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"""Tests for the Jedi completer xontrib"""
import sys
import pytest
import builtins
import importlib
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, call
from xonsh.xontribs import find_xontrib
from xonsh.completers.tools import RichCompletion
def jedi_mock(monkeypatch):
jedi_mock = MagicMock()
jedi_mock.__version__ = '0.16.0'
jedi_mock.Interpreter().complete.return_value = []
monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, 'jedi', jedi_mock)
yield jedi_mock
def completer_mock(monkeypatch):
completer_mock = MagicMock()
# so that args will be passed
def comp(args):
monkeypatch.setitem(builtins.aliases, 'completer', comp)
yield completer_mock
def jedi_xontrib(monkeypatch, source_path, jedi_mock, completer_mock):
spec = find_xontrib('jedi')
yield importlib.import_module(spec.name)
del sys.modules[spec.name]
def test_completer_added(jedi_xontrib, completer_mock):
assert completer_mock.call_args_list == [call(['remove', 'python_mode']),
call(['add', 'jedi_python',
'complete_jedi', '<python']),
call(['remove', 'python'])]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('prefix, line, start, end, ctx', [
('x', '10 + x', 5, 6, {}),
], ids='x')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('version', ['new', 'old'])
def test_jedi_api(jedi_xontrib, jedi_mock, version, prefix, line, start, end,
if version == 'old':
jedi_mock.__version__ = '0.15.0'
jedi_mock.Interpreter().completions.return_value = []
jedi_xontrib.complete_jedi(prefix, line, start, end, ctx)
extra_namespace = {'__xonsh__': builtins.__xonsh__}
extra_namespace['_'] = _
except NameError:
namespaces = [{}, extra_namespace]
if version == 'new':
assert jedi_mock.Interpreter.call_args_list == [call(line, namespaces)]
assert jedi_mock.Interpreter().complete.call_args_list == [call(1, end)]
assert jedi_mock.Interpreter.call_args_list == [
call(line, namespaces, line=1, column=end)]
assert jedi_mock.Interpreter().completions.call_args_list == [call()]
def test_multiline(jedi_xontrib, jedi_mock, monkeypatch):
shell_mock = MagicMock()
complete_document = 'xx = 1\n1 + x'
shell_mock.shell_type = 'prompt_toolkit'
shell_mock.shell.pt_completer.current_document.text = complete_document
shell_mock.shell.pt_completer.current_document.cursor_position_row = 1
shell_mock.shell.pt_completer.current_document.cursor_position_col = 5
monkeypatch.setattr(builtins.__xonsh__, 'shell', shell_mock)
jedi_xontrib.complete_jedi('x', 'x', 0, 1, {})
assert jedi_mock.Interpreter.call_args_list[0][0][0] == complete_document
assert jedi_mock.Interpreter().complete.call_args_list == [
call(2, 5) # line (one-indexed), column (zero-indexed)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('completion, rich_completion', [
# from jedi when code is 'x' and xx=3
('instance', 'xx', 'x', 'int(x=None, /) -> int',
('instance', 'instance int')),
RichCompletion('x', display='xx', description='instance int')
# from jedi when code is 'xx=3\nx'
('statement', 'xx', 'x', None, ('instance', 'instance int')),
RichCompletion('x', display='xx', description='instance int')
# from jedi when code is 'x.' and x=3
('function', 'from_bytes', 'from_bytes',
'from_bytes(bytes, byteorder, *, signed=False)',
('function', 'def __get__')),
RichCompletion('from_bytes', display='from_bytes()',
'from_bytes(bytes, byteorder, *, signed=False)')
# from jedi when code is 'x=3\nx.'
('function', 'imag', 'imag', None, ('instance', 'instance int')),
RichCompletion('imag', display='imag', description='instance int')
# from '(3).from_bytes(byt'
('param', 'bytes=', 'es=', None, ('instance', 'instance Sequence')),
RichCompletion('es=', display='bytes=',
description='instance Sequence')
# from 'x.from_bytes(byt' when x=3
('param', 'bytes=', 'es=', None, None),
RichCompletion('es=', display='bytes=', description='param')
# from 'import colle'
('module', 'collections', 'ctions', None,
('module', 'module collections')),
RichCompletion('ctions', display='collections',
description='module collections')
# from 'NameErr'
('class', 'NameError', 'or', 'NameError(*args: object)',
('class', 'class NameError')),
RichCompletion('or', display='NameError',
description='NameError(*args: object)')
# from 'a["' when a={'name':None}
('string', '"name"', 'name"', None, None),
RichCompletion('name"', display='"name"', description='string')
# from 'open("/etc/pass'
('path', 'passwd"', 'wd"', None, None),
RichCompletion('wd"', display='passwd"', description='path')
# from 'cla'
('keyword', 'class', 'ss', None, None),
RichCompletion('ss', display='class', description='keyword')
def test_rich_completions(jedi_xontrib, jedi_mock, completion, rich_completion):
comp_type, comp_name, comp_complete, sig, inf = completion
comp_mock = MagicMock()
comp_mock.type = comp_type
comp_mock.name = comp_name
comp_mock.complete = comp_complete
if sig:
sig_mock = MagicMock()
sig_mock.to_