema:
iis = s
self.thisptr = capnp.listSchemaOfInterface(iis.thisptr)
elif typeSchema is _ListSchema:
ls = s
self.thisptr = capnp.listSchemaOfList(ls.thisptr)
elif typeSchema is _SchemaType:
st = s
self.thisptr = capnp.listSchemaOfType(st.thisptr)
raise KjException("Unknown schema type")
cdef _init(self, C_ListSchema other):
self.thisptr = other
return self
property elementType:
"""The schema of the element type of this list"""
def __get__(self):
return typeAsSchema(self.thisptr.getElementType())
cdef class _ParsedSchema(_Schema):
cdef C_ParsedSchema thisptr_child
cdef _init_child(self, C_ParsedSchema other):
self.thisptr_child = other
return self
cpdef get_nested(self, name):
return _ParsedSchema()._init_child(self.thisptr_child.getNested(name))
class _StructABCMeta(type):
"""A metaclass for the Type.Reader and Type.Builder ABCs."""
def __instancecheck__(cls, obj):
return isinstance(obj, cls.__base__) and obj.schema == cls._schema
cdef _new_message(self, kwargs, num_first_segment_words):
builder = _MallocMessageBuilder(num_first_segment_words)
msg = builder.init_root(self.schema)
if kwargs is not None:
return msg
class _StructModuleWhich(_enum.Enum):
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int):
return self.value == other
return self.name == other
class _StructModule(object):
def __init__(self, schema, name):
self.schema = schema
# Add enums for union fields
for field, raw_field in zip(schema.node.struct.fields, schema.fields_list):
if field.which() == 'group':
name = field.name[0].upper() + field.name[1:]
raw_schema = raw_field.schema
field_schema = raw_schema.node.struct
if field_schema.discriminantCount == 0:
sub_module = _StructModule(raw_schema, name)
mapping = []
for union_field in field_schema.fields:
mapping.append((union_field.name, union_field.discriminantValue))
sub_module = _StructModuleWhich("StructModuleWhich", mapping)
setattr(sub_module, 'schema', raw_schema)
setattr(self, name, sub_module)
if schema.union_fields and not schema.non_union_fields:
mapping = []
for union_field in schema.node.struct.fields:
name = union_field.name
name = name[0].upper() + name[1:]
mapping.append((name, union_field.discriminantValue))
sub_module = _StructModuleWhich("StructModuleWhich", mapping)
setattr(self, 'Union', sub_module)
def read(self, file, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
"""Returns a Reader for the unpacked object read from file.
:type file: file
:param file: A python file-like object. It must be a "real" file, with a `fileno()` method.
:type traversal_limit_in_words: int
:param traversal_limit_in_words: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed.
Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
:type nesting_limit: int
:param nesting_limit: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructReader`"""
reader = _StreamFdMessageReader(file, traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
return reader.get_root(self.schema)
async def read_async(self, _AsyncIoStream stream, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
"""Async version of read(). Returns either a message, or None in case of EOF.
:type file: AsyncIoStream
:param file: A AsyncIoStream
:type traversal_limit_in_words: int
:param traversal_limit_in_words: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed.
Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
:type nesting_limit: int
:param nesting_limit: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructReader`"""
cdef schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts = make_reader_opts(traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
reader = await _promise_to_asyncio(tryReadMessage(deref(stream.thisptr), opts))
if reader is None:
return reader.get_root(self.schema)
def read_multiple(self, file, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None, skip_copy=False):
"""Returns an iterable, that when traversed will return Readers for messages.
:type file: file
:param file: A python file-like object. It must be a "real" file, with a `fileno()` method.
:type traversal_limit_in_words: int
:param traversal_limit_in_words: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed.
Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
:type nesting_limit: int
:param nesting_limit: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
:type skip_copy: bool
:param skip_copy: By default, each message is copied because the file needs to advance, even if the message is
never read completely. Skip this only if you know what you're doing.
:rtype: Iterable with elements of :class:`_DynamicStructReader`"""
reader = _MultipleMessageReader(file, self.schema, traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit, skip_copy)
return reader
def read_packed(self, file, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
"""Returns a Reader for the packed object read from file.
:type file: file
:param file: A python file-like object. It must be a "real" file, with a `fileno()` method.
:type traversal_limit_in_words: int
:param traversal_limit_in_words: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed.
Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
:type nesting_limit: int
:param nesting_limit: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructReader`"""
reader = _PackedFdMessageReader(file, traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
return reader.get_root(self.schema)
def read_multiple_packed(self, file, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None, skip_copy=False):
"""Returns an iterable, that when traversed will return Readers for messages.
:type file: file
:param file: A python file-like object. It must be a "real" file, with a `fileno()` method.
:type traversal_limit_in_words: int
:param traversal_limit_in_words: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed.
Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
:type nesting_limit: int
:param nesting_limit: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
:type skip_copy: bool
:param skip_copy: By default, each message is copied because the file needs to advance, even if the message is
never read completely. Skip this only if you know what you're doing.
