mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 00:14:41 +01:00
added authors
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 394 additions and 1 deletions
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@
github: funkyfuture
- name: Anthony Scopatz
email: scopatz@gmail.com
num_commits: 2372
num_commits: 2373
first_commit: 2015-01-21 17:04:13
github: scopatz
- name: anatoly techtonik
@ -792,6 +792,7 @@
email: mel@anybodytech.com
num_commits: 6
first_commit: 2015-06-26 08:51:45
github: melund
- name: Michael Ensslin
email: michael@ensslin.cc
num_commits: 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
# This file was autogenerated by rever: https://regro.github.io/rever-docs/
# This prevent git from showing duplicates with various logging commands.
# See the git documentation for more details. The syntax is:
# good-name <good-email> bad-name <bad-email>
# You can skip bad-name if it is the same as good-name and is unique in the repo.
# This file is up-to-date if the command git log --format="%aN <%aE>" | sort -u
# gives no duplicates.
Anthony Scopatz <scopatz@gmail.com>
Adam Hartz <hartz@mit.edu> adam j hartz <hartz@mit.edu>
Gil Forsyth <gilforsyth@gmail.com> Gil Forsyth <gforsyth@users.noreply.github.com>
Gil Forsyth <gilforsyth@gmail.com> Gil Forsyth <Gilbert.Forsyth@capitalone.com>
Gil Forsyth <gilforsyth@gmail.com> Gil Forsyth <gforsyth@gwu.edu>
Morten Enemark Lund <melund@gmail.com>
Konstantinos Tsakiltzidis <laerusk@gmail.com> laerus <laerusk@gmail.com>
Jamie Bliss <astronouth7303@gmail.com> James Bliss <jamie.bliss@ilq.com>
Jamie Bliss <astronouth7303@gmail.com> James Bliss <jbliss@nextgenerationenrollment.com>
Hugo Wang <w@mitnk.com>
BlahGeek <i@BlahGeek.com>
Klaus Alexander Seistrup <klaus@seistrup.dk> Klaus Alexander Seistrup <kseistrup@users.noreply.github.com>
Leonardo Santagada <santagada@gmail.com>
Bob Hyman <bob.hyman@bobssoftwareworks.com>
christopher <cjwright4242@gmail.com>
Aaron Griffin <aig787@gmail.com>
Rob Brewer <rwb123@gmail.com> Robert W. Brewer <rwb123@gmail.com>
Sagar Tewari <sagartewari01@gmail.com> Sagar Tewari <sagartewariym@yahoo.com>
Matthias Bussonnier <bussonniermatthias@gmail.com>
Konstantin Molchanov <kmolchanov@machinezone.com> Konstantin Molchanov <moigagoo@live.com>
Guillaume Leclerc <guillaume.leclerc@epfl.ch> Guillaume Leclerc <guillaume.leclerc.work@gmail.com>
Gordon Ball <gordon@chronitis.net>
Travis Shirk <travis@pobox.com>
Joel Gerber <joel@grrbrr.ca>
Derek Thomas <derekathomas@gmail.com>
VHarisop <the.machine.headed@gmail.com>
Jean-Benoist Leger <jb@leger.tf> Jean-Benoist Leger <jbleger@gertrude>
Jean-Benoist Leger <jb@leger.tf> Jean-Benoist Leger <jbleger@hds.utc.fr>
JohnLunzer <lunzer@gmail.com> jlunz <lunz8748@usroc1miniwaas.corp.exelisinc.com>
Paul Goelz <s8pagoel@stud.uni-saarland.de>
David Dotson <dotsdl@gmail.com>
Frank Sachsenheim <funkyfuture@riseup.net> Frank Sachsenheim <funkyfuture@users.noreply.github.com>
Kurtis Rader <krader@skepticism.us>
cryzed <cryzed@googlemail.com>
Brian Visel <eode@eptitude.net>
Andrew Hundt <ATHundt@gmail.com>
Jonathan Slenders <jonathan@slenders.be>
Justin Moen <jamoen7@gmail.com>
Stephan Fitzpatrick <knowsuchagency@gmail.com>
