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Bash to Xonsh Translation Guide
Xonsh relies primarily on the Python syntax and is not a suitable replacement for `sh` and is thus considered a non-POSIX shell.
This page provides xonsh equivalents for common patterns in Bash.
.. list-table::
:widths: 30 30 40
:header-rows: 1
* - Bash
- Xonsh
- Notes
* - No special object for represent session.
- ``__xonsh__``
- The ``__xonsh__`` object has all about current xonsh session e.g. ``__xonsh__.env``.
You can set ``X = __xonsh__`` to have a shortcut for ``X.env`` and similar.
* - ``script.sh``
- ``script.xsh``
- The recommended file extension is ``.xsh``.
* - ``#!/bin/bash``
- ``#!/usr/bin/env xonsh``
- Use ``xonsh`` in the shebang.
* - ``echo --arg="val"``
``echo {}``
``echo \;``
- ``echo --arg "val"``
``echo "{}"``
``echo ";"``
- Read `Subprocess Strings <https://xon.sh/tutorial_subproc_strings.html>`_ tutorial
to understand how strings become arguments in xonsh.
There is no notion of an escaping character in xonsh like the backslash (``\``) in bash.
Single or double quotes can be used to remove the special meaning of certain
characters, words or brackets.
* - ``IFS``
- Changing the output representation and splitting. Also take a look into ``DecoratorAlias``
to have an ability to return object e.g. ``j = $(@json echo '{}')``.
* - ``$NAME`` or ``${NAME}``
- ``$NAME``
- Look up an environment variable by name.
* - ``export NAME=Peter``
- ``$NAME = 'Peter'``
- Setting an environment variable. See also :ref:`$UPDATE_OS_ENVIRON <update_os_environ>`.
* - ``unset NAME``
- ``del $NAME``
- Unsetting/deleting an environment variable.
* - ``echo "$HOME/hello"``
- ``echo "$HOME/hello"``
- Construct an argument using an environment variable.
* - ``something/$SOME_VAR/$(some_command)``
- ``@('something/' + $SOME_VAR + $(some_command).strip())``
- Concatenate a variable or text with the result of running a command.
* - ``echo 'my home is $HOME'``
- ``echo @("my home is $HOME")``
- Escape an environment variable from expansion.
* - ``${!VAR}``
- ``${var or expr}``
- Look up an environment variable via another variable name. In xonsh,
this may be any valid expression.
* - ``ENV1=VAL1 command``
- ``$ENV1=VAL1 command``
or ``with __xonsh__.env.swap(ENV1=VAL1): command``
- Set temporary environment variable(s) and execute the command.
Use the second notation with an indented block to execute many commands in the same context.
* - ``alias ll='ls -la'``
- ``aliases['ll'] = 'ls -la'``
- Alias in xonsh could be a subprocess command as a string or list of arguments or any Python function.
* - ``$(cmd args)`` or ```cmd args```
- ``@$(cmd args)``
- Command substitution (allow the output of a command to replace the
command itself). Tokenizes and executes the output of a subprocess
command as another subprocess.
* - ``v=`echo 1```
- ``v=$(echo 1)``
- In bash, backticks mean to run a captured subprocess - it's ``$()`` in xonsh. Backticks in xonsh
mean regex globbing (i.e. ``ls `/etc/pass.*```).
* - ``echo -e "\033[0;31mRed text\033[0m"``
- ``printx("{RED}Red text{RESET}")``
- Print colored text as easy as possible.
* - ``shopt -s dotglob``
- ``$DOTGLOB = True``
- Globbing files with ``*`` or ``**`` will also match dotfiles, or those ‘hidden’ files whose names
begin with a literal `.`. Such files are filtered out by default like in bash.
* - ``if [ -f "$FILE" ];``
- ``p'/path/to/file'.exists()`` or ``pf'{file}'.exists()``
- Path objects can be instantiated and checked directly using p-string syntax.
* - ``set -e``
- Cause a failure after a non-zero return code. Xonsh will raise a
* - ``set -x``
- ``trace on`` and ``$XONSH_TRACE_SUBPROC = True``
- Turns on tracing of source code lines during execution.
* - ``&&``
- ``&&`` or ``and``
- Logical-and operator for subprocesses.
* - ``||``
- ``||`` as well as ``or``
- Logical-or operator for subprocesses.
* - ``$$``
- ``os.getpid()``
- Get PID of the current shell.
* - ``$?``
- ``__xonsh__.last.rtn`` anywhere or ``_.rtn`` in prompt mode
- Returns the exit code, or status, of the previous command. The underscore ``_`` is working
in the prompt mode. To get the exit code of the command in xonsh script
use ``!().rtn`` for not interactive processes.
* - ``!$``
- ``__xonsh__.history[-1, -1]``
- Get the last argument of the last command
* - ``$<n>``
- ``$ARG<n>``
- Command line argument at index ``n``,
so ``$ARG1`` is the equivalent of ``$1``.
* - ``$@``
- ``$ARGS``
- List of all command line argument and parameter strings.
* - ``while getopts``
- Use `argparse <https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html>`_ or `click <https://click.palletsprojects.com>`_.
- See also `awesome-cli-app <https://github.com/anki-code/xonsh-awesome-cli-app>`_ and
`xontrib-argcomplete <https://github.com/anki-code/xontrib-argcomplete>`_ .
* - ``complete``
- ``completer list``
- As with many other shells, xonsh ships with the ability to complete partially-specified arguments
upon hitting the “tab” key.
* - OhMyBash or BashIt
- `awesome-xontribs <https://github.com/xonsh/awesome-xontribs>`_
- Xontributions, or ``xontribs``, are a set of tools and conventions for extending the functionality
of xonsh beyond what is provided by default.
* - Display completions as list
- ``$COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY = 'readline'``
- Display completions will emulate the behavior of readline.
* - ``docker run -it bash``
- ``docker run -it xonsh/xonsh:slim``
- Xonsh publishes a handful of containers, primarily targeting CI and automation use cases.
All of them are published on `Docker Hub <https://hub.docker.com/u/xonsh>`_.
* - ``exit 1``
- ``exit 1`` or ``exit(1)``
- Exiting from the current script.
To understand how xonsh executes the subprocess commands try
to set :ref:`$XONSH_TRACE_SUBPROC <xonsh_trace_subproc>` to ``True``:
.. code-block:: console
>>> echo $(echo @('hello')) @('wor' + 'ld') | grep hello
TRACE SUBPROC: (['echo', 'hello'],)
TRACE SUBPROC: (['echo', 'hello\n', 'world'], '|', ['grep', 'hello'])
If after time you still try to type ``export``, ``unset`` or ``!!`` commands
there are the `bashisms <https://github.com/xonsh/xontrib-bashisms>`_
and `sh <https://github.com/anki-code/xontrib-sh>`_ xontribs.