Pin to conda=4.5.11

This commit is contained in:
Anthony Scopatz 2019-01-28 22:15:17 -05:00
parent 4adb4cda8d
commit 2ee9bf8ee7

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ jobs:
# Create and activate a Conda environment.
- task: CondaEnvironment@1
packageSpecs: 'python=$(python.version) pygments prompt_toolkit ply pytest pytest-timeout numpy psutil matplotlib flake8 coverage pyflakes pytest-cov pytest-flake8 codecov'
packageSpecs: 'python=$(python.version) conda=4.5.11 pygments prompt_toolkit ply pytest pytest-timeout numpy psutil matplotlib flake8 coverage pyflakes pytest-cov pytest-flake8 codecov'
installOptions: '-c conda-forge/label/cf201901'
updateConda: true
condition: eq(variables['python.version'], '3.5')