modify completer to use new module

This commit is contained in:
adam j hartz 2016-05-28 13:57:13 -04:00
parent 6b25c35f27
commit d28cd5350c

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from xonsh.built_ins import iglobpath, expand_path
from xonsh.platform import ON_WINDOWS
from import (subexpr_from_unbalanced, get_sep,
check_for_partial_string, RE_STRING_START)
from xonsh.completers import (completers_enabled, completers)
RE_DASHF = re.compile(r'-F\s+(\w+)')
@ -67,10 +68,6 @@ XONSH_TOKENS = {
CHARACTERS_NEED_QUOTES = ' `\t\r\n${}*()"\',?&'
COMPLETION_SKIP_TOKENS = {'man', 'sudo', 'time', 'timeit', 'which', 'showcmd'}
BASH_COMPLETE_SCRIPT = """source "{filename}"
@ -165,80 +162,17 @@ class Completer(object):
space = ' ' # intern some strings for faster appending
ctx = ctx or {}
prefixlow = prefix.lower()
_line = line
line = builtins.aliases.expand_alias(line)
# string stuff for automatic quoting
path_str_start = ''
path_str_end = ''
p = _path_from_partial_string(_line, endidx)
lprefix = len(prefix)
if p is not None:
lprefix = len(p[0])
prefix = p[1]
path_str_start = p[2]
path_str_end = p[3]
cmd = line.split(' ', 1)[0]
begidx -= len(cmd)+1
endidx -= len(cmd)+1
cmd = line.split(' ', 2)[1]
line = line.split(' ', 1)[1]
csc = builtins.__xonsh_env__.get('CASE_SENSITIVE_COMPLETIONS')
startswither = startswithnorm if csc else startswithlow
if begidx == 0:
# the first thing we're typing; could be python or subprocess, so
# anything goes.
rtn = self.cmd_complete(prefix)
elif cmd in self.bash_complete_funcs:
# bash completions
comps = self.bash_complete(prefix, line, begidx, endidx)
pathcomp = self.path_complete(prefix, path_str_start, path_str_end)
return sorted(self._replace_canonical_rep(comps, pathcomp)), lprefix
elif prefix.startswith('${') or prefix.startswith('@('):
# python mode explicitly
return self._python_mode_completions(prefix, ctx,
startswither), lprefix
elif prefix.startswith('-'):
comps = self._man_completer.option_complete(prefix, cmd)
return sorted(comps), lprefix
elif cmd not in ctx:
ltoks = line.split()
if len(ltoks) > 2 and ltoks[0] == 'from' and ltoks[2] == 'import':
# complete thing inside a module
mod = importlib.import_module(ltoks[1])
except ImportError:
return set(), lprefix
out = [i[0]
for i in inspect.getmembers(mod)
if i[0].startswith(prefix)]
return out, lprefix
if len(ltoks) == 2 and ltoks[0] == 'from':
comps = ('{} '.format(i) for i in self.module_complete(prefix))
return sorted(comps), lprefix
if cmd == 'import' and begidx == len('import '):
# completing module to import
return sorted(self.module_complete(prefix)), lprefix
if cmd in self._cmds_cache:
# subproc mode; do path completions
comps = self.path_complete(prefix, path_str_start,
path_str_end, cdpath=True)
return sorted(comps), lprefix
empty_set = set()
for i in completers_enabled:
o = completers[i](prefix, line, begidx, endidx, ctx)
if isinstance(o, tuple):
res, lprefix = o
# if we're here, could be anything
rtn = set()
# if we're here, we're not a command, but could be anything else
rtn = set()
rtn |= self._python_mode_completions(prefix, ctx,
rtn |= {s + space for s in builtins.aliases
if startswither(s, prefix, prefixlow)}
rtn |= self.path_complete(prefix, path_str_start, path_str_end)
return sorted(rtn), lprefix
res = o
lprefix = len(prefix)
if res != empty_set:
return res, lprefix
return set()
def _python_mode_completions(self, prefix, ctx, prefixlow, startswither):
rtn = {s for s in XONSH_TOKENS if startswither(s, prefix, prefixlow)}