:rtype: Iterable with elements of :class:`_DynamicStructReader`"""
reader = _MultiplePackedMessageReader(file, self.schema, traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit, skip_copy)
return reader
def read_multiple_bytes(self, buf, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
"""Returns an iterable, that when traversed will return Readers for messages.
:type buf: buffer
:param buf: Any Python object that supports the buffer interface.
:type traversal_limit_in_words: int
:param traversal_limit_in_words: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed.
Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
:type nesting_limit: int
:param nesting_limit: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
:rtype: Iterable with elements of :class:`_DynamicStructReader`"""
reader = _MultipleBytesMessageReader(buf, self.schema, traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
return reader
def read_multiple_bytes_packed(self, buf, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
"""Returns an iterable, that when traversed will return Readers for messages.
:type buf: buffer
:param buf: Any Python object that supports the buffer interface.
:type traversal_limit_in_words: int
:param traversal_limit_in_words: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed.
Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
:type nesting_limit: int
:param nesting_limit: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
:rtype: Iterable with elements of :class:`_DynamicStructReader`"""
reader = _MultipleBytesPackedMessageReader(buf, self.schema, traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
return reader
def from_bytes(self, buf, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None, builder=False):
"""Returns a Reader for the unpacked object in buf.
:type buf: buffer
:param buf: Any Python object that supports the buffer interface.
:type traversal_limit_in_words: int
:param traversal_limit_in_words: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed.
Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
:type nesting_limit: int
:param nesting_limit: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
:type builder: bool
:param builder: If true, return a builder object.
Enabling `builder` will allow you to change the contents of `buf`, so do this with care.
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructReader` or :class:`_DynamicStructBuilder`
message = None
if builder:
# message = _FlatMessageBuilder(buf)
message = _FlatArrayMessageReader(buf, traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
yield message.get_root(self.schema).as_builder()
message = _FlatArrayMessageReader(buf, traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
yield message.get_root(self.schema)
if message:
def from_segments(self, segments, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
"""Returns a Reader for a list of segment bytes.
This avoids making copies.
NB: This is not currently supported on PyPy.
:rtype: list
message = _SegmentArrayMessageReader(segments, traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
return message.get_root(self.schema)
def from_bytes_packed(self, buf, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
"""Returns a Reader for the packed object in buf.
:type buf: buffer
:param buf: Any Python object that supports the readable buffer interface.
:type traversal_limit_in_words: int
:param traversal_limit_in_words: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed.
Is actually a uint64_t, and values can be up to 2^64-1. Default is 8*1024*1024.
:type nesting_limit: int
:param nesting_limit: Limits how many total words of data are allowed to be traversed. Default is 64.
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructReader`
return _PackedMessageReaderBytes(buf, traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit).get_root(self.schema)
def __call__(self, num_first_segment_words=None, **kwargs):
return self.new_message(num_first_segment_words=num_first_segment_words, **kwargs)
def new_message(self, num_first_segment_words=None, **kwargs):
"""Returns a newly allocated builder message.
:type num_first_segment_words: int
:param num_first_segment_words: Size of the first segment to allocate (in words ie. 8 byte increments)
:type kwargs: dict
:param kwargs: A list of fields and their values to initialize in the struct.
Note, kwargs is not an actual argument, but refers to Python's ability to pass keyword arguments.
ie. new_message(my_field=100)
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructBuilder`
return _new_message(self, kwargs, num_first_segment_words)
class _InterfaceModule(object):
def __init__(self, schema, name):
def server_init(server_self):
self.schema = schema
self.Server = type(name + '.Server', (_DynamicCapabilityServer,), {'__init__': server_init, 'schema':schema})
def _new_client(self, server):
C_DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_GETTER() # Make sure that the event loop has been initialized
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init_vals(self.schema, server)
class _EnumModule(object):
def __init__(self, schema, name):
self.schema = schema
for name, val in schema.enumerants.items():
setattr(self, name, val)
cdef class _StringArrayPtr:
def __cinit__(self, size_t size, parent):
self.size = size
self.thisptr = <StringPtr *>malloc(sizeof(StringPtr) * size)
self.parent = parent
def __dealloc__(self):
cdef ArrayPtr[StringPtr] asArrayPtr(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
return ArrayPtr[StringPtr](self.thisptr, self.size)
cdef class SchemaLoader:
""" Class which can be used to construct Schema objects from schema::Nodes as defined in
This class wraps capnproto/c++/src/capnp/schema-loader.h directly."""
def __cinit__(self):
self.thisptr = new C_SchemaLoader()
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
def load(self, _NodeReader reader):
"""Loads the given schema node. Validates the node and throws an exception if invalid. This
makes a copy of the schema, so the object passed in can be destroyed after this returns.
return _Schema()._init(self.thisptr.load(reader.thisptr))
def load_dynamic(self, _DynamicStructReader reader):
"""Loads the given schema node with self.load, but converts from a _DynamicStructReader
return _Schema()._init(self.thisptr.load(helpers.toReader(reader.thisptr)))
def get(self, id_):
"""Gets the schema for the given ID, throwing an exception if it isn't present."""
return _Schema()._init(self.thisptr.get(<uint64_t>id_))
cdef class SchemaParser:
"""A class for loading Cap'n Proto schema files.
