Xonsh publishes a handful of containers, primarily targeting CI and automation use cases. All of them are published on `Docker Hub <https://hub.docker.com/u/xonsh>`__.
A container made for humans (such as getting a shell inside of a pod). It includes prompt toolkit and pygments so that xonsh is more usable interactively.
First, some of the inputs are parsed into more helpful forms:
*``$GITHUB_EVENT``: The event that triggered the action (parsed from ``$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH``)
*``$INPUT``: The input arguments configured in the workflow (from ``$INPUT_*``)
In addition, if you have `PyGithub <https://github.com/PyGithub/PyGithub>`_ or `gqlmod <https://gqlmod.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>`_ installed, and an authentication token was found, they will be configured:
* PyGithub: A ``Github`` object can be found at ``$GITHUB``
* gqlmod: the token will be applied globally and the library will be ready to use