test_tools repair

This commit is contained in:
laerus 2016-06-30 23:00:00 +03:00
parent 1527ba6728
commit 6476c8491a

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@ -310,7 +310,6 @@ def test_subproc_toks_pyeval_redirect():
assert (exp == obs)
<<<<<<< HEAD
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, exp', [
('f(x.', 'x.'),
('f(1,x.', 'x.'),
@ -479,170 +478,141 @@ def test_is_string_seq_false():
def test_is_nonstring_seq_of_strings_true():
assert is_nonstring_seq_of_strings(['42.0'])
<<<<<<< HEAD
def test_is_nonstring_seq_of_strings_true():
assert not is_nonstring_seq_of_strings([42.0])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, exp', [
('', []),
('a', ['a']),
(os.pathsep.join(['a', 'b']), ['a', 'b']),
(os.pathsep.join(['a', 'b', 'c']), ['a', 'b', 'c']),
def test_pathsep_to_seq():
cases = [
('', []),
('a', ['a']),
(os.pathsep.join(['a', 'b']), ['a', 'b']),
(os.pathsep.join(['a', 'b', 'c']), ['a', 'b', 'c']),
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = pathsep_to_seq(inp)
assert exp == obs
obs = pathsep_to_seq(inp)
assert exp == obs
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, exp', [
([], ''),
(['a'], 'a'),
(['a', 'b'], os.pathsep.join(['a', 'b'])),
(['a', 'b', 'c'], os.pathsep.join(['a', 'b', 'c'])),
def test_seq_to_pathsep():
cases = [
([], ''),
(['a'], 'a'),
(['a', 'b'], os.pathsep.join(['a', 'b'])),
(['a', 'b', 'c'], os.pathsep.join(['a', 'b', 'c'])),
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = seq_to_pathsep(inp)
assert exp == obs
obs = seq_to_pathsep(inp)
assert exp == obs
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, exp', [
('', []),
('a', ['A']),
(os.pathsep.join(['a', 'B']), ['A', 'B']),
(os.pathsep.join(['A', 'b', 'c']), ['A', 'B', 'C']),
def test_pathsep_to_upper_seq():
cases = [
('', []),
('a', ['A']),
(os.pathsep.join(['a', 'B']), ['A', 'B']),
(os.pathsep.join(['A', 'b', 'c']), ['A', 'B', 'C']),
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = pathsep_to_upper_seq(inp)
assert exp == obs
obs = pathsep_to_upper_seq(inp)
assert exp == obs
def test_seq_to_upper_pathsep():
cases = [
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, exp', [
([], ''),
(['a'], 'A'),
(['a', 'b'], os.pathsep.join(['A', 'B'])),
(['a', 'B', 'c'], os.pathsep.join(['A', 'B', 'C'])),
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = seq_to_upper_pathsep(inp)
assert exp == obs
def test_seq_to_upper_pathsep():
obs = seq_to_upper_pathsep(inp)
assert exp == obs
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, exp', [
('/home/wakka', False),
(['/home/jawaka'], False),
(EnvPath(['/home/jawaka']), True),
(EnvPath(['jawaka']), True),
(EnvPath(b'jawaka:wakka'), True),
def test_is_env_path():
cases = [
('/home/wakka', False),
(['/home/jawaka'], False),
(EnvPath(['/home/jawaka']), True),
(EnvPath(['jawaka']), True),
(EnvPath(b'jawaka:wakka'), True),
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = is_env_path(inp)
assert exp == obs
obs = is_env_path(inp)
assert exp == obs
def test_str_to_env_path():
cases = [
('/home/wakka', ['/home/wakka']),
('/home/wakka' + os.pathsep + '/home/jawaka',
['/home/wakka', '/home/jawaka']),
(b'/home/wakka', ['/home/wakka']),
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = str_to_env_path(inp)
assert exp == obs.paths
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, exp', [
('/home/wakka', ['/home/wakka']),
('/home/wakka' + os.pathsep + '/home/jawaka',
['/home/wakka', '/home/jawaka']),
(b'/home/wakka', ['/home/wakka']),
def test_str_to_env_path(inp, exp):
obs = str_to_env_path(inp)
assert exp == obs.paths
def test_env_path_to_str():
cases = [
(['/home/wakka'], '/home/wakka'),
(['/home/wakka', '/home/jawaka'],
'/home/wakka' + os.pathsep + '/home/jawaka'),
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = env_path_to_str(inp)
assert exp == obs