Do not use this class unless you're sure you know what you're doing.
Use the convenience method :func:`load` instead.
def __cinit__(self):
self.thisptr = new C_SchemaParser()
self.modules_by_id = {}
self._all_imports = []
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cpdef _parse_disk_file(self, displayName, diskPath, imports) except +reraise_kj_exception:
cdef _StringArrayPtr importArray
if self._last_import_array and self._last_import_array.parent == imports:
importArray = self._last_import_array
importArray = _StringArrayPtr(len(imports), imports)
for i in range(len(imports)):
curr_import = imports[i]
importArray.thisptr[i] = StringPtr(curr_import, <size_t>len(curr_import))
self._last_import_array = importArray
ret = _ParsedSchema()
# TODO (HaaTa): Convert to parseFromDirectory() as per deprecation note
ret._init_child(self.thisptr.parseDiskFile(displayName, diskPath, importArray.asArrayPtr()))
return ret
def load(self, file_name, display_name=None, imports=[]):
"""Load a Cap'n Proto schema from a file
You will have to load a schema before you can begin doing anything
meaningful with this library. Loading a schema is much like loading
a Python module (and load even returns a `ModuleType`). Once it's been
loaded, you use it much like any other Module::
parser = capnp.SchemaParser()
addressbook = parser.load('addressbook.capnp')
print addressbook.qux # qux is a top level constant
# 123
person = addressbook.Person.new_message()
:type file_name: str
:param file_name: A relative or absolute path to a Cap'n Proto schema
:type display_name: str
:param display_name: The name internally used by the Cap'n Proto library
for the loaded schema. By default, it's just os.path.basename(file_name)
:type imports: list
:param imports: A list of str directories to add to the import path.
:rtype: ModuleType
:return: A module corresponding to the loaded schema. You can access
parsed schemas and constants with . syntax
- :exc:`exceptions.IOError` if `file_name` doesn't exist
- :exc:`KjException` if the Cap'n Proto C++ library has any problems loading the schema
def _load(nodeSchema, module):
module._nodeSchema = nodeSchema
nodeProto = nodeSchema.get_proto()
module._nodeProto = nodeProto
self.modules_by_id[nodeProto.id] = module
for node in nodeProto.nestedNodes:
local_module = _ModuleType(node.name)
schema = nodeSchema.get_nested(node.name)
proto = schema.get_proto()
if proto.isStruct:
local_module = _StructModule(schema.as_struct(), node.name)
class Reader(_DynamicStructReader):
"""An abstract base class. Readers are 'instances' of this class."""
__metaclass__ = _StructABCMeta
__slots__ = []
_schema = local_module.schema
def __new__(self):
raise TypeError('This is an abstract base class')
class Builder(_DynamicStructBuilder):
"""An abstract base class. Builders are 'instances' of this class."""
__metaclass__ = _StructABCMeta
__slots__ = []
_schema = local_module.schema
def __new__(self):
raise TypeError('This is an abstract base class')
local_module.Reader = Reader
local_module.Builder = Builder
module.__dict__[node.name] = local_module
elif proto.isConst:
module.__dict__[node.name] = schema.as_const_value()
elif proto.isInterface:
local_module = _InterfaceModule(schema.as_interface(), node.name)
module.__dict__[node.name] = local_module
elif proto.isEnum:
local_module = _EnumModule(schema.as_enum(), node.name)
module.__dict__[node.name] = local_module
_load(schema, local_module)
if not _os.path.isfile(file_name):
raise IOError("File not found: " + file_name)
if not file_name.endswith('.capnp'):
raise ValueError("File does not end with .capnp, {}".format(file_name))
if display_name is None:
display_name = _os.path.basename(file_name)
module = _ModuleType(display_name)
parser = self
module._parser = parser
# Some systems (Windows running pytest) add non-directories to the sys.path used for imports
# Filter these out so kj doesn't implode when searching paths
filtered_imports = []
for imp in imports:
if _os.path.isdir(imp):
fileSchema = parser._parse_disk_file(display_name, file_name, filtered_imports)
_load(fileSchema, module)
abs_path = _os.path.abspath(file_name)
module.__path__ = [_os.path.dirname(abs_path)]
module.__file__ = abs_path
module.schema = fileSchema
return module
cdef class _MessageBuilder:
"""An abstract base class for building Cap'n Proto messages
.. warning:: Don't ever instantiate this class directly. It is only used for inheritance.
