new xontrib: gitstatus

This commit is contained in:
BlahGeek 2016-09-03 01:03:43 +08:00
parent e0185dd2be
commit 0c569b9ac9
2 changed files with 145 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -80,6 +80,11 @@
"package": "xontrib-z",
"url": "",
"description": ["Tracks your most used directories, based on 'frecency'."]
{"name": "gitstatus",
"package": "xonsh",
"url": "",
"description": ["Adds git status info to the prompt"]
"packages": {

xontrib/gitstatus.xsh Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
'''informative git status for prompt'''
import re
import os
import builtins
import functools
import subprocess
__all__ = []
_env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
check_output = functools.partial(subprocess.check_output,
_DEFS = {
'HASH': ':',
'STAGED': '{RED}●',
'STASHED': '⚑',
'AHEAD': '↑·',
'BEHIND': '↓·',
_get_def = lambda key: _env.get('XONSH_GITSTATUS_' + key) \
or _DEFS[key]
def _get_tag_or_hash():
tag = check_output(['git', 'describe', '--exact-match']).strip()
if tag:
return tag
hash_ = check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD']).strip()
return _get_def('HASH') + hash_
def _get_stash(gitdir):
with open(os.path.join(gitdir, '/logs/refs/stash')) as f:
return sum(1 for _ in f)
except IOError:
return 0
def _gitoperation(gitdir):
files = (
('rebase-merge', 'REBASE'),
('rebase-apply', 'AM/REBASE'),
return [f[1] for f in files
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(gitdir, f[0]))]
def _gitstatus():
status = check_output(['git', 'status', '--porcelain', '--branch'])
branch = ''
num_ahead, num_behind = 0, 0
untracked, changed, conflicts, staged = 0, 0, 0, 0
for line in status.splitlines():
if line.startswith('##'):
line = line[2:].strip()
if 'Initial commit on' in line:
branch = line.split()[-1]
elif 'no branch' in line:
branch = _get_tag_or_hash()
elif '...' not in line:
branch = line
branch, rest = line.split('...')
if ' ' in rest:
divergence = rest.split(' ', 1)[-1]
divergence = divergence.strip('[]')
for div in divergence.split(', '):
if 'ahead' in div:
num_ahead = int(div[len('ahead '):].strip())
elif 'behind' in div:
num_behind = int(div[len('behind '):].strip())
elif line.startswith('??'):
untracked += 1
if len(line) > 1 and line[1] == 'M':
changed += 1
if len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'U':
conflicts += 1
elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] != ' ':
staged += 1
gitdir = check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--git-dir']).strip()
stashed = _get_stash(gitdir)
operations = _gitoperation(gitdir)
return (branch, num_ahead, num_behind,
untracked, changed, conflicts, staged, stashed,
def _gitstatus_prompt():
(branch, num_ahead, num_behind,
untracked, changed, conflicts, staged, stashed,
operations) = _gitstatus()
except subprocess.SubprocessError:
return ''
ret = '[' + _get_def('BRANCH') + branch
if num_ahead + num_behind > 0:
ret += _get_def('AHEAD') + str(num_ahead)
ret += _get_def('BEHIND') + str(num_behind)
if operations:
ret += _get_def('OPERATION') + '|' + '|'.join(operations)
ret += '|'
if staged > 0:
ret += _get_def('STAGED') + str(staged) + '{NO_COLOR}'
if conflicts > 0:
ret += _get_def('CONFLICTS') + str(conflicts) + '{NO_COLOR}'
if changed > 0:
ret += _get_def('CHANGED') + str(changed) + '{NO_COLOR}'
if untracked > 0:
ret += _get_def('UNTRACKED') + str(untracked) + '{NO_COLOR}'
if stashed > 0:
ret += _get_def('STASHED') + str(stashed) + '{NO_COLOR}'
if staged + conflicts + changed + untracked + stashed == 0:
ret += _get_def('CLEAN') + '{NO_COLOR}'
ret += ']'
return ret
$FORMATTER_DICT['gitstatus'] = _gitstatus_prompt