language: python env: global: - secure: "pvQHCsdcIRjwNvsBrZxP8cZWEwug0+PLg1T8841ZLkMdCaO3YheqmxF1xGjAqty6hLppz6vX1LFEKmPjKurLL0/i+be6MhT8/ZikFpSan7TdNUqISxeFx31ls+QpuFKzCV7ZEx7C1ms8LPWEGmzMMN6bCtOBVtGznD9KKWZmLlA=" matrix: include: - os: linux python: 3.5 env: - BUILD_DOCS=true - os: linux python: "nightly" - os: linux python: "3.6-dev" - os: osx language: generic env: PYTHON="3.4" MINICONDA_OS="MacOSX" - os: osx language: generic env: PYTHON="3.5" MINICONDA_OS="MacOSX" allow_failures: - python: "nightly" - python: "3.6-dev" before_install: - if [[ ! ("$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" == "nightly" || "$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" == "3.6-dev") && ! $BUILD_DOCS ]]; then URL="${MINICONDA_OS}"; wget "${URL}" -O; bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda; export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH"; hash -r; conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no; conda update -q conda; conda info -a; fi install: - if [[ $BUILD_DOCS = true ]]; then python install; pip install -r requirements-docs.txt; pip install pygments prompt_toolkit ply psutil ipykernel matplotlib doctr; else pip install -r requirements-tests.txt; fi script: - set -e - if [[ $BUILD_DOCS = true ]]; then cd docs; make html; cd ..; doctr deploy --deploy-repo xonsh/xonsh-docs --gh-pages-docs dev; else py.test --timeout=10; fi # This block should be inserted after line 52 for the next release. # git checkout $(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`); # cd docs; # make html; # cd ..; # doctr deploy --deploy-repo xonsh/xonsh-docs --gh-pages-docs .;