# Use of pytest --flake8 is deprecated in favor of flake8 direct. # Thus the developer's IDE can use the same lint config as CI. # pytest-flake8 --ignore is an incompatible superset of flake8 --ignore, --per-file-ignores and --exclude # and we don't want to maintain the same list in 2 formats. [flake8] max-line-length = 180 exclude = __amalgam__.py, tests/, docs/, */vended_ptk/prompt_toolkit/, */vended_ptk/wcwidth/, */ply/, parser*_table.py, build/, dist/, setup.py, .vscode/, feedstock, rever, .venv, # remove later pygments_cache.py # lint nits that are acceptable in Xonsh project: ignore = E122, # E203 whitespace before ':' E203, E402, # line break before binary operators is a good thing W503, # accept lambda assigned to a variable E731, # remove these later # E741 - ambiguous variable name E741, # also acceptable in Xonsh project: reference to global names defined at runtime by black magic builtins = __xonsh__, events, aliases, XonshError, per-file-ignores = # flake8 gives incorrect unused import errors, F401 tests/tools.py:E128, xonsh/ast.py:F401, xonsh/built_ins.py:F821 E721, xonsh/built_ins.py:E721, xonsh/commands_cache.py:F841, xonsh/history.py:F821, xonsh/jupyter_kernel.py:E203, xonsh/platform.py:F401 E305, xonsh/proc.py:E261 E265, xonsh/ptk/key_bindings.py:F841, xonsh/ptk/shell.py:E731, xonsh/pyghooks.py:F821, xonsh/readline_shell.py:F401, xonsh/style_tools.py:F821 E305, xonsh/timings.py:F401, xonsh/tokenize.py:F821 F841, xonsh/tools.py:E731 E305, xonsh/xonfig.py:E731, xontrib/vox.py:F821, # remove these later xonsh/color_tools.py:E305 xonsh/completers/_aliases.py:E305, xonsh/completers/python.py:E722, xonsh/inspectors.py:E722 xonsh/lexer.py:E741, xonsh/parsers/context_check.py:E305, xonsh/style_tools.py:E305, xonsh/tools.py:E305, xonsh/winutils.py:E305, xonsh/xoreutils/*.py:E722 E305,