Raphael Das Gupta <raphael.das.gupta@hsr.ch>
Jason R. Coombs <jaraco@jaraco.com>
halloleo <git@halloleo.dot.hailmail.dot.net> halloleo <halloleo@users.noreply.github.com>
Will Wykeham <will@wykeham.net>
Oleh Prypin <oleh@pryp.in>
Brian Skinn <brian.skinn@gmail.com>
Will S <wsha.code@gmail.com>
Alessio Bogon <youtux@gmail.com> Alessio Bogon <youtux@users.noreply.github.com>
Yohei Tamura <tamuhey@gmail.com>
Maximilian Köhl <mail@koehlma.de>
Cody Scott <cody.j.b.scott@gmail.com>
Jake Hedman <jake@hedman.email>
traverseda <traverse.da@gmail.com>
Andre Weltsch <andre.t.weltsch@campus.tu-berlin.de> Andre Weltsch <andre@weltsch.de>
Jeremy Donahue <jeremydonahue@gmail.com>
Raphael Gaschignard <raphael@rtpg.co>
Nathan Goldbaum <ngoldbau@illinois.edu> Nathan Goldbaum <goldbaum@ucolick.org>
mel <mel@anybodytech.com>
Jared Crawford <jmcrawford45@gmail.com>
JuanPablo <jpabloaj@gmail.com>
K.-Michael Aye <kmichael.aye@gmail.com> K.-Michael Aye <michaelaye@users.noreply.github.com>
Ollie Terrance <ollie.terrance@live.co.uk>
Alexander Sosedkin <monk@unboiled.info>
Marcel Bollmann <bollmann@linguistics.rub.de>
mdraw <mdraw.gh@gmail.com>
Mattias Ugelvik <uglemat@gmail.com>
Ryan Gonzalez <rymg19@gmail.com>
David Gros <dngros@live.com>
Andrea D'Amore <anddam@brapi.net>
James Elías <jamiees2@gmail.com>
anula <anula.szy@gmail.com>
Jay Tuckey <jay.tuckey@gmail.com>
Randy Syring <randy@thesyrings.us>
Lucas Inojosa <lucas.inojosa@gmail.com> Lucas Inojosa <linojosa@lalinojosa.home>
Alexey <forestbiiird@gmail.com>
Marvin Steadfast <marvin@xsteadfastx.org>
Aaron Meurer <asmeurer@gmail.com>
Matteo Bertini <matteo@naufraghi.net>
anatoly techtonik <techtonik@gmail.com>
AaronV77 <aaronvaloroso77@gmail.com>
Erick Tucto <erick.tucto@outlook.com>
Tyler Goodlet <tgoodlet@gmail.com>
74th <site@74th.tech>
Mickaël Schoentgen <contact@tiger-222.fr>
Steven Silvester <steven.silvester@ieee.org>
Robert DeFriesse <Robert.DEFRIESSE@3ds.com>
Justin Calamari <justin.calamari@gmail.com>
Thomas Marquart <thomas@marquart.se>
Benjamin Pollack <benjamin@bitquabit.com>
Sardorbek Imomaliev <sardorbek.imomaliev@gmail.com>
Jakub Nowak <jakub.jakub.nowak@gmail.com>
selepo <po.lenhoff@gmail.com>
Fabien Dubosson <fabien.dubosson@gmail.com>
Jan Schulz <jasc@gmx.net>
Nickolay Bukreyev <buknik95@yandex.ru>
Michael Droettboom <mdboom@gmail.com>
guillearch <gcastellano@protonmail.com>
javValverde <jav.valve@gmail.com>
Shahin <me@5hah.in>
Nico Lehmann <nlehmann@dcc.uchile.cl>
Sebastian Wagner <sebix@sebix.at>
yuqing <waywardson@126.com> yuqing <yuqing@cmcm.com>
Rahiel Kasim <rahielkasim@gmail.com>
SanketDG <sanketdasgupta@gmail.com>
David <auscompgeek@users.noreply.github.com>
Danmou <dmrtzn@gmail.com>
Niklas Hambüchen <mail@nh2.me>
Sébastien Pierre <sebastien.pierre@gmail.com>
Mark Wiebe <mwwiebe@gmail.com>
Nathan Hoad <nathan@getoffmalawn.com>
Burak Yiğit Kaya <ben@byk.im> Burak Yigit Kaya <ben@byk.im>
Eric Dill <edill@bnl.gov>
neruok <codywentz@gmail.com> neruok <6155000+neruok@users.noreply.github.com>
Domenic Barbuzzi <dbarbuzzi@gmail.com>
metamind <metamind@Metafoot>
Qiushi Pan <qiu.gits@gmail.com>
josh <josh.sarver@gmail.com>
TobalJackson <Tobaljackson@gmail.com>
