2016-09-13 21:01:50 -04:00

123 lines
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"""Vox tests"""
import builtins
import stat
import os
from xontrib.voxapi import Vox
from tools import skip_if_on_conda
def test_crud(xonsh_builtins, tmpdir):
Creates a virtual environment, gets it, enumerates it, and then deletes it.
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__['VIRTUALENV_HOME'] = str(tmpdir)
last_event = None
def create(name):
nonlocal last_event
last_event = 'create', name
def delete(name):
nonlocal last_event
last_event = 'delete', name
vox = Vox()
assert stat.S_ISDIR(tmpdir.join('spam').stat().mode)
assert last_event == ('create', 'spam')
ve = vox['spam']
assert ve.env == str(tmpdir.join('spam'))
assert os.path.isdir(ve.bin)
assert 'spam' in vox
assert 'spam' in list(vox)
del vox['spam']
assert not tmpdir.join('spam').check()
assert last_event == ('delete', 'spam')
def test_activate(xonsh_builtins, tmpdir):
Creates a virtual environment, gets it, enumerates it, and then deletes it.
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__['VIRTUALENV_HOME'] = str(tmpdir)
# I consider the case that the user doesn't have a PATH set to be unreasonable
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__.setdefault('PATH', [])
last_event = None
def activate(name):
nonlocal last_event
last_event = 'activate', name
def deactivate(name):
nonlocal last_event
last_event = 'deactivate', name
vox = Vox()
assert xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__['VIRTUAL_ENV'] == vox['spam'].env
assert last_event == ('activate', 'spam')
assert 'VIRTUAL_ENV' not in xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__
assert last_event == ('deactivate', 'spam')
def test_path(xonsh_builtins, tmpdir):
Test to make sure Vox properly activates and deactivates by examining $PATH
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__['VIRTUALENV_HOME'] = str(tmpdir)
# I consider the case that the user doesn't have a PATH set to be unreasonable
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__.setdefault('PATH', [])
oldpath = list(xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__['PATH'])
vox = Vox()
assert oldpath != xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__['PATH']
assert oldpath == xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__['PATH']
def test_crud_subdir(xonsh_builtins, tmpdir):
Creates a virtual environment, gets it, enumerates it, and then deletes it.
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__['VIRTUALENV_HOME'] = str(tmpdir)
vox = Vox()
assert stat.S_ISDIR(tmpdir.join('spam', 'eggs').stat().mode)
ve = vox['spam/eggs']
assert ve.env == str(tmpdir.join('spam', 'eggs'))
assert os.path.isdir(ve.bin)
assert 'spam/eggs' in vox
assert 'spam' not in vox
#assert 'spam/eggs' in list(vox) # This is NOT true on Windows
assert 'spam' not in list(vox)
del vox['spam/eggs']
assert not tmpdir.join('spam', 'eggs').check()