mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:04:41 +01:00
fix: xonfig web is not upto-date (#4606)
* fix: xonfig web is not upto-date it should load data from backend * refactor: update elm-compile module * feat: update `xonfig web` * todo: * style: * tmp * feat: implements colors page * feat: implement prompts page * feat: implement xontribs page * refactor: remove elm from project * fix: qa errors * docs: * test: add test for xonfig.web * fix: lru-cache call * feat: add env variable for sys level config dir * refactor: add method to handle post * feat: implement updating prompts * feat: implement xontribs update page * style: * fix: tests failure * feat: add variables page * feat: add abbrevs,aliases pages * feat: run xonfig web in main process this way we can update the current session * style: optimize imports * docs: * refactor: write .xonshrc as the old code * refactor: split file write functions
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 4951 additions and 834 deletions
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
name: Check Elm
- main
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Python 3.7 Elm Check Ubuntu
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ~/conda_pkgs_dir
key: elm-env-${{ hashFiles('ci/environment-elm.yml') }}
restore-keys: |
- name: Setup conda
uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
activate-environment: elm-xonsh-test
environment-file: ci/environment-elm.yml
auto-update-conda: true
python-version: 3.7
condarc-file: ci/condarc.yml
- shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
python -m pip install . --no-deps
pushd xonsh/webconfig
python -m xonsh elm-compile.xsh
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
name: elm-xonsh-test
- conda-forge
- defaults
- python=3.7
- pygments
- elm
- uglify-js
- docutils
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* ``xonfig web`` can now update ``abbrevs/aliases/env-variables``.
* ``xonfig web`` now shows latest xontribs available from ``xonsh.xontribs_meta``
* <news item>
* <news item>
* <news item>
* <news item>
@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ import re
import sys
import json
import pytest # noqa F401
import io
from xonsh.tools import ON_WINDOWS
from xonsh.xonfig import xonfig_main
from xonsh.webconfig import main as web_main
def test_xonfg_help(capsys, xession):
@ -132,3 +133,62 @@ def test_xonfig_kernel_with_jupyter(monkeypatch, capsys, fake_lib, xession):
def test_xonfig_kernel_no_jupyter(capsys, xession):
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
rc = xonfig_main(["jupyter-kernel"]) # noqa F841
def request_factory():
class MockSocket:
def getsockname(self):
return ("sockname",)
def sendall(self, data):
self.data = data
class MockRequest:
_sock = MockSocket()
def __init__(self, path: str, method: str):
self._path = path
self.data = b""
self.method = method.upper()
def makefile(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args[0] == "rb":
return io.BytesIO(f"{self.method} {self._path} HTTP/1.0".encode())
elif args[0] == "wb":
return io.BytesIO(b"")
raise ValueError("Unknown file type to make", args, kwargs)
def sendall(self, data):
self.data = data
return MockRequest
def get_req(request_factory):
from urllib import parse
def factory(path, data: "dict[str, str]|None" = None):
if data:
path = path + "?" + parse.urlencode(data)
request = request_factory(path, "get")
handle = web_main.XonshConfigHTTPRequestHandler(request, (0, 0), None)
return request, handle, request.data.decode()
return factory
class TestXonfigWeb:
def test_colors_get(self, get_req):
_, _, resp = get_req("/")
assert "Colors" in resp
def test_xontribs_get(self, get_req):
_, _, resp = get_req("/xontribs")
assert "Xontribs" in resp
def test_prompts_get(self, get_req):
_, _, resp = get_req("/prompts")
assert "Prompts" in resp
@ -667,12 +667,6 @@ def default_completer_dirs(env):
def xonfig_data_files(env):
"""``['$XONSH_SYS_CONFIG_DIR/xonfig-data.json', '$XONSH_CONFIG_DIR/xonfig-data.json']``\n"""
return get_config_paths(env, "xonfig-data.json")
def xonsh_append_newline(env):
"""Appends a newline if we are in interactive mode"""
@ -2156,6 +2150,11 @@ class Env(cabc.MutableMapping):
return default
def get_stringified(self, key, default=None):
value = self.get(key, default)
detyper = self.get_detyper(key)
return detyper(value)
def rawkeys(self):
"""An iterator that returns all environment keys in their original form.
This include string & compiled regular expression keys.
@ -2281,6 +2280,11 @@ class Env(cabc.MutableMapping):
def is_configurable(self, name):
if name not in self._vars:
return False
return self._vars[name].is_configurable
class InternalEnvironDict(ChainMap):
"""A dictionary which supports thread-local overrides.
@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env xonsh
"""script for compiling elm source and dumping it to the js folder."""
import os
import io
import tempfile
from pprint import pprint
import pygments
from pygments.lexers import Python3Lexer
from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter
from xonsh.tools import print_color, format_color
from xonsh.style_tools import partial_color_tokenize
from xonsh.color_tools import rgb_to_ints
from xonsh.pygments_cache import get_all_styles
from xonsh.pyghooks import XonshStyle, xonsh_style_proxy, XonshHtmlFormatter, Token, XonshLexer
from xonsh.prompt.base import PromptFormatter
from xonsh.xontribs_meta import get_xontribs, Xontrib
# helper funcs
def escape(s):
return s.replace("\n", "").replace('"', '\\"')
def invert_color(orig):
r, g, b = rgb_to_ints(orig)
inverted = [255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b]
new = [hex(n)[2:] for n in inverted]
new = [n if len(n) == 2 else '0' + n for n in new]
return ''.join(new)
def html_format(s, style="default"):
buf = io.StringIO()
proxy_style = xonsh_style_proxy(XonshStyle(style))
# make sure we have a foreground color
fgcolor = proxy_style._styles[Token.Text][0]
if not fgcolor:
fgcolor = invert_color(proxy_style.background_color[1:].strip('#'))
# need to generate stream before creating formatter so that all tokens actually exist
if isinstance(s, str):
token_stream = partial_color_tokenize(s)
token_stream = s
formatter = XonshHtmlFormatter(
prestyles="margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #" + fgcolor,
cssstyles="border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px",
formatter.format(token_stream, buf)
return buf.getvalue()
def rst_to_html(s):
template = "%(body)s"
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+') as t, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+') as f:
html = $(rst2html5.py --template @(t.name) @(f.name))
return html
# first, write out elm-src/XonshData.elm
XONSH_DATA_HEADER = """-- A collection of xonsh values for the web-ui
-- This file has been auto-generated by elm-compile.xsh
module XonshData exposing (..)
import List
import String
# render prompts
("default", '{env_name}{BOLD_GREEN}{user}@{hostname}{BOLD_BLUE} {cwd}'
'{branch_color}{curr_branch: {}}{RESET} {BOLD_BLUE}'
'{prompt_end}{RESET} '),
("debian chroot", '{BOLD_GREEN}{user}@{hostname}{BOLD_BLUE} {cwd}{RESET}> '),
("minimalist", '{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd_base}{RESET} ) '),
("terlar", '{env_name}{BOLD_GREEN}{user}{RESET}@{hostname}:'
'{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}|{gitstatus}\\n{BOLD_INTENSE_RED}➤{RESET} '),
("default with git status", '{env_name}{BOLD_GREEN}{user}@{hostname}{BOLD_BLUE} {cwd}'
'{branch_color}{gitstatus: {}}{RESET} {BOLD_BLUE}'
'{prompt_end}{RESET} '),
("robbyrussell", '{BOLD_INTENSE_RED}➜ {CYAN}{cwd_base} {gitstatus}{RESET} '),
("just a dollar", "$ "),
("simple pythonista", "{INTENSE_RED}{user}{RESET} at {INTENSE_PURPLE}{hostname}{RESET} "
"in {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}\\n↪ "),
("informative", "[{localtime}] {YELLOW}{env_name} {BOLD_BLUE}{user}@{hostname} "
"{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd} {gitstatus}{RESET}\\n> "),
("informative Version Control", "{YELLOW}{env_name} "
"{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd} {gitstatus}{RESET} {prompt_end} "),
("classic", "{user}@{hostname} {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}> "),
("classic with git status", "{gitstatus} {RESET}{user}@{hostname} {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}> "),
("screen savvy", "{YELLOW}{user}@{PURPLE}{hostname}{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}> "),
("acidhub", "❰{INTENSE_GREEN}{user}{RESET}❙{YELLOW}{cwd}{RESET}{env_name}❱{gitstatus}≻ "),
("nim", "{INTENSE_GREEN}┬─[{YELLOW}{user}{RESET}@{BLUE}{hostname}{RESET}:{cwd}"
"\\n{INTENSE_GREEN}╰─>{INTENSE_RED}{prompt_end}{RESET} "),
prompt_header = """type alias PromptData =
{ name : String
, value : String
, display : String
prompts : List PromptData
prompts ="""
def render_prompts(lines):
print_color("Rendering {GREEN}prompts{RESET}")
prompt_format = PromptFormatter()
fields = dict($PROMPT_FIELDS)
env_name=fields['env_prefix'] + "env" + fields["env_postfix"],
for i, (name, template) in enumerate(PROMPTS):
display = html_format(prompt_format(template, fields=fields))
item = 'name = "' + name + '", '
item += 'value = "' + escape(template) + '", '
item += 'display = "' + escape(display) + '"'
pre = " [ " if i == 0 else " , "
lines.append(pre + "{ " + item + " }")
lines.append(" ]")
# render color data
color_header = """
type alias ColorData =
{ name : String
, display : String
colors : List ColorData
colors ="""
def render_colors(lines):
print_color("Rendering {GREEN}color styles{RESET}")
source = (
'import sys\n'
'echo "Welcome $USER on" @(sys.platform)\n\n'
'def func(x=42):\n'
' d = {"xonsh": True}\n'
' return d.get("xonsh") and you\n\n'
'# This is a comment\n'
'![env | uniq | sort | grep PATH]\n'
lexer = XonshLexer()
token_stream = list(pygments.lex(source, lexer=lexer))
token_stream = [(t, s.replace("\n", "\\n")) for t, s in token_stream]
styles = sorted(get_all_styles())
styles.insert(0, styles.pop(styles.index("default")))
for i, style in enumerate(styles):
display = html_format(token_stream, style=style)
item = 'name = "' + style + '", '
item += 'display = "' + escape(display) + '"'
pre = " [ " if i == 0 else " , "
lines.append(pre + "{ " + item + " }")
lines.append(" ]")
# render xontrib data
xontrib_header = """
type alias XontribData =
{ name : String
, url : String
, license : String
, description : String
xontribs : List XontribData
xontribs ="""
def get_xontrib_item(xontrib_name: str, xontrib: Xontrib):
item = 'name = "' + xontrib_name + '", '
item += 'url = "' + xontrib.url + '", '
item += 'license = "' + (xontrib.package.license if xontrib.package else "") + '", '
d = rst_to_html("".join(xontrib.description)).replace("\n", "\\n")
item += 'description = "' + escape(d) + '"'
return item
def render_xontribs(lines):
print_color("Rendering {GREEN}xontribs{RESET}")
md = get_xontribs()
for i, xontrib_name in enumerate(md):
xontrib = md[xontrib_name]
item = get_xontrib_item(xontrib_name, xontrib)
pre = " [ " if i == 0 else " , "
lines.append(pre + "{ " + item + " }")
lines.append(" ]")
def write_xonsh_data():
# write XonshData.elm
src = "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
xdelm = os.path.join('elm-src', 'XonshData.elm')
with open(xdelm, 'w') as f:
# now compile the sources
with ${...}.swap(RAISE_SUBPROC_ERROR=False):
HAVE_UGLIFY = bool(!(which uglifyjs e>o))
UGLIFY_FLAGS = ('pure_funcs="F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9",'
def compile():
for source in SOURCES:
base = os.path.splitext(source.lower())[0]
src = os.path.join('elm-src', source)
js_target = os.path.join('js', base + '.js')
print_color('Compiling {YELLOW}' + src + '{RESET} -> {GREEN}' +
js_target + '{RESET}')
![elm make --optimize --output @(js_target) @(src)]
except Exception:
import sys
new_files = [js_target]
min_target = os.path.join('js', base + '.min.js')
if os.path.exists(min_target):
![rm -v @(min_target)]
print_color('Minifying {YELLOW}' + js_target + '{RESET} -> {GREEN}' +
min_target + '{RESET}')
![uglifyjs @(js_target) --compress @(UGLIFY_FLAGS) |
uglifyjs --mangle --output @(min_target)]
![ls -l @(new_files)]
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, style, href)
import Html.Parser
import Html.Parser.Util
import Http
import Maybe exposing (withDefault)
import Set
import Set exposing (Set)
import List
import String
import Json.Decode
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Encode as Encode
import Bootstrap.Tab as Tab
import Bootstrap.CDN as CDN
import Bootstrap.Card as Card
import Bootstrap.Text as Text
import Bootstrap.Grid as Grid
import Bootstrap.Grid.Row as Row
import Bootstrap.Card.Block as Block
import Bootstrap.Button as Button
import Bootstrap.ListGroup as ListGroup
import XonshData
import XonshData exposing (PromptData, ColorData, XontribData)
-- example with animation, you can drop the subscription part when not using animations
type alias Model =
{ tabState : Tab.State
, promptValue : PromptData
, colorValue : ColorData
, xontribs : (Set String)
--, response : Maybe PostResponse
, error : Maybe Http.Error
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( { tabState = Tab.initialState
, promptValue = withDefault {name = "unknown", value = "$ ", display = ""}
(List.head XonshData.prompts)
, colorValue = withDefault {name = "unknown", display = ""}
(List.head XonshData.colors)
, xontribs = Set.empty
--, response = Nothing
, error = Nothing
, Cmd.none )
type Msg
= TabMsg Tab.State
| PromptSelect PromptData
| ColorSelect ColorData
| XontribAdded XontribData
| XontribRemoved XontribData
| SaveClicked
| Response (Result Http.Error ())
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
TabMsg state ->
( { model | tabState = state }
, Cmd.none
PromptSelect value ->
( { model | promptValue = value }
, Cmd.none
ColorSelect value ->
( { model | colorValue = value }
, Cmd.none
XontribAdded value ->
( { model | xontribs = Set.insert value.name model.xontribs }
, Cmd.none
XontribRemoved value ->
( { model | xontribs = Set.remove value.name model.xontribs }
, Cmd.none
SaveClicked ->
-- ( { model | error = Nothing, response = Nothing }
( { model | error = Nothing}
, saveSettings model
Response (Ok response) ->
--( { model | error = Nothing, response = Just response }, Cmd.none )
( { model | error = Nothing }, Cmd.none )
Response (Err error) ->
--( { model | error = Just error, response = Nothing }, Cmd.none )
( { model | error = Just error }, Cmd.none )
encodeModel : Model -> Encode.Value
encodeModel model =
[ ("prompt", Encode.string model.promptValue.value)
, ("colors", Encode.string model.colorValue.name)
, ("xontribs", Encode.set Encode.string model.xontribs)
saveSettings : Model -> Cmd Msg
saveSettings model =
{ url = "/save"
, body = Http.stringBody "application/json" (Encode.encode 0 (encodeModel model))
, expect = Http.expectWhatever Response
textHtml : String -> List (Html.Html msg)
textHtml t =
case Html.Parser.run t of
Ok nodes ->
Html.Parser.Util.toVirtualDom nodes
Err _ ->
promptButton : PromptData -> (ListGroup.CustomItem Msg)
promptButton pd =
[ ListGroup.attrs [ onClick (PromptSelect pd) ]
, ListGroup.info
[ text pd.name
, p [] []
, span [] (textHtml pd.display)
colorButton : ColorData -> (ListGroup.CustomItem Msg)
colorButton cd =
[ ListGroup.attrs [ onClick (ColorSelect cd) ]
