import pytest from import skip_if_pre_3_8 from xonsh.completers.python import ( python_signature_complete, complete_python, ) from xonsh.completers.imports import complete_import from xonsh.parsers.completion_context import ( CommandArg, CommandContext, CompletionContext, CompletionContextParser, PythonContext, ) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def xonsh_execer_autouse(xession, xonsh_execer, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setitem(xession.env, "COMPLETIONS_BRACKETS", True) return xonsh_execer def foo(x, y, z): pass def bar(wakka="wow", jawaka="mom"): pass def baz(sonata, artica=True): pass def always_true(x, y): return True BASE_CTX = {"foo": foo, "bar": bar, "baz": baz} FOO_ARGS = {"x=", "y=", "z="} BAR_ARGS = {"wakka=", "jawaka="} BAZ_ARGS = {"sonata=", "artica="} @pytest.mark.parametrize( "line, end, exp", [ ("foo(", 4, FOO_ARGS), # I have no idea why this one needs to be first ("foo()", 3, set()), ("foo()", 4, FOO_ARGS), ("foo()", 5, set()), ("foo(x, ", 6, FOO_ARGS), ("foo(x, )", 6, FOO_ARGS), ("bar()", 4, BAR_ARGS), ("baz()", 4, BAZ_ARGS), ("foo(bar(", 8, BAR_ARGS), ("foo(bar()", 9, FOO_ARGS), ("foo(bar())", 4, FOO_ARGS), ], ) def test_complete_python_signatures(line, end, exp): ctx = dict(BASE_CTX) obs = python_signature_complete("", line, end, ctx, always_true) assert exp == obs @pytest.mark.parametrize( "code, exp", ( ("x = su", "sum"), ("imp", "import"), ("{}.g", "{}.get("), # no signature for native builtins under 3.7: pytest.param("''.split(ma", "maxsplit=", marks=skip_if_pre_3_8), ), ) def test_complete_python(code, exp): res = complete_python( CompletionContext(python=PythonContext(code, len(code), ctx={})) ) assert res and len(res) == 2 comps, _ = res assert exp in comps def test_complete_python_ctx(): class A: def wow(self): pass a = A() res = complete_python( CompletionContext(python=PythonContext("a.w", 2, ctx=locals())) ) assert res and len(res) == 2 comps, _ = res assert "" in comps @pytest.mark.parametrize( "command, exp", ( ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("import"),), arg_index=1, prefix="pathli"), {"pathlib"}, ), ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("from"),), arg_index=1, prefix="pathli"), {"pathlib"}, ), ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("import"),), arg_index=1, prefix=""), {"os.path"}, ), ( CommandContext( args=(CommandArg("import"),), arg_index=1, prefix="sys," ), {"os.path"}, ), ( CommandContext( args=( CommandArg("from"), CommandArg("x"), ), arg_index=2, ), {"import"}, ), ( CommandContext( args=( CommandArg("import"), CommandArg("os,"), ), arg_index=2, prefix="pathli", ), {"pathlib"}, ), ( CommandContext( args=( CommandArg("from"), CommandArg("pathlib"), CommandArg("import"), ), arg_index=3, prefix="PurePa", ), {"PurePath"}, ), ( CommandContext( args=( CommandArg("from"), CommandArg("pathlib"), CommandArg("import"), ), arg_index=3, prefix="PosixPath,PurePa", ), {"PurePath"}, ), ( CommandContext( args=( CommandArg("from"), CommandArg("pathlib"), CommandArg("import"), CommandArg("PosixPath"), ), arg_index=4, prefix="PurePa", ), {"PurePath"}, ), ), ) def test_complete_import(command, exp): result = complete_import( CompletionContext( command, python=PythonContext("", 0) # `complete_import` needs this ) ) if isinstance(result, tuple): result, _ = result result = set(result) assert result == exp