import pytest from xonsh.completers.bash import complete_from_bash from import RichCompletion from xonsh.parsers.completion_context import ( CommandArg, CommandContext, CompletionContext, ) from import skip_if_on_darwin, skip_if_on_windows @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setup(monkeypatch, tmp_path, xession): if not xession.env.get("BASH_COMPLETIONS"): monkeypatch.setitem( xession.env, "BASH_COMPLETIONS", ["/usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion"], ) (tmp_path / "testdir").mkdir() (tmp_path / "spaced dir").mkdir() monkeypatch.chdir(str(tmp_path)) @skip_if_on_darwin @skip_if_on_windows @pytest.mark.parametrize( "command_context, completions, lprefix", ( ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("bash"),), arg_index=1, prefix="--deb"), {"--debug", "--debugger"}, 5, ), ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("ls"),), arg_index=1, prefix=""), {"'testdir/'", "'spaced dir/'"}, 0, ), # tar replaces "~/" with "/home/user/", the change should be rolledback by us. ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("tar"),), arg_index=1, prefix="~/"), {"~/c", "~/u", "~/t", "~/d", "~/A", "~/r", "~/x"}, 2, ), ( CommandContext( args=(CommandArg("ls"),), arg_index=1, prefix="", opening_quote="'" ), {"'testdir/'", "'spaced dir/'"}, 1, ), ), ) def test_bash_completer(command_context, completions, lprefix): bash_completions, bash_lprefix = complete_from_bash( CompletionContext(command_context) ) assert bash_completions == completions and bash_lprefix == lprefix @skip_if_on_darwin @skip_if_on_windows @pytest.mark.parametrize( "command_context, completions, lprefix", ( # ls /pro -> ls /proc/ ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("ls"),), arg_index=1, prefix="/pro"), {"/proc/"}, 4, ), # ls '/pro -> ls '/proc/' ( CommandContext( args=(CommandArg("ls"),), arg_index=1, prefix="/pro", opening_quote="'" ), {"'/proc/'"}, 5, ), # ls '/pro' -> ls '/proc/' ( CommandContext( args=(CommandArg("ls"),), arg_index=1, prefix="/pro", opening_quote="'", closing_quote="'", ), {"'/proc/"}, 5, ), # ls '/pro' -> ls '/proc/' ( CommandContext( args=(CommandArg("ls"),), arg_index=1, prefix="/pro", opening_quote="'", closing_quote="'", is_after_closing_quote=True, ), {"'/proc/'"}, 6, ), # ls """/pro""" -> ls """/proc/""" ( CommandContext( args=(CommandArg("ls"),), arg_index=1, prefix="/pro", opening_quote='"""', closing_quote='"""', is_after_closing_quote=True, ), {'"""/proc/"""'}, 10, ), # Completions that have to be quoted: # ls ./sp -> ls './spaced dir/' ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("ls"),), arg_index=1, prefix="./sp"), {"'./spaced dir/'"}, 4, ), # ls './sp -> ls './spaced dir/' ( CommandContext( args=(CommandArg("ls"),), arg_index=1, prefix="./sp", opening_quote="'" ), {"'./spaced dir/'"}, 5, ), # ls './sp' -> ls './spaced dir/' ( CommandContext( args=(CommandArg("ls"),), arg_index=1, prefix="./sp", opening_quote="'", closing_quote="'", ), {"'./spaced dir/"}, 5, ), # ls './sp' -> ls './spaced dir/' ( CommandContext( args=(CommandArg("ls"),), arg_index=1, prefix="./sp", opening_quote="'", closing_quote="'", is_after_closing_quote=True, ), {"'./spaced dir/'"}, 6, ), ), ) def test_quote_handling(command_context, completions, lprefix): bash_completions, bash_lprefix = complete_from_bash( CompletionContext(command_context) ) assert bash_completions == completions and bash_lprefix == lprefix assert all( isinstance(comp, RichCompletion) and not comp.append_closing_quote for comp in bash_completions ) # make sure the completer handles the closing quote by itself @skip_if_on_darwin @skip_if_on_windows def test_bash_completer_empty_prefix(): context = CompletionContext( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("git"),), arg_index=1, prefix="") ) bash_completions, bash_lprefix = complete_from_bash(context) assert {"clean", "show"}.issubset(bash_completions) @skip_if_on_darwin @skip_if_on_windows @pytest.mark.parametrize( "command_context, completions, lprefix, exp_append_space", ( # dd sta -> dd status= ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("dd"),), arg_index=1, prefix="sta"), {"status="}, 3, False, ), # date --u -> date --utc ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("date"),), arg_index=1, prefix="--u"), {"--utc"}, 3, True, ), # dd status=pr -> dd status=progress ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("dd"),), arg_index=1, prefix="status=pr"), {"progress"}, 2, True, ), # dd if=/et -> dd if=/etc/ ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("dd"),), arg_index=1, prefix="if=/et"), {"/etc/"}, 3, False, ), # dd of=/dev/nul -> dd of=/dev/null ( CommandContext(args=(CommandArg("dd"),), arg_index=1, prefix="of=/dev/nul"), {"/dev/null"}, 8, True, ), ), ) def test_equal_sign_arg(command_context, completions, lprefix, exp_append_space): bash_completions, bash_lprefix = complete_from_bash( CompletionContext(command_context) ) assert bash_completions == completions and bash_lprefix == lprefix assert all( isinstance(comp, RichCompletion) and comp.append_space == exp_append_space for comp in bash_completions ) @pytest.fixture def bash_completer(fake_process): fake_process.register_subprocess( command=["bash", fake_process.any()], # completion for "git push origin :dev-b" stdout=b"""\ complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F __git_wrap__git_main git dev-branch """, ) return fake_process # git push origin :dev-b -> git push origin :dev-branch def test_git_delete_remote_branch(bash_completer): command_context = CommandContext( args=( CommandArg("git"), CommandArg("push"), CommandArg("origin"), ), arg_index=3, prefix=":dev-b", ) bash_completions, bash_lprefix = complete_from_bash( CompletionContext(command_context) ) assert bash_completions == {"dev-branch"} and bash_lprefix == 5 assert all( isinstance(comp, RichCompletion) and comp.append_space is False for comp in bash_completions )