"""Test XonshLexer for pygments""" import pytest from pygments.token import ( Error, Keyword, Literal, Name, Number, Operator, Punctuation, String, Text, ) from xonsh.environ import LsColors from xonsh.events import EventManager, events from xonsh.pyghooks import Color, XonshLexer, XonshStyle, on_lscolors_change from xonsh.pytest.tools import DummyShell, skip_if_on_windows @pytest.fixture def xsh(xession, monkeypatch): for key in ("cd", "bash"): monkeypatch.setitem(xession.aliases, key, lambda *args, **kwargs: None) @pytest.fixture() def check_token(xsh): def factory(code, tokens): """Make sure that all tokens appears in code in order""" lx = XonshLexer() tks = list(lx.get_tokens(code)) for tk in tokens: while tks: if tk == tks[0]: break tks = tks[1:] else: msg = f"Token {tk!r} missing: {list(lx.get_tokens(code))!r}" pytest.fail(msg) break return factory _cases = { "ls": { "ls -al": [ (Name.Builtin, "ls"), ], }, "ls-bin": { "/bin/ls -al": [ (Name.Builtin, "/bin/ls"), ], }, "print": { 'print("hello")': [ (Name.Builtin, "print"), (Punctuation, "("), (Literal.String.Double, '"'), (Literal.String.Double, "hello"), (Literal.String.Double, '"'), (Punctuation, ")"), (Text.Whitespace, "\n"), ] }, "invalid-cmd": { "non-existance-cmd -al": [ (Name, "non"), ], "![non-existance-cmd -al]": [ (Error, "non-existance-cmd"), ], "for i in range(10):": [ (Keyword, "for"), ], "(1, )": [ (Punctuation, "("), (Number.Integer, "1"), ], }, "multi-cmd": { "cd && cd": [ (Name.Builtin, "cd"), (Operator, "&&"), (Name.Builtin, "cd"), ], "cd || non-existance-cmd": [ (Name.Builtin, "cd"), (Operator, "||"), (Error, "non-existance-cmd"), ], }, "nested": { 'echo @("hello")': [ (Name.Builtin, "echo"), (Keyword, "@"), (Punctuation, "("), (String.Double, "hello"), (Punctuation, ")"), ], "print($(cd))": [ (Name.Builtin, "print"), (Punctuation, "("), (Keyword, "$"), (Punctuation, "("), (Name.Builtin, "cd"), (Punctuation, ")"), (Punctuation, ")"), (Text.Whitespace, "\n"), ], r'print(![echo "])\""])': [ (Name.Builtin, "print"), (Punctuation, "("), (Keyword, "!"), (Punctuation, "["), (Name.Builtin, "echo"), (Text, " "), (Literal.String.Double, '"])\\""'), (Punctuation, "]"), (Punctuation, ")"), (Text.Whitespace, "\n"), ], }, "subproc-args": { "cd": [ (Text, ""), ], }, "backtick": { r"echo g`.*\w+`": [ (String.Affix, "g"), (String.Backtick, "`"), (String.Regex, "."), (String.Regex, "*"), (String.Escape, r"\w"), ], }, "macro": { r"g!(42, *, 65)": [ (Name, "g"), (Keyword, "!"), (Punctuation, "("), (Number.Integer, "42"), ], r"echo! hello world": [ (Name.Builtin, "echo"), (Keyword, "!"), (String, "hello world"), ], r"bash -c ! export var=42; echo $var": [ (Name.Builtin, "bash"), (Text, "-c"), (Keyword, "!"), (String, "export var=42; echo $var"), ], }, } def _convert_cases(): for title, input_dict in _cases.items(): for idx, item in enumerate(input_dict.items()): yield pytest.param(*item, id=f"{title}-{idx}") @pytest.mark.parametrize("inp, expected", list(_convert_cases())) @skip_if_on_windows def test_xonsh_lexer(inp, expected, check_token): check_token(inp, expected) # can't seem to get thie test to import pyghooks and define on_lscolors_change handler like live code does. # so we declare the event handler directly here. @pytest.fixture def events_fxt(): return EventManager() @pytest.fixture def xonsh_builtins_ls_colors(xession, events_fxt): xession.shell = DummyShell() # because load_command_cache zaps it. xession.shell.shell_type = "prompt_toolkit" lsc = LsColors(LsColors.default_settings) xession.env["LS_COLORS"] = lsc # establish LS_COLORS before style. xession.shell.shell.styler = XonshStyle() # default style events.on_lscolors_change(on_lscolors_change) yield xession @skip_if_on_windows def test_path(tmpdir, xonsh_builtins_ls_colors, check_token): test_dir = str(tmpdir.mkdir("xonsh-test-highlight-path")) check_token(f"cd {test_dir}", [(Name.Builtin, "cd"), (Color.BOLD_BLUE, test_dir)]) check_token( f"cd {test_dir}-xxx", [(Name.Builtin, "cd"), (Text, f"{test_dir}-xxx")], ) check_token(f"cd X={test_dir}", [(Color.BOLD_BLUE, test_dir)]) with xonsh_builtins_ls_colors.env.swap(AUTO_CD=True): check_token(test_dir, [(Name.Constant, test_dir)]) @skip_if_on_windows def test_color_on_lscolors_change(tmpdir, xonsh_builtins_ls_colors, check_token): """Verify colorizer returns Token.Text if file type not defined in LS_COLORS""" lsc = xonsh_builtins_ls_colors.env["LS_COLORS"] test_dir = str(tmpdir.mkdir("xonsh-test-highlight-path")) lsc["di"] = ("GREEN",) check_token(f"cd {test_dir}", [(Name.Builtin, "cd"), (Color.GREEN, test_dir)]) del lsc["di"] check_token(f"cd {test_dir}", [(Name.Builtin, "cd"), (Text, test_dir)])