2022-03-24 19:49:30 +05:30

420 lines
9.5 KiB

"""Tests the xonsh builtins."""
import os
import re
import shutil
import types
from ast import AST, Expression, Interactive, Module
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from xonsh.built_ins import (
from xonsh.environ import Env
from xonsh.pytest.tools import skip_if_on_windows
HOME_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~")
def xonsh_execer_autouse(xonsh_execer):
return xonsh_execer
@pytest.mark.parametrize("testfile", reglob("test_.*"))
def test_reglob_tests(testfile):
assert testfile.startswith("test_")
def home_env(xession):
"""Set `__xonsh__.env ` to a new Env instance on `xonsh_builtins`"""
xession.env["HOME"] = HOME_PATH
return xession
def test_repath_backslash(home_env):
exp = os.listdir(HOME_PATH)
exp = {p for p in exp if re.match(r"\w\w.*", p)}
exp = {os.path.join(HOME_PATH, p) for p in exp}
obs = set(pathsearch(regexsearch, r"~/\w\w.*"))
assert exp == obs
def test_repath_HOME_PATH_itself(home_env):
obs = pathsearch(regexsearch, "~")
assert 1 == len(obs)
assert exp == obs[0]
def test_repath_HOME_PATH_contents(home_env):
exp = os.listdir(HOME_PATH)
exp = {os.path.join(HOME_PATH, p) for p in exp}
obs = set(pathsearch(regexsearch, "~/.*"))
assert exp == obs
def test_repath_HOME_PATH_var(home_env):
obs = pathsearch(regexsearch, "$HOME")
assert 1 == len(obs)
assert exp == obs[0]
def test_repath_HOME_PATH_var_brace(home_env):
obs = pathsearch(regexsearch, '${"HOME"}')
assert 1 == len(obs)
assert exp == obs[0]
# helper
def check_repath(path, pattern):
base_testdir = Path("re_testdir")
testdir = base_testdir / path
obs = regexsearch(str(base_testdir / pattern))
assert [str(testdir)] == obs
"path, pattern",
("test*1/model", ".*/model"),
("hello/test*1/model", "hello/.*/model"),
def test_repath_containing_asterisk(path, pattern):
check_repath(path, pattern)
"path, pattern",
("test+a/model", ".*/model"),
("hello/test+1/model", "hello/.*/model"),
def test_repath_containing_plus_sign(path, pattern):
check_repath(path, pattern)
def test_helper_int(home_env):
helper(int, "int")
def test_helper_helper(home_env):
helper(helper, "helper")
def test_helper_env(home_env):
helper(Env, "Env")
def test_superhelper_int(home_env):
superhelper(int, "int")
def test_superhelper_helper(home_env):
superhelper(helper, "helper")
def test_superhelper_env(home_env):
superhelper(Env, "Env")
"exp, inp", [(["yo"], "yo"), (["yo"], ["yo"]), (["42"], 42), (["42"], [42])]
def test_ensure_list_of_strs(exp, inp):
obs = ensure_list_of_strs(inp)
assert exp == obs
f = lambda x: 20
"exp, inp",
(["yo"], "yo"),
(["yo"], ["yo"]),
(["42"], 42),
(["42"], [42]),
([f], f),
([f], [f]),
def test_list_of_strs_or_callables(exp, inp):
obs = list_of_strs_or_callables(inp)
assert exp == obs
"inp, exp",
(["x", ["y", "z"]], ["xy", "xz"]),
(["x", ["y", "z"], ["a"]], ["xya", "xza"]),
([["y", "z"], ["a", "b"]], ["ya", "yb", "za", "zb"]),
def test_list_of_list_of_strs_outer_product(xession, inp, exp):
obs = list_of_list_of_strs_outer_product(inp)
assert exp == obs
def test_expand_path(s, home_env):
if os.sep != "/":
s = s.replace("/", os.sep)
if os.pathsep != ":":
s = s.replace(":", os.pathsep)
assert expand_path(s) == s.replace("~", HOME_PATH)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("kind", [str, "s", "S", "str", "string"])
def test_convert_macro_arg_str(kind):
raw_arg = "value"
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, None, None)
assert arg is raw_arg
@pytest.mark.parametrize("kind", [AST, "a", "Ast"])
def test_convert_macro_arg_ast(kind):
raw_arg = "42"
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, {}, None)
assert isinstance(arg, AST)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("kind", [types.CodeType, compile, "c", "code", "compile"])
def test_convert_macro_arg_code(kind):
raw_arg = "42"
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, {}, None)
assert isinstance(arg, types.CodeType)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("kind", [eval, "v", "eval"])
def test_convert_macro_arg_eval(kind):
# literals
raw_arg = "42"
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, {}, None)
assert arg == 42
# exprs
raw_arg = "x + 41"
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, {}, {"x": 1})
