Add exceptions to ignore flake8 errors for 3.6

These should be fixed, but outside of the scope of this.
This commit is contained in:
Gil Forsyth 2018-03-12 12:09:58 -04:00
parent f70caa04cc
commit aafa7ae3d9

View file

@ -28,3 +28,19 @@ flake8-ignore =
ply/*.py ALL
# these run VERY slowly and give tons of errors
parser* ALL
# oh come on ALL
# remove these later
*.py E741 # ambiguous variable name
xonsh/ E305
xonsh/ E722
xonsh/ E741
xonsh/ E305
xonsh/ E305
xonsh/ E305
xonsh/ E305
xonsh/completers/ E305
xonsh/completers/ E722
xonsh/parsers/ E305
xonsh/xoreutils/*.py E722 E305