# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tests the xonsh lexer.""" import os import random from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory import stat import nose from nose.tools import assert_equal, assert_true, assert_false from xonsh.lexer import Lexer from xonsh.tools import ( subproc_toks, subexpr_from_unbalanced, is_int, always_true, always_false, ensure_string, is_env_path, str_to_env_path, env_path_to_str, escape_windows_cmd_string, is_bool, to_bool, bool_to_str, is_bool_or_int, to_bool_or_int, bool_or_int_to_str, ensure_int_or_slice, is_float, is_string, check_for_partial_string, is_dynamic_cwd_width, to_dynamic_cwd_tuple, dynamic_cwd_tuple_to_str, argvquote, executables_in, find_next_break) LEXER = Lexer() LEXER.build() INDENT = ' ' def test_subproc_toks_x(): exp = '![x]' obs = subproc_toks('x', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_ls_l(): exp = '![ls -l]' obs = subproc_toks('ls -l', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_git(): s = 'git commit -am "hello doc"' exp = '![{0}]'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(s, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_git_semi(): s = 'git commit -am "hello doc"' exp = '![{0}];'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(s + ';', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_git_nl(): s = 'git commit -am "hello doc"' exp = '![{0}]\n'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(s + '\n', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_indent_ls(): s = 'ls -l' exp = INDENT + '![{0}]'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(INDENT + s, mincol=len(INDENT), lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_indent_ls_nl(): s = 'ls -l' exp = INDENT + '![{0}]\n'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(INDENT + s + '\n', mincol=len(INDENT), lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_indent_ls_no_min(): s = 'ls -l' exp = INDENT + '![{0}]'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(INDENT + s, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_indent_ls_no_min_nl(): s = 'ls -l' exp = INDENT + '![{0}]\n'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(INDENT + s + '\n', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_indent_ls_no_min_semi(): s = 'ls' exp = INDENT + '![{0}];'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(INDENT + s + ';', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_indent_ls_no_min_semi_nl(): s = 'ls' exp = INDENT + '![{0}];\n'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(INDENT + s + ';\n', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_ls_comment(): s = 'ls -l' com = ' # lets list' exp = '![{0}]{1}'.format(s, com) obs = subproc_toks(s + com, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_ls_42_comment(): s = 'ls 42' com = ' # lets list' exp = '![{0}]{1}'.format(s, com) obs = subproc_toks(s + com, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_ls_str_comment(): s = 'ls "wakka"' com = ' # lets list' exp = '![{0}]{1}'.format(s, com) obs = subproc_toks(s + com, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_indent_ls_comment(): ind = ' ' s = 'ls -l' com = ' # lets list' exp = '{0}![{1}]{2}'.format(ind, s, com) obs = subproc_toks(ind + s + com, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_indent_ls_str(): ind = ' ' s = 'ls "wakka"' com = ' # lets list' exp = '{0}![{1}]{2}'.format(ind, s, com) obs = subproc_toks(ind + s + com, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_ls_l_semi_ls_first(): lsdl = 'ls -l' ls = 'ls' s = '{0}; {1}'.format(lsdl, ls) exp = '![{0}]; {1}'.format(lsdl, ls) obs = subproc_toks(s, lexer=LEXER, maxcol=6, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_ls_l_semi_ls_second(): lsdl = 'ls -l' ls = 'ls' s = '{0}; {1}'.format(lsdl, ls) exp = '{0}; ![{1}]'.format(lsdl, ls) obs = subproc_toks(s, lexer=LEXER, mincol=7, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_hello_mom_first(): fst = "echo 'hello'" sec = "echo 'mom'" s = '{0}; {1}'.format(fst, sec) exp = '![{0}]; {1}'.format(fst, sec) obs = subproc_toks(s, lexer=LEXER, maxcol=len(fst)+1, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_hello_mom_second(): fst = "echo 'hello'" sec = "echo 'mom'" s = '{0}; {1}'.format(fst, sec) exp = '{0}; ![{1}]'.format(fst, sec) obs = subproc_toks(s, lexer=LEXER, mincol=len(fst), returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_comment(): exp = None obs = subproc_toks('# I am a comment', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_not(): exp = 'not ![echo mom]' obs = subproc_toks('not echo mom', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_paren(): exp = '(![echo