"""Test initialization of prompt_toolkit shell""" import sys import pyte import pytest from xonsh.platform import minimum_required_ptk_version from xonsh.ptk_shell.shell import tokenize_ansi from xonsh.shell import Shell # verify error if ptk not installed or below min @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ptk_ver, ini_shell_type, exp_shell_type, warn_snip", [ (None, "prompt_toolkit", "readline", None), ((0, 5, 7), "prompt_toolkit", "readline", "is not supported"), ((1, 0, 0), "prompt_toolkit", "readline", "is not supported"), ((2, 0, 0), "prompt_toolkit", "prompt_toolkit", None), ((2, 0, 0), "best", "prompt_toolkit", None), ((2, 0, 0), "readline", "readline", None), ((3, 0, 0), "prompt_toolkit", "prompt_toolkit", None), ((3, 0, 0), "best", "prompt_toolkit", None), ((3, 0, 0), "readline", "readline", None), ((4, 0, 0), "prompt_toolkit", "prompt_toolkit", None), ], ) def test_prompt_toolkit_version_checks( ptk_ver, ini_shell_type, exp_shell_type, warn_snip, monkeypatch, xession, ): mocked_warn = "" def mock_warning(msg, **_): nonlocal mocked_warn mocked_warn = msg return def mock_ptk_above_min_supported(): nonlocal ptk_ver return ptk_ver and (ptk_ver[:3] >= minimum_required_ptk_version) def mock_has_prompt_toolkit(): nonlocal ptk_ver return ptk_ver is not None monkeypatch.setattr( "xonsh.shell.warnings.warn", mock_warning ) # hardwon: patch the caller! monkeypatch.setattr( "xonsh.shell.ptk_above_min_supported", mock_ptk_above_min_supported ) # have to patch both callers monkeypatch.setattr( "xonsh.platform.ptk_above_min_supported", mock_ptk_above_min_supported ) monkeypatch.setattr("xonsh.platform.has_prompt_toolkit", mock_has_prompt_toolkit) old_syspath = sys.path.copy() act_shell_type = Shell.choose_shell_type(ini_shell_type, {}) assert len(old_syspath) == len(sys.path) sys.path = old_syspath assert act_shell_type == exp_shell_type if warn_snip: assert warn_snip in mocked_warn pass @pytest.mark.parametrize( "prompt_tokens, ansi_string_parts", [ # no ansi, single token ([("fake style", "no ansi here")], ["no ansi here"]), # no ansi, multiple tokens ([("s1", "no"), ("s2", "ansi here")], ["no", "ansi here"]), # ansi only, multiple ([("s1", "\x1b[33mansi \x1b[1monly")], ["", "ansi ", "only"]), # mixed ( [("s1", "no ansi"), ("s2", "mixed \x1b[33mansi")], ["no ansi", "mixed ", "ansi"], ), ], ) def test_tokenize_ansi(prompt_tokens, ansi_string_parts): ansi_tokens = tokenize_ansi(prompt_tokens) for token, text in zip(ansi_tokens, ansi_string_parts): assert token[1] == text @pytest.mark.parametrize( "line, exp", [ [repr("hello"), None], ["2 * 3", "6"], ], ) def test_ptk_prompt(line, exp, ptk_shell, capsys): inp, out, shell = ptk_shell inp.send_text(f"{line}\nexit\n") # note: terminate with '\n' shell.cmdloop() screen = pyte.Screen(80, 24) stream = pyte.Stream(screen) out, _ = capsys.readouterr() # this will remove render any color codes stream.feed(out.strip()) out = screen.display[0].strip() assert out.strip() == (exp or line) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "cmd,exp_append_history", [ ("", False), ("# a comment", False), ("print('yes')", True), ], ) def test_ptk_default_append_history(cmd, exp_append_history, ptk_shell, monkeypatch): """Test that running an empty line or a comment does not append to history. This test is necessary because the prompt-toolkit shell uses a custom _push() method that is different from the base shell's push() method. """ inp, out, shell = ptk_shell append_history_calls = [] def mock_append_history(**info): append_history_calls.append(info) monkeypatch.setattr(shell, "_append_history", mock_append_history) shell.default(cmd) if exp_append_history: assert len(append_history_calls) == 1 else: assert len(append_history_calls) == 0