import os import pickle import stat import time from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory import pytest from xonsh.commands_cache import ( SHELL_PREDICTOR_PARSER, CaseInsensitiveDict, CommandsCache, _Commands, executables_in, predict_false, predict_shell, predict_true, ) from xonsh.platform import ON_WINDOWS from import skip_if_on_windows PATHEXT_ENV = {"PATHEXT": [".COM", ".EXE", ".BAT"]} def test_commands_cache_lazy(xession): cc = xession.commands_cache assert not cc.lazyin("xonsh") assert 0 == len(list(cc.lazyiter())) assert 0 == cc.lazylen() def test_predict_threadable_unknown_command(xession): result = xession.commands_cache.predict_threadable(["command_should_not_found"]) assert isinstance(result, bool) class TestCommandsCacheSaveIntermediate: """test behavior when $COMMANDS_CACHE_SAVE_INTERMEDIATE=True""" @pytest.fixture def exin_mock(self, xession, mock_executables_in): xession.env["COMMANDS_CACHE_SAVE_INTERMEDIATE"] = True return mock_executables_in(["bin1", "bin2"]) def test_caching_to_file(self, exin_mock, xession, tmp_path): assert [b.lower() for b in xession.commands_cache.all_commands.keys()] == [ "bin1", "bin2", ] files = tmp_path.glob("*.pickle") assert len(list(files)) == 1 exin_mock.assert_called_once() def test_loading_cache(self, exin_mock, tmp_path, xession): cc = xession.commands_cache file = tmp_path / CommandsCache.CACHE_FILE file.touch() cached = { str(tmp_path): _Commands( mtime=tmp_path.stat().st_mtime, cmds=("bin1", "bin2") ) } file.write_bytes(pickle.dumps(cached)) assert str(cc.cache_file) == str(file) assert [b.lower() for b in cc.all_commands.keys()] == ["bin1", "bin2"] exin_mock.assert_not_called() TRUE_SHELL_ARGS = [ ["-c", "yo"], ["-c=yo"], ["file"], ["-i", "-l", "file"], ["-i", "-c", "yo"], ["-i", "file"], ["-i", "-c", "yo", "file"], ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("args", TRUE_SHELL_ARGS) def test_predict_shell_parser(args): ns, unknown = SHELL_PREDICTOR_PARSER.parse_known_args(args) if ns.filename is not None: assert not ns.filename.startswith("-") @pytest.mark.parametrize("args", TRUE_SHELL_ARGS) def test_predict_shell_true(args): assert predict_shell(args, None) FALSE_SHELL_ARGS = [[], ["-c"], ["-i"], ["-i", "-l"]] @pytest.mark.parametrize("args", FALSE_SHELL_ARGS) def test_predict_shell_false(args): assert not predict_shell(args, None) PATTERN_BIN_USING_TTY_OR_NOT = [ ( False, {10: b"isnotatty"}, ), ( False, {12: b"isatty"}, ), ( False, {151: b"gpm"}, ), ( False, {10: b"isatty", 100: b"tcgetattr"}, ), ( False, {10: b"isatty", 100: b"tcsetattr"}, ), ( True, {10: b"isatty", 100: b"tcsetattr", 1000: b"tcgetattr"}, ), ( True, {1000: b"libncurses"}, ), ( True, {4094: b"libgpm"}, ), ( True, {2045: b"tcgetattr", 4095: b"tcgetattr", 6140: b"tcsetattr", 8190: b"isatty"}, ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("args", PATTERN_BIN_USING_TTY_OR_NOT) @skip_if_on_windows def test_commands_cache_predictor_default(args, xession, tmp_path): use_tty, patterns = args file = tmp_path / "testfile" where = list(patterns.keys()) where.sort() with"wb") as f: pos = 0 for w in where: f.write(b"\x20" * (w - pos)) f.write(patterns[w]) pos = w + len(patterns[w]) f.write(b"\x20" * (pos // 2)) result = xession.commands_cache.default_predictor_readbin( "", str(file), timeout=1, failure=None ) expected = predict_false if use_tty else predict_true assert result == expected class Test_is_only_functional_alias: def test_cd(self, xession): xession.aliases["cd"] = lambda args: os.chdir(args[0]) xession.env["PATH"] = [] assert xession.commands_cache.is_only_functional_alias("cd") def test_non_exist(self, xession): assert ( xession.commands_cache.is_only_functional_alias( "" ) is False ) def test_bash_and_is_alias_is_only_functional_alias(self, xession): xession.aliases["git"] = lambda args: os.chdir(args[0]) assert xession.commands_cache.is_only_functional_alias("git") is False def test_update_cache(xession, tmp_path): xession.env["ENABLE_COMMANDS_CACHE"] = False basename = "PITA.EXE" subdir1 = tmp_path / "subdir1" subdir2 = tmp_path / "subdir2" subdir1.mkdir() subdir2.mkdir() file1 = subdir1 / basename file2 = subdir2 / basename file1.touch() file1.chmod(0o755) paths = [subdir2, subdir1] cache = CommandsCache({"PATH": paths}) cached = cache.update_cache() # Check there are no changes after update cache. c1 = cache._update_and_check_changes(paths) c2 = cache._update_and_check_changes(paths) c3 = cache._update_and_check_changes(paths) assert [c1, c2, c3] == [True, False, False] assert file1.samefile(cached[basename][0]) # give the os enough time to update the