mom])' obs = subproc_toks('(echo mom)', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_paren_ws(): exp = '(![echo mom]) ' obs = subproc_toks('(echo mom) ', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_not_paren(): exp = 'not (![echo mom])' obs = subproc_toks('not (echo mom)', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_and_paren(): exp = 'True and (![echo mom])' obs = subproc_toks('True and (echo mom)', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_paren_and_paren(): exp = '(![echo a]) and (echo b)' obs = subproc_toks('(echo a) and (echo b)', maxcol=9, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_semicolon_only(): exp = None obs = subproc_toks(';', lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_pyeval(): s = 'echo @(1+1)' exp = '![{0}]'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(s, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_twopyeval(): s = 'echo @(1+1) @(40 + 2)' exp = '![{0}]'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(s, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_pyeval_parens(): s = 'echo @(1+1)' inp = '({0})'.format(s) exp = '(![{0}])'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(inp, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_twopyeval_parens(): s = 'echo @(1+1) @(40+2)' inp = '({0})'.format(s) exp = '(![{0}])'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(inp, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_pyeval_nested(): s = 'echo @(min(1, 42))' exp = '![{0}]'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(s, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_pyeval_nested_parens(): s = 'echo @(min(1, 42))' inp = '({0})'.format(s) exp = '(![{0}])'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(inp, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_capstdout(): s = 'echo $(echo bat)' exp = '![{0}]'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(s, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_capproc(): s = 'echo !(echo bat)' exp = '![{0}]'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(s, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subproc_toks_pyeval_redirect(): s = 'echo @("foo") > bar' inp = '{0}'.format(s) exp = '![{0}]'.format(s) obs = subproc_toks(inp, lexer=LEXER, returnline=True) assert_equal(exp, obs) def test_subexpr_from_unbalanced_parens(): cases = [ ('f(x.', 'x.'), ('f(1,x.', 'x.'), ('f((1,10),x.y', 'x.y'), ] for expr, exp in cases: obs = subexpr_from_unbalanced(expr, '(', ')') yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_find_next_break(): cases = [ ('ls && echo a', 0, 4), ('ls && echo a', 6, None), ('ls && echo a || echo b', 6, 14), ('(ls) && echo a', 1, 4), ('not ls && echo a', 0, 8), ('not (ls) && echo a', 0, 8), ] for line, mincol, exp in cases: obs = find_next_break(line, mincol=mincol, lexer=LEXER) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_is_int(): yield assert_true, is_int(42) yield assert_false, is_int('42') def test_is_float(): yield assert_true, is_float(42.0) yield assert_false, is_float('42.0') def test_is_string(): yield assert_true, is_string('42.0') yield assert_false, is_string(42.0) def test_always_true(): yield assert_true, always_true(42) yield assert_true, always_true('42') def test_always_false(): yield assert_false, always_false(42) yield assert_false, always_false('42') def test_ensure_string(): cases = [ (42, '42'), ('42', '42'), ] for inp, exp in cases: obs = ensure_string(inp) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_is_env_path(): cases = [ ('/home/wakka', False), (['/home/jawaka'], True), ] for inp, exp in cases: obs = is_env_path(inp) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_str_to_env_path(): cases = [ ('/home/wakka', ['/home/wakka']), ('/home/wakka' + os.pathsep + '/home/jawaka', ['/home/wakka', '/home/jawaka']), ] for inp, exp in cases: obs = str_to_env_path(inp) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_env_path_to_str(): cases = [ (['/home/wakka'], '/home/wakka'), (['/home/wakka', '/home/jawaka'], '/home/wakka' + os.pathsep + '/home/jawaka'), ] for inp, exp in cases: obs = env_path_to_str(inp) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_is_bool(): yield assert_equal, True, is_bool(True) yield assert_equal, True, is_bool(False) yield assert_equal, False, is_bool(1) yield assert_equal, False, is_bool('yooo hooo!') def test_to_bool(): cases = [ (True, True), (False, False), (None, False), ('', False), ('0', False), ('False', False), ('NONE', False), ('TRUE', True), ('1', True), (0, False), (1, True), ] for inp, exp in cases: obs = to_bool(inp) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_bool_to_str(): yield