Moved tokenize_ansi into, added unit tests for ANSI tokenization.

This commit is contained in:
Gyuri Horak 2020-08-16 20:13:07 +02:00
parent bd9b3d6a9f
commit a4b61f5fc1
Failed to generate hash of commit
3 changed files with 71 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from xonsh.platform import minimum_required_ptk_version
# verify error if ptk not installed or below min
from import tokenize_ansi
from import Shell
@ -26,7 +27,15 @@ from import Shell
((4, 0, 0), "prompt_toolkit", "prompt_toolkit", None, False),
def test_prompt_toolkit_version_checks(ptk_ver, ini_shell_type, exp_shell_type, warn_snip, using_vended_ptk, monkeypatch, xonsh_builtins):
def test_prompt_toolkit_version_checks(
mocked_warn = ""
@ -43,9 +52,15 @@ def test_prompt_toolkit_version_checks(ptk_ver, ini_shell_type, exp_shell_type,
nonlocal ptk_ver
return ptk_ver is not None
monkeypatch.setattr("", mock_warning) # hardwon: patch the caller!
monkeypatch.setattr("", mock_ptk_above_min_supported) # have to patch both callers
monkeypatch.setattr("xonsh.platform.ptk_above_min_supported", mock_ptk_above_min_supported)
"", mock_warning
) # hardwon: patch the caller!
"", mock_ptk_above_min_supported
) # have to patch both callers
"xonsh.platform.ptk_above_min_supported", mock_ptk_above_min_supported
monkeypatch.setattr("xonsh.platform.has_prompt_toolkit", mock_has_prompt_toolkit)
old_syspath = sys.path.copy()
@ -60,7 +75,6 @@ def test_prompt_toolkit_version_checks(ptk_ver, ini_shell_type, exp_shell_type,
sys.path = old_syspath
assert act_shell_type == exp_shell_type
if warn_snip:
@ -68,4 +82,27 @@ def test_prompt_toolkit_version_checks(ptk_ver, ini_shell_type, exp_shell_type,
"prompt_tokens, ansi_string_parts",
# no ansi, single token
([("fake style", "no ansi here")], ["no ansi here"]),
# no ansi, multiple tokens
([("s1", "no"), ("s2", "ansi here")], ["no", "ansi here"]),
# ansi only, multiple
([("s1", "\x1b[33mansi \x1b[1monly")], ["", "ansi ", "only"]),
# mixed
[("s1", "no ansi"), ("s2", "mixed \x1b[33mansi")],
["no ansi", "mixed ", "ansi"],
def test_tokenize_ansi(prompt_tokens, ansi_string_parts):
ansi_tokens = tokenize_ansi(prompt_tokens)
for token, text in zip(ansi_tokens, ansi_string_parts):
assert token[1] == text
# someday: initialize PromptToolkitShell and have it actually do something.

View file

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ from xonsh.pygments_cache import get_all_styles
from xonsh.ptk_shell.history import PromptToolkitHistory, _cust_history_matches
from xonsh.ptk_shell.completer import PromptToolkitCompleter
from xonsh.ptk_shell.key_bindings import load_xonsh_bindings
from xonsh.ptk_shell.tokenize_ansi import tokenize_ansi
from prompt_toolkit import ANSI
from prompt_toolkit.auto_suggest import AutoSuggestFromHistory
from prompt_toolkit.lexers import PygmentsLexer
from prompt_toolkit.enums import EditingMode
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from prompt_toolkit.history import ThreadedHistory
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import print_formatted_text as ptk_print
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import CompleteStyle
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts.prompt import PromptSession
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import PygmentsTokens
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import PygmentsTokens, to_formatted_text
from prompt_toolkit.styles import merge_styles, Style
from prompt_toolkit.styles.pygments import (
@ -47,6 +47,32 @@ Fired after prompt toolkit has been initialized
def tokenize_ansi(tokens):
"""Checks a list of (token, str) tuples for ANSI escape sequences and
extends the token list with the new formatted entries.
During processing tokens are converted to ``prompt_toolkit.FormattedText``.
Returns a list of similar (token, str) tuples.
formatted_tokens = to_formatted_text(tokens)
ansi_tokens = []
for style, text in formatted_tokens:
if "\x1b" in text:
formatted_ansi = to_formatted_text(ANSI(text))
ansi_text = ""
prev_style = ""
for ansi_style, ansi_text_part in formatted_ansi:
if prev_style == ansi_style:
ansi_text += ansi_text_part
ansi_tokens.append((prev_style or style, ansi_text))
prev_style = ansi_style
ansi_text = ansi_text_part
ansi_tokens.append((prev_style or style, ansi_text))
ansi_tokens.append((style, text))
return ansi_tokens
class PromptToolkitShell(BaseShell):
"""The xonsh shell for prompt_toolkit v2 and later."""

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
from prompt_toolkit import ANSI
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import to_formatted_text
def tokenize_ansi(tokens):
"""Checks a list of (token, str) tuples for ANSI escape sequences and
extends the token list with the new formatted entries.
During processing tokens are converted to ``prompt_toolkit.FormattedText``.
Returns a list of similar (token, str) tuples.
formatted_tokens = to_formatted_text(tokens)
ansi_tokens = []
for style, text in formatted_tokens:
if "\x1b" in text:
formatted_ansi = to_formatted_text(ANSI(text))
ansi_text = ""
prev_style = ""
for ansi_style, ansi_text_part in formatted_ansi:
if prev_style == ansi_style:
ansi_text += ansi_text_part
ansi_tokens.append((prev_style or style, ansi_text))
prev_style = ansi_style
ansi_text = ansi_text_part
ansi_tokens.append((prev_style or style, ansi_text))
ansi_tokens.append((style, text))
return ansi_tokens