import os import sys import time import shutil import tempfile import subprocess as sp import pytest import xonsh from xonsh.platform import ON_WINDOWS from xonsh.lib.os import indir from tools import ( skip_if_on_windows, skip_if_on_darwin, skip_if_on_travis, ON_WINDOWS, ON_DARWIN, ON_TRAVIS, ) XONSH_PREFIX = xonsh.__file__ if "site-packages" in XONSH_PREFIX: # must be installed version of xonsh num_up = 5 else: # must be in source dir num_up = 2 for i in range(num_up): XONSH_PREFIX = os.path.dirname(XONSH_PREFIX) PATH = ( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bin") + os.pathsep + os.path.join(XONSH_PREFIX, "bin") + os.pathsep + os.path.join(XONSH_PREFIX, "Scripts") + os.pathsep + os.path.join(XONSH_PREFIX, "scripts") + os.pathsep + os.path.dirname(sys.executable) + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"] ) skip_if_no_xonsh = pytest.mark.skipif( shutil.which("xonsh", path=PATH) is None, reason="xonsh not on PATH" ) skip_if_no_make = pytest.mark.skipif( shutil.which("make", path=PATH) is None, reason="make command not on PATH" ) skip_if_no_sleep = pytest.mark.skipif( shutil.which("sleep", path=PATH) is None, reason="sleep command not on PATH" ) def run_xonsh(cmd, stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.STDOUT): env = dict(os.environ) env["PATH"] = PATH env["XONSH_DEBUG"] = "1" env["XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK"] = "1" env["RAISE_SUBPROC_ERROR"] = "0" env["PROMPT"] = "" xonsh = "xonsh.bat" if ON_WINDOWS else "" xonsh = shutil.which(xonsh, path=PATH) proc = sp.Popen( [xonsh, "--no-rc"], env=env, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, universal_newlines=True, ) try: out, err = proc.communicate(input=cmd, timeout=10) except sp.TimeoutExpired: proc.kill() raise return out, err, proc.returncode def check_run_xonsh(cmd, fmt, exp): """The ``fmt`` parameter is a function that formats the output of cmd, can be None. """ out, err, rtn = run_xonsh(cmd, stderr=sp.PIPE) if callable(fmt): out = fmt(out) if callable(exp): exp = exp() assert out == exp, err assert rtn == 0, err # # The following list contains a (stdin, stdout, returncode) tuples # ALL_PLATFORMS = [ # test calling a function alias ( """ def _f(): print('hello') aliases['f'] = _f f """, "hello\n", 0, ), # test redirecting a function alias to a file ( """ def _f(): print('Wow Mom!') aliases['f'] = _f f > tttt with open('tttt') as tttt: s = print('REDIRECTED OUTPUT: ' + s) """, "REDIRECTED OUTPUT: Wow Mom!\n", 0, ), # test redirecting a function alias from stderr -> stdout ( """ def _f(args, stdin, stdout, stderr): print('The Truth is Out There', file=stderr) aliases['f'] = _f f e>o """, "The Truth is Out There\n", 0, ), # test system exit in function alias ( """ import sys def _f(): sys.exit(42) aliases['f'] = _f print(![f].returncode) """, "42\n", 0, ), # test uncaptured streaming alias, # order actually printed in is non-deterministic ( """ def _test_stream(args, stdin, stdout, stderr): print('hallo on stream', file=stderr) print('hallo on stream', file=stdout) return 1 aliases['test-stream'] = _test_stream x = ![test-stream] print(x.returncode) """, "hallo on stream\nhallo on stream\n1\n", 0, ), # test captured streaming alias ( """ def _test_stream(args, stdin, stdout, stderr): print('hallo on err', file=stderr) print('hallo on out', file=stdout) return 1 aliases['test-stream'] = _test_stream x = !(test-stream) print(x.returncode) """, "hallo on err\n1\n", 0, ), # test piping aliases ( """ def dummy(args, inn, out, err): out.write('hey!') return 0 def dummy2(args, inn, out, err): s = out.write(s.upper()) return 0 aliases['d'] = dummy aliases['d2'] = dummy2 d | d2 """, "HEY!", 0, ), # test output larger than most pipe buffers ( """ def _g(args, stdin=None): for i in range(1000): print('x' * 100) aliases['g'] = _g g """, (("x" * 100) + "\n") * 1000, 0, ), # test piping 'real' command ( """ with open('tttt', 'w') as fp: fp.write("Wow mom!\\n") ![cat tttt | wc] """, " 1 2 10\n" if ON_WINDOWS else " 1 2 9 \n", 0, ), # test double piping 'real' command ( """ with open('tttt', 'w') as fp: fp.write("Wow mom!