assert arg == 42
@pytest.mark.parametrize("kind", [exec, "x", "exec"])
def test_convert_macro_arg_exec(kind):
# at global scope
raw_arg = "def f(x, y):\n return x + y"
glbs = {}
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, glbs, None)
assert arg is None
assert "f" in glbs
assert glbs["f"](1, 41) == 42
# at local scope
raw_arg = "def g(z):\n return x + z\ny += 42"
glbs = {"x": 40}
locs = {"y": 1}
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, glbs, locs)
assert arg is None
assert "g" in locs
assert locs["g"](1) == 41
assert "y" in locs
assert locs["y"] == 43
@pytest.mark.parametrize("kind", [type, "t", "type"])
def test_convert_macro_arg_type(kind):
# literals
raw_arg = "42"
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, {}, None)
assert arg is int
# exprs
raw_arg = "x + 41"
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, {}, {"x": 1})
assert arg is int
def test_in_macro_call():
def f():
with in_macro_call(f, True, True):
assert f.macro_globals
assert f.macro_locals
assert not hasattr(f, "macro_globals")
assert not hasattr(f, "macro_locals")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg", ["x", "42", "x + y"])
def test_call_macro_str(arg):
def f(x: str):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, [arg], None, None)
assert rtn is arg
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg", ["x", "42", "x + y"])
def test_call_macro_ast(arg):
def f(x: AST):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, [arg], {}, None)
assert isinstance(rtn, AST)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg", ["x", "42", "x + y"])
def test_call_macro_code(arg):
def f(x: compile):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, [arg], {}, None)
assert isinstance(rtn, types.CodeType)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg", ["x", "42", "x + y"])
def test_call_macro_eval(arg):
def f(x: eval):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, [arg], {"x": 42, "y": 0}, None)
assert rtn == 42
"arg", ["if y:\n pass", "if 42:\n pass", "if x + y:\n pass"]
def test_call_macro_exec(arg):
def f(x: exec):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, [arg], {"x": 42, "y": 0}, None)
assert rtn is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg", ["x", "42", "x + y"])
def test_call_macro_raw_arg(arg):
def f(x: str):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, ["*", arg], {"x": 42, "y": 0}, None)
assert rtn == 42
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg", ["x", "42", "x + y"])
def test_call_macro_raw_kwarg(arg):
def f(x: str):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, ["*", "x=" + arg], {"x": 42, "y": 0}, None)
assert rtn == 42
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg", ["x", "42", "x + y"])
def test_call_macro_raw_kwargs(arg):
def f(x: str):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, ["*", '**{"x" :' + arg + "}"], {"x": 42, "y": 0}, None)
assert rtn == 42
def test_call_macro_ast_eval_expr():
def f(x: ("ast", "eval")):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, ["x == 5"], {}, None)
assert isinstance(rtn, Expression)
def test_call_macro_ast_single_expr():
def f(x: ("ast", "single")):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, ["x == 5"], {}, None)
assert isinstance(rtn, Interactive)
def test_call_macro_ast_exec_expr():
def f(x: ("ast", "exec")):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, ["x == 5"], {}, None)
assert isinstance(rtn, Module)
def test_call_macro_ast_eval_statement():
def f(x: ("ast", "eval")):
return x
call_macro(f, ["x = 5"], {}, None)
assert False
except SyntaxError:
# It doesn't make sense to pass a statement to
# something that expects to be evaled
assert True
assert False
def test_call_macro_ast_single_statement():
def f(x: ("ast", "single")):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, ["x = 5"], {}, None)
assert isinstance(rtn, Interactive)
def test_call_macro_ast_exec_statement():
def f(x: ("ast", "exec")):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, ["x = 5"], {}, None)
assert isinstance(rtn, Module)
def test_enter_macro():
obj = lambda: None
rtn = enter_macro(obj, "wakka", True, True)
assert obj is rtn
assert obj.macro_block == "wakka"
assert obj.macro_globals
assert obj.macro_locals