Noorhteen Raja NJ 948129b7a0
feat: add flake8-bugbear (#4288)
* feat: add flake8-bugbear

* style: remove pylint disable comments

* chore: add flake8 as pre-push check

* chore: add bunch pf pre-commit hooks

* style: remove hasattr __call__
2021-05-26 23:15:34 +03:00

144 lines
4.5 KiB

Command abbreviations.
This expands input words from `abbrevs` disctionary as you type.
Adds ``abbrevs`` dictionary to hold user-defined "command abbreviations.
The dictionary is searched as you type the matching words are replaced
at the command line by the corresponding dictionary contents once you hit
'Space' or 'Return' key.
For instance a frequently used command such as ``git status`` can be abbreviated to ``gst`` as follows::
$ xontrib load abbrevs
$ abbrevs['gst'] = 'git status'
$ gst # Once you hit <space> or <return> 'gst' gets expanded to 'git status'.
one can set a callback function that receives current buffer and word to customize the expanded word based on context
.. code-block:: python
$ abbrevs['ps'] = lambda buffer, word: "procs" if buffer.text.startswith(word) else word
It is also possible to set the cursor position after expansion with,
$ abbrevs['gp'] = "git push <edit> --force"
import builtins
import typing as tp
from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer
from prompt_toolkit.filters import completion_is_selected, IsMultiline
from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
from xonsh.built_ins import DynamicAccessProxy, XSH
from xonsh.events import events
from xonsh.tools import check_for_partial_string
__all__ = ()
# todo: do not assign .abbrevs and directly use abbrevs as mutable const.
XSH.abbrevs = abbrevs = dict()
proxy = DynamicAccessProxy("abbrevs", "__xonsh__.abbrevs")
builtins.abbrevs = proxy
class _LastExpanded(tp.NamedTuple):
word: str
expanded: str
class Abbreviation:
"""A container class to handle state related to abbreviating keywords"""
last_expanded: tp.Optional[_LastExpanded] = None
def expand(self, buffer: Buffer) -> bool:
"""expand the given abbr text. Return true if cursor position changed."""
if not abbrevs:
return False
document = buffer.document
word = document.get_word_before_cursor(WORD=True)
if word in abbrevs.keys():
partial = document.text[: document.cursor_position]
startix, endix, quote = check_for_partial_string(partial)
if startix is not None and endix is None:
return False
text = get_abbreviated(word, buffer)
self.last_expanded = _LastExpanded(word, text)
if EDIT_SYMBOL in text:
set_cursor_position(buffer, text)
return True
return False
def revert(self, buffer) -> bool:
if self.last_expanded is None:
return False
document = buffer.document
expansion = self.last_expanded.expanded + " "
if not document.text_before_cursor.endswith(expansion):
return False
self.last_expanded = None
return True
EDIT_SYMBOL = "<edit>"
def get_abbreviated(key: str, buffer) -> str:
abbr = abbrevs[key]
if callable(abbr):
text = abbr(buffer=buffer, word=key)
text = abbr
return text
def set_cursor_position(buffer, expanded: str) -> None:
pos = expanded.rfind(EDIT_SYMBOL)
if pos == -1:
buffer.cursor_position = buffer.cursor_position - (len(expanded) - pos)
def custom_keybindings(bindings, **kw):
from xonsh.ptk_shell.key_bindings import carriage_return
from prompt_toolkit.filters import EmacsInsertMode, ViInsertMode
handler = bindings.add
insert_mode = ViInsertMode() | EmacsInsertMode()
abbrev = Abbreviation()
@handler(" ", filter=IsMultiline() & insert_mode)
def handle_space(event):
buffer = event.app.current_buffer
add_space = True
if not abbrev.revert(buffer):
position_changed = abbrev.expand(buffer)
if position_changed:
add_space = False
if add_space:
buffer.insert_text(" ")
Keys.ControlJ, filter=IsMultiline() & insert_mode & ~completion_is_selected
Keys.ControlM, filter=IsMultiline() & insert_mode & ~completion_is_selected
def multiline_carriage_return(event):
buffer = event.app.current_buffer
current_char = buffer.document.current_char
if not current_char or current_char.isspace():
carriage_return(buffer, event.cli)