import os import subprocess as sp import tempfile from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest from xonsh.environ import Env from xonsh.prompt.base import PromptFormatter from xonsh.prompt import vc from tools import skip_if_py34, DummyEnv @pytest.fixture def formatter(xonsh_builtins): return PromptFormatter() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "fields", [{"a_string": "cat", "none": (lambda: None), "f": (lambda: "wakka")}] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "inp, exp", [ ("my {a_string}", "my cat"), ("my {none}{a_string}", "my cat"), ("{f} jawaka", "wakka jawaka"), ], ) def test_format_prompt(inp, exp, fields, formatter): obs = formatter(template=inp, fields=fields) assert exp == obs @pytest.mark.parametrize( "fields", [ { "a_string": "cats", "a_number": 7, "empty": "", "current_job": (lambda: "sleep"), "none": (lambda: None), } ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "inp, exp", [ ("{a_number:{0:^3}}cats", " 7 cats"), ("{current_job:{} | }xonsh", "sleep | xonsh"), ("{none:{} | }{a_string}{empty:!}", "cats!"), ("{none:{}}", ""), ("{{{a_string:{{{}}}}}}", "{{cats}}"), ("{{{none:{{{}}}}}}", "{}"), ], ) def test_format_prompt_with_format_spec(inp, exp, fields, formatter): obs = formatter(template=inp, fields=fields) assert exp == obs def test_format_prompt_with_broken_template(formatter): for p in ("{user", "{user}{hostname"): assert formatter(p) == p # '{{user' will be parsed to '{user' for p in ("{{user}", "{{user"): assert "user" in formatter(p) @pytest.mark.parametrize("inp", ["{user", "{{user", "{{user}", "{user}{hostname"]) def test_format_prompt_with_broken_template_in_func(inp, formatter): # '{{user' will be parsed to '{user' assert "{user" in formatter(lambda: inp) def test_format_prompt_with_invalid_func(formatter, xonsh_builtins): xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.env = Env() def p(): foo = bar # raises exception # noqa return "{user}" assert isinstance(formatter(p), str) def test_format_prompt_with_func_that_raises(formatter, capsys, xonsh_builtins): xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.env = Env() template = "tt {zerodiv} tt" exp = "tt (ERROR:zerodiv) tt" fields = {"zerodiv": lambda: 1 / 0} obs = formatter(template, fields) assert exp == obs out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert "prompt: error" in err def test_promptformatter_cache(formatter): spam = Mock() template = "{spam} and {spam}" fields = {"spam": spam} formatter(template, fields) assert spam.call_count == 1 def test_promptformatter_clears_cache(formatter): spam = Mock() template = "{spam} and {spam}" fields = {"spam": spam} formatter(template, fields) formatter(template, fields) assert spam.call_count == 2 # Xonsh interaction with version control systems. VC_BRANCH = {"git": "master", "hg": "default"} @pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=VC_BRANCH.keys()) def test_repo(request): """Return a dict with vc and a temporary dir that is a repository for testing. """ vc = request.param temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.chdir(temp_dir) try:[vc, "init"]) except FileNotFoundError: pytest.skip("cannot find {} executable".format(vc)) # git needs at least one commit if vc == "git": with open("test-file", "w"): pass["git", "add", "test-file"])["git", "commit", "-m", "test commit"]) return {"name": vc, "dir": temp_dir} def test_test_repo(test_repo): dotdir = os.path.isdir( os.path.join(test_repo["dir"], ".{}".format(test_repo["name"])) ) assert dotdir if test_repo["name"] == "git": assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(test_repo["dir"], "test-file")) def test_no_repo(xonsh_builtins): import queue temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.env = Env(VC_BRANCH_TIMEOUT=2, PWD=temp_dir) q = queue.Queue() try: vc._get_hg_root(q) except AttributeError: assert False def test_vc_get_branch(test_repo, xonsh_builtins): xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.env = Env(VC_BRANCH_TIMEOUT=2) # get corresponding function from vc module fun = "get_{}_branch".format(test_repo["name"]) obs = getattr(vc, fun)() if obs is not None: assert obs == VC_BRANCH[test_repo["name"]] def test_current_branch_calls_locate_binary_for_empty_cmds_cache(xonsh_builtins): cache = xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.commands_cache xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.env = DummyEnv(VC_BRANCH_TIMEOUT=1) cache.is_empty = Mock(return_value=True) cache.locate_binary = Mock(return_value="") vc.current_branch() assert cache.locate_binary.called def test_current_branch_does_not_call_locate_binary_for_non_empty_cmds_cache( xonsh_builtins ): cache = xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.commands_cache xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.env = DummyEnv(VC_BRANCH_TIMEOUT=1) cache.is_empty = Mock(return_value=False) cache.locate_binary = Mock(return_value="") # make lazy locate return nothing to avoid running vc binaries cache.lazy_locate_binary = Mock(return_value="") vc.current_branch() assert not cache.locate_binary.called