#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #include <ctype.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <wordexp.h> #include "swaybar/tray/icon.h" #include "config.h" #include "list.h" #include "log.h" #include "stringop.h" static bool dir_exists(char *path) { struct stat sb; return stat(path, &sb) == 0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode); } static list_t *get_basedirs(void) { list_t *basedirs = create_list(); list_add(basedirs, strdup("$HOME/.icons")); // deprecated char *data_home = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); list_add(basedirs, strdup(data_home && *data_home ? "$XDG_DATA_HOME/icons" : "$HOME/.local/share/icons")); list_add(basedirs, strdup("/usr/share/pixmaps")); char *data_dirs = getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); if (!(data_dirs && *data_dirs)) { data_dirs = "/usr/local/share:/usr/share"; } data_dirs = strdup(data_dirs); char *dir = strtok(data_dirs, ":"); do { size_t path_len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/icons", dir) + 1; char *path = malloc(path_len); snprintf(path, path_len, "%s/icons", dir); list_add(basedirs, path); } while ((dir = strtok(NULL, ":"))); free(data_dirs); list_t *basedirs_expanded = create_list(); for (int i = 0; i < basedirs->length; ++i) { wordexp_t p; if (wordexp(basedirs->items[i], &p, WRDE_UNDEF) == 0) { if (dir_exists(p.we_wordv[0])) { list_add(basedirs_expanded, strdup(p.we_wordv[0])); } wordfree(&p); } } list_free_items_and_destroy(basedirs); return basedirs_expanded; } static void destroy_theme(struct icon_theme *theme) { if (!theme) { return; } free(theme->name); free(theme->comment); free(theme->inherits); list_free_items_and_destroy(theme->directories); free(theme->dir); for (int i = 0; i < theme->subdirs->length; ++i) { struct icon_theme_subdir *subdir = theme->subdirs->items[i]; free(subdir->name); free(subdir); } list_free(theme->subdirs); free(theme); } static int cmp_group(const void *item, const void *cmp_to) { return strcmp(item, cmp_to); } static bool validate_icon_theme(struct icon_theme *theme) { return theme && theme->name && theme->comment && theme->directories; } static bool group_handler(char *old_group, char *new_group, struct icon_theme *theme) { if (!old_group) { // first group must be "Icon Theme" return strcmp(new_group, "Icon Theme"); } if (strcmp(old_group, "Icon Theme") == 0) { if (!validate_icon_theme(theme)) { return true; } } else { if (theme->subdirs->length == 0) { // skip return false; } struct icon_theme_subdir *subdir = theme->subdirs->items[theme->subdirs->length - 1]; if (!subdir->size) return true; switch (subdir->type) { case FIXED: subdir->max_size = subdir->min_size = subdir->size; break; case SCALABLE: { if (!subdir->max_size) subdir->max_size = subdir->size; if (!subdir->min_size) subdir->min_size = subdir->size; break; } case THRESHOLD: subdir->max_size = subdir->size + subdir->threshold; subdir->min_size = subdir->size - subdir->threshold; } } if (new_group && list_seq_find(theme->directories, cmp_group, new_group) != -1) { struct icon_theme_subdir *subdir = calloc(1, sizeof(struct icon_theme_subdir)); if (!subdir) { return true; } subdir->name = strdup(new_group); subdir->threshold = 2; list_add(theme->subdirs, subdir); } return false; } static int entry_handler(char *group, char *key, char *value, struct icon_theme *theme) { if (strcmp(group, "Icon Theme") == 0) { if (strcmp(key, "Name") == 0) { theme->name = strdup(value); } else if (strcmp(key, "Comment") == 0) { theme->comment = strdup(value); } else if (strcmp(key, "Inherits") == 0) { theme->inherits = strdup(value); } else if (strcmp(key, "Directories") == 0) { theme->directories = split_string(value, ","); } // Ignored: ScaledDirectories, Hidden, Example } else { if (theme->subdirs->length == 0) { // skip return false; } struct icon_theme_subdir *subdir = theme->subdirs->items[theme->subdirs->length - 1]; if (strcmp(subdir->name, group) != 0) { // skip return false; } char *end; int n = strtol(value, &end, 10); if (strcmp(key, "Size") == 0) { subdir->size = n; return *end != '\0'; } else if (strcmp(key, "Type") == 0) { if (strcmp(value, "Fixed") == 