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError("This is an abstract base class. You should use MallocMessageBuilder instead")
cpdef init_root(self, schema):
"""A method for instantiating Cap'n Proto structs
You will need to pass in a schema to specify which struct to
instantiate. Schemas are available in a loaded Cap'n Proto module::
addressbook = capnp.load('addressbook.capnp')
person = message.init_root(addressbook.Person)
:type schema: Schema
:param schema: A Cap'n proto schema specifying which struct to instantiate
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructBuilder`
:return: An object where you will set all the members
cdef _StructSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicStructBuilder()._init(self.thisptr.initRootDynamicStruct(s._thisptr()), self, True)
cpdef get_root(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
"""A method for instantiating Cap'n Proto structs, from an already pre-written buffer
Don't use this method unless you know what you're doing. You probably
want to use init_root instead::
addressbook = capnp.load('addressbook.capnp')
person = message.init_root(addressbook.Person)
person = message.get_root(addressbook.Person)
:type schema: Schema
:param schema: A Cap'n proto schema specifying which struct to instantiate
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructBuilder`
:return: An object where you will set all the members
cdef _StructSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicStructBuilder()._init(self.thisptr.getRootDynamicStruct(s._thisptr()), self, True)
cpdef get_root_as_any(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
"""A method for getting a Cap'n Proto AnyPointer, from an already pre-written buffer
Don't use this method unless you know what you're doing.
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicObjectBuilder`
:return: An AnyPointer that you can set fields in
return _DynamicObjectBuilder()._init(self.thisptr.getRootAnyPointer(), self)
cpdef set_root(self, value) except +reraise_kj_exception:
"""A method for instantiating Cap'n Proto structs by copying from an existing struct
:type value: :class:`_DynamicStructReader`
:param value: A Cap'n Proto struct value to copy
:rtype: void
value_type = type(value)
if value_type is _DynamicStructBuilder:
return self.get_root(value.schema)
elif value_type is _DynamicStructReader:
return self.get_root(value.schema)
cpdef get_segments_for_output(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
segments = self.thisptr.getSegmentsForOutput()
res = []
cdef const char* ptr
cdef bytes segment_bytes
for i in range(0, segments.size()):
segment = segments[i]
ptr = <const char *> segment.begin()
segment_bytes = ptr[:8*segment.size()]
return res
cpdef new_orphan(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
"""A method for instantiating Cap'n Proto orphans
Don't use this method unless you know what you're doing.
Orphans are useful for dynamically allocating objects for an unknown sized list, ie::
addressbook = capnp.load('addressbook.capnp')
m = capnp._MallocMessageBuilder()
alice = m.new_orphan(addressbook.Person)
:type schema: Schema
:param schema: A Cap'n proto schema specifying which struct to instantiate
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicOrphan`
:return: An orphan representing a :class:`_DynamicStructBuilder`
cdef _StructSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicOrphan()._init(self.thisptr.newOrphan(s._thisptr()), self)
cdef class _MallocMessageBuilder(_MessageBuilder):
"""The main class for building Cap'n Proto messages
You will use this class to handle arena allocation of the Cap'n Proto
messages. You also use this object when you're done assigning to Cap'n
Proto objects, and wish to serialize them::
addressbook = capnp.load('addressbook.capnp')
message = capnp._MallocMessageBuilder()
person = message.init_root(addressbook.Person)
person.name = 'alice'
f = open('out.txt', 'w')
_write_message_to_fd(f.fileno(), message)
def __init__(self, size=None):
if size is None:
self.thisptr = new schema_cpp.MallocMessageBuilder()
self.thisptr = new schema_cpp.MallocMessageBuilder(size)
cdef class _MessageReader:
"""An abstract base class for reading Cap'n Proto messages
.. warning:: Don't ever instantiate this class. It is only used for inheritance.
cdef public object _parent
cdef schema_cpp.MessageReader * thisptr
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError("This is an abstract base class")
cpdef get_root(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
"""A method for instantiating Cap'n Proto structs
You will need to pass in a schema to specify which struct to
instantiate. Schemas are available in a loaded Cap'n Proto module::
addressbook = capnp.load('addressbook.capnp')
person = message.get_root(addressbook.Person)
:type schema: Schema
:param schema: A Cap'n proto schema specifying which struct to instantiate
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicStructReader`
:return: An object with all the data of the read Cap'n Proto message.
Access members with . syntax.
cdef _StructSchema s
if hasattr(schema, 'schema'):
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self.thisptr.getRootDynamicStruct(s._thisptr()), self)
cpdef get_root_as_any(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
"""A method for getting a Cap'n Proto AnyPointer, from an already pre-written buffer
Don't use this method unless you know what you're doing.
