.. _aliases: ******************** Built-in Aliases ******************** This page describes the xonsh built-in commands and aliases. ``cd`` =================== Changes the directory. If no directory is specified (i.e. if there are no arguments) then this changes to the current user's home directory. ``pushd`` =================== Adds a directory to the top of the directory stack, or rotates the stack, making the new top of the stack the current working directory. .. command-help:: xonsh.dirstack.pushd ``popd`` =================== Removes entries from the directory stack. .. command-help:: xonsh.dirstack.popd ``dirs`` =================== Displays the list of currently remembered directories. Can also be used to clear the directory stack. .. command-help:: xonsh.dirstack.dirs ``jobs`` =================== Display a list of all current jobs. ``fg`` =================== Bring the currently active job to the foreground, or, if a single number is given as an argument, bring that job to the foreground. ``bg`` ==================== Resume execution of the currently active job in the background, or, if a single number is given as an argument, resume that job in the background. ``EOF``, ``exit``, and ``quit`` =================================== The commands ``EOF``, ``exit``, and ``quit`` all alias the same action, which is to leave xonsh in a safe manner. Typing ``Crtl-d`` is the same as typing ``EOF`` and pressing enter. ``exec`` and ``xexec`` ========================= .. command-help:: xonsh.aliases.xexec ``source`` ==================== Executes the contents of the provided files in the current context. This, of course, only works on xonsh and Python files. ``source-bash`` ==================== Like the ``source`` command but for Bash files. This is a thin wrapper around the ``source-foreign`` alias where the ``shell`` argument is automatically set to ``bash``. ``source-foreign`` ==================== Like the ``source`` command but for files in foreign (non-xonsh) languages. It will pick up the environment and any aliases. .. command-help:: xonsh.aliases.source_foreign ``history`` ==================== Tools for dealing with xonsh history. See `the history tutorial `_ for more information all the history command and all of its sub-commands. .. command-help:: xonsh.history.main.history_main ``replay`` ===================== Replays a xonsh history file. See `the replay section of the history tutorial `_ for more information about this command. .. command-help:: xonsh.replay.replay_main ``timeit`` =============== Runs timing study on arguments. Similar to IPython's ``%timeit`` magic. ``scp-resume`` ================= Simple alias defined as ``['rsync', '--partial', '-h', '--progress', '--rsh=ssh']``. ``showcmd`` ============ Displays how commands and arguments are evaluated. ``ipynb`` ================= Simple alias defined as ``['ipython', 'notebook', '--no-browser']``. ``trace`` ================= Provides an interface to printing lines of source code prior to their execution. .. command-help:: xonsh.tracer.tracermain ``xpip`` ================= Runs the ``pip`` package manager for xonsh itself. Useful for installations where xonsh is in an isolated environment (eg conda, homebrew). In general, use ``xpip`` if you're configuring or adding features to xonsh, and use ``pip`` if you're doing Python development. ``xonfig`` ================= Manages xonsh configuration information. .. command-help:: xonsh.xonfig.xonfig_main Windows cmd Aliases ======================= The following aliases on Windows are expanded to ``['cmd', '/c', alias]``: .. code-block:: python {'cls': ['cmd', '/c', 'cls'], 'copy': ['cmd', '/c', 'copy'], 'del': ['cmd', '/c', 'del'], 'dir': ['cmd', '/c', 'dir'], 'erase': ['cmd', '/c', 'erase'], 'md': ['cmd', '/c', 'md'], 'mkdir': ['cmd', '/c', 'mkdir'], 'mklink': ['cmd', '/c', 'mklink'], 'move': ['cmd', '/c', 'move'], 'rd': ['cmd', '/c', 'rd'], 'ren': ['cmd', '/c', 'ren'], 'rename': ['cmd', '/c', 'rename'], 'rmdir': ['cmd', '/c', 'rmdir'], 'time': ['cmd', '/c', 'time'], 'type': ['cmd', '/c', 'type'], 'vol': ['cmd', '/c', 'vol'], } ``activate``/``deactivate`` on Windows with Anaconda ========================================================= On Windows with an Anaconda Python distribution, ``activate`` and ``deactivate`` are aliased to ``['source-bat activate']`` and ``['source-bat deactivate']``. This makes it possible to use the same commands to activate/deactivate conda environments as in cmd.exe. ``sudo`` on Windows ==================== On Windows, if no executables named ``sudo`` are found, Xonsh adds a ``sudo`` alias that poly fills the "run as Admin" behavior with the help of ``ShellExecuteEx`` and ``ctypes``. It doesn't support any actual ``sudo`` parameters and just takes the command to run. ``ls`` ==================== The ``ls`` command is aliased to ``['ls', '--color=auto', '-v']`` normally. On Mac OSX it is instead aliased to ``['ls', '-G']``. ``grep`` ==================== The ``grep`` command is aliased to ``['grep', '--color=auto']``. ``xontrib`` ============== Manages xonsh extensions.