**Added:** * ``xonsh.color_tools.make_palette()`` Simple rename of the pre-existing ``xonsh.color_tools.make_pallete()`` function. * ``xonsh.tools.decorator()`` function/method decorator. This allows for an API function to be annotated with a decorator that documents deprecation, while also tying in functionality that will warn a user that the function has been deprecated, and, raise an ``AssertionError`` if the function has passed its expiry date. **Changed:** None **Deprecated:** * ``xonsh.color_tools.make_pallette()`` Deprecated in release 0.5.10 and will be removed in release 0.6.0. **Removed:** None **Fixed:** * Numerous spelling errors in documentation, docstrings/comments, text strings and local variable names. * Spelling error in the ``xonsh.color_tools.make_pallete()`` public function declaration. This was fixed by renaming the function to ``xonsh.color_tools.make_palette()`` while maintaining a binding of ``make_pallete()`` to the new ``make_palette()`` in case users are already used to this API. **Security:** None