Make gitstatus prompt field values None when there is no git repo (#4920)

Make gitstatus prompt fields None when there is no git repo
This commit is contained in:
Peter Ye 2022-08-17 00:38:02 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6fa83f8305
commit 588881803c
Failed to generate hash of commit
3 changed files with 85 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* <news item>
* When there is no git repository, the values of all ``gitstatus`` prompt fields are now ``None``.
* <news item>
* <news item>
* When there is no git repository, ``$PROMPT`` format strings like ``{gitstatus: hello {}}`` now work as expected.
* <news item>

View file

@ -79,19 +79,14 @@ def test_gitstatus_clean(prompts, fake_proc):
def test_no_git(prompts, fake_process, tmp_path):
err = b"fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git"
for cmd in (
"git status --porcelain --branch",
"git rev-parse --git-dir",
"git diff --numstat",
command="git rev-parse --git-dir", stderr=err, returncode=128
exp = ""
assert prompts.pick_val("gitstatus.repo_path") == ""
assert format(prompts.pick("gitstatus")) == exp
assert _format_value(prompts.pick("gitstatus"), None, None) == exp
assert _format_value(prompts.pick("gitstatus"), "{}", None) == exp
# test that all gitstatus fields (gitstatus, gitstatus.branch,
# gitstatus.porceclain, etc) are None and are formatted correctly in a
# format string like {gitstatus: hello {}}
for field in prompts.get_fields(gitstatus):
assert prompts.pick_val(field) is None
assert _format_value(prompts.pick(field), None, None) == ""
assert _format_value(prompts.pick(field), "hello {}", None) == ""

View file

@ -92,12 +92,48 @@ def _get_sp_output(xsh, *args: str, **kwargs) -> str:
return out
class _GSField(PromptField):
class _GitDir(PromptField):
_cwd = ""
def update(self, ctx):
# call the subprocess only if cwd changed
# or if value is None (in case `git init` was run)
from xonsh.dirstack import _get_cwd
cwd = _get_cwd()
if cwd != self._cwd or self.value is None:
self._cwd = cwd
self.value = _get_sp_output(
ctx.xsh, "git", "rev-parse", "--git-dir"
if self.value == "":
self.value = None
repo_path = _GitDir()
def inside_repo(ctx):
return ctx.pick_val(repo_path) is not None
class GitStatusPromptField(PromptField):
"""Only calls the updator if we are inside a git repository"""
def update(self, ctx):
if inside_repo(ctx):
if self.updator:
self.updator(self, ctx)
self.value = None
class _GSField(GitStatusPromptField):
"""wrap output from git command to value"""
_args: "tuple[str, ...]" = ()
def update(self, ctx):
def updator(self, ctx):
self.value = _get_sp_output(ctx.xsh, *self._args).strip()
@ -105,7 +141,7 @@ short_head = _GSField(prefix=":", _args=("git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"))
tag = _GSField(_args=("git", "describe", "--always"))
def tag_or_hash(fld: PromptField, ctx):
fld.value = ctx.pick(tag) or ctx.pick(short_head)
@ -116,23 +152,6 @@ def _parse_int(val: str, default=0):
return default
class _GitDir(_GSField):
_args = ("git", "rev-parse", "--git-dir")
_cwd = ""
def update(self, ctx):
# call the subprocess only if cwd changed
from xonsh.dirstack import _get_cwd
cwd = _get_cwd()
if cwd != self._cwd:
self._cwd = cwd
repo_path = _GitDir()
def get_stash_count(gitdir: str):
"""Get git-stash count"""
with contextlib.suppress(OSError):
@ -141,7 +160,7 @@ def get_stash_count(gitdir: str):
return 0
def stash_count(fld: PromptField, ctx: PromptFields):
fld.value = get_stash_count(ctx.pick_val(repo_path))
@ -160,7 +179,7 @@ def get_operations(gitdir: str):
yield name
@PromptField.wrap(prefix="{CYAN}", separator="|")
@GitStatusPromptField.wrap(prefix="{CYAN}", separator="|")
def operations(fld, ctx: PromptFields) -> None:
gitdir = ctx.pick_val(repo_path)
op = fld.separator.join(get_operations(gitdir))
@ -170,7 +189,7 @@ def operations(fld, ctx: PromptFields) -> None:
fld.value = ""
def porcelain(fld, ctx: PromptFields):
"""Return parsed values from ``git status --porcelain``"""
@ -228,7 +247,7 @@ def get_gitstatus_info(fld: "_GSInfo", ctx: PromptFields) -> None:
fld.value = info[]
class _GSInfo(PromptField):
class _GSInfo(GitStatusPromptField):
info: str
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
@ -246,7 +265,7 @@ conflicts = _GSInfo(prefix="{RED}×", suffix="{RESET}", info="conflicts")
staged = _GSInfo(prefix="{RED}", suffix="{RESET}", info="staged")
def numstat(fld, ctx):
changed = _get_sp_output(ctx.xsh, "git", "diff", "--numstat")
@ -262,17 +281,17 @@ def numstat(fld, ctx):
fld.value = (insert, delete)
@PromptField.wrap(prefix="{BLUE}+", suffix="{RESET}")
@GitStatusPromptField.wrap(prefix="{BLUE}+", suffix="{RESET}")
def lines_added(fld: PromptField, ctx: PromptFields):
fld.value = ctx.pick_val(numstat)[0]
@PromptField.wrap(prefix="{RED}-", suffix="{RESET}")
@GitStatusPromptField.wrap(prefix="{RED}-", suffix="{RESET}")
def lines_removed(fld: PromptField, ctx):
fld.value = ctx.pick_val(numstat)[-1]
@PromptField.wrap(prefix="{BOLD_GREEN}", suffix="{RESET}", symbol="")
@GitStatusPromptField.wrap(prefix="{BOLD_GREEN}", suffix="{RESET}", symbol="")
def clean(fld, ctx):
changes = sum(
@ -319,11 +338,11 @@ class GitStatus(MultiPromptField):
yield frag
def _collect(self, ctx):
if not ctx.pick_val(repo_path):
# no need to display any other fragments
yield from super()._collect(ctx)
def update(self, ctx):
if inside_repo(ctx):
self.value = None
gitstatus = GitStatus()