Greg Thole <gthole@gmail.com>
Min RK <benjaminrk@gmail.com>
Nicolas Avrutin <rasputin@google.com>
Kevin Yokley <kyokley2@gmail.com>
Paul Barton <pablo.barton@gmail.com> Pablo Barton <pablo.barton@gmail.com>
Ollie Ford <me@ojford.com>
Mark Bestley <37385+bestlem@users.noreply.github.com>
Michał Zając <emzajac@gmail.com> zajaczajac <michal.zajac@swmansion.com>
Emre Ates <ates@bu.edu>
Romain Bignon <romain@symlink.me>
Owen Campbell <owen.campbell@tanti.org.uk>
vaaaaanquish <6syun9@gmail.com> @vaaaaanquish <6syun9@gmail.com>
Dan Allan <dallan@bnl.gov>
adam j hartz <adam@smatz.net>
Ned Letcher <nletcher@gmail.com>
Zach Crownover <zachary.crownover@gmail.com>
Miguel de Val-Borro <miguel@archlinux.net>
Hirotomo Moriwaki <hirotomo.moriwaki@gmail.com>
Phil Elson <pelson.pub@gmail.com>
Samuel Dion-Girardeau <samuel.diongirardeau@gmail.com>
Alexandre Ferland <aferlandqc@gmail.com> admiralobvious <aferlandqc@gmail.com>
Erin Call <erincall@github.com>
Trevor Bekolay <tbekolay@gmail.com>
Bernardas Ališauskas <bernardas.alisauskas@gmail.com> Bernardas <bernardas.alisauskas@gmail.com>
Tzu-ping Chung <uranusjr@gmail.com>
Andrew Toskin <andrew@tosk.in>
torgny <torgny.andersson@gmail.com>
William Woodall <william@osrfoundation.org>
ariel faigon <github.2009@yendor.com>
David Strobach <lalochcz@gmail.com> laloch <lalochcz@gmail.com>
Nigel Tea <nigelbtea@gmail.com>
Mark Szumowski <mark@szumowski.net>
The Gitter Badger <badger@gitter.im>
Cameron Bates <cameron.r.bates@gmail.com>
Kermit Alexander II <tuxfreak@tuxfamily.org>
Richard Kim <emacs18@gmail.com>
Brian S. Corbin <brian.corbin@pokitdok.com>
Erez Shinan <erezshin+git@gmail.com>
Nakada Takumi <usrNeko@kerorin.local>
Ross Nomann <rossnomann@protonmail.com>
eyalzek <eyal.ez@gmail.com>
Pedro Rodriguez <ski.rodriguez@gmail.com>
Eric Harris <ericmharris@gmail.com>
Austin Bingham <austin.bingham@gmail.com>
jlunz <lunz8748@ak.(none)>
dragon788 <dragon788@users.noreply.github.com>
Jonathan Hogg <jonathan@significant-whitespace.com>
Andrei <fizicars@gmail.com>
Daniel Hahler <git@thequod.de>
Mark Harfouche <mark.harfouche@gmail.com>
Carol Willing <carolcode@willingconsulting.com>
Kilte Leichnam <nwotnbm@gmail.com>
Raniere Silva <raniere@rgaiacs.com>
Thomas Kluyver <takowl@gmail.com>
Donne Martin <donne.martin@gmail.com>
Alexey Shrub <ashrub@yandex.ru>
Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin <jchris.fillionr@kitware.com>
Charlie Arnold <charlie.arnold@gmail.com>
Nate Tangsurat <e4r7hbug@gmail.com>
Michael Ensslin <michael@ensslin.cc>
dbxnr <dbxnr@users.noreply.github.com>
sushobhana <sushobhanapatra@gmail.com>
Florian Mounier <florian.mounier@kozea.fr>
Glen Zangirolami <glenbot@gmail.com>
adamheins <adam@pebble.com>
Joseph Paul <mail@jsph.pl>
Daniel Milde <daniel@milde.cz>
Katriel Cohn-Gordon <me@katriel.co.uk>
Chad Kennedy <chadkennedyonline@users.noreply.github.com>
stonebig <stonebig34@gmail.com>
Ronny Pfannschmidt <opensource@ronnypfannschmidt.de>
goodboy <tgoodlet@users.noreply.github.com>
Atsushi Morimoto <atsushi.morimoto@dena.com>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
All of the people who have made at least one contribution to xonsh.