mtime field of the parent directory # (represented in seconds on Linux and Windows systems) time.sleep(2) file2.touch() file2.chmod(0o755) cached = cache.update_cache() assert file2.samefile(cached[basename][0]) @pytest.fixture def faux_binary(tmp_path): """ A fake binary in the temp path. Uses mixed case so tests may make assertions about it. """ binary = tmp_path / "RunMe.exe" binary.touch() binary.chmod(0o755) return binary def test_find_binary_retains_case(faux_binary): cache = CommandsCache({"PATH": []}) loc = cache.locate_binary(str(faux_binary)) assert in loc def test_exes_in_cwd_are_not_matched(faux_binary, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.chdir(faux_binary.parent) cache = CommandsCache({"PATH": []}) assert cache.locate_binary( is None def test_nixos_coreutils(tmp_path): """On NixOS the core tools are the symlinks to one universal ``coreutils`` binary file.""" path = tmp_path / "core" coreutils = path / "coreutils" echo = path / "echo" echo2 = path / "echo2" echo3 = path / "echo3" cat = path / "cat" path.mkdir() coreutils.write_bytes(b"Binary with isatty, tcgetattr, tcsetattr.") echo.symlink_to(echo2) echo2.symlink_to(echo3) echo3.symlink_to(coreutils) cat.symlink_to(coreutils) for toolpath in [coreutils, echo, echo2, echo3, cat]: # chmod a+x toolpath current_permissions = toolpath.stat().st_mode toolpath.chmod(current_permissions | 0o111) cache = CommandsCache({"PATH": [path]}) assert cache.predict_threadable(["echo", "1"]) is True assert cache.predict_threadable(["cat", "file"]) is False def test_executables_in(xession): expected = set() types = ("file", "directory", "brokensymlink") if ON_WINDOWS: # Don't test symlinks on windows since it requires admin types = ("file", "directory") executables = (True, False) with TemporaryDirectory() as test_path: for _type in types: for executable in executables: fname = f"{_type}_{executable}" if _type == "none": continue if _type == "file" and executable: ext = ".exe" if ON_WINDOWS else "" expected.add(fname + ext) else: ext = "" path = os.path.join(test_path, fname + ext) if _type == "file": with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(fname) elif _type == "directory": os.mkdir(path) elif _type == "brokensymlink": tmp_path = os.path.join(test_path, "i_wont_exist") with open(tmp_path, "w") as f: f.write("deleteme") os.symlink(tmp_path, path) os.remove(tmp_path) if executable and not _type == "brokensymlink": os.chmod(path, stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) if ON_WINDOWS: xession.env = PATHEXT_ENV result = set(executables_in(test_path)) else: result = set(executables_in(test_path)) assert expected == result def test_caseinsdict_constructor(): actual = CaseInsensitiveDict({"key1": "val1", "Key2": "Val2"}) assert isinstance(actual, CaseInsensitiveDict) assert actual["key1"] == "val1" assert actual["Key2"] == "Val2" def test_caseinsdict_getitem(): actual = CaseInsensitiveDict({"Key1": "Val1"}) assert actual["Key1"] == "Val1" assert actual["key1"] == "Val1" def test_caseinsdict_setitem(): actual = CaseInsensitiveDict({"Key1": "Val1"}) actual["Key1"] = "Val2" assert actual["Key1"] == "Val2" assert actual["key1"] == "Val2" actual["key1"] = "Val3" assert actual["Key1"] == "Val3" assert actual["key1"] == "Val3" def test_caseinsdict_delitem(): actual = CaseInsensitiveDict({"Key1": "Val1", "Key2": "Val2"}) del actual["Key1"] assert actual == CaseInsensitiveDict({"Key2": "Val2"}) del actual["key2"] assert actual == CaseInsensitiveDict({}) def test_caseinsdict_contains(): actual = CaseInsensitiveDict({"Key1": "Val1"}) assert actual.__contains__("Key1") assert actual.__contains__("key1") assert not actual.__contains__("key2") def test_caseinsdict_get(): actual = CaseInsensitiveDict({"Key1": "Val1"}) assert actual.get("Key1") == "Val1" assert actual.get("key1") == "Val1" assert actual.get("key2", "no val") == "no val" assert actual.get("key1", "no val") == "Val1" def test_caseinsdict_update(): actual = CaseInsensitiveDict({"Key1": "Val1"}) actual.update({"Key2": "Val2"}) assert actual["key2"] == "Val2" def test_caseinsdict_keys(): actual = CaseInsensitiveDict({"Key1": "Val1"}) assert next(actual.keys()) == "Key1" def test_caseinsdict_items(): actual = CaseInsensitiveDict({"Key1": "Val1"}) assert next(actual.items()) == ("Key1", "Val1") def test_caseinsdict_repr(): actual = CaseInsensitiveDict({"Key1": "Val1"}) assert actual.__repr__() == "CaseInsensitiveDict({'Key1': 'Val1'})" def test_caseinsdict_copy(): initial = CaseInsensitiveDict({"Key1": "Val1"}) actual = initial.copy() assert actual == initial assert id(actual) != id(initial)