, ListGroup.info
[ text cd.name
, p [] []
, span [] (textHtml cd.display)
centeredDeck : List (Card.Config msg) -> Html.Html msg
centeredDeck cards =
[ class "card-deck justify-content-center" ]
(List.map Card.view cards)
xontribCard : Model -> XontribData -> Card.Config Msg
xontribCard model xd =
Card.config [ Card.attrs
[ style "min-width" "20em"
, style "max-width" "20em"
, style "padding" "0.25em"
, style "margin" "0.5em"
] ]
|> Card.headerH3 [] [ a [href xd.url] [ text xd.name ] ]
|> Card.block [] [ Block.text [] ( textHtml xd.description ) ]
|> Card.footer []
[ if Set.member xd.name model.xontribs then
Button.button [ Button.danger
, Button.attrs [ onClick (XontribRemoved xd) ]
] [ text "Remove" ]
Button.button [ Button.success
, Button.attrs [ onClick (XontribAdded xd) ]
] [ text "Add" ]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [style "padding" "0.75em 1.25em"]
[ Grid.container []
[ Grid.row []
[ Grid.col [] [ div [ style "text-align" "left"] [ h2 [] [text "xonsh"] ] ]
, Grid.col [] [ div [ style "text-align" "right"]
[ Button.button [ Button.success
, Button.attrs [ onClick SaveClicked ]
] [ text "Save" ]
] ]
, p [] []
, Tab.config TabMsg
|> Tab.center
|> Tab.items
[ Tab.item
{ id = "tabItemColors"
, link = Tab.link [] [ text "Colors" ]
, pane = Tab.pane []
[ text ("Current Selection: " ++ model.colorValue.name)
, p [] []
, div [style "padding" "0.75em 1.25em"] (textHtml model.colorValue.display)
, ListGroup.custom (List.map colorButton XonshData.colors)
, Tab.item
{ id = "tabItemPrompt"
, link = Tab.link [] [ text "Prompt" ]
, pane = Tab.pane []
[ text ("Current Selection: " ++ model.promptValue.name)
, p [] []
, div [style "padding" "0.75em 1.25em"] (textHtml model.promptValue.display)
, ListGroup.custom (List.map promptButton XonshData.prompts)
, Tab.item
{ id = "tabItemXontribs"
, link = Tab.link [] [ text "Xontribs" ]
, pane = Tab.pane [] [ centeredDeck (List.map (xontribCard model) XonshData.xontribs) ]
|> Tab.view model.tabState
main : Program Decode.Value Model Msg
main =
{ init = \_ -> init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-- A collection of xonsh values for the web-ui
-- This file has been auto-generated by elm-compile.xsh
module XonshData exposing (..)
import List
import String
type alias PromptData =
{ name : String
, value : String
, display : String
prompts : List PromptData
prompts =
[ { name = "default", value = "{env_name}{BOLD_GREEN}{user}@{hostname}{BOLD_BLUE} {cwd}{branch_color}{curr_branch: {}}{RESET} {BOLD_BLUE}{prompt_end}{RESET} ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"\">(env) </span><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">lou@carcolh</span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\"> ~/snail/stuff</span><span style=\"color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold\"> branch</span><span style=\"\"> </span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\">$</span><span style=\"\"> </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "debian chroot", value = "{BOLD_GREEN}{user}@{hostname}{BOLD_BLUE} {cwd}{RESET}> ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">lou@carcolh</span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\"> ~/snail/stuff</span><span style=\"\">> </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "minimalist", value = "{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd_base}{RESET} ) ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">stuff</span><span style=\"\"> ) </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "terlar", value = "{env_name}{BOLD_GREEN}{user}{RESET}@{hostname}:{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}|{gitstatus}\n{BOLD_INTENSE_RED}➤{RESET} ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"\">(env) </span><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">lou</span><span style=\"\">@carcolh:</span><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">~/snail/stuff</span><span style=\"\">|</span><span style=\"color: #007f7f\">branch|</span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\">+2</span><span style=\"\">⚑7\n</span><span style=\"color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold\">➤</span><span style=\"\"> </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "default with git status", value = "{env_name}{BOLD_GREEN}{user}@{hostname}{BOLD_BLUE} {cwd}{branch_color}{gitstatus: {}}{RESET} {BOLD_BLUE}{prompt_end}{RESET} ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"\">(env) </span><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">lou@carcolh</span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\"> ~/snail/stuff</span><span style=\"color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007f7f\">branch|</span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\">+2</span><span style=\"\">⚑7 </span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\">$</span><span style=\"\"> </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "robbyrussell", value = "{BOLD_INTENSE_RED}➜ {CYAN}{cwd_base} {gitstatus}{RESET} ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold\">➜ </span><span style=\"color: #007f7f\">stuff branch|</span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\">+2</span><span style=\"\">⚑7 </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "just a dollar", value = "$ ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"\">$ </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "simple pythonista", value = "{INTENSE_RED}{user}{RESET} at {INTENSE_PURPLE}{hostname}{RESET} in {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}\n↪ ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">lou</span><span style=\"\"> at </span><span style=\"color: #ff00ff\">carcolh</span><span style=\"\"> in </span><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">~/snail/stuff</span><span style=\"\">\n↪ </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "informative", value = "[{localtime}] {YELLOW}{env_name} {BOLD_BLUE}{user}@{hostname} {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd} {gitstatus}{RESET}\n> ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"\">[15:56:07] </span><span style=\"color: #7f7fe0\">(env) </span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\">lou@carcolh </span><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">~/snail/stuff </span><span style=\"color: #007f7f\">branch|</span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\">+2</span><span style=\"\">⚑7\n> </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "informative Version Control", value = "{YELLOW}{env_name} {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd} {gitstatus}{RESET} {prompt_end} ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #7f7fe0\">(env) </span><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">~/snail/stuff </span><span style=\"color: #007f7f\">branch|</span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\">+2</span><span style=\"\">⚑7 $ </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "classic", value = "{user}@{hostname} {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}> ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"\">lou@carcolh </span><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">~/snail/stuff</span><span style=\"\">> </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "classic with git status", value = "{gitstatus} {RESET}{user}@{hostname} {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}> ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #007f7f\">branch|</span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\">+2</span><span style=\"\">⚑7 lou@carcolh </span><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">~/snail/stuff</span><span style=\"\">> </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "screen savvy", value = "{YELLOW}{user}@{PURPLE}{hostname}{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}> ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #7f7fe0\">lou@</span><span style=\"color: #7f007f\">carcolh</span><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">~/snail/stuff</span><span style=\"\">> </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "sorin", value = "{CYAN}{cwd} {INTENSE_RED}❯{INTENSE_YELLOW}❯{INTENSE_GREEN}❯{RESET} ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #007f7f\">~/snail/stuff </span><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">❯</span><span style=\"color: #ffff00\">❯</span><span style=\"color: #00ff00\">❯</span><span style=\"\"> </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "acidhub", value = "❰{INTENSE_GREEN}{user}{RESET}❙{YELLOW}{cwd}{RESET}{env_name}❱{gitstatus}≻ ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"\">❰</span><span style=\"color: #00ff00\">lou</span><span style=\"\">❙</span><span style=\"color: #7f7fe0\">~/snail/stuff</span><span style=\"\">(env) ❱</span><span style=\"color: #007f7f\">branch|</span><span style=\"color: #00007f; font-weight: bold\">+2</span><span style=\"\">⚑7≻ </span></code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "nim", value = "{INTENSE_GREEN}┬─[{YELLOW}{user}{RESET}@{BLUE}{hostname}{RESET}:{cwd}{INTENSE_GREEN}]─[{localtime}]─[{RESET}G:{INTENSE_GREEN}{curr_branch}=]\n{INTENSE_GREEN}╰─>{INTENSE_RED}{prompt_end}{RESET} ", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #00ff00\">┬─[</span><span style=\"color: #7f7fe0\">lou</span><span style=\"\">@</span><span style=\"color: #00007f\">carcolh</span><span style=\"\">:~/snail/stuff</span><span style=\"color: #00ff00\">]─[15:56:07]─[</span><span style=\"\">G:</span><span style=\"color: #00ff00\">branch=]\n╰─></span><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">$</span><span style=\"\"> </span></code></pre></div>" }
type alias ColorData =
{ name : String
, display : String
colors : List ColorData
colors =
[ { name = "default", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #0000ff; font-weight: bold\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"color: #ff0000\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys<span style=\"color: #555555\">.</span>platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #0000ff\">func</span>(x<span style=\"color: #555555\">=42</span>):\n d <span style=\"color: #555555\">=</span> {<span style=\"color: #ff0000\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d<span style=\"color: #555555\">.</span>get(<span style=\"color: #ff0000\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #7f007f; font-weight: bold\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #007f7f; text-decoration: underline\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #007f00; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #007f00\">env</span> |<span style=\"color: #e5e5e5\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007f00\">uniq</span> |<span style=\"color: #e5e5e5\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007f00\">sort</span> |<span style=\"color: #e5e5e5\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007f00\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "abap", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #0000ff\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #000000\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #55aa22\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #0000ff\">@</span>(<span style=\"color: #000000\">sys</span>.<span style=\"color: #000000\">platform</span>)\n\n<span style=\"color: #0000ff\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">func</span>(<span style=\"color: #000000\">x</span>=<span style=\"color: #33aaff\">42</span>):\n <span style=\"color: #000000\">d</span> = {<span style=\"color: #55aa22\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #0000ff\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #0000ff\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">d</span>.<span style=\"color: #000000\">get</span>(<span style=\"color: #55aa22\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #0000ff\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #888888; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #0000ff\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #000000\">env</span> | <span style=\"color: #000000\">uniq</span> | <span style=\"color: #000000\">sort</span> | <span style=\"color: #000000\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "algol", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #666666; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #666666; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">func</span>(x=42):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #888888; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline\">!</span>[<span style=\"font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">env</span> | <span style=\"font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">uniq</span> | <span style=\"font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">sort</span> | <span style=\"font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "algol_nu", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #666666; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #666666; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">func</span>(x=42):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #888888; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">!</span>[<span style=\"font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">env</span> | <span style=\"font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">uniq</span> | <span style=\"font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">sort</span> | <span style=\"font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "arduino", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #728E00\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #434f54\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #434f54\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #7F8C8D\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #728E00\">@</span>(<span style=\"color: #434f54\">sys</span><span style=\"color: #728E00\">.</span><span style=\"color: #434f54\">platform</span>)\n\n<span style=\"color: #728E00\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #D35400\">func</span>(<span style=\"color: #434f54\">x</span><span style=\"color: #728E00\">=</span><span style=\"color: #8A7B52\">42</span>):\n <span style=\"color: #434f54\">d</span> <span style=\"color: #728E00\">=</span> {<span style=\"color: #7F8C8D\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #00979D\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #728E00\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #434f54\">d</span><span style=\"color: #728E00\">.