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, exp', [
(['/home/wakka'], '/home/wakka'),
(['/home/wakka', '/home/jawaka'],
'/home/wakka' + os.pathsep + '/home/jawaka'),
def test_env_path_to_str(inp, exp):
obs = env_path_to_str(inp)
assert exp == obs
def test_env_path():
def expand(path):
return os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(path))
# helper
def expand(path):
return os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(path))
getitem_cases = [
('xonsh_dir', 'xonsh_dir'),
('.', '.'),
('../', '../'),
('~/', '~/'),
(b'~/../', '~/../'),
with mock_xonsh_env(TOOLS_ENV):
for inp, exp in getitem_cases:
obs = EnvPath(inp)[0] # call to __getitem__
assert expand(exp) == obs
@pytest.mark.parametrize('env', [TOOLS_ENV, ENCODE_ENV_ONLY])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, exp', [
('xonsh_dir', 'xonsh_dir'),
('.', '.'),
('../', '../'),
('~/', '~/'),
(b'~/../', '~/../'),
def test_env_path_getitem(inp, exp, xonsh_builtins, env):
print("ENV:", env)
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__ = env
obs = EnvPath(inp)[0] # call to __getitem__
assert expand(exp) == obs
with mock_xonsh_env(ENCODE_ENV_ONLY):
for inp, exp in getitem_cases:
obs = EnvPath(inp)[0] # call to __getitem__
assert exp == obs
@pytest.mark.parametrize('env', [TOOLS_ENV, ENCODE_ENV_ONLY])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, exp', [
(os.pathsep.join(['xonsh_dir', '../', '.', '~/']),
['xonsh_dir', '../', '.', '~/']),
('/home/wakka' + os.pathsep + '/home/jakka' + os.pathsep + '~/',
['/home/wakka', '/home/jakka', '~/'])
def test_env_path_multipath(inp, exp, xonsh_builtins, env):
# cases that involve path-separated strings
multipath_cases = [
(os.pathsep.join(['xonsh_dir', '../', '.', '~/']),
['xonsh_dir', '../', '.', '~/']),
('/home/wakka' + os.pathsep + '/home/jakka' + os.pathsep + '~/',
['/home/wakka', '/home/jakka', '~/'])
with mock_xonsh_env(TOOLS_ENV):
for inp, exp in multipath_cases:
obs = [i for i in EnvPath(inp)]
assert [expand(i) for i in exp] == obs
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__ = env
if env == TOOLS_ENV:
obs = [i for i in EnvPath(inp)]
assert [expand(i) for i in exp] == obs
obs = [i for i in EnvPath(inp)]
assert [i for i in exp] == obs
with mock_xonsh_env(ENCODE_ENV_ONLY):
for inp, exp in multipath_cases:
obs = [i for i in EnvPath(inp)]
assert [i for i in exp] == obs
# cases that involve pathlib.Path objects
pathlib_cases = [
(pathlib.Path('/home/wakka'), ['/home/wakka'.replace('/', os.sep)]),
(pathlib.Path('~/'), ['~']),
(pathlib.Path('.'), ['.']),
(['/home/wakka', pathlib.Path('/home/jakka'), '~/'],
['/home/wakka', '/home/jakka'.replace('/', os.sep), '~/']),
(['/home/wakka', pathlib.Path('../'), '../'],
['/home/wakka', '..', '../']),
(['/home/wakka', pathlib.Path('~/'), '~/'],
['/home/wakka', '~', '~/']),
with mock_xonsh_env(TOOLS_ENV):
for inp, exp in pathlib_cases:
# iterate over EnvPath to acquire all expanded paths
obs = [i for i in EnvPath(inp)]
assert [expand(i) for i in exp] == obs
def test_env_path_slices():
# build os-dependent paths properly
def mkpath(*paths):
return os.sep + os.sep.join(paths)
# get all except the last element in a slice
slice_last = [
([mkpath('home', 'wakka'),
mkpath('home', 'jakka'),
mkpath('home', 'yakka')],
[mkpath('home', 'wakka'),
mkpath('home', 'jakka')])]
for inp, exp in slice_last:
obs = EnvPath(inp)[:-1]
assert exp == obs
>>>>>>> master
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, exp', [
(pathlib.Path('/home/wakka'), ['/home/wakka'.replace('/',os.sep)]),
(pathlib.Path('~/'), ['~']),
(pathlib.Path('.'), ['.']),
(['/home/wakka', pathlib.Path('/home/jakka'), '~/'],
['/home/wakka', '/home/jakka'.replace('/',os.sep), '~/']),
(['/home/wakka', pathlib.Path('../'), '../'],
['/home/wakka', '..', '../']),
(['/home/wakka', pathlib.Path('~/'), '~/'],
['/home/wakka', '~', '~/']),
