import os import subprocess as sp from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest from xonsh.environ import Env from xonsh.prompt import vc # Xonsh interaction with version control systems. VC_BRANCH = {"git": {"master", "main"}, "hg": {"default"}} @pytest.fixture(params=VC_BRANCH.keys()) def repo(request, tmpdir_factory): """Return a dict with vc and a temporary dir that is a repository for testing. """ vc = request.param temp_dir = Path(tmpdir_factory.mktemp("dir")) os.chdir(temp_dir) try:[vc, "init"]) except FileNotFoundError: pytest.skip("cannot find {} executable".format(vc)) if vc == "git": git_config = temp_dir / ".git/config" git_config.write_text( """ [user] name = me email = my@email.address [init] defaultBranch = main """ ) # git needs at least one commit Path("test-file").touch()["git", "add", "test-file"])["git", "commit", "-m", "test commit"]) return {"vc": vc, "dir": temp_dir} @pytest.fixture def set_xenv(xession, monkeypatch): def _wrapper(path): monkeypatch.setattr(xession, "env", Env(VC_BRANCH_TIMEOUT=2, PWD=path)) return xession return _wrapper def test_test_repo(repo): test_vc_dir = repo["dir"] / ".{}".format(repo["vc"]) assert test_vc_dir.is_dir() if repo["vc"] == "git": test_file = repo["dir"] / "test-file" assert test_file.exists() def test_no_repo(tmpdir, set_xenv): set_xenv(tmpdir) assert vc.get_hg_branch() is None assert vc.get_git_branch() is None def test_vc_get_branch(repo, set_xenv): set_xenv(repo["dir"]) # get corresponding function from vc module get_branch = "get_{}_branch".format(repo["vc"]) branch = getattr(vc, get_branch)() assert branch in VC_BRANCH[repo["vc"]] if repo["vc"] == "git": git_config = repo["dir"] / ".git/config" with"a") as f: f.write( """ [color] branch = always interactive = always [color "branch"] current = yellow reverse """ ) branch = getattr(vc, get_branch)() assert branch in VC_BRANCH[repo["vc"]] assert not branch.startswith(u"\u001b[") def test_current_branch_calls_locate_binary_for_empty_cmds_cache(xession): cache = xession.commands_cache cache.is_empty = Mock(return_value=True) cache.locate_binary = Mock(return_value="") vc.current_branch() assert cache.locate_binary.called def test_current_branch_does_not_call_locate_binary_for_non_empty_cmds_cache( xession, ): cache = xession.commands_cache cache.is_empty = Mock(return_value=False) cache.locate_binary = Mock(return_value="") # make lazy locate return nothing to avoid running vc binaries cache.lazy_locate_binary = Mock(return_value="") vc.current_branch() assert not cache.locate_binary.called def test_dirty_working_directory(repo, set_xenv): get_dwd = "{}_dirty_working_directory".format(repo["vc"]) set_xenv(repo["dir"]) # By default, git / hg do not care about untracked files Path("second-test-file").touch() assert not getattr(vc, get_dwd)()[repo["vc"], "add", "second-test-file"]) assert getattr(vc, get_dwd)() @pytest.mark.parametrize("include_untracked", [True, False]) def test_git_dirty_working_directory_includes_untracked( xession, fake_process, include_untracked ): xession.env["VC_GIT_INCLUDE_UNTRACKED"] = include_untracked if include_untracked: fake_process.register_subprocess( command="git status --porcelain --untracked-files=normal".split(), stdout=b"?? untracked-test-file", ) else: fake_process.register_subprocess( command="git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no".split(), stdout=b"", ) assert vc.git_dirty_working_directory() == include_untracked