</span><span style=\"color: #434f54\">get</span>(<span style=\"color: #7F8C8D\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #728E00\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #434f54\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #95a5a6\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #728E00\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #728E00\">env</span> | <span style=\"color: #728E00\">uniq</span> | <span style=\"color: #728E00\">sort</span> | <span style=\"color: #728E00\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "autumn", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #0000aa\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #00aaaa; text-decoration: underline\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"color: #aa5500\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #0000aa\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #0000aa\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #00aa00\">func</span>(x=<span style=\"color: #009999\">42</span>):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #aa5500\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #0000aa\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #0000aa\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #aa5500\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #0000aa\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #aaaaaa; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #0000aa\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #00aaaa\">env</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #00aaaa\">uniq</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #00aaaa\">sort</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #00aaaa\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "borland", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #000080; font-weight: bold\">import</span> sys\necho <span style=\"color: #0000FF\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #000080; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #000080; font-weight: bold\">def</span> func(x=<span style=\"color: #0000FF\">42</span>):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #0000FF\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #000080; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #000080; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #0000FF\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #008800; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #000080; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[env |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span>uniq |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span>sort |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span>grep PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "bw", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"font-style: italic\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">def</span> func(x=42):\n d = {<span style=\"font-style: italic\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"font-style: italic\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">!</span>[env | uniq | sort | grep PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "colorful", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #008800; font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #0e84b5; font-weight: bold\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"background-color: #fff0f0\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #008800; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys<span style=\"color: #333333\">.</span>platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #008800; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #0066BB; font-weight: bold\">func</span>(x<span style=\"color: #333333\">=</span><span style=\"color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold\">42</span>):\n d <span style=\"color: #333333\">=</span> {<span style=\"background-color: #fff0f0\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #008800; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #008800; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d<span style=\"color: #333333\">.</span>get(<span style=\"background-color: #fff0f0\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #888888\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #008800; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #007020\">env</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007020\">uniq</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007020\">sort</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007020\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "emacs", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #f8f8f8; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #070707; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #AA22FF; font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"color: #BB4444\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #AA22FF; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys<span style=\"color: #666666\">.</span>platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #AA22FF; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #00A000\">func</span>(x<span style=\"color: #666666\">=42</span>):\n d <span style=\"color: #666666\">=</span> {<span style=\"color: #BB4444\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #AA22FF; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #AA22FF; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d<span style=\"color: #666666\">.</span>get(<span style=\"color: #BB4444\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #AA22FF; font-weight: bold\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #008800; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #AA22FF; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #AA22FF\">env</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #AA22FF\">uniq</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #AA22FF\">sort</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #AA22FF\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "friendly", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #f0f0f0; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #0f0f0f; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #007020; font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #0e84b5; font-weight: bold\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"color: #4070a0\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #007020; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys<span style=\"color: #666666\">.</span>platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #007020; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #06287e\">func</span>(x<span style=\"color: #666666\">=</span><span style=\"color: #40a070\">42</span>):\n d <span style=\"color: #666666\">=</span> {<span style=\"color: #4070a0\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #007020; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #007020; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d<span style=\"color: #666666\">.</span>get(<span style=\"color: #4070a0\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #007020; font-weight: bold\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #60a0b0; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #007020; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #007020\">env</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007020\">uniq</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007020\">sort</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007020\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "fruity", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #111111; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #ffffff; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #fb660a; font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #ffffff\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #ffffff\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #0086d2\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #fb660a; font-weight: bold\">@</span><span style=\"color: #ffffff\">(sys.platform)</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #fb660a; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #ff0086; font-weight: bold\">func</span><span style=\"color: #ffffff\">(x=</span><span style=\"color: #0086f7; font-weight: bold\">42</span><span style=\"color: #ffffff\">):</span>\n <span style=\"color: #ffffff\">d</span> <span style=\"color: #ffffff\">=</span> <span style=\"color: #ffffff\">{</span><span style=\"color: #0086d2\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #ffffff\">:</span> <span style=\"color: #fb660a; font-weight: bold\">True</span><span style=\"color: #ffffff\">}</span>\n <span style=\"color: #fb660a; font-weight: bold\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #ffffff\">d.get(</span><span style=\"color: #0086d2\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #ffffff\">)</span> <span style=\"color: #ffffff\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #ffffff\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #008800; font-style: italic; background-color: #0f140f\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #fb660a; font-weight: bold\">!</span><span style=\"color: #ffffff\">[env</span> <span style=\"color: #ffffff\">|</span><span style=\"color: #888888\"> </span><span style=\"color: #ffffff\">uniq</span> <span style=\"color: #ffffff\">|</span><span style=\"color: #888888\"> </span><span style=\"color: #ffffff\">sort</span> <span style=\"color: #ffffff\">|</span><span style=\"color: #888888\"> </span><span style=\"color: #ffffff\">grep</span> PATH<span style=\"color: #ffffff\">]</span>\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "igor", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #0000FF\">import</span> sys\necho <span style=\"color: #009C00\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #0000FF\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #0000FF\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #C34E00\">func</span>(x=42):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #009C00\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #0000FF\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #0000FF\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #009C00\">"xonsh"</span>) and you\n\n<span style=\"color: #FF0000; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #0000FF\">!</span>[env | uniq | sort | grep PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "inkpot", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #1e1e27; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #cfbfad; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #808bed\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #ff0000\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #ffcd8b; background-color: #404040\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #808bed\">@</span><span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">(sys</span><span style=\"color: #666666\">.</span><span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">platform)</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #808bed\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #c080d0\">func</span><span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">(x</span><span style=\"color: #666666\">=</span><span style=\"color: #f0ad6d\">42</span><span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">):</span>\n <span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">d</span> <span style=\"color: #666666\">=</span> <span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">{</span><span style=\"color: #ffcd8b; background-color: #404040\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">:</span> <span style=\"color: #808bed\">True</span><span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">}</span>\n <span style=\"color: #808bed\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">d</span><span style=\"color: #666666\">.</span><span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">get(</span><span style=\"color: #ffcd8b; background-color: #404040\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">)</span> <span style=\"color: #666666\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #cd8b00\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #808bed\">!</span><span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">[</span><span style=\"color: #808bed\">env</span> <span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">|</span><span style=\"color: #434357\"> </span><span style=\"color: #808bed\">uniq</span> <span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">|</span><span style=\"color: #434357\"> </span><span style=\"color: #808bed\">sort</span> <span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">|</span><span style=\"color: #434357\"> </span><span style=\"color: #808bed\">grep</span> PATH<span style=\"color: #cfbfad\">]</span>\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "lovelace", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #2838b0\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #289870\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"color: #b83838\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #2838b0\">@</span><span style=\"color: #888888\">(</span>sys<span style=\"color: #666666\">.</span>platform<span style=\"color: #888888\">)</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #2838b0\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #785840\">func</span><span style=\"color: #888888\">(</span>x<span style=\"color: #666666\">=</span><span style=\"color: #444444\">42</span><span style=\"color: #888888\">):</span>\n d <span style=\"color: #666666\">=</span> <span style=\"color: #888888\">{</span><span style=\"color: #b83838\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #888888\">:</span> <span style=\"color: #444444; font-style: italic\">True</span><span style=\"color: #888888\">}</span>\n <span style=\"color: #2838b0\">return</span> d<span style=\"color: #666666\">.</span>get<span style=\"color: #888888\">(</span><span style=\"color: #b83838\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #888888\">)</span> <span style=\"color: #a848a8\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #888888; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #2838b0\">!</span><span style=\"color: #888888\">[</span><span style=\"color: #388038\">env</span> <span style=\"color: #888888\">|</span><span style=\"color: #a89028\"> </span><span style=\"color: #388038\">uniq</span> <span style=\"color: #888888\">|</span><span style=\"color: #a89028\"> </span><span style=\"color: #388038\">sort</span> <span style=\"color: #888888\">|</span><span style=\"color: #a89028\"> </span><span style=\"color: #388038\">grep</span> PATH<span style=\"color: #888888\">]</span>\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "manni", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #f0f3f3; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #0f0c0c; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #006699; font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #00CCFF; font-weight: bold\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"color: #CC3300\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #006699; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys<span style=\"color: #555555\">.</span>platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #006699; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #CC00FF\">func</span>(x<span style=\"color: #555555\">=</span><span style=\"color: #FF6600\">42</span>):\n d <span style=\"color: #555555\">=</span> {<span style=\"color: #CC3300\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #006699; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #006699; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d<span style=\"color: #555555\">.