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This commit is contained in:
Anthony Scopatz 2015-01-24 16:31:11 -06:00
parent 76ff3c0911
commit 264c9ba8f2

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@ -75,11 +75,21 @@ class Parser(object):
for rule in opt_rules:
list_rules = (
@ -90,6 +100,12 @@ class Parser(object):
for rule in list_rules:
@ -542,75 +558,132 @@ class Parser(object):
p[0] = p[1]
def p_elif_part(self, p):
"""elif_part : ELIF test COLON suite"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_else_part(self, p):
"""else_part : ELSE COLON suite"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_if_stmt(self, p):
"""if_stmt : IF test COLON suite (ELIF test COLON suite)* [ELSE COLON suite]
"""if_stmt : IF test COLON suite elif_part_list_opt else_part_opt
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_while_stmt(self, p):
"""while_stmt : WHILE test COLON suite [ELSE COLON suite]"""
"""while_stmt : WHILE test COLON suite else_part_opt"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_for_stmt(self, p):
"""for_stmt : FOR exprlist IN testlist COLON suite [ELSE COLON suite]
"""for_stmt : FOR exprlist IN testlist COLON suite else_part_opt
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_except_part(self, p):
"""except_part : except_clause COLON suite"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_finally_part(self, p):
"""finally_part : FINALLY COLON suite"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_try_stmt(self, p):
"""try_stmt : (TRY COLON suite ((except_clause COLON suite)+ [ELSE COLON suite] [FINALLY COLON suite] | FINALLY COLON suite))
"""try_stmt : TRY COLON suite except_part_list else_part_opt finally_part_opt
| TRY COLON suite finally_part
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_with_stmt(self, p):
"""with_stmt : WITH with_item (COMMA with_item)* COLON suite"""
"""with_stmt : WITH with_item comma_with_item_list_opt COLON suite"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_as_expr(self, p):
"""as_expr : AS expr"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_with_item(self, p):
"""with_item : test [AS expr]"""
"""with_item : test as_expr_opt"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_comma_with_item(self, p):
"""comma_with_item : COMMA with_item"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_except_clause(self, p):
"""except_clause : EXCEPT [test [AS NAME]]"""
"""except_clause : EXCEPT
| EXCEPT test as_name_opt
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_suite(self, p):
"""suite : simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ DEDENT"""
"""suite : simple_stmt
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_test(self, p):
"""test : or_test [IF or_test ELSE test] | lambdef"""
"""test : or_test
| or_test IF or_test ELSE test
| lambdef
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_test_nocond(self, p):
"""test_nocond : or_test | lambdef_nocond"""
"""test_nocond : or_test
| lambdef_nocond
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_lambdef(self, p):
"""lambdef : LAMBDA [varargslist] COLON test"""
"""lambdef : LAMBDA varargslist_opt COLON test"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_lambdef_nocond(self, p):
"""lambdef_nocond : LAMBDA [varargslist] COLON test_nocond"""
"""lambdef_nocond : LAMBDA varargslist_opt COLON test_nocond"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_or_test(self, p):
"""or_test : and_test (OR and_test)*"""
"""or_test : and_test or_and_test_list_opt"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_or_and_test(self, p):
"""or_and_test : OR and_test"""
p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
def p_and_test(self, p):
"""and_test : not_test (AND not_test)*"""
"""and_test : not_test and_not_test_list_opt"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_and_not_test(self, p):
"""and_not_test : AND not_test"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_not_test(self, p):
"""not_test : NOT not_test | comparison"""
"""not_test : NOT not_test
| comparison
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_comparison(self, p):
"""comparison : expr (comp_op expr)*"""
"""comparison : expr comp_op_expr_list_opt"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_comp_op_expr(self, p):
"""comp_op_expr : comp_op expr"""
p[0] = p[1:]
def p_comp_op(self, p):
"""comp_op : LT | GT | EQ | GE | LE | NE | IN | NOT IN | IS | IS NOT
"""comp_op : LT
| GT
| EQ
| GE
| LE
| NE
| IN
| IS
p[0] = p[1:]