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicObjectReader`
:return: An AnyPointer that you can read from
return _DynamicObjectReader()._init(self.thisptr.getRootAnyPointer(), self)
cdef class _StreamFdMessageReader(_MessageReader):
"""Read a Cap'n Proto message from a file descriptor
You use this class to for reading message(s) from a file. It's analagous to the inverse of
:func:`_write_message_to_fd` and :class:`_MessageBuilder`, but in one class::
f = open('out.txt')
message = _StreamFdMessageReader(f)
person = message.get_root(addressbook.Person)
print person.name
:Parameters: - fd (`int`) - A file descriptor
def __init__(self, file, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
cdef schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts = make_reader_opts(traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
self._parent = file
self.thisptr = new schema_cpp.StreamFdMessageReader(file.fileno(), opts)
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cdef class _PackedMessageReader(_MessageReader):
"""Read a Cap'n Proto message from a file descriptor in a packed manner
You use this class to for reading message(s) from a file. It's analagous to the inverse of
:func:`_write_packed_message_to_fd` and :class:`_MessageBuilder`, but in one class.::
f = open('out.txt')
message = _PackedFdMessageReader(f)
person = message.get_root(addressbook.Person)
print person.name
:Parameters: - fd (`int`) - A file descriptor
def __init__(self):
cdef _init(self, schema_cpp.BufferedInputStream & stream,
traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None, parent=None):
cdef schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts = make_reader_opts(traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
self._parent = parent
with nogil:
self.thisptr = new schema_cpp.PackedMessageReader(stream, opts)
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cdef class _PackedMessageReaderBytes(_MessageReader):
cdef schema_cpp.ArrayInputStream * stream
cdef Py_buffer view
def __init__(self, buf, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
cdef schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts = make_reader_opts(traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
self._parent = buf
if PyObject_GetBuffer(buf, &self.view, PyBUF_SIMPLE) != 0:
raise KjException("could not get read buffer")
self.stream = new schema_cpp.ArrayInputStream(schema_cpp.ByteArrayPtr(<byte *>self.view.buf, self.view.len))
self.thisptr = new schema_cpp.PackedMessageReader(deref(self.stream), opts)
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
del self.stream
cdef class _InputMessageReader(_MessageReader):
"""Read a Cap'n Proto message from a file descriptor in a packed manner
You use this class to for reading message(s) from a file. It's analagous to the inverse of
:func:`_write_packed_message_to_fd` and :class:`_MessageBuilder`, but in one class.::
f = open('out.txt')
message = _PackedFdMessageReader(f)
person = message.get_root(addressbook.Person)
print person.name
:Parameters: - fd (`int`) - A file descriptor
def __init__(self):
cdef _init(self, schema_cpp.BufferedInputStream & stream,
traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None, parent=None):
cdef schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts = make_reader_opts(traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
self._parent = parent
with nogil:
self.thisptr = new schema_cpp.InputStreamMessageReader(stream, opts)
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cdef class _PackedFdMessageReader(_MessageReader):
"""Read a Cap'n Proto message from a file descriptor in a packed manner
You use this class to for reading message(s) from a file. It's analagous to the inverse of
:func:`_write_packed_message_to_fd` and :class:`_MessageBuilder`, but in one class.::
f = open('out.txt')
message = _PackedFdMessageReader(f)
person = message.get_root(addressbook.Person)
print person.name
:Parameters: - fd (`int`) - A file descriptor
def __init__(self, file, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
cdef schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts = make_reader_opts(traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
self._parent = file
self.thisptr = new schema_cpp.PackedFdMessageReader(file.fileno(), opts)
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cdef class _AsyncMessageReader(_MessageReader):
"""Read a Cap'n Proto message from a AsyncIoStream class.
Do not use directly
def __init__(self):
cdef Own[MessageReader] reader
cdef _init(self, Own[MessageReader] reader):
self.reader = move(reader)
self.thisptr = self.reader.get()
return self
cdef api object make_async_message_reader(Own[MessageReader] reader):
return _AsyncMessageReader()._init(move(reader))
cdef class _MultipleMessageReader:
cdef schema_cpp.FdInputStream * stream
cdef schema_cpp.BufferedInputStream * buffered_stream
cdef cbool skip_copy
cdef public object traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit, schema, file
def __init__(self, file, schema, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None, skip_copy=False):
self.file = file
self.schema = schema
self.traversal_limit_in_words = traversal_limit_in_words
self.nesting_limit = nesting_limit
self.skip_copy = skip_copy