</span>get(<span style=\"color: #CC3300\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #0099FF; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #006699; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #336666\">env</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #336666\">uniq</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #336666\">sort</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #336666\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "monokai", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #272822; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #f8f8f2; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #f92672\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #e6db74\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #66d9ef\">@</span><span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">(sys</span><span style=\"color: #f92672\">.</span><span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">platform)</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #66d9ef\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #a6e22e\">func</span><span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">(x</span><span style=\"color: #f92672\">=</span><span style=\"color: #ae81ff\">42</span><span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">):</span>\n <span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">d</span> <span style=\"color: #f92672\">=</span> <span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">{</span><span style=\"color: #e6db74\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">:</span> <span style=\"color: #66d9ef\">True</span><span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">}</span>\n <span style=\"color: #66d9ef\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">d</span><span style=\"color: #f92672\">.</span><span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">get(</span><span style=\"color: #e6db74\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">)</span> <span style=\"color: #f92672\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #75715e\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #66d9ef\">!</span><span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">[env</span> <span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">| uniq</span> <span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">| sort</span> <span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">| grep</span> PATH<span style=\"color: #f8f8f2\">]</span>\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "murphy", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #228899; font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #0e84b5; font-weight: bold\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"background-color: #e0e0ff\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #228899; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys<span style=\"color: #333333\">.</span>platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #228899; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #55eedd; font-weight: bold\">func</span>(x<span style=\"color: #333333\">=</span><span style=\"color: #6666ff; font-weight: bold\">42</span>):\n d <span style=\"color: #333333\">=</span> {<span style=\"background-color: #e0e0ff\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #228899; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #228899; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d<span style=\"color: #333333\">.</span>get(<span style=\"background-color: #e0e0ff\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #228899; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #007722\">env</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007722\">uniq</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007722\">sort</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #007722\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "native", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #202020; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #d0d0d0; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #6ab825; font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #447fcf; text-decoration: underline\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #ed9d13\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #6ab825; font-weight: bold\">@</span><span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">(sys.platform)</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #6ab825; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #447fcf\">func</span><span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">(x=</span><span style=\"color: #3677a9\">42</span><span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">):</span>\n <span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">d</span> <span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">=</span> <span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">{</span><span style=\"color: #ed9d13\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">:</span> <span style=\"color: #6ab825; font-weight: bold\">True</span><span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">}</span>\n <span style=\"color: #6ab825; font-weight: bold\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">d.get(</span><span style=\"color: #ed9d13\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">)</span> <span style=\"color: #6ab825; font-weight: bold\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #999999; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #6ab825; font-weight: bold\">!</span><span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">[</span><span style=\"color: #24909d\">env</span> <span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">|</span><span style=\"color: #666666\"> </span><span style=\"color: #24909d\">uniq</span> <span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">|</span><span style=\"color: #666666\"> </span><span style=\"color: #24909d\">sort</span> <span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">|</span><span style=\"color: #666666\"> </span><span style=\"color: #24909d\">grep</span> PATH<span style=\"color: #d0d0d0\">]</span>\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "paraiso-dark", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #2f1e2e; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #e7e9db; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #5bc4bf\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #fec418\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #48b685\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #815ba4\">@</span><span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">(sys</span><span style=\"color: #5bc4bf\">.</span><span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">platform)</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #815ba4\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #06b6ef\">func</span><span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">(x</span><span style=\"color: #5bc4bf\">=</span><span style=\"color: #f99b15\">42</span><span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">):</span>\n <span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">d</span> <span style=\"color: #5bc4bf\">=</span> <span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">{</span><span style=\"color: #48b685\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">:</span> <span style=\"color: #815ba4\">True</span><span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">}</span>\n <span style=\"color: #815ba4\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">d</span><span style=\"color: #5bc4bf\">.</span><span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">get(</span><span style=\"color: #48b685\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">)</span> <span style=\"color: #5bc4bf\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #776e71\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #815ba4\">!</span><span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">[env</span> <span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">| uniq</span> <span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">| sort</span> <span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">| grep</span> PATH<span style=\"color: #e7e9db\">]</span>\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "paraiso-light", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #e7e9db; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #2f1e2e; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #5bc4bf\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #fec418\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #48b685\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #815ba4\">@</span><span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">(sys</span><span style=\"color: #5bc4bf\">.</span><span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">platform)</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #815ba4\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #06b6ef\">func</span><span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">(x</span><span style=\"color: #5bc4bf\">=</span><span style=\"color: #f99b15\">42</span><span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">):</span>\n <span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">d</span> <span style=\"color: #5bc4bf\">=</span> <span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">{</span><span style=\"color: #48b685\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">:</span> <span style=\"color: #815ba4\">True</span><span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">}</span>\n <span style=\"color: #815ba4\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">d</span><span style=\"color: #5bc4bf\">.</span><span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">get(</span><span style=\"color: #48b685\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">)</span> <span style=\"color: #5bc4bf\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #8d8687\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #815ba4\">!</span><span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">[env</span> <span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">| uniq</span> <span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">| sort</span> <span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">| grep</span> PATH<span style=\"color: #2f1e2e\">]</span>\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "pastie", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #008800; font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #008800; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #008800; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold\">func</span>(x=<span style=\"color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold\">42</span>):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #008800; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #008800; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #008800\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #888888\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #008800; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #003388\">env</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #003388\">uniq</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #003388\">sort</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #003388\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "perldoc", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #eeeedd; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #111122; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #008b45; text-decoration: underline\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"color: #CD5555\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #008b45\">func</span>(x=<span style=\"color: #B452CD\">42</span>):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #CD5555\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #CD5555\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #8B008B\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #228B22\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #658b00\">env</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #658b00\">uniq</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #658b00\">sort</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #658b00\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "rainbow_dash", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #4d4d4d; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #2c5dcd; font-weight: bold\">import</span> sys\necho <span style=\"color: #00cc66\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #2c5dcd; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys<span style=\"color: #2c5dcd\">.</span>platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #2c5dcd; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #ff8000; font-weight: bold\">func</span>(x<span style=\"color: #2c5dcd\">=</span><span style=\"color: #5918bb; font-weight: bold\">42</span>):\n d <span style=\"color: #2c5dcd\">=</span> {<span style=\"color: #00cc66\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #2c5dcd; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #2c5dcd; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d<span style=\"color: #2c5dcd\">.</span>get(<span style=\"color: #00cc66\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #2c5dcd; font-weight: bold\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #0080ff; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #2c5dcd; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #5918bb; font-weight: bold\">env</span> |<span style=\"color: #cbcbcb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #5918bb; font-weight: bold\">uniq</span> |<span style=\"color: #cbcbcb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #5918bb; font-weight: bold\">sort</span> |<span style=\"color: #cbcbcb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #5918bb; font-weight: bold\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "rrt", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #000000; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #ffffff; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">import</span> sys\necho <span style=\"color: #87ceeb\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #ff0000\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #ff0000\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #ffff00\">func</span>(x=42):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #87ceeb\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #ff0000\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #ff0000\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #87ceeb\">"xonsh"</span>) and you\n\n<span style=\"color: #00ff00\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #ff0000\">!