def test_env_path_with_pathlib_path_objects(inp, exp, xonsh_builtins):
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__ = TOOLS_ENV
# iterate over EnvPath to acquire all expanded paths
obs = [i for i in EnvPath(inp)]
assert [expand(i) for i in exp] == obs
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp', ['42.0', [42.0]] )
def test_is_nonstring_seq_of_strings_false(inp):
@ -794,7 +764,7 @@ def mkpath(*paths):
[mkpath('home', 'wakka'),
mkpath('home', 'jakka')])
def test_env_path_slice_get_all_except_last_element(inp, exp):
def test_env_path_slice_get_all_except_klast_element(inp, exp):
obs = EnvPath(inp)[:-1]
assert exp == obs
@ -930,7 +900,6 @@ def test_bool_or_int_to_str(inp, exp):
('(1:2:3)', slice(1, 2, 3)),
('r', False),
('r:11', False),
<<<<<<< HEAD
def test_ensure_int_or_slice(inp, exp):
obs = ensure_int_or_slice(inp)
@ -963,62 +932,16 @@ def test_is_dynamic_cwd_width(inp, exp):
skip_if_on_windows(('/dev/null', True))
def test_is_logfile_opt(inp, exp):
if ON_WINDOWS and inp == '/dev/null/':
pytest.skip(msg='Unix stuff')
obs = is_logfile_opt(inp)
assert exp == obs
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, exp', [
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = ensure_int_or_slice(inp)
assert exp == obs
def test_is_dynamic_cwd_width():
cases = [
('20', False),
('20%', False),
((20, 'c'), False),
((20.0, 'm'), False),
((20.0, 'c'), True),
((20.0, '%'), True),
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = is_dynamic_cwd_width(inp)
assert exp == obs
def test_is_logfile_opt():
cases = [
('throwback.log', True),
('', True),
(None, True),
(True, False),
(False, False),
(42, False),
([1, 2, 3], False),
((1, 2), False),
(("wrong", "parameter"), False)
if not ON_WINDOWS:
cases.append(('/dev/null', True))
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = is_logfile_opt(inp)
assert exp == obs
def test_to_logfile_opt():
cases = [
>>>>>>> master
(True, None),
(False, None),
(1, None),
(None, None),
('throwback.log', 'throwback.log'),
<<<<<<< HEAD
skip_if_on_windows(('/dev/null', '/dev/null')),
skip_if_on_windows(('/dev/nonexistent_dev', None))
@ -1088,83 +1011,6 @@ def test_escape_windows_cmd_string(st, esc):
def test_argvquote(st, esc):
obs = argvquote(st)
assert esc == obs
if not ON_WINDOWS:
cases.append(('/dev/null', '/dev/null'))
cases.append(('/dev/nonexistent_dev', None))
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = to_logfile_opt(inp)
assert exp == obs
def test_logfile_opt_to_str():
cases = [
(None, ''),
('', ''),
('throwback.log', 'throwback.log'),
('/dev/null', '/dev/null')
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = logfile_opt_to_str(inp)
assert exp == obs
def test_to_dynamic_cwd_tuple():
cases = [
('20', (20.0, 'c')),
('20%', (20.0, '%')),
((20, 'c'), (20.0, 'c')),
((20, '%'), (20.0, '%')),
((20.0, 'c'), (20.0, 'c')),
((20.0, '%'), (20.0, '%')),
('inf', (float('inf'), 'c')),
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = to_dynamic_cwd_tuple(inp)
assert exp == obs
def test_dynamic_cwd_tuple_to_str():
cases = [
((20.0, 'c'), '20.0'),
((20.0, '%'), '20.0%'),
((float('inf'), 'c'), 'inf'),
for inp, exp in cases:
obs = dynamic_cwd_tuple_to_str(inp)
assert exp == obs
def test_escape_windows_cmd_string():
cases = [
('', ''),
('foo', 'foo'),
('foo&bar', 'foo^&bar'),
('foo$?-/_"\\', 'foo$?-/_^"\\'),
('^&<>|', '^^^&^<^>^|'),
('this /?', 'this /.')
for st, esc in cases:
obs = escape_windows_cmd_string(st)
assert esc == obs
def test_argvquote():
cases = [
('', '""'),
('foo', 'foo'),
(r'arg1 "hallo, "world"" "\some\path with\spaces")',
r'"arg1 \"hallo, \"world\"\" \"\some\path with\spaces\")"'),
(r'"argument"2" argument3 argument4',
r'"\"argument\"2\" argument3 argument4"'),
(r'"\foo\bar bar\foo\" arg',
r'"\"\foo\bar bar\foo\\\" arg"')
for st, esc in cases:
obs = argvquote(st)
assert esc == obs
>>>>>>> master
_leaders = ('', 'not empty')