**Added:** * A new way to add optional items to the prompt format string has been added. Instead of relying on formatter dict items being padded with a space, now the padding characters are specified in the format string itself, in place of the format spec (after a ``:``). For example, previously the prompt string ``{cwd}{curr_branch} $`` would rely on ``curr_branch`` giving its output prepended with a space for separation, or outputting nothing if it is not applicable. Now ``curr_branch`` just outputs a value or ``None``, and the prompt string has to specify the surrounding characters: ``{cwd}{curr_branch: {}} $``. Here the value of ``curr_branch`` will be prepended with a space (``{}`` is a placeholder for the value itself). The format string after ``:`` is applied only if the value is not ``None``. **Changed:** * Because of the addition of "optional items" to the prompt format string, the functions ``xonsh.environ.current_branch``, ``xonsh.environ.env_name`` and formatter dict items ``curr_branch``, ``current_job``, ``env_name`` are no longer padded with a separator. **Deprecated:** None **Removed:** * ``xonsh.environ.format_prompt`` has been dropped; ``partial_format_prompt`` can be used instead. **Fixed:** None **Security:** None