</span>[env | uniq | sort | grep PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "sas", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">import</span> sys\necho <span style=\"color: #800080\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">def</span> <span style=\"font-weight: bold; font-style: italic\">func</span>(x=<span style=\"color: #2e8b57; font-weight: bold\">42</span>):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #800080\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #2c2cff; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #800080\">"xonsh"</span>) and you\n\n<span style=\"color: #008800; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">env</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">uniq</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">sort</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "solarized-dark", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #002b36; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #839496; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #cb4b16\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #268bd2\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #839496\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #2aa198\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #859900\">@</span><span style=\"color: #839496\">(sys</span><span style=\"color: #586e75\">.</span><span style=\"color: #839496\">platform)</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #859900\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #268bd2\">func</span><span style=\"color: #839496\">(x</span><span style=\"color: #586e75\">=</span><span style=\"color: #2aa198\">42</span><span style=\"color: #839496\">):</span>\n <span style=\"color: #839496\">d</span> <span style=\"color: #586e75\">=</span> <span style=\"color: #839496\">{</span><span style=\"color: #2aa198\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #839496\">:</span> <span style=\"color: #2aa198\">True</span><span style=\"color: #839496\">}</span>\n <span style=\"color: #859900\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #839496\">d</span><span style=\"color: #586e75\">.</span><span style=\"color: #839496\">get(</span><span style=\"color: #2aa198\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #839496\">)</span> <span style=\"color: #859900\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #839496\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #586e75; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #859900\">!</span><span style=\"color: #839496\">[</span><span style=\"color: #268bd2\">env</span> <span style=\"color: #839496\">| </span><span style=\"color: #268bd2\">uniq</span> <span style=\"color: #839496\">| </span><span style=\"color: #268bd2\">sort</span> <span style=\"color: #839496\">| </span><span style=\"color: #268bd2\">grep</span> PATH<span style=\"color: #839496\">]</span>\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "solarized-light", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #fdf6e3; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #657b83; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #cb4b16\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #268bd2\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #657b83\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #2aa198\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #859900\">@</span><span style=\"color: #657b83\">(sys</span><span style=\"color: #93a1a1\">.</span><span style=\"color: #657b83\">platform)</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #859900\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #268bd2\">func</span><span style=\"color: #657b83\">(x</span><span style=\"color: #93a1a1\">=</span><span style=\"color: #2aa198\">42</span><span style=\"color: #657b83\">):</span>\n <span style=\"color: #657b83\">d</span> <span style=\"color: #93a1a1\">=</span> <span style=\"color: #657b83\">{</span><span style=\"color: #2aa198\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #657b83\">:</span> <span style=\"color: #2aa198\">True</span><span style=\"color: #657b83\">}</span>\n <span style=\"color: #859900\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #657b83\">d</span><span style=\"color: #93a1a1\">.</span><span style=\"color: #657b83\">get(</span><span style=\"color: #2aa198\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #657b83\">)</span> <span style=\"color: #859900\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #657b83\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #93a1a1; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #859900\">!</span><span style=\"color: #657b83\">[</span><span style=\"color: #268bd2\">env</span> <span style=\"color: #657b83\">| </span><span style=\"color: #268bd2\">uniq</span> <span style=\"color: #657b83\">| </span><span style=\"color: #268bd2\">sort</span> <span style=\"color: #657b83\">| </span><span style=\"color: #268bd2\">grep</span> PATH<span style=\"color: #657b83\">]</span>\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "stata", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #111111; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #353580; font-weight: bold\">import</span> sys\necho <span style=\"color: #7a2424\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #353580; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #353580; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">func</span>(x=<span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">42</span>):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #7a2424\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #353580; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #353580; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #7a2424\">"xonsh"</span>) and you\n\n<span style=\"color: #008800; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #353580; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[env |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span>uniq |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span>sort |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span>grep PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "stata-dark", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #232629; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #cccccc; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #7686bb; font-weight: bold\">import</span> sys\necho <span style=\"color: #51cc99\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #7686bb; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #7686bb; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #6a6aff\">func</span>(x=<span style=\"color: #4FB8CC\">42</span>):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #51cc99\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #7686bb; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #7686bb; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #51cc99\">"xonsh"</span>) and you\n\n<span style=\"color: #777777; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #7686bb; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[env |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span>uniq |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span>sort |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span>grep PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "stata-light", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #111111; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #353580; font-weight: bold\">import</span> sys\necho <span style=\"color: #7a2424\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #353580; font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #353580; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">func</span>(x=<span style=\"color: #2c2cff\">42</span>):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #7a2424\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #353580; font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #353580; font-weight: bold\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #7a2424\">"xonsh"</span>) and you\n\n<span style=\"color: #008800; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #353580; font-weight: bold\">!</span>[env |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span>uniq |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span>sort |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span>grep PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "tango", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #f8f8f8; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #070707; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #204a87; font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #000000\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #4e9a06\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #204a87; font-weight: bold\">@</span><span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">(</span><span style=\"color: #000000\">sys</span><span style=\"color: #ce5c00; font-weight: bold\">.</span><span style=\"color: #000000\">platform</span><span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">)</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #204a87; font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">func</span><span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">(</span><span style=\"color: #000000\">x</span><span style=\"color: #ce5c00; font-weight: bold\">=</span><span style=\"color: #0000cf; font-weight: bold\">42</span><span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">):</span>\n <span style=\"color: #000000\">d</span> <span style=\"color: #ce5c00; font-weight: bold\">=</span> <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">{</span><span style=\"color: #4e9a06\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">:</span> <span style=\"color: #204a87; font-weight: bold\">True</span><span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">}</span>\n <span style=\"color: #204a87; font-weight: bold\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">d</span><span style=\"color: #ce5c00; font-weight: bold\">.</span><span style=\"color: #000000\">get</span><span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">(</span><span style=\"color: #4e9a06\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">)</span> <span style=\"color: #204a87; font-weight: bold\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #8f5902; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #204a87; font-weight: bold\">!</span><span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">[</span><span style=\"color: #204a87\">env</span> <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">|</span><span style=\"color: #f8f8f8; text-decoration: underline\"> </span><span style=\"color: #204a87\">uniq</span> <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">|</span><span style=\"color: #f8f8f8; text-decoration: underline\"> </span><span style=\"color: #204a87\">sort</span> <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">|</span><span style=\"color: #f8f8f8; text-decoration: underline\"> </span><span style=\"color: #204a87\">grep</span> PATH<span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold\">]</span>\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "trac", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"font-weight: bold\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #555555\">sys</span>\necho <span style=\"color: #bb8844\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">@</span>(sys<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">.</span>platform)\n\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #990000; font-weight: bold\">func</span>(x<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">=</span><span style=\"color: #009999\">42</span>):\n d <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">=</span> {<span style=\"color: #bb8844\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">return</span> d<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">.</span>get(<span style=\"color: #bb8844\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #999988; font-style: italic\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #999999\">env</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #999999\">uniq</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #999999\">sort</span> |<span style=\"color: #bbbbbb\"> </span><span style=\"color: #999999\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "vim", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #000000; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #cccccc; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #cd00cd\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #cccccc\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #cccccc\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #cd0000\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #cdcd00\">@</span><span style=\"color: #cccccc\">(sys</span><span style=\"color: #3399cc\">.</span><span style=\"color: #cccccc\">platform)</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #cdcd00\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #cccccc\">func(x</span><span style=\"color: #3399cc\">=</span><span style=\"color: #cd00cd\">42</span><span style=\"color: #cccccc\">):</span>\n <span style=\"color: #cccccc\">d</span> <span style=\"color: #3399cc\">=</span> <span style=\"color: #cccccc\">{</span><span style=\"color: #cd0000\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #cccccc\">:</span> <span style=\"color: #cdcd00\">True</span><span style=\"color: #cccccc\">}</span>\n <span style=\"color: #cdcd00\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #cccccc\">d</span><span style=\"color: #3399cc\">.</span><span style=\"color: #cccccc\">get(</span><span style=\"color: #cd0000\">"xonsh"</span><span style=\"color: #cccccc\">)</span> <span style=\"color: #cdcd00\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #cccccc\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #000080\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #cdcd00\">!</span><span style=\"color: #cccccc\">[</span><span style=\"color: #cd00cd\">env</span> <span style=\"color: #cccccc\">| </span><span style=\"color: #cd00cd\">uniq</span> <span style=\"color: #cccccc\">| </span><span style=\"color: #cd00cd\">sort</span> <span style=\"color: #cccccc\">| </span><span style=\"color: #cd00cd\">grep</span> PATH<span style=\"color: #cccccc\">]</span>\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "vs", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #0000ff\">import</span> sys\necho <span style=\"color: #a31515\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #0000ff\">@</span>(sys.platform)\n\n<span style=\"color: #0000ff\">def</span> func(x=42):\n d = {<span style=\"color: #a31515\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #0000ff\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #0000ff\">return</span> d.get(<span style=\"color: #a31515\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #0000ff\">and</span> you\n\n<span style=\"color: #008000\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #0000ff\">!</span>[env | uniq | sort | grep PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
