Test RC loading in different startup configurations (#4279)

* test_main: test lots of startup order combinations

This is based on the startup order described in
and adds an (ugly) parameterised test which tries lots of different
CLI combinations, and verifies which RC files (if any) get loaded,
and in what order.

* test_script_startup: skip on windows
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Gordon Ball 2021-05-14 15:12:34 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 27db574d99
commit e02c7d76c4
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* <news item>
* <news item>
* <news item>
* <news item>
* Test consistent RC loading behaviour in a variety of startup scenarios
* <news item>

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@ -138,6 +138,109 @@ def test_rcdir_empty(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, capsys):
assert len(stderr) == 0
# the parameterisation is a list of xonsh args, followed by the list
# of RC files (see function body) expected to be loaded in order
# note that a tty is not faked, so this will default to non-interactive
# (skipped on windows because XONSHRC="/path/to/f1.xsh:/path/to/f2.xsh"
# doesn't appear to work, while it does on other platforms)
@pytest.mark.skipif(ON_WINDOWS, reason="Issue with multi-file XONSHRC")
["args", "expected"],
# non-interactive, nothing loading
[[], []],
# interactive, normal XONSHRC and XONSHRC_DIR
[["-i"], ["F0", "F1", "D0", "D1"]],
# --no-rc wins over -i
[["--no-rc", "-i"], []],
# --no-rc wins over -i --rc
[["--no-rc", "-i", "--rc", "<R0>"], []],
# --rc does nothing in non-interactive mode
[["--rc", "<R0>"], []],
# but is respected in interactive
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>"], ["R0"]],
# multiple invocations of --rc only use the last
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>", "--rc", "<R1>"], ["R1"]],
# but multiple RC files can be specified after --rc
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>", "<R1>"], ["R0", "R1"]],
# including the same file twice
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>", "<R0>"], ["R0", "R0"]],
# scripts are non-interactive
[["<SC>"], ["SC"]],
# but -i will load the normal environment with a script
[["-i", "<SC>"], ["F0", "F1", "D0", "D1", "SC"]],
# no-rc has no effect on a script
[["--no-rc", "<SC>"], ["SC"]],
# but does prevent RC loading in -i mode
[["--no-rc", "-i", "<SC>"], ["SC"]],
# --rc doesn't work here because a script is non-interactive
[["--rc", "<R0>", "--", "<SC>"], ["SC"]],
# unless forced with -i
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>", "--", "<SC>"], ["R0", "SC"]],
# --no-rc also wins here
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>", "--no-rc", "--", "<SC>"], ["SC"]],
# single commands are non-interactive
[["-c", "pass"], []],
# but load RCs with -i
[["-i", "-c", "pass"], ["F0", "F1", "D0", "D1"]],
# --rc ignores without -i
[["--rc", "<R0>", "-c", "pass"], []],
# but used with -i
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>", "-c", "pass"], ["R0"]],
ids=lambda ae: " ".join(ae),
def test_script_startup(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, capsys, args, expected):
Test the correct scripts are loaded, in the correct order, for
different combinations of CLI arguments. See
This sets up a standard set of RC files which will be loaded,
and tests whether they print their payloads at all, or in the right
order, depending on the CLI arguments chosen.
rcdir = tmpdir.join("rc.d")
# XONSHRC_DIR files, in order
# XONSHRC files, in order
f0 = tmpdir.join("f0.xsh")
f1 = tmpdir.join("f1.xsh")
# RC files which can be explicitly loaded with --rc
r0 = tmpdir.join("r0.xsh")
r1 = tmpdir.join("r1.xsh")
# a (non-RC) script which can be loaded
sc = tmpdir.join("sc.xsh")
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSHRC", f"{f0}:{f1}")
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSHRC_DIR", str(rcdir))
# replace <RC> with the path to rc.xsh and <SC> with sc.xsh
args = [
a.replace("<R0>", str(r0)).replace("<R1>", str(r1)).replace("<SC>", str(sc))
for a in args
# since we only test xonsh.premain here, a script file (SC)
# won't actually get run here, so won't appear in the stdout,
# so don't check for it (but check for a .file in the parsed args)
check_for_script = "SC" in expected
expected = [e for e in expected if e != "SC"]
xargs = xonsh.main.premain(args)
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert "\n".join(expected) in stdout
if check_for_script:
assert xargs.file is not None
def test_rcdir_ignored_with_rc(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, capsys):
"""Test that --rc suppresses loading XONSHRC_DIRs"""