Platform-specific tips and tricks
Possible conflicts with Bash
Depending on how your installation of Bash is configured, Xonsh may have trouble
loading certain shell modules. If you see errors similar to this
when launching Xonsh:
.. code-block:: console
bash: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
bash: error importing function definition for 'BASH_FUNC_module'
bash: scl: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
bash: error importing function definition for 'BASH_FUNC_scl'
bash: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
bash: error importing function definition for 'BASH_FUNC_module'
bash: scl: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
bash: error importing function definition for 'BASH_FUNC_scl'
...You can correct the problem by unsetting the modules, by adding the following
lines to your ``~/.bashrc file``:
.. code-block:: console
unset module
unset scl
Default Ubuntu .bashrc breaks Foreign Shell Functions
Xonsh supports importing functions from foreign shells using the
`ForeignShellFunctionAlias` class, which calls functions as if they were
aliases. This is implemented by executing a command that sources the file
containing the function definition and then immediately calls the function with
any necessary arguments.
The default user ``~/.bashrc`` file in Ubuntu 15.10 has the following snippet at
the top, which causes the script to exit immediately if not run interactively.
.. code-block:: bash
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
case $- in
*i*) ;;
*) return;;
This means that any function you have added to the file after this point will be
registered as a xonsh alias but will fail on execution if the
shell is not running interactively. Previous versions of
Ubuntu have a different test for interactivity at the top of the file that
yields the same problem.
[ed note: This recommendation seems to be `out of date `_.
It's retained in the current docs in case you have an older version of Python or macOS. But if
you have Mac platform experience and can clarify, please open an issue or even a PR to correct the documentation.]
On macOS, it is *strongly* recommended to install the ``gnureadline`` library if using the readline shell. ``gnureadline`` can be installed via pip:
.. code-block:: console
$ pip3 install gnureadline
Path Helper
macOS provides a `path helper
which by default configures paths in bash and other POSIX or C shells. Without
including these paths, common tools including those installed by Homebrew
may be unavailable. See ``/etc/profile`` for details on how it is done.
To ensure the path helper is invoked on xonsh (for all users), add the
following to ``/etc/xonshrc``:
.. code-block:: xonshcon
source-bash $(/usr/libexec/path_helper -s)
To incorporate the whole functionality of ``/etc/profile``:
.. code-block:: xonshcon
source-bash --seterrprevcmd "" /etc/profile
Tab completion
Xonsh has support for using bash completion files on the shell, to use it you need to install
the bash-completion package.
The regular bash-completion package uses v1 which mostly works, but `occasionally has rough edges `_ so we recommend using bash-completion v2.
Bash completion comes from which suggests you use a package manager to install it, this manager will also install a new version of bash without affecting /bin/bash. Xonsh also needs to be told where the bash shell file that builds the completions is, this has to be added to $BASH_COMPLETIONS. The package includes completions for many Unix commands.
Common packaging systems for macOS include
- Homebrew where the bash-completion2 package needs to be installed.
.. code-block:: console
$ brew install bash-completion2
This will install the bash_completion file in `/usr/local/share/bash-completion/bash_completion` which is in the current xonsh code and so should just work.
- `MacPorts `_ where the bash-completion port needs to be installed.
.. code-block:: console
$ sudo port install bash-completion
This includes a bash_completion file that needs to be added to the environment.
.. code-block:: console
$ $BASH_COMPLETIONS.insert(0, '/opt/local/share/bash-completion/bash_completion')
Note that the `bash completion project page `_ gives the script to be called as in .../profile.d/ which will the call the script mentioned above and one in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME . Currently xonsh seems only to be able to read the first script directly.
Windows Terminal
If you are running a supported version of Windows (which is now Windows 10, version 2004 or later),
we recommend the Windows Terminal (``wt.exe``) rather than the time-honored ``cmd.exe``. This provides
unicode rendering, better ansi terminal compatibility and all the conveniences you expect
from the terminal application in other platforms.
You can install it from the `Microsoft Store `_
or from `Github `_.
By default Windows Terminal runs Powershell, but you can add a profile tab to run Xonsh and even configure it
to open automatically in xonsh. Here is a sample settings.json:
.. code-block::
"$schema": "",
"defaultProfile": "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}",
// To learn more about global settings, visit
// To learn more about profiles, visit
// Put settings here that you want to apply to all profiles.
// Guid from
"guid": "{02639f1c-9437-4b34-a383-2df49b5ed5c5}",
"name": "Xonsh",
"commandline": "c:\\users\\bobhy\\src\\xonsh\\.venv\\scripts\\xonsh.exe",
"hidden": false
// Make changes here to the powershell.exe profile.
"guid": "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}",
"name": "Windows PowerShell",
"commandline": "powershell.exe",
"hidden": false
. . .
Nice colors
The dark red and blue colors are completely unreadable in `cmd.exe`.
.. image:: _static/intensify-colors-on-win-false.png
:width: 396 px
:alt: intensify-colors-win-false
:align: center
Xonsh has some tricks to fix colors. This is controlled by the
environment variable which is ``True`` by default.
:ref:`$INTENSIFY_COLORS_ON_WIN ` has the following effect:b
On Windows 10:
Windows 10 supports true color in the terminal, so on Windows 10 Xonsh will use
a style with hard coded colors instead of the terminal colors.
On older Windows:
Xonsh replaces some of the unreadable dark colors with more readable
alternatives (e.g. blue becomes cyan).
Avoid locking the working directory
Python (like other processes on Windows) locks the current working directory so
it can't be deleted or renamed. ``cmd.exe`` has this behaviour as well, but it
is quite annoying for a shell.
The :ref:`free_cwd ` xontrib (add-on) for xonsh solves some of this problem. It
works by hooking the prompt to reset the current working directory to the root
drive folder whenever the shell is idle. It only works with the prompt-toolkit
back-end. To enable that behaviour run the following:
Add this line to your ``~/.xonshrc`` file to have it always enabled.
.. code-block:: xonshcon
>>> xontrib load free_cwd
Name space conflicts
Due to ambiguity with the Python ``dir`` builtin, to list the current directory
you must explicitly request the ``.``, like this:
.. code-block:: xonshcon
>>> dir .
Volume in drive C is Windows
Volume Serial Number is 30E8-8B86
Directory of C:\Users\snail\xonsh
2015-05-12 03:04 .
2015-05-12 03:04 ..
2015-05-01 01:31 xonsh
0 File(s) 0 bytes
3 Dir(s) 11,008,000,000 bytes free
Many people create a ``d`` alias for the ``dir`` command to save
typing and avoid the ambiguity altogether:
.. code-block:: xonshcon
>>> aliases['d'] = ['cmd', '/c', 'dir']
You can add aliases to your ``~/.xonshrc`` to have it always
available when xonsh starts.