, { name = "xcode", display = "<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px\"><pre style=\"margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #000000; line-height: 125%; margin: 0;\"><span></span><code><span style=\"color: #A90D91\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">sys</span>\n<span style=\"color: #000000\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #C41A16\">"Welcome $USER on"</span> <span style=\"color: #A90D91\">@</span>(<span style=\"color: #000000\">sys.platform</span>)\n\n<span style=\"color: #A90D91\">def</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">func</span>(<span style=\"color: #000000\">x=</span><span style=\"color: #1C01CE\">42</span>):\n <span style=\"color: #000000\">d</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">=</span> {<span style=\"color: #C41A16\">"xonsh"</span>: <span style=\"color: #A90D91\">True</span>}\n <span style=\"color: #A90D91\">return</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">d.get</span>(<span style=\"color: #C41A16\">"xonsh"</span>) <span style=\"color: #000000\">and</span> <span style=\"color: #000000\">you</span>\n\n<span style=\"color: #177500\"># This is a comment</span>\n<span style=\"color: #A90D91\">!</span>[<span style=\"color: #A90D91\">env</span> | <span style=\"color: #A90D91\">uniq</span> | <span style=\"color: #A90D91\">sort</span> | <span style=\"color: #A90D91\">grep</span> PATH]\n</code></pre></div>" }
type alias XontribData =
{ name : String
, url : String
, license : String
, description : String
xontribs : List XontribData
xontribs =
[ { name = "abbrevs", url = "http://xon.sh", license = "BSD 3-clause", description = "<p>Adds <span class=\"docutils literal\">abbrevs</span> dictionary to hold user-defined command abbreviations. The dictionary is searched as you type and the matching words are replaced at the command line by the corresponding dictionary contents once you hit 'Space' or 'Return' key. For instance a frequently used command such as <span class=\"docutils literal\">git status</span> can be abbreviated to <span class=\"docutils literal\">gst</span> as follows:</p>\n<pre class=\"literal-block\">$ xontrib load abbrevs\n$ abbrevs['gst'] = 'git status'\n$ gst # Once you hit <space> or <return>, 'gst' gets expanded to 'git status'.</pre>" }
, { name = "apt_tabcomplete", url = "https://github.com/DangerOnTheRanger/xonsh-apt-tabcomplete", license = "BSD 2-clause", description = "<p>Adds tabcomplete functionality to apt-get/apt-cache inside of xonsh.</p>" }
, { name = "argcomplete", url = "https://github.com/anki-code/xontrib-argcomplete", license = "", description = "<p>Argcomplete support to tab completion of python and xonsh scripts in xonsh.</p>" }
, { name = "autojump", url = "https://github.com/wshanks/xontrib-autojump", license = "", description = "<p>autojump support for xonsh</p>" }
, { name = "autovox", url = "http://xon.sh", license = "BSD 3-clause", description = "<p>Manages automatic activation of virtual environments.</p>" }
, { name = "autoxsh", url = "https://github.com/Granitas/xonsh-autoxsh", license = "GPLv3", description = "<p>Adds automatic execution of xonsh script files called <span class=\"docutils literal\">.autoxsh</span> when enterting a directory with <span class=\"docutils literal\">cd</span> function</p>" }
, { name = "avox", url = "https://github.com/AstraLuma/xontrib-avox", license = "GPLv3", description = "<p>Automatic (de)activation of virtual environments as you cd around</p>" }
, { name = "bashisms", url = "http://xon.sh", license = "BSD 3-clause", description = "<p>Enables additional Bash-like syntax while at the command prompt. For example, the <span class=\"docutils literal\">!!</span> syntax for running the previous command is now usable. Note that these features are implemented as precommand events and these additions do not affect the xonsh language when run as script. That said, you might find them useful if you have strong muscle memory.</p>\n<p><strong>Warning:</strong> This xontrib may modify user command line input to implement its behavior. To see the modifications as they are applied (in unified diffformat), please set <span class=\"docutils literal\">$XONSH_DEBUG</span> to <span class=\"docutils literal\">2</span> or higher.</p>\n<p>The xontrib also adds commands: <span class=\"docutils literal\">alias</span>, <span class=\"docutils literal\">export</span>, <span class=\"docutils literal\">unset</span>, <span class=\"docutils literal\">set</span>, <span class=\"docutils literal\">shopt</span>, <span class=\"docutils literal\">complete</span>.</p>" }
, { name = "base16_shell", url = "https://github.com/ErickTucto/xontrib-base16-shell", license = "", description = "<p>Change base16 shell themes</p>" }
, { name = "coreutils", url = "http://xon.sh", license = "BSD 3-clause", description = "<p>Additional core utilities that are implemented in xonsh. The current list includes:</p>\n<ul class=\"simple\">\n<li><p>cat</p></li>\n<li><p>echo</p></li>\n<li><p>pwd</p></li>\n<li><p>tee</p></li>\n<li><p>tty</p></li>\n<li><p>yes</p></li>\n</ul>\n<p>In many cases, these may have a lower performance overhead than the posix command line utility with the same name. This is because these tools avoid the need for a full subprocess call. Additionally, these tools are cross-platform.</p>" }
, { name = "direnv", url = "https://github.com/74th/xonsh-direnv", license = "MIT", description = "<p>Supports direnv.</p>" }
, { name = "hist_navigator", url = "https://github.com/jnoortheen/xontrib-hist-navigator", license = "", description = "<p>Move through directory history with nextd and prevd also with keybindings.</p>" }
, { name = "distributed", url = "http://xon.sh", license = "BSD 3-clause", description = "<p>The distributed parallel computing library hooks for xonsh. Importantly this provides a substitute 'dworker' command which enables distributed workers to have access to xonsh builtins.</p>\n<p>Furthermore, this xontrib adds a 'DSubmitter' context manager for executing a block remotely. Moreover, this also adds a convenience function 'dsubmit()' for creating DSubmitter and Executor instances at the same time. Thus users may submit distributed jobs with:</p>\n<pre class=\"literal-block\">with dsubmit('', rtn='x') as dsub:\n x = $(echo I am elsewhere)\n\nres = dsub.future.result()\nprint(res)</pre>\n<p>This is useful for long running or non-blocking jobs.</p>" }
, { name = "docker_tabcomplete", url = "https://github.com/xsteadfastx/xonsh-docker-tabcomplete", license = "MIT", description = "<p>Adds tabcomplete functionality to docker inside of xonsh.</p>" }
, { name = "free_cwd", url = "http://xon.sh", license = "BSD 3-clause", description = "<p>Windows only xontrib, to release the lock on the current directory whenever the prompt is shown. Enabling this will allow the other programs or Windows Explorer to delete or rename the current or parent directories. Internally, it is accomplished by temporarily resetting CWD to the root drive folder while waiting at the prompt. This only works with the prompt_toolkit backend and can cause cause issues if any extensions are enabled that hook the prompt and relies on <span class=\"docutils literal\">os.getcwd()</span></p>" }
, { name = "fzf-widgets", url = "https://github.com/laloch/xontrib-fzf-widgets", license = "GPLv3", description = "<p>Adds some fzf widgets to your xonsh shell.</p>" }
, { name = "histcpy", url = "https://github.com/con-f-use/xontrib-histcpy", license = "GPLv3", description = "<p>Useful aliases and shortcuts for extracting links and textfrom command output history and putting them into the clipboard.</p>" }
, { name = "jedi", url = "http://xon.sh", license = "BSD 3-clause", description = "<p>Use Jedi as xonsh's python completer.</p>" }
, { name = "kitty", url = "https://github.com/scopatz/xontrib-kitty", license = "BSD-3-Clause", description = "<p>Xonsh hooks for the Kitty terminal emulator.</p>" }
, { name = "mpl", url = "http://xon.sh", license = "BSD 3-clause", description = "<p>Matplotlib hooks for xonsh, including the new 'mpl' alias that displays the current figure on the screen.</p>" }
, { name = "output_search", url = "https://github.com/anki-code/xontrib-output-search", license = "", description = "<p>Get identifiers, names, paths, URLs and words from the previous command output and use them for the next command.</p>" }
, { name = "onepath", url = "https://github.com/anki-code/xontrib-onepath", license = "", description = "<p>When you click to a file or folder in graphical OS they will be opened in associated app.The xontrib-onepath brings the same logic for the xonsh shell. Type the filename or pathwithout preceding command and an associated action will be executed. The actions are customizable.</p>" }
, { name = "pdb", url = "http://xon.sh", license = "BSD 3-clause", description = "<p>Simple built-in debugger. Runs pdb on reception of SIGUSR1 signal.</p>" }
, { name = "pipeliner", url = "https://github.com/anki-code/xontrib-pipeliner", license = "", description = "<p>Let your pipe lines flow thru the Python code in xonsh.</p>" }
, { name = "powerline", url = "https://github.com/santagada/xontrib-powerline", license = "MIT", description = "<p>Powerline for Xonsh shell</p>" }
, { name = "prompt_bar", url = "https://github.com/anki-code/xontrib-prompt-bar", license = "", description = "<p>An elegance bar style for prompt.</p>" }
, { name = "powerline-binding", url = "https://github.com/dyuri/xontrib-powerline-binding", license = "MIT", description = "<p>Uses powerline to render the xonsh prompt</p>" }
, { name = "prompt_ret_code", url = "http://xon.sh", license = "BSD 3-clause", description = "<p>Adds return code info to the prompt</p>" }
, { name = "prompt_vi_mode", url = "https://github.com/t184256/xontrib-prompt-vi-mode", license = "MIT", description = "<p>vi-mode status formatter for xonsh prompt</p>" }
, { name = "pyenv", url = "https://github.com/dyuri/xontrib-pyenv", license = "MIT", description = "<p>pyenv integration for xonsh.</p>" }
, { name = "readable-traceback", url = "https://github.com/6syun9/xontrib-readable-traceback", license = "MIT", description = "<p>Make traceback easier to see for xonsh.</p>" }
, { name = "schedule", url = "https://github.com/AstraLuma/xontrib-schedule", license = "MIT", description = "<p>Xonsh Task Scheduling</p>" }
, { name = "scrapy_tabcomplete", url = "https://github.com/Granitas/xonsh-scrapy-tabcomplete", license = "GPLv3", description = "<p>Adds tabcomplete functionality to scrapy inside of xonsh.</p>" }
, { name = "ssh_agent", url = "https://github.com/dyuri/xontrib-ssh-agent", license = "MIT", description = "<p>ssh-agent integration</p>" }
, { name = "vox", url = "http://xon.sh", license = "BSD 3-clause", description = "<p>Python virtual environment manager for xonsh.</p>" }
, { name = "vox_tabcomplete", url = "https://github.com/Granitosaurus/xonsh-vox-tabcomplete", license = "GPLv3", description = "<p>Adds tabcomplete functionality to vox inside of xonsh.</p>" }
, { name = "whole_word_jumping", url = "http://xon.sh", license = "BSD 3-clause", description = "<p>Jumping across whole words (non-whitespace) with Ctrl+Left/Right. Alt+Left/Right remains unmodified to jump over smaller word segments. Shift+Delete removes the whole word.</p>" }
, { name = "xo", url = "https://github.com/scopatz/xo", license = "WTFPL", description = "<p>Adds an 'xo' alias to run the exofrills text editor in the current Python interpreter session. This shaves off a bit of the startup time when running your favorite, minimal text editor.</p>" }
, { name = "xpg", url = "https://github.com/fengttt/xsh/tree/master/py", license = "Apache", description = "<p>Run/plot/explain sql query for PostgreSQL.</p>" }
, { name = "z", url = "https://github.com/AstraLuma/xontrib-z", license = "GPLv3", description = "<p>Tracks your most used directories, based on 'frecency'.</p>" }
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
"type": "application",
"source-directories": [
"elm-version": "0.19.0",
"dependencies": {
"direct": {
"elm/browser": "1.0.1",
"elm/core": "1.0.2",
"elm/html": "1.0.0",
"elm/http": "2.0.0",
"elm/json": "1.1.2",
"elm/url": "1.0.0",
"hecrj/html-parser": "2.3.4",
"rundis/elm-bootstrap": "5.2.0"
"indirect": {
"avh4/elm-color": "1.0.0",
"elm/bytes": "1.0.7",
"elm/file": "1.0.3",
"elm/parser": "1.1.0",
"elm/time": "1.0.0",
"elm/virtual-dom": "1.0.2",
"rtfeldman/elm-hex": "1.0.0"
"test-dependencies": {
"direct": {},
"indirect": {}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
"""functions to update rc files"""
import os
import typing as tp
RENDERERS: tp.List[tp.Callable] = []
def renderer(f):
"""Adds decorated function to renderers list."""
def prompt(config):
prompt = config.get("prompt")
if prompt:
yield f"$PROMPT = {prompt!r}"
def colors(config):
style = config.get("color")
if style:
yield f"$XONSH_COLOR_STYLE = {style!r}"
def xontribs(config):
xtribs = config.get("xontribs")
if xtribs:
yield "xontrib load " + " ".join(xtribs)
def config_to_xonsh(
config, prefix="# XONSH WEBCONFIG START", suffix="# XONSH WEBCONFIG END"
"""Turns config dict into xonsh code (str)."""
lines = [prefix]
for func in RENDERERS:
return "\n".join(lines)
def insert_into_xonshrc(
"""Places a config dict into the xonshrc."""
# get current contents
fname = os.path.expanduser(xonshrc)
if os.path.isfile(fname):
with open(fname) as f:
s = f.read()
before, _, s = s.partition(prefix)
_, _, after = s.partition(suffix)
before = after = ""
dname = os.path.dirname(fname)
if dname:
os.makedirs(dname, exist_ok=True)
# compute new values
new = config_to_xonsh(config, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)
# write out the file
with open(fname, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write(before + new + after)
return fname
@ -1,19 +1,32 @@
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Xonsh Web Config</title>
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<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Xonsh Web Config</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/js/bootstrap.min.css">
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<div id="elm"></div>
var app = Elm.Main.init({
node: document.getElementById('elm')
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
After Width: | Height: | Size: 340 KiB |
@ -1,103 +1,129 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import cgi
import contextlib
import json
import os
import socketserver
from http import server
from pprint import pprint
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import string
import sys
import typing as tp
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from http import server, HTTPStatus
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
from urllib import parse
from xonsh.built_ins import XSH
from xonsh.webconfig import tags as t
from xonsh.webconfig.file_writes import insert_into_xonshrc
from xonsh.webconfig.routes import Routes
RENDERERS: tp.List[tp.Callable] = []
def renderer(f):
"""Adds decorated function to renderers list."""
def prompt(config):
return ["$PROMPT = {!r}".format(config["prompt"])]
def colors(config):
style = config["colors"]
if style == "default":
return []
return [f"$XONSH_COLOR_STYLE = {style!r}"]
def xontribs(config):
xtribs = config["xontribs"]
if not xtribs:
return []
return ["xontrib load " + " ".join(xtribs)]
def config_to_xonsh(
config, prefix="# XONSH WEBCONFIG START", suffix="# XONSH WEBCONFIG END"
"""Turns config dict into xonsh code (str)."""
lines = [prefix]
for func in RENDERERS:
return "\n".join(lines)
def insert_into_xonshrc(
"""Places a config dict into the xonshrc."""