0) { subdir->type = FIXED; } else if (strcmp(value, "Scalable") == 0) { subdir->type = SCALABLE; } else if (strcmp(value, "Threshold") == 0) { subdir->type = THRESHOLD; } else { return true; } } else if (strcmp(key, "MaxSize") == 0) { subdir->max_size = n; return *end != '\0'; } else if (strcmp(key, "MinSize") == 0) { subdir->min_size = n; return *end != '\0'; } else if (strcmp(key, "Threshold") == 0) { subdir->threshold = n; return *end != '\0'; } // Ignored: Scale, Applications } return false; } /* * This is a Freedesktop Desktop Entry parser (essentially INI) * It calls entry_handler for every entry * and group_handler between every group (as well as at both ends) * Handlers return whether an error occured, which stops parsing */ static struct icon_theme *read_theme_file(char *basedir, char *theme_name) { // look for index.theme file size_t path_len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/%s/index.theme", basedir, theme_name) + 1; char *path = malloc(path_len); if (!path) { return NULL; } snprintf(path, path_len, "%s/%s/index.theme", basedir, theme_name); FILE *theme_file = fopen(path, "r"); free(path); if (!theme_file) { return NULL; } struct icon_theme *theme = calloc(1, sizeof(struct icon_theme)); if (!theme) { fclose(theme_file); return NULL; } theme->subdirs = create_list(); bool error = false; char *group = NULL; char *full_line = NULL; size_t full_len = 0; ssize_t nread; while ((nread = getline(&full_line, &full_len, theme_file)) != -1) { char *line = full_line - 1; while (isspace(*++line)) {} // remove leading whitespace if (!*line || line[0] == '#') continue; // ignore blank lines & comments int len = nread - (line - full_line); while (isspace(line[--len])) {} line[++len] = '\0'; // remove trailing whitespace if (line[0] == '[') { // group header // check well-formed if (line[--len] != ']') { error = true; break; } int i = 1; for (; !iscntrl(line[i]) && line[i] != '[' && line[i] != ']'; ++i) {} if (i < len) { error = true; break; } // call handler line[len] = '\0'; error = group_handler(group, &line[1], theme); if (error) { break; } free(group); group = strdup(&line[1]); } else { // key-value pair if (!group) { error = true; break; } // check well-formed int eok = 0; for (; isalnum(line[eok]) || line[eok] == '-'; ++eok) {} // TODO locale? int i = eok - 1; while (isspace(line[++i])) {} if (line[i] != '=') { error = true; break; } line[eok] = '\0'; // split into key-value pair char *value = &line[i]; while (isspace(*++value)) {} // TODO unescape value error = entry_handler(group, line, value, theme); if (error) { break; } } } if (!error && group) { error = group_handler(group, NULL, theme); } free(group); free(full_line); fclose(theme_file); if (!error && validate_icon_theme(theme)) { theme->dir = strdup(theme_name); return theme; } else { destroy_theme(theme); return NULL; } } static list_t *load_themes_in_dir(char *basedir) { DIR *dir; if (!(dir = opendir(basedir))) { return NULL; } list_t *themes = create_list(); struct dirent *entry; while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { if (entry->d_name[0] == '.') continue; struct icon_theme *theme = read_theme_file(basedir, entry->d_name); if (theme) { list_add(themes, theme); } } closedir(dir); return themes; } static void log_loaded_themes(list_t *themes) { if (themes->length == 0) { sway_log(SWAY_INFO, "Warning: no icon themes loaded"); return; } const char sep[] = ", "; size_t sep_len = strlen(sep); size_t len = 0; for (int i = 0; i < themes->length; ++i) { struct icon_theme *theme = themes->items[i]; len += strlen(theme->name) + sep_len; } char *str = malloc(len + 1); if (!str) { return; } char *p = str; for (int i = 0; i < themes->length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { memcpy(p, sep, sep_len); p += sep_len; } struct icon_theme *theme = themes->items[i]; size_t name_len = strlen(theme->name); memcpy(p, theme->name, name_len); p += name_len; } *p = '\0'; sway_log(SWAY_DEBUG, "Loaded icon themes: %s", str); free(str); } void init_themes(list_t **themes, list_t **basedirs) { *basedirs = get_basedirs(); *themes = create_list(); for (int i = 0; i < (*basedirs)->length; ++i) { list_t *dir_themes = load_themes_in_dir((*basedirs)->items[i]); if (dir_themes == NULL) { continue; } list_cat(*themes, dir_themes); list_free(dir_themes); } log_loaded_themes(*themes); } void finish_themes(list_t *themes, list_t *basedirs) { for (int i = 0; i < themes->length; ++i) { destroy_theme(themes->items[i]); } list_free(themes); list_free_items_and_destroy(basedirs); } static char *find_icon_in_subdir(char *name, char *basedir, char *theme, char *subdir) { static const char *extensions[] = { #if HAVE_GDK_PIXBUF "svg", #endif "png", #if HAVE_GDK_PIXBUF "xpm" #endif }; size_t path_len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/%s/%s/%s.EXT", basedir, theme, subdir, name) + 1; char *path = malloc(path_len); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(extensions) / sizeof(*extensions); ++i) { snprintf(path, path_len, "%s/%s/%s/%s.%s", basedir, theme, subdir, name, extensions[i]); if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) { return path; } } free(path); return NULL; } static bool theme_exists_in_basedir(char *theme, char *basedir) { size_t path_len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/%s", basedir, theme) + 1; char *path = malloc(path_len); snprintf(path, path_len, "%s/%s", basedir, theme); bool ret = dir_exists(path); free(path); return ret; } static char *find_icon_with_theme(list_t *basedirs, list_t *themes, char *name, int size, char *theme_name, int *min_size, int *max_size) { struct icon_theme *theme = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < themes->length; ++i) { theme = themes->items[i]; if (strcmp(theme->name, theme_name) == 0) { break; } theme = NULL; } if (!theme) return NULL; char *icon = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < basedirs->length; ++i) { if (!theme_exists_in_basedir(theme->dir, basedirs->items[i])) { continue; } // search backwards to hopefully hit scalable/larger icons first for (int j = theme->subdirs->length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { struct icon_theme_subdir *subdir = theme->subdirs->items[j]; if (size >= subdir->min_size && size <= subdir->max_size) { if ((icon = find_icon_in_subdir(name, basedirs->items[i], theme->dir, subdir->name))) { *min_size = subdir->min_size; *max_size = subdir->max_size; return icon; } } } } // inexact match unsigned smallest_error = -1; // UINT_MAX for (int i = 0; i < basedirs->length; ++i) { if (!theme_exists_in_basedir(theme->dir, basedirs->items[i])) { continue; } for (int j = theme->subdirs->length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { struct icon_theme_subdir *subdir = theme->subdirs->items[j]; unsigned error = (size > subdir->max_size ? size - subdir->max_size : 0) + (size < subdir->min_size ? subdir->min_size - size : 0); if (error < smallest_error) { char *test_icon = find_icon_in_subdir(name, basedirs->items[i], theme->dir, subdir->name); if (test_icon) { icon = test_icon; smallest_error = error; *min_size = subdir->min_size; *max_size = subdir->max_size; } } } } if (!icon && theme->inherits) { icon = find_icon_with_theme(basedirs, themes, name, size, theme->inherits, min_size, max_size); } return icon; } char *find_icon_in_dir(char *name, char *dir, int *min_size, int *max_size) { char *icon = find_icon_in_subdir(name, dir, "", ""); if (icon) { *min_size = 1; *max_size = 512; } return icon; } static char *find_fallback_icon(list_t *basedirs, char *name, int *min_size, int *max_size) { for (int i = 0; i < basedirs->length; ++i) { char *icon = find_icon_in_dir(name, basedirs->items[i], min_size, max_size); if (icon) { return icon; } } return NULL; } char *find_icon(list_t *themes, list_t *basedirs, char *name, int size, char *theme, int *min_size, int *max_size) { // TODO https://specifications.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html#implementation_notes char *icon = NULL; if (theme) { icon = find_icon_with_theme(basedirs, themes, name, size, theme, min_size, max_size); } if (!icon) { icon = find_icon_with_theme(basedirs, themes, name, size, "Hicolor", min_size, max_size); } if (!icon) { icon = find_fallback_icon(basedirs, name, min_size, max_size); } return icon; }