Authors are sorted by number of commits.
* Anthony Scopatz
* Adam Hartz
* Gil Forsyth
* Morten Enemark Lund
* Konstantinos Tsakiltzidis
* Jamie Bliss
* Hugo Wang
* BlahGeek
* Klaus Alexander Seistrup
* Leonardo Santagada
* Bob Hyman
* christopher
* Aaron Griffin
* Rob Brewer
* Sagar Tewari
* Matthias Bussonnier
* Konstantin Molchanov
* Guillaume Leclerc
* Gordon Ball
* Travis Shirk
* Joel Gerber
* Derek Thomas
* VHarisop
* Jean-Benoist Leger
* JohnLunzer
* Paul Goelz
* David Dotson
* Frank Sachsenheim
* Kurtis Rader
* cryzed
* Brian Visel
* Andrew Hundt
* Jonathan Slenders
* Justin Moen
* Stephan Fitzpatrick
* Raphael Das Gupta
* Jason R. Coombs
* halloleo
* Will Wykeham
* Oleh Prypin
* Brian Skinn
* Will S
* Alessio Bogon
* Yohei Tamura
* Maximilian Köhl
* Cody Scott
* Jake Hedman
* traverseda
* Andre Weltsch
* Jeremy Donahue
* Raphael Gaschignard
* Nathan Goldbaum
* mel
* Jared Crawford
* JuanPablo
* K.-Michael Aye
* Ollie Terrance
* Alexander Sosedkin
* Marcel Bollmann
* mdraw
* Mattias Ugelvik
* Ryan Gonzalez
* David Gros
* Andrea D'Amore
* James Elías
* anula
* Jay Tuckey
* Randy Syring
* Lucas Inojosa
* Alexey
* Marvin Steadfast
* Aaron Meurer
* Matteo Bertini
* anatoly techtonik
* AaronV77
* Erick Tucto
* Tyler Goodlet
* 74th
* Mickaël Schoentgen
* Steven Silvester
* Robert DeFriesse
* Justin Calamari
* Thomas Marquart
* Benjamin Pollack
* Sardorbek Imomaliev
* Jakub Nowak
* selepo
* Fabien Dubosson
* Jan Schulz
* Nickolay Bukreyev
* Michael Droettboom
* guillearch
* javValverde
* Shahin
* Nico Lehmann
* Sebastian Wagner
* yuqing
* Rahiel Kasim
* SanketDG
* David
* Danmou
* Niklas Hambüchen
* Sébastien Pierre
* Mark Wiebe
* Nathan Hoad
* Burak Yiğit Kaya
* Eric Dill
* neruok
* Domenic Barbuzzi
* metamind
* Qiushi Pan
* josh
* TobalJackson
* Greg Thole
* Min RK
* Nicolas Avrutin
* Kevin Yokley
* Paul Barton
* Ollie Ford
* Mark Bestley
* Michał Zając
* Emre Ates
* Romain Bignon
* Owen Campbell
* vaaaaanquish
* Dan Allan
* adam j hartz
* Ned Letcher
* Zach Crownover
* Miguel de Val-Borro
* Hirotomo Moriwaki
* Phil Elson
* Samuel Dion-Girardeau
* Alexandre Ferland
* Erin Call
* Trevor Bekolay
* Bernardas Ališauskas
* Tzu-ping Chung
* Andrew Toskin
* torgny
* William Woodall
* ariel faigon
* David Strobach
* Nigel Tea
* Mark Szumowski
* The Gitter Badger
* Cameron Bates
* Kermit Alexander II
* Richard Kim
* Brian S. Corbin
* Erez Shinan
* Nakada Takumi
* Ross Nomann
* eyalzek
* Pedro Rodriguez
* Eric Harris
* Austin Bingham
* jlunz
* dragon788
* Jonathan Hogg
* Andrei
* Daniel Hahler
* Mark Harfouche
* Carol Willing
* Kilte Leichnam
* Raniere Silva
* Thomas Kluyver
* Donne Martin
* Alexey Shrub
* Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin
* Charlie Arnold
* Nate Tangsurat
* Michael Ensslin
* dbxnr
* sushobhana
* Florian Mounier
* Glen Zangirolami
* adamheins
* Joseph Paul
* Daniel Milde
* Katriel Cohn-Gordon
* Chad Kennedy
* stonebig
* Ronny Pfannschmidt
* goodboy
* Atsushi Morimoto
Add table
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