# get current contents
fname = os.path.expanduser(xonshrc)
if os.path.isfile(fname):
with open(fname) as f:
s = f.read()
before, _, s = s.partition(prefix)
_, _, after = s.partition(suffix)
before = after = ""
dname = os.path.dirname(fname)
if dname:
os.makedirs(dname, exist_ok=True)
# compute new values
new = config_to_xonsh(config, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)
# write out the file
with open(fname, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write(before + new + after)
return fname
class XonshConfigHTTPRequestHandler(server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def _set_headers(self):
self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
def _write_headers(self, *headers: "tuple[str, str]"):
for name, val in headers:
self.send_header(name, val)
def _write_data(self, data: "bytes|dict|str"):
if isinstance(data, bytes):
content_type = "text/html"
elif isinstance(data, dict):
content_type = "application/json"
data = json.dumps(data).encode()
content_type = "text/html"
data = str(data).encode()
("Content-type", content_type),
("Content-Length", str(len(data))),
def _send(
data: "bytes|dict|str|None" = None,
status: "None|int" = None,
redirect: "str|None" = None,
status = status or (HTTPStatus.FOUND if redirect else HTTPStatus.OK)
if data:
elif redirect:
("Location", redirect),
def _read(self):
content_len = int(self.headers.get("content-length", 0))
return self.rfile.read(content_len)
def render_get(self, route):
webconfig = Path(__file__).parent
except Exception:
# in case of thread missing __file__ definition
webconfig = Path.cwd()
path = webconfig / "index.html"
tmpl = string.Template(path.read_text())
navlinks = t.to_str(route.get_nav_links())
msgs = t.to_str(route.get_err_msgs())
body = t.to_str(route.get()) # type: ignore
data = tmpl.substitute(navlinks=navlinks, body=msgs + body)
return self._send(data)
def _get_route(self, method: str):
url = parse.urlparse(self.path)
route_cls = Routes.registry.get(url.path)
if route_cls and hasattr(route_cls, method):
params = parse.parse_qs(url.query)
return route_cls(url=url, params=params, xsh=XSH)
def do_GET(self) -> None:
route = self._get_route("get")
if route is not None:
return self.render_get(route)
return super().do_GET()
def _read_form(self):
ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.get("content-type"))
# if ctype == "multipart/form-data":
# postvars = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict)
if ctype == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
return parse.parse_qs(self._read(), keep_blank_values=True)
return {}
def do_POST(self):
"""Reads post request body"""
content_len = int(self.headers.get("content-length", 0))
post_body = self.rfile.read(content_len)
route = self._get_route("post")
if route is not None:
# redirect after form submission
data = cgi.FieldStorage(
environ={"REQUEST_METHOD": "POST"},
new_route = route.post(data) or route
return self._send(redirect=new_route.path)
post_body = self._read()
config = json.loads(post_body)
print("Web Config Values:")
fname = insert_into_xonshrc(config)
print("Wrote out to " + fname)
self.wfile.write(b"received post request:<br>" + post_body)
self._send(b"received post request:<br>" + post_body)
def make_parser():
p = ArgumentParser("xonfig web")
@ -106,27 +132,26 @@ def make_parser():
return p
def main(args=None):
p = make_parser()
ns = p.parse_args(args=args)
def bind_server_to(
port: int = 8421, handler_cls=XonshConfigHTTPRequestHandler, browser=False
cls = socketserver.TCPServer
# cls = socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer # required ctrl+c twice ?
webconfig_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if webconfig_dir:
cls.allow_reuse_address = True
port = 8421
Handler = XonshConfigHTTPRequestHandler
while port <= 9310:
with socketserver.TCPServer(("", port), Handler) as httpd:
url = f"http://localhost:{port}"
print(f"Web config started at '{url}'. Hit Crtl+C to stop.")
if ns.browser:
import webbrowser
cls.allow_reuse_address = True
httpd = cls(("", port), handler_cls)
url = f"http://localhost:{port}"
print(f"Web config started at '{url}'. Hit Crtl+C to stop.")
if browser:
import webbrowser
return httpd
except OSError:
type, value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
if "Address already in use" not in str(value):
@ -136,5 +161,28 @@ def main(args=None):
port += 1
def serve(browser=False):
httpd = bind_server_to(browser=browser)
with contextlib.suppress(KeyboardInterrupt):
with httpd:
def main(args=None):
from xonsh.main import setup
p = make_parser()
ns = p.parse_args(args=args)
webconfig_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if webconfig_dir:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# watchexec -r -e py -- python -m xonsh.webconfig --no-browser
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
import cgi
import inspect
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from xonsh.environ import Env
from .file_writes import insert_into_xonshrc
from ..built_ins import XonshSession
from typing import Type
import logging
from . import xonsh_data, tags as t
from urllib import parse
class Routes:
path: str
registry: "dict[str, Type[Routes]]" = {}
navbar = False
nav_title: "str|None" = None
err_msgs: "list" = []
"""session storage for error messages"""
def __init__(
url: "parse.ParseResult",
params: "dict[str, list[str]]",
xsh: "XonshSession",
self.url = url
self.params = params
self.env: "Env" = xsh.env
self.xsh = xsh
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
cls.registry[cls.path] = cls
def err(self, msg: str):
html = xonsh_data.rst_to_html(msg)
tree = t.etree.fromstring(html)
def get_nav_links(self):
for page in self.registry.values():
klass = []
if page.path == self.url.path:
title = page.nav_title() if callable(page.nav_title) else page.nav_title
if title:
yield t.nav_item(*klass)[
def get_err_msgs(self):
if not self.err_msgs:
for msg in self.err_msgs:
yield t.alert("alert-danger")[msg]
def get_sel_url(self, name):
params = parse.urlencode({"selected": name})
return self.path + "?" + params
def get_display(display):
display = t.etree.fromstring(display)
except Exception as ex:
logging.error(f"Failed to parse color-display {ex!r}. {display!r}")
display = t.pre()[display]
return display
def update_rc(self, **kwargs):
# todo: handle updates and deletion as well
class ColorsPage(Routes):
path = "/"
nav_title = "Colors"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.colors = dict(xonsh_data.render_colors())
self.var_name = "XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"
def to_card(self, name: str, display: str):
return t.card()[
t.a("stretched-link", href=self.get_sel_url(name))[name]
def get_cols(self):
for name, display in self.colors.items():
yield t.col_sm()[
self.to_card(name, display),
def _get_selected_header(self):
selected = self.params.get("selected")
current = self.env.get(self.var_name)
if selected and selected != current:
name = selected[0]
# update env-variable
form = t.inline_form(method="post")[
t.btn_primary("ml-2", "p-1", type="submit", name=self.var_name)[
f"Update ${self.var_name}",
return (f"Selected: {name}", form), name
return (f"Current: {current}",), current
def get_selected(self):
header, name = self._get_selected_header()
name = name if name in self.colors else "default"
display = self.colors[name]
card = t.card()[
return t.row()[
def get(self):
# banner
yield self.get_selected()
yield t.br()
yield t.br()
# rest
cols = list(self.get_cols())
yield t.row()[cols]
def post(self, _):
selected = self.params.get("selected")
if selected:
self.env[self.var_name] = selected[0]
class PromptsPage(Routes):
path = "/prompts"
nav_title = "Prompts"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
prompts = xonsh_data.render_prompts(self.env)
self.current = next(prompts)
self.prompts = dict(prompts)
self.var_name = "PROMPT"
# todo: support updating RIGHT_PROMPT, BOTTOM_TOOLBAR
def to_card(self, name: str, display: str):
return t.card()[
t.a("stretched-link", href=self.get_sel_url(name))[name]
def _get_selected_header(self):
ps_names = self.params.get("selected")
if ps_names:
name = ps_names[0]
if name in self.prompts:
return f"Selected: {name}", name
return "Current: ", None
def get_selected(self):
header, cur_sel = self._get_selected_header()
if cur_sel is None:
prompt = self.current["value"]
display = self.current["display"]
cont = self.prompts[cur_sel]
prompt: str = cont["value"]
display = cont["display"]
# update env-variable
txt_area = t.textarea(
card = t.card()[
"It is not a live preview. `Set` to get the updated view."