self.stream = new schema_cpp.FdInputStream(file.fileno())
self.buffered_stream = new schema_cpp.BufferedInputStreamWrapper(deref(self.stream))
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.stream
del self.buffered_stream
def __next__(self):
reader = _InputMessageReader()._init(
deref(self.buffered_stream), self.traversal_limit_in_words, self.nesting_limit, self)
ret = reader.get_root(self.schema)
if not self.skip_copy:
ret = ret.as_builder().as_reader()
return ret
except KjException as e:
if 'EOF' in str(e):
raise StopIteration
def __iter__(self):
return self
cdef class _MultiplePackedMessageReader:
cdef schema_cpp.FdInputStream * stream
cdef schema_cpp.BufferedInputStream * buffered_stream
cdef cbool skip_copy
cdef public object traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit, schema, file
def __init__(self, file, schema, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None, skip_copy=False):
self.file = file
self.schema = schema
self.traversal_limit_in_words = traversal_limit_in_words
self.nesting_limit = nesting_limit
self.skip_copy = skip_copy
self.stream = new schema_cpp.FdInputStream(file.fileno())
self.buffered_stream = new schema_cpp.BufferedInputStreamWrapper(deref(self.stream))
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.stream
del self.buffered_stream
def __next__(self):
reader = _PackedMessageReader()._init(
deref(self.buffered_stream), self.traversal_limit_in_words, self.nesting_limit, self)
ret = reader.get_root(self.schema)
if not self.skip_copy:
ret = ret.as_builder().as_reader()
return ret
except KjException as e:
if 'EOF' in str(e):
raise StopIteration
def __iter__(self):
return self
cdef class _MultipleBytesMessageReader:
cdef Py_ssize_t offset, sz
cdef const char *ptr
cdef object _object_to_pin
cdef public object traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit, schema
def __init__(self, buf, schema, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
self.offset = 0
self.schema = schema
self.traversal_limit_in_words = traversal_limit_in_words
self.nesting_limit = nesting_limit
self.sz = len(buf)
if isinstance(buf, bytes):
self.ptr = buf
if (<uintptr_t>self.ptr) % 8 != 0:
aligned = _AlignedBuffer(buf)
self.ptr = aligned.buf
self._object_to_pin = aligned
self._object_to_pin = buf
self.ptr = buf
elif PyObject_CheckBuffer(buf):
view = _BufferView(buf)
self.ptr = view.buf
self._object_to_pin = view
raise TypeError('expected buffer-like object in FlatArrayMessageReader')
def __next__(self):
cdef _FlatArrayMessageReaderAligned reader
if self.offset == self.sz:
raise StopIteration
reader = _FlatArrayMessageReaderAligned()
reader._init(self._object_to_pin, self.ptr + self.offset, self.sz - self.offset,
self.traversal_limit_in_words, self.nesting_limit)
self.offset += reader.msg_size
return reader.get_root(self.schema)
except KjException as e:
if 'EOF' in str(e):
raise StopIteration
def __iter__(self):
return self
cdef class _MultipleBytesPackedMessageReader:
cdef schema_cpp.ArrayInputStream * stream
cdef schema_cpp.BufferedInputStream * buffered_stream
cdef Py_buffer view
cdef public object traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit, schema, buf
def __init__(self, buf, schema, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
self.schema = schema
self.traversal_limit_in_words = traversal_limit_in_words
self.nesting_limit = nesting_limit
if PyObject_GetBuffer(buf, &self.view, PyBUF_SIMPLE) != 0:
raise KjException("could not get read buffer")
self.buf = buf
self.stream = new schema_cpp.ArrayInputStream(schema_cpp.ByteArrayPtr(<byte *>self.view.buf, self.view.len))
self.buffered_stream = new schema_cpp.BufferedInputStreamWrapper(deref(self.stream))
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.buffered_stream
del self.stream
def __next__(self):
reader = _PackedMessageReader()._init(
deref(self.buffered_stream), self.traversal_limit_in_words, self.nesting_limit, self)
return reader.get_root(self.schema)
except KjException as e:
if 'EOF' in str(e):
raise StopIteration
def __iter__(self):
return self
cdef class _AlignedBuffer:
cdef char * buf
cdef bint allocated
cdef Py_buffer view
# other should also have a length that's a multiple of 8
def __init__(self, other):
if PyObject_GetBuffer(other, &self.view, PyBUF_SIMPLE) != 0:
raise KjException("could not get read buffer")
other_len = len(other)
# malloc is defined as being word aligned
# we don't care about adding NULL terminating character
self.buf = <char *>malloc(other_len)
memcpy(self.buf, self.view.buf, other_len)
self.allocated = True
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.allocated:
cdef class _BufferView:
cdef Py_buffer view
cdef char * buf
cdef int closed
def __init__(self, other):
cdef int ret = PyObject_GetBuffer(other, &self.view, PyBUF_SIMPLE)
if ret < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid buffer passed to BufferView")
self.buf = <char*>self.view.buf
self.closed = False
def close(self):
if not self.closed:
self.closed = True
def __dealloc__(self):
cdef class _FlatArrayMessageReaderAligned(_MessageReader):
Creates a reader based on a contiguous block of memory
For performance consideration it's assumed that the provided buffer is already aligned. This
allows us to align a set of adjacent messages with a single align operation.
