[mypy] # --- https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config_file.html # try to keep all under .cache directory cache_dir = .cache/mypy/ # warn_unused_ignores = True warn_unused_configs = True warn_no_return = False packages=xonsh,xontrib,xompletions ; a regex to exclude certain directories exclude = ((xonsh/parsers/ply)|(xontrib/(mpl.*py|distributed.py|jedi.py))) ;match dmypy semantics - https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/8046 local_partial_types = True ; since v0.991 implicit optional became True by default. no_implicit_optional=False # report show_error_context = True show_column_numbers = True show_error_codes = True pretty = True # the __init__ files have dynamic check - ignoring the attribute error. others are generated files # top level package name only ignores the __init__.py file. [mypy-xonsh.parser_table,xonsh.completion_parser_table,xonsh.parsers.parser_table.*,xonsh.parsers.completion_parser_table.*,xonsh,xonsh.prompt,xonsh.history,xonsh.completers,xonsh.procs] ignore_errors = True # 3rd party libraries that we dont have control over [mypy-zmq.*,setproctitle,xonsh.parsers.ply.*,winreg.*,pygments.*,importlib_resources.*,nt.*,prompt_toolkit.*,distro.*,conda_suggest.*,_winreg.*] ignore_missing_imports = True ignore_errors = True [tool:pytest] cache_dir = .cache/pytest markers = news: check changelog unit is valid rst testpaths = tests