t.btn_primary("py-1", type="submit")[
return t.row()[
def get_cols(self):
for name, prompt in self.prompts.items():
yield t.row()[
self.to_card(name, prompt["display"]),
def get(self):
# banner
yield self.get_selected()
yield t.br()
yield t.br()
# rest
yield from self.get_cols()
def post(self, data: "cgi.FieldStorage"):
if data:
prompt = data.getvalue(self.var_name)
self.env[self.var_name] = prompt
class XontribsPage(Routes):
path = "/xontribs"
nav_title = "Xontribs"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.xontribs = dict(xonsh_data.render_xontribs())
def mod_name(name):
return f"xontrib.{name}"
def is_loaded(name):
return XontribsPage.mod_name(name) in sys.modules
def xontrib_card(self, name, data):
from xonsh.xontribs import find_xontrib
title = t.a(href=data["url"])[name]
if find_xontrib(name):
act_label = "Add"
if self.is_loaded(name):
act_label = "Remove"
action = t.inline_form(method="post")[
t.btn_primary("ml-2", "p-1", type="submit", name=name)[
title = title("stretched-link") # add class
action = ""
return t.card()[
t.card_header()[title, action],
def get(self):
for name, data in self.xontribs.items():
yield t.row()[
self.xontrib_card(name, data),
yield t.br()
def post(self, data: "cgi.FieldStorage"):
if not data.keys():
name = data.keys()[0]
if self.is_loaded(name):
# todo: update rc file
del sys.modules[self.mod_name(name)]
from xonsh.xontribs import xontribs_load
_, err, _ = xontribs_load([name])
if err:
class EnvVariablesPage(Routes):
path = "/vars"
nav_title = "Variables"
def get_header(self):
yield t.tr()[
def get_rows(self):
for name in sorted(self.env.keys()):
if not self.env.is_configurable(name):
value = self.env[name]
envvar = self.env.get_docs(name)
html = xonsh_data.rst_to_html(envvar.doc)
yield t.tr()[
def get_table(self):
rows = list(self.get_rows())
yield t.tbl("table-striped")[
def get(self):
yield t.div("table-responsive")[self.get_table()]
class AliasesPage(Routes):
path = "/alias"
nav_title = "Aliases"
def get_header(self):
yield t.tr()[
def get_rows(self):
if not self.xsh.aliases:
for name in sorted(self.xsh.aliases.keys()):
alias = self.xsh.aliases[name]
if callable(alias):
# todo:
# 1. do not edit default aliases as well
# 2. way to update string aliases
yield t.tr()[
def get_table(self):
rows = list(self.get_rows())
yield t.tbl("table-sm", "table-striped")[
def get(self):
yield t.div("table-responsive")[self.get_table()]
class AbbrevsPage(Routes):
path = "/abbrevs"
mod_name = XontribsPage.mod_name("abbrevs")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# lazy import as to not load by accident
from xontrib.abbrevs import abbrevs # type: ignore
self.abbrevs: "dict[str, str]" = abbrevs
def nav_title(cls):
if cls.mod_name in sys.modules:
return "Abbrevs"
def get_header(self):
yield t.tr()[
def get_rows(self):
for name in sorted(self.abbrevs.keys()):
alias = self.abbrevs[name]
if callable(alias):
display = inspect.getsource(alias)
display = str(alias)
# todo:
# 2. way to update
yield t.tr()[
def get_table(self):
rows = list(self.get_rows())
yield t.tbl("table-sm", "table-striped")[
def get(self):
yield t.div("table-responsive")[self.get_table()]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Iterable
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from functools import partial
class Elem(etree.Element):
def __init__(
tag: "str",
*cls: str,
**kwargs: "str",
self.set_attrib(*cls, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, item: "int|str|Elem|Iterable[Elem]"): # type: ignore
"""nice sub-tree"""
if isinstance(item, int):
return super().__getitem__(item)
if isinstance(item, str):
self.text = (self.text or "") + item
elif isinstance(item, etree.Element):
for ele in item:
_ = self[ele] # recursive call
except Exception as ex:
f"Failed to append to node list. {ex!r} : {item!r}>{ele!r} : {self.to_str()!r}"
return self
def set_attrib(self, *cls: str, **kwargs: str):
klass = " ".join(cls)
classes = [klass, self.attrib.pop("class", "")]
cls_str = " ".join(filter(None, classes))
if cls_str:
self.attrib["class"] = cls_str
def __call__(self, *cls: str, **kwargs: str):
self.set_attrib(*cls, **kwargs)
return self
def to_str(self) -> bytes:
return etree.tostring(self)
div = partial(Elem, "div")
row = partial(div, "row")
col = partial(div, "col")
col_sm = partial(div, "col-sm")
col_md = partial(div, "col-md")
alert = partial(div, "alert", role="alert")
br = partial(Elem, "br")
h3 = partial(Elem, "h3")
h4 = partial(Elem, "h4")
h5 = partial(Elem, "h5")
card_title = partial(h5, "card-title")
li = partial(Elem, "li")
nav_item = partial(li, "nav-item")
p = partial(Elem, "p")
small = partial(Elem, "small")
pre = partial(Elem, "pre")
code = partial(Elem, "code")
a = partial(Elem, "a")
nav_link = partial(a, "nav-link")
form = partial(Elem, "form")
inline_form = partial(form, "d-inline")
card = partial(div, "card")
card_header = partial(div, "card-header")
card_body = partial(div, "card-body")
card_text = partial(div, "card-text")
card_footer = partial(div, "card-footer")
textarea = partial(Elem, "textarea")
table = partial(Elem, "table")
tbl = partial(table, "table") # bootstrap table
tr = partial(Elem, "tr")
th = partial(Elem, "th")
td = partial(Elem, "td")
btn = partial(Elem, "button", "btn", type="button")
btn_primary = partial(btn, "btn-primary")
btn_primary_sm = partial(btn_primary, "btn-sm")
def to_pretty(txt: str):
import xml.dom.minidom
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(txt)
txt = dom.toprettyxml()
return "".join(txt.splitlines(keepends=True)[1:])
def to_str(elems: "Iterable[Elem]|Elem", debug=False) -> str:
def _to_str():
if isinstance(elems, etree.Element):
yield etree.tostring(elems)
for idx, el in enumerate(elems):
yield etree.tostring(el)
except Exception:
f"Failed to serialize {el!r}. ({elems!r}.{idx!r})",
txt = b"".join(_to_str()).decode()
if debug:
txt = to_pretty(txt)
return txt
if __name__ == "__main__":
nav = nav_item()[
gen = to_str(nav, debug=True)
assert gen.splitlines() == [
'<li class="nav-item">',
'\t<a class="nav-link" href="/">Colors</a>',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
"""script for compiling elm source and dumping it to the js folder."""
import functools
import io
import logging
import pygments
from xonsh.color_tools import rgb_to_ints
from xonsh.prompt.base import PromptFormatter, default_prompt
from xonsh.pyghooks import (
from xonsh.pygments_cache import get_all_styles
from xonsh.style_tools import partial_color_tokenize
from xonsh.xontribs_meta import get_xontribs, Xontrib
# helper funcs
def get_rst_formatter(**kwargs):
from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter
from pygments.lexers.markup import RstLexer
return RstLexer(), HtmlFormatter(**kwargs)
def escape(s):
return s.replace(r"\n", "<br/>")
def invert_color(orig):
r, g, b = rgb_to_ints(orig)
inverted = [255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b]
new = [hex(n)[2:] for n in inverted]
new = [n if len(n) == 2 else "0" + n for n in new]
return "".join(new)
def html_format(s, style="default"):
buf = io.StringIO()
proxy_style = xonsh_style_proxy(XonshStyle(style))
# make sure we have a foreground color
fgcolor = proxy_style._styles[Token.Text][0]
if not fgcolor:
fgcolor = invert_color(proxy_style.background_color[1:].strip("#"))
# need to generate stream before creating formatter so that all tokens actually exist
if isinstance(s, str):
token_stream = partial_color_tokenize(s)
token_stream = s
formatter = XonshHtmlFormatter(
prestyles="margin: 0em; padding: 0.5em 0.1em; color: #" + fgcolor,
cssstyles="border-style: solid; border-radius: 5px",
formatter.format(token_stream, buf)
return buf.getvalue()
def rst_to_html(text):
from pygments import highlight
lexer, formatter = get_rst_formatter(
cssstyles="background: transparent",
style="monokai", # a dark bg style
return highlight(text, lexer, formatter)
except ImportError:
return text
# render prompts
def get_named_prompts():
return [
("debian chroot", "{BOLD_GREEN}{user}@{hostname}{BOLD_BLUE} {cwd}{RESET}> "),
("minimalist", "{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd_base}{RESET} ) "),
"{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}|{gitstatus}\\n{BOLD_INTENSE_RED}➤{RESET} ",
"default with git status",
"{env_name}{BOLD_GREEN}{user}@{hostname}{BOLD_BLUE} {cwd}"
"{branch_color}{gitstatus: {}}{RESET} {BOLD_BLUE}"
"{prompt_end}{RESET} ",
("robbyrussell", "{BOLD_INTENSE_RED}➜ {CYAN}{cwd_base} {gitstatus}{RESET} "),
("just a dollar", "$ "),
"simple pythonista",
"{INTENSE_RED}{user}{RESET} at {INTENSE_PURPLE}{hostname}{RESET} "
"in {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}\\n↪ ",
"[{localtime}] {YELLOW}{env_name} {BOLD_BLUE}{user}@{hostname} "
"{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd} {gitstatus}{RESET}\\n> ",
"informative Version Control",
"{YELLOW}{env_name} " "{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd} {gitstatus}{RESET} {prompt_end} ",
("classic", "{user}@{hostname} {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}> "),
"classic with git status",
"{gitstatus} {RESET}{user}@{hostname} {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}> ",
("screen savvy", "{YELLOW}{user}@{PURPLE}{hostname}{BOLD_GREEN}{cwd}{RESET}> "),
"❰{INTENSE_GREEN}{user}{RESET}❙{YELLOW}{cwd}{RESET}{env_name}❱{gitstatus}≻ ",
"\\n{INTENSE_GREEN}╰─>{INTENSE_RED}{prompt_end}{RESET} ",
def get_initial(env, prompt_format, fields):
template = env.get_stringified("PROMPT")
return {
"value": template,
"display": escape(html_format(prompt_format(template, fields=fields))),
def render_prompts(env):
prompt_format = PromptFormatter()
fields = dict(env.get("PROMPT_FIELDS") or {})
env_name=fields["env_prefix"] + "env" + fields["env_postfix"],
yield get_initial(env, prompt_format, fields)
for name, template in get_named_prompts():
display = html_format(prompt_format(template, fields=fields))
yield name, {
"value": template,
"display": escape(display),
def render_colors():
source = (
"import sys\n"
'echo "Welcome $USER on" @(sys.platform)\n\n'
"def func(x=42):\n"
' d = {"xonsh": True}\n'
' return d.get("xonsh") and you\n\n'
"# This is a comment\n"
"![env | uniq | sort | grep PATH]\n"
lexer = XonshLexer()
token_stream = list(pygments.lex(source, lexer=lexer))
token_stream = [(t, s.replace("\n", "\\n")) for t, s in token_stream]
styles = sorted(get_all_styles())
styles.insert(0, styles.pop(styles.index("default")))
for style in styles:
display = html_format(token_stream, style=style)
except Exception as ex:
f"Failed to format Xonsh code {ex!r}. {style!r}", exc_info=True
display = source
yield style, escape(display)
def format_xontrib(xontrib: Xontrib):
return {
"url": xontrib.url,
"license": xontrib.package.license if xontrib.package else "",
"display": escape(rst_to_html(xontrib.description)),
def render_xontribs():
md = get_xontribs()
for xontrib_name, xontrib in md.items():
yield xontrib_name, format_xontrib(xontrib)
@ -698,13 +698,13 @@ def _web(
browser : --nb, --no-browser
browser : --nb, --no-browser, -n
don't open browser
import subprocess
from xonsh.webconfig import main
subprocess.run([sys.executable, "-m", "xonsh.webconfig"] + _args[1:])
def _jupyter_kernel(
@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ class XonfigAlias(ArgParserAlias):
return parser
xonfig_main = XonfigAlias()
xonfig_main = XonfigAlias(threadable=False)
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def prompt_xontrib_install(names: tp.List[str]):
if xontrib.package:
return (
"The following xontribs are enabled but not installed: \n"
" {xontribs}\n"
"To install them run \n"
@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ def xontribs_load(
ctx = XSH.ctx
res = ExitCode.OK
stdout = None
stderr = None
for name in names:
if verbose:
print(f"loading xontrib {name!r}")
@ -120,9 +122,9 @@ def xontribs_load(
print_exception(f"Failed to load xontrib {name}.")
if hasattr(update_context, "bad_imports"):
res = ExitCode.NOT_FOUND
prompt_xontrib_install(update_context.bad_imports) # type: ignore
stderr = prompt_xontrib_install(update_context.bad_imports) # type: ignore
del update_context.bad_imports # type: ignore
return res
return stdout, stderr, res
def xontrib_installed(names: tp.Set[str]):
Add table
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