cdef object _object_to_pin
cdef Py_ssize_t msg_size
def __init__(self):
self.msg_size = 0
cdef _init(self, buf, const char *ptr, Py_ssize_t sz, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
cdef schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts = make_reader_opts(traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
cdef schema_cpp.FlatArrayMessageReader * flat_reader
self._object_to_pin = buf
flat_reader = new schema_cpp.FlatArrayMessageReader(
schema_cpp.WordArrayPtr(<schema_cpp.word*>ptr, sz//8),
self.thisptr = flat_reader
self.msg_size = <char *>flat_reader.getEnd() - ptr
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cdef class _FlatArrayMessageReader(_MessageReader):
cdef object _object_to_pin
cdef _BufferView _buffer_view
def __init__(self, buf, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
cdef schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts = make_reader_opts(traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
cdef _AlignedBuffer aligned
sz = len(buf)
if sz % 8 != 0:
raise ValueError("input length must be a multiple of eight bytes")
cdef char * ptr
if isinstance(buf, bytes):
ptr = buf
if (<uintptr_t>ptr) % 8 != 0:
aligned = _AlignedBuffer(buf)
ptr = aligned.buf
self._object_to_pin = aligned
self._object_to_pin = buf
self._buffer_view = None
elif PyObject_CheckBuffer(buf):
view = _BufferView(buf)
ptr = view.buf
self._object_to_pin = view
self._buffer_view = view
raise TypeError('expected buffer-like object in FlatArrayMessageReader')
self.thisptr = new schema_cpp.FlatArrayMessageReader(
schema_cpp.WordArrayPtr(<schema_cpp.word*>ptr, sz//8),
def close(self):
if self._buffer_view:
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cdef class _SegmentArrayMessageReader(_MessageReader):
cdef object _objects_to_pin
cdef uint num_segments
cdef schema_cpp.ConstWordArrayPtr* _seg_ptrs
cdef Py_buffer* views
def __init__(self, segments, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None):
cdef schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts = make_reader_opts(traversal_limit_in_words, nesting_limit)
# take a Python array of bytes and constructs a ConstWordArrayArrayPtr
num_segments = len(segments)
cdef schema_cpp.ConstWordArrayPtr seg_ptr
self._seg_ptrs = <schema_cpp.ConstWordArrayPtr*>malloc(num_segments * sizeof(schema_cpp.ConstWordArrayPtr))
self.views = <Py_buffer*>malloc(num_segments * sizeof(Py_buffer))
self.num_segments = num_segments
self._objects_to_pin = []
for i in range(0, num_segments):
if PyObject_GetBuffer(segments[i], &self.views[i], PyBUF_SIMPLE) != 0:
raise KjException("could not get read buffer")
if (<uintptr_t>self.views[i].buf) % 8 != 0:
aligned = _AlignedBuffer(segments[i])
self.views[i].buf = aligned.buf
seg_ptr = schema_cpp.ConstWordArrayPtr(<schema_cpp.word*>self.views[i].buf, self.views[i].len//8)
self._seg_ptrs[i] = seg_ptr
self.thisptr = new schema_cpp.SegmentArrayMessageReader(
schema_cpp.ConstWordArrayArrayPtr(self._seg_ptrs, num_segments),
def __dealloc__(self):
for i in range(0, self.num_segments):
del self.thisptr
cdef class _FlatMessageBuilder(_MessageBuilder):
cdef object _object_to_pin
cdef Py_buffer view
def __init__(self, buf):
if PyObject_GetBuffer(buf, &self.view, PyBUF_WRITABLE) != 0:
raise KjException("expected variable length string object")
if self.view.len % 8 != 0:
raise KjException("input length must be a multiple of eight bytes")
self._object_to_pin = buf
self.thisptr = new schema_cpp.FlatMessageBuilder(
schema_cpp.WordArrayPtr(<schema_cpp.word*>self.view.buf, self.view.len // 8))
def __dealloc__(self):
def _message_to_packed_bytes(_MessageBuilder message):
r, w = _os.pipe()
writer = new schema_cpp.FdOutputStream(w)
schema_cpp.writePackedMessage(deref(writer), deref(message.thisptr))
reader = _os.fdopen(r, 'rb')
ret = reader.read()
del writer
return ret
def _write_message_to_fd(int fd, _MessageBuilder message):
"""Serialize a Cap'n Proto message to a file descriptor
You use this method to serialize your message to a file. Please note that
you must pass a file descriptor (ie. an int), not a file object. Make sure
you use the proper reader to match this (ie. don't use _PackedFdMessageReader)::
message = capnp._MallocMessageBuilder()
f = open('out.txt', 'w')
_write_message_to_fd(f.fileno(), message)
f = open('out.txt')
:type fd: int
:param fd: A file descriptor
:type message: :class:`_MessageBuilder`
:param message: The Cap'n Proto message to serialize
:rtype: void
schema_cpp.writeMessageToFd(fd, deref(message.thisptr))
def _write_packed_message_to_fd(int fd, _MessageBuilder message):
"""Serialize a Cap'n Proto message to a file descriptor in a packed manner
You use this method to serialize your message to a file. Please note that
you must pass a file descriptor (ie. an int), not a file object. Also, note
the difference in names with _write_message_to_fd. This method uses a different
serialization specification, and your reader will need to match.::
message = capnp._MallocMessageBuilder()
f = open('out.txt', 'w')
_write_packed_message_to_fd(f.fileno(), message)
f = open('out.txt')
:type fd: int
:param fd: A file descriptor
:type message: :class:`_MessageBuilder`
:param message: The Cap'n Proto message to serialize
:rtype: void
schema_cpp.writePackedMessageToFd(fd, deref(message.thisptr))
_global_schema_parser = None
def cleanup_global_schema_parser():
"""Unloads all of the schema from the current context"""
global _global_schema_parser
if _global_schema_parser:
del _global_schema_parser
_global_schema_parser = None
def load(file_name, display_name=None, imports=[]):
"""Load a Cap'n Proto schema from a file
You will have to load a schema before you can begin doing anything
meaningful with this library. Loading a schema is much like loading
a Python module (and load even returns a `ModuleType`). Once it's been
loaded, you use it much like any other Module::
addressbook = capnp.load('addressbook.capnp')
print addressbook.qux # qux is a top level constant in the addressbook.capnp schema
# 123
person = addressbook.Person.new_message()
:type file_name: str
:param file_name: A relative or absolute path to a Cap'n Proto schema
:type display_name: str
:param display_name: The name internally used by the Cap'n Proto library
for the loaded schema. By default, it's just os.path.basename(file_name)
:type imports: list
:param imports: A list of str directories to add to the import path.
