import builtins import glob import os import pytest from xonsh.built_ins import ( ensure_list_of_strs, XonshSession, pathsearch, globsearch, regexsearch, list_of_strs_or_callables, list_of_list_of_strs_outer_product, call_macro, enter_macro, path_literal, _BuiltIns, ) from xonsh.execer import Execer from import tasks from import events from xonsh.platform import ON_WINDOWS from tools import DummyShell, sp, DummyCommandsCache, DummyEnv, DummyHistory @pytest.fixture def source_path(): """Get the xonsh source path.""" pwd = os.path.dirname(__file__) return os.path.dirname(pwd) @pytest.fixture def xonsh_execer(monkeypatch): """Initiate the Execer with a mocked nop `load_builtins`""" monkeypatch.setattr( "xonsh.built_ins.load_builtins.__code__", (lambda *args, **kwargs: None).__code__, ) if not hasattr(builtins, "__xonsh__"): builtins.__xonsh__ = XonshSession() execer = Execer(unload=False) builtins.__xonsh__.execer = execer return execer @pytest.yield_fixture def xonsh_events(): yield events for name, oldevent in vars(events).items(): # Heavily based on transmogrification species = oldevent.species newevent = events._mkevent(name, species, species.__doc__) setattr(events, name, newevent) @pytest.yield_fixture def xonsh_builtins(xonsh_events): """Mock out most of the builtins xonsh attributes.""" old_builtins = set(dir(builtins)) execer = getattr(getattr(builtins, "__xonsh__", None), "execer", None) builtins.__xonsh__ = XonshSession(execer=execer, ctx={}) builtins.__xonsh__.env = DummyEnv() if ON_WINDOWS: builtins.__xonsh__.env["PATHEXT"] = [".EXE", ".BAT", ".CMD"] = DummyShell() = lambda x: x builtins.__xonsh__.glob = glob.glob builtins.__xonsh__.exit = False builtins.__xonsh__.superhelp = lambda x: x builtins.__xonsh__.pathsearch = pathsearch builtins.__xonsh__.globsearch = globsearch builtins.__xonsh__.regexsearch = regexsearch builtins.__xonsh__.regexpath = lambda x: [] builtins.__xonsh__.expand_path = lambda x: x builtins.__xonsh__.subproc_captured = sp builtins.__xonsh__.subproc_uncaptured = sp builtins.__xonsh__.stdout_uncaptured = None builtins.__xonsh__.stderr_uncaptured = None builtins.__xonsh__.ensure_list_of_strs = ensure_list_of_strs builtins.__xonsh__.commands_cache = DummyCommandsCache() builtins.__xonsh__.all_jobs = {} builtins.__xonsh__.list_of_strs_or_callables = list_of_strs_or_callables builtins.__xonsh__.list_of_list_of_strs_outer_product = ( list_of_list_of_strs_outer_product ) builtins.__xonsh__.history = DummyHistory() builtins.__xonsh__.subproc_captured_stdout = sp builtins.__xonsh__.subproc_captured_inject = sp builtins.__xonsh__.subproc_captured_object = sp builtins.__xonsh__.subproc_captured_hiddenobject = sp builtins.__xonsh__.enter_macro = enter_macro builtins.__xonsh__.completers = None builtins.__xonsh__.call_macro = call_macro builtins.__xonsh__.enter_macro = enter_macro builtins.__xonsh__.path_literal = path_literal builtins.__xonsh__.builtins = _BuiltIns(execer=execer) builtins.evalx = eval builtins.execx = None builtins.compilex = None builtins.aliases = {} # Unlike all the other stuff, this has to refer to the "real" one because all modules that would # be firing events on the global instance. = xonsh_events yield builtins for attr in set(dir(builtins)) - old_builtins: if hasattr(builtins, attr): delattr(builtins, attr) tasks.clear() # must to this to enable resetting all_jobs if ON_WINDOWS: try: import win_unicode_console except ImportError: pass else: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def disable_win_unicode_console(monkeypatch): """ Disable win_unicode_console if it is present since it collides with pytests ouptput capture""" monkeypatch.setattr(win_unicode_console, "enable", lambda: None)