\\n") ![cat tttt | wc | wc] """, " 1 3 24\n" if ON_WINDOWS else " 1 4 16 \n", 0, ), # test unthreadable alias (which should trigger a ProcPoxy call) ( """ from import unthreadable @unthreadable def _f(): return 'hello\\n' aliases['f'] = _f f """, "hello\n", 0, ), # test ambiguous globs ( """ import os def _echo(args): print(' '.join(args)) aliases['echo'] = _echo files = ['Actually_test.tst', 'Actually.tst', 'Complete_test.tst', 'Complete.tst'] # touch the file for f in files: with open(f, 'w'): pass # echo the files echo *.tst and echo *_test.tst echo *_test.tst echo *_test.tst and echo *.tst # remove the files for f in files: os.remove(f) """, "Actually.tst Actually_test.tst Complete.tst Complete_test.tst\n" "Actually_test.tst Complete_test.tst\n" "Actually_test.tst Complete_test.tst\n" "Actually_test.tst Complete_test.tst\n" "Actually.tst Actually_test.tst Complete.tst Complete_test.tst\n", 0, ), # # test ambiguous line continuations # ( """ def _echo(args): print(' '.join(args)) aliases['echo'] = _echo echo --option1 \ --option2 """, "--option1 --option2\n", 0, ), # # test @$() with aliases # ( """ aliases['ls'] = 'spam spam sausage spam' echo @$(which ls) """, "spam spam sausage spam\n", 0, ), # # test redirection # ( """ echo Just the place for a snark. >tttt cat tttt """, "Just the place for a snark.\n", 0, ), # # Test completion registration and subproc stack # ( """ def _f(): def j(): pass global aliases aliases['j'] = j def completions(pref, *args): return set(['hello', 'world']) completer add j completions "start" _f() del _f """, "", 0, ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("case", ALL_PLATFORMS) def test_script(case): script, exp_out, exp_rtn = case out, err, rtn = run_xonsh(script) assert exp_out == out assert exp_rtn == rtn ALL_PLATFORMS_STDERR = [ # test redirecting a function alias ( """ def _f(args, stdin, stdout): print('Wow Mom!', file=stdout) aliases['f'] = _f f o>e """, "Wow Mom!\n", 0, ) ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("case", ALL_PLATFORMS_STDERR) def test_script_stderr(case): script, exp_err, exp_rtn = case out, err, rtn = run_xonsh(script, stderr=sp.PIPE) assert exp_err == err assert exp_rtn == rtn @skip_if_on_windows @pytest.mark.parametrize( "cmd, fmt, exp", [ ("pwd", None, lambda: os.getcwd() + "\n"), ("echo WORKING", None, "WORKING\n"), ("ls -f", lambda out: out.splitlines().sort(), os.listdir().sort()), ], ) def test_single_command_no_windows(cmd, fmt, exp): check_run_xonsh(cmd, fmt, exp) def test_eof_syntax_error(): """Ensures syntax errors for EOF appear on last line.""" script = "x = 1\na = (1, 0\n" out, err, rtn = run_xonsh(script, stderr=sp.PIPE) assert ":0:0: EOF in multi-line statement" not in err assert ":2:0: EOF in multi-line statement" in err def test_open_quote_syntax_error(): script = ( "#!/usr/bin/env xonsh\n\n" 'echo "This is line 3"\n' 'print ("This is line 4")\n' 'x = "This is a string where I forget the closing quote on line 5\n' 'echo "This is line 6"\n' ) out, err, rtn = run_xonsh(script, stderr=sp.PIPE) assert """:3:5: ('code: "This is line 3"',)""" not in err assert ':5:4: "' in err assert "SyntaxError:" in err _bad_case = pytest.mark.skipif( ON_DARWIN or ON_WINDOWS or ON_TRAVIS, reason="bad platforms" ) @_bad_case def test_printfile(): check_run_xonsh("printfile.xsh", None, "printfile.xsh\n") @_bad_case def test_printname(): check_run_xonsh("printfile.xsh", None, "printfile.xsh\n") @_bad_case def test_sourcefile(): check_run_xonsh("printfile.xsh", None, "printfile.xsh\n") @_bad_case @pytest.mark.parametrize( "cmd, fmt, exp", [ # test subshell wrapping ( """ with open('tttt', 'w') as fp: fp.write("Wow mom!\\n") (wc) < tttt """, None, " 1 2 9 \n", ), # test subshell statement wrapping ( """ with open('tttt', 'w') as fp: fp.write("Wow mom!\\n") (wc;) < tttt """, None, " 1 2 9 \n", ), ], ) def test_subshells(cmd, fmt, exp): check_run_xonsh(cmd, fmt, exp) @skip_if_on_windows @pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd, exp", [("pwd", lambda: os.getcwd() + "\n")]) def test_redirect_out_to_file(cmd, exp, tmpdir): outfile = tmpdir.mkdir("xonsh_test_dir").join("xonsh_test_file") command = "{} > {}\n".format(cmd, outfile) out, _, _ = run_xonsh(command) content = if callable(exp): exp = exp() assert content == exp @skip_if_no_make @skip_if_no_xonsh @skip_if_no_sleep @skip_if_on_windows def test_xonsh_no_close_fds(): # see issue makefile = ( "default: all\n" "all:\n" "\t$(MAKE) s\n" "s:\n" "\t$(MAKE) a b\n" "a:\n" "\tsleep 1\n" "b:\n" "\tsleep 1\n" ) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d, indir(d): with open("Makefile", "w") as f: f.write(makefile) out = sp.check_output(["make", "-sj2", "SHELL=xonsh"], universal_newlines=True) assert "warning" not in out