:rtype: ModuleType
:return: A module corresponding to the loaded schema. You can access
parsed schemas and constants with . syntax
:Raises: :exc:`KjException` if `file_name` doesn't exist
global _global_schema_parser
if _global_schema_parser is None:
_global_schema_parser = SchemaParser()
return _global_schema_parser.load(file_name, display_name, imports)
class _Loader:
def __init__(self, fullname, path, additional_paths):
self.fullname = fullname
self.path = path
# Add current directory of the capnp schema to search path
dir_name = _os.path.dirname(path)
if path is not '':
additional_paths = [dir_name] + additional_paths
self.additional_paths = additional_paths
def load_module(self, fullname):
assert self.fullname == fullname, (
"invalid module, expected {}, got {}".format(self.fullname, fullname))
imports = self.additional_paths + _sys.path
imports = [path if path != '' else '.' for path in imports] # convert empty path '' to '.'
module = load(self.path, fullname, imports=imports)
_sys.modules[fullname] = module
return module
class _Importer:
def __init__(self, additional_paths):
self.extension = '.capnp'
self.additional_paths = additional_paths
def find_module(self, fullname, package_path=None):
if fullname in _sys.modules: # Don't allow re-imports
return None
if '.' in fullname: # only when package_path anyway?
mod_parts = fullname.split('.')
module_name = mod_parts[-1]
module_name = fullname
if not module_name.endswith('_capnp'):
return None
module_name = module_name[:-len('_capnp')]
capnp_module_name = module_name + self.extension
has_underscores = False
if '_' in capnp_module_name:
capnp_module_name_dashes = capnp_module_name.replace('_', '-')
capnp_module_name_spaces = capnp_module_name.replace('_', ' ')
has_underscores = True
if package_path:
paths = list(package_path)
paths = _sys.path
join_path = _os.path.join
is_file = _os.path.isfile
is_abs = _os.path.isabs
abspath = _os.path.abspath
#is_dir = os.path.isdir
sep = _os.path.sep
paths = self.additional_paths + paths
for path in paths:
if not path:
path = _os.getcwd()
elif not is_abs(path):
path = abspath(path)
if is_file(path+sep+capnp_module_name):
return _Loader(fullname, join_path(path, capnp_module_name), self.additional_paths)
if has_underscores:
if is_file(path+sep+capnp_module_name_dashes):
return _Loader(fullname, join_path(path, capnp_module_name_dashes), self.additional_paths)
if is_file(path+sep+capnp_module_name_spaces):
return _Loader(fullname, join_path(path, capnp_module_name_spaces), self.additional_paths)
_importer = None
def add_import_hook(additional_paths=[]):
"""Add a hook to the python import system, so that Cap'n Proto modules are directly importable
After calling this function, you can use the python import syntax to directly import capnproto schemas.
This function is automatically called upon first import of `capnp`,
so you will typically never need to use this function.::
import capnp
import addressbook_capnp
# equivalent to capnp.load('addressbook.capnp', 'addressbook', sys.path),
# except it will search for 'addressbook.capnp' in all directories of sys.path
:type additional_paths: list
:param additional_paths: Additional paths, listed as strings, to be used to search for the .capnp files.
It is prepended to the beginning of sys.path. It also affects imports inside of Cap'n Proto schemas.
global _importer
if _importer is not None:
# Automatically include the system and built-in capnp paths
# Highest priority at position 0
this_file_path = __file__
except NameError:
this_file_path = None
extra_paths = ([
_os.path.join(_os.path.dirname(this_file_path), '..'), # Built-in (only used if bundled)
] if this_file_path else []) + [
# Common macOS brew location
# Common posix location
for path in extra_paths:
if _os.path.isdir(path):
if path not in additional_paths:
_importer = _Importer(additional_paths)
def remove_import_hook():
"""Remove the import hook, and return python's import to normal"""
global _importer
if _importer is not None:
_importer = None
def _init_capnp_api():
""" Initialize static function pointers for cdef api functions. """