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Anthony Scopatz 2015-03-08 20:47:35 -05:00
parent 4bafb9cc8e
commit acacc162fb

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@ -440,19 +440,17 @@ Again, the ``>>`` does not work as shown here in Python-mode, where it takes
on its usual meaning.
Background with ``&``
Non-blocking with ``&``
In subprocess-mode, you can background a process if the last element on a line
is an ``&``. For example,
In subprocess-mode, you can make a process no-blocking if the last element on
a line is an ``&``. The following shows an example with ``emacs``.
.. code-block:: bash
>>> emacs &
This truly detaches the spawned process from the current one. There is no
need for xonsh to remain open.
Note that the prompt is returned to you afterwards.
String Literals in Subprocess-mode
@ -684,3 +682,27 @@ built-in mapping. Here is an example using a function value:
Aliasing is a powerful way that xonsh allows you to seamless interact to
with Python and subprocess.
Up, Down, Tab
The up and down keys search history matching from the start of the line,
much like they do in the IPython shell.
Tab completion is present as well. In Python-mode you are able to complete
based on the variable names in the current builtins, globals, and locals,
as well as xonsh languages keywords & operator, files & directories, and
environment variable names. In subprocess-mode, you additionally complete
on any file names on your ``$PATH``, alias keys, and full BASH completion
for the commands themselves.
That's All, Folks
To leave xonsh, hit ``Crtl-D``, type ``EOF``, or type ``exit``.
.. code-block:: bash
>>> exit
Now it is your turn.