2021-07-28 10:16:35 -04:00

74 lines
2.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Testing that news entries are well formed."""
import os
import re
import pytest
NEWSDIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "news")
CATEGORIES = frozenset(
["Added", "Changed", "Deprecated", "Removed", "Fixed", "Security"]
single_grave_reg = re.compile(r"[^`]`[^`]+`[^`_]")
def check_news_file(fname):
import restructuredtext_lint
name = fname.name
with open(fname.path) as f:
content = f.read()
errors = restructuredtext_lint.lint(content)
if errors:
err_msgs = os.linesep.join((err.message for err in errors))
pytest.fail(f"{fname}: Invalid ReST\n{err_msgs}")
form = ""
for i, l in enumerate(content.splitlines()):
# determine the form of line
if l.startswith("**"):
cat = l[2:].rsplit(":")[0]
if cat not in CATEGORIES:
"{}:{}: {!r} not a proper category "
"must be one of {}"
"".format(name, i + 1, cat, list(CATEGORIES)),
if l.endswith("None"):
form += "3"
form += "2"
elif l.startswith("* <news item>"):
form += "4"
elif l.startswith("* ") or l.startswith("- ") or l.startswith(" "):
form += "1"
elif l.strip() == "":
form += "0"
pytest.fail("{}:{}: invalid rst".format(name, i + 1), pytrace=True)
# The file should have:
# empty lines around categories
# at least one content line in a non null category
reg = re.compile(r"^(3(0|$)|20(1|4)(1|0|4)*0|204$)+$")
if not reg.match(form):
pytest.fail("{}: invalid rst".format(name), pytrace=True)
def fname(request):
if request.node.config.option.markexpr != "news":
pytest.skip("Run news items check explicitly")
return request.param
def test_news(fname):
base, ext = os.path.splitext(fname.path)
assert "rst" in ext