assert_equal, '1', bool_to_str(True) yield assert_equal, '', bool_to_str(False) def test_is_bool_or_int(): cases = [ (True, True), (False, True), (1, True), (0, True), ('Yolo', False), (1.0, False), ] for inp, exp in cases: obs = is_bool_or_int(inp) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_to_bool_or_int(): cases = [ (True, True), (False, False), (1, 1), (0, 0), ('', False), (0.0, False), (1.0, True), ('T', True), ('f', False), ('0', 0), ('10', 10), ] for inp, exp in cases: obs = to_bool_or_int(inp) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_bool_or_int_to_str(): cases = [ (True, '1'), (False, ''), (1, '1'), (0, '0'), ] for inp, exp in cases: obs = bool_or_int_to_str(inp) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_ensure_int_or_slice(): cases = [ (42, 42), (None, slice(None, None, None)), ('42', 42), ('-42', -42), ('1:2:3', slice(1, 2, 3)), ('1::3', slice(1, None, 3)), ('1:', slice(1, None, None)), ('[1:2:3]', slice(1, 2, 3)), ('(1:2:3)', slice(1, 2, 3)), ] for inp, exp in cases: obs = ensure_int_or_slice(inp) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_is_dynamic_cwd_width(): cases = [ ('20', False), ('20%', False), ((20, 'c'), False), ((20.0, 'm'), False), ((20.0, 'c'), True), ((20.0, '%'), True), ] for inp, exp in cases: obs = is_dynamic_cwd_width(inp) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_to_dynamic_cwd_tuple(): cases = [ ('20', (20.0, 'c')), ('20%', (20.0, '%')), ((20, 'c'), (20.0, 'c')), ((20, '%'), (20.0, '%')), ((20.0, 'c'), (20.0, 'c')), ((20.0, '%'), (20.0, '%')), ('inf', (float('inf'), 'c')), ] for inp, exp in cases: obs = to_dynamic_cwd_tuple(inp) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_dynamic_cwd_tuple_to_str(): cases = [ ((20.0, 'c'), '20.0'), ((20.0, '%'), '20.0%'), ((float('inf'), 'c'), 'inf'), ] for inp, exp in cases: obs = dynamic_cwd_tuple_to_str(inp) yield assert_equal, exp, obs def test_escape_windows_cmd_string(): cases = [ ('', ''), ('foo', 'foo'), ('foo&bar', 'foo^&bar'), ('foo$?-/_"\\', 'foo$?-/_^"\\'), ('^&<>|', '^^^&^<^>^|'), ('this /?', 'this /.') ] for st, esc in cases: obs = escape_windows_cmd_string(st) yield assert_equal, esc, obs def test_argvquote(): cases = [ ('', '""'), ('foo', 'foo'), (r'arg1 "hallo, "world"" "\some\path with\spaces")', r'"arg1 \"hallo, \"world\"\" \"\some\path with\spaces\")"'), (r'"argument"2" argument3 argument4', r'"\"argument\"2\" argument3 argument4"'), (r'"\foo\bar bar\foo\" arg', r'"\"\foo\bar bar\foo\\\" arg"') ] for st, esc in cases: obs = argvquote(st) yield assert_equal, esc, obs _leaders = ('', 'not empty') _r = ('r', '') _b = ('b', '') _u = ('u', '') _chars = set(i+j+k for i in _r for j in _b for k in _u) _chars |= set(i+j+k for i in _r for j in _u for k in _b) _chars |= set(i+j+k for i in _b for j in _u for k in _r) _chars |= set(i+j+k for i in _b for j in _r for k in _u) _chars |= set(i+j+k for i in _u for j in _r for k in _b) _chars |= set(i+j+k for i in _u for j in _b for k in _r) _squote = ('"""', '"', "'''", "'") _startend = {c+s: s for c in _chars for s in _squote} inners = "this is a string" def test_partial_string(): # single string at start yield assert_equal, check_for_partial_string('no strings here'), (None, None, None) yield assert_equal, check_for_partial_string(''), (None, None, None) for s, e in _startend.items(): _test = s + inners + e for l in _leaders: for f in _leaders: # single string _res = check_for_partial_string(l + _test + f) yield assert_equal, _res, (len(l), len(l) + len(_test), s) # single partial _res = check_for_partial_string(l + f + s + inners) yield assert_equal, _res, (len(l+f), None, s) for s2, e2 in _startend.items(): _test2 = s2 + inners + e2 for l2 in _leaders: for f2 in _leaders: # two strings _res = check_for_partial_string(l + _test + f + l2 + _test2 + f2) yield assert_equal, _res, (len(l+_test+f+l2), len(l+_test+f+l2+_test2), s2) # one string, one partial _res = check_for_partial_string(l + _test + f + l2 + s2 + inners) yield assert_equal, _res, (len(l+_test+f+l2), None, s2) def test_executables_in(): expected = set() with TemporaryDirectory() as test_path: for i in range(random.randint(100, 200)): _type = random.choice(('none', 'file', 'file', 'directory')) if _type == 'none': continue executable = random.choice((True, True, False)) if _type == 'file' and executable: expected.add(str(i)) path = os.path.join(test_path, str(i)) if _type == 'file': open(path, 'w').close() elif _type == 'directory': os.mkdir(path) if executable: os.chmod(path, stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) result = set(executables_in(test_path)) assert_equal(expected, result) if __name__ == '__main__': nose.runmodule()