import builtins import glob import os import sys import types import typing as tp from unittest.mock import MagicMock import pytest from xonsh.built_ins import XonshSession, XSH from xonsh.execer import Execer from import tasks from import events from xonsh.platform import ON_WINDOWS from xonsh.parsers.completion_context import CompletionContextParser from xonsh import commands_cache from tools import DummyShell, sp, DummyEnv, DummyHistory @pytest.fixture def source_path(): """Get the xonsh source path.""" pwd = os.path.dirname(__file__) return os.path.dirname(pwd) @pytest.fixture def xonsh_execer(monkeypatch): """Initiate the Execer with a mocked nop `load_builtins`""" execer = Execer(unload=False) monkeypatch.setattr(XSH, "execer", execer) yield execer @pytest.fixture def patch_commands_cache_bins(xession, tmp_path, monkeypatch): def _factory(binaries: tp.List[str]): if not xession.env.get("PATH"): xession.env["PATH"] = [tmp_path] exec_mock = MagicMock(return_value=binaries) monkeypatch.setattr(commands_cache, "executables_in", exec_mock) cc = commands_cache.CommandsCache() xession.commands_cache = cc return cc return _factory @pytest.fixture def monkeypatch_stderr(monkeypatch): """Monkeypath sys.stderr with no ResourceWarning.""" with open(os.devnull, "w") as fd: monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "stderr", fd) yield @pytest.fixture def xonsh_events(): yield events for name, oldevent in vars(events).items(): # Heavily based on transmogrification species = oldevent.species newevent = events._mkevent(name, species, species.__doc__) setattr(events, name, newevent) @pytest.fixture def xonsh_builtins(monkeypatch, xonsh_events): """Mock out most of the builtins xonsh attributes.""" old_builtins = set(dir(builtins)) XSH.load( execer=Execer(unload=False), ctx={}, ) if ON_WINDOWS: XSH.env["PATHEXT"] = [".EXE", ".BAT", ".CMD"] def locate_binary(self, name): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bin", name) for attr, val in [ ("env", DummyEnv()), ("shell", DummyShell()), ("help", lambda x: x), ("aliases", {}), ("exit", False), ("history", DummyHistory()), # ("subproc_captured", sp), ("subproc_uncaptured", sp), ("subproc_captured_stdout", sp), ("subproc_captured_inject", sp), ("subproc_captured_object", sp), ("subproc_captured_hiddenobject", sp), ]: monkeypatch.setattr(XSH, attr, val) cc = XSH.commands_cache monkeypatch.setattr(cc, "locate_binary", types.MethodType(locate_binary, cc)) for attr, val in [ ("evalx", eval), ("execx", None), ("compilex", None), # Unlike all the other stuff, this has to refer to the "real" one because all modules that would # be firing events on the global instance. ("events", xonsh_events), ]: # attributes to builtins are dynamicProxy and should pickup the following monkeypatch.setattr(XSH.builtins, attr, val) # todo: remove using builtins for tests at all yield builtins XSH.unload() for attr in set(dir(builtins)) - old_builtins: if hasattr(builtins, attr): delattr(builtins, attr) tasks.clear() # must to this to enable resetting all_jobs @pytest.fixture def xession(xonsh_builtins) -> XonshSession: return XSH @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def completion_context_parse(): return CompletionContextParser().parse @pytest.fixture def ptk_shell(xonsh_execer): from prompt_toolkit.input import create_pipe_input from prompt_toolkit.output import DummyOutput from import PromptToolkitShell inp = create_pipe_input() out = DummyOutput() shell = PromptToolkitShell( execer=xonsh_execer, ctx={}, ptk_args={"input": inp, "output": out} ) yield inp, out, shell inp.close() def pytest_configure(config): """Abort test run if --flake8 requested, since it would hang on""" if config.getoption("--flake8", ""): pytest.exit("pytest-flake8 no longer supported, use flake8 instead.")