
124 lines
2.7 KiB

"""Xonsh AST tests."""
import ast as pyast
from xonsh import ast
from xonsh.ast import Tuple, Name, Store, min_line, Call, BinOp, pdump
import pytest
from tools import check_parse, nodes_equal
def xonsh_execer_autouse(xonsh_execer):
return xonsh_execer
def test_gather_names_name():
node = Name(id="y", ctx=Store())
exp = {"y"}
obs = ast.gather_names(node)
assert exp == obs
def test_gather_names_tuple():
node = Tuple(elts=[Name(id="y", ctx=Store()), Name(id="z", ctx=Store())])
exp = {"y", "z"}
obs = ast.gather_names(node)
assert exp == obs
def test_gather_load_store_names_tuple():
node = Tuple(elts=[Name(id="y", ctx=Store()), Name(id="z", ctx=Store())])
lexp = set()
sexp = {"y", "z"}
lobs, sobs = ast.gather_load_store_names(node)
assert lexp == lobs
assert sexp == sobs
# this second line wil be transformed into a subprocess call
"x = 1",
# this second line wil be transformed into a subprocess call even though
# ls is defined.
"ls = 1",
# the second line wil be transformed still even though l exists.
"l = 1",
def test_multilline_num(line1):
code = line1 + "\nls -l\n"
tree = check_parse(code)
lsnode = tree.body[1]
assert 2 == min_line(lsnode)
assert isinstance(lsnode.value, Call)
def test_multilline_no_transform():
# no subprocess transformations happen here since all variables are known
code = "ls = 1\nl = 1\nls -l\n"
tree = check_parse(code)
lsnode = tree.body[2]
assert 3 == min_line(lsnode)
assert isinstance(lsnode.value, BinOp)
"""def f():
if True:
"""def f(x):
if x:
"""def f(*args):
if not args:
"""def f(*, y):
if y:
"""def f(**kwargs):
if not kwargs:
"""def f(k=42):
if not k:
"""def f(k=10, *, a, b=1, **kw):
if not kw and b:
"""import os
path = '/path/to/wakka'
paths = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
paths.extend(os.path.join(root, d) for d in dirs)
paths.extend(os.path.join(root, f) for f in files)
"""lambda x: x + 1
def test_unmodified(inp):
# Context sensitive parsing should not modify AST
exp = pyast.parse(inp)
obs = check_parse(inp)
assert nodes_equal(exp, obs)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input", [
"echo; echo && echo\n",
"echo; echo && echo a\n",
"true && false && true\n",
def test_whitespace_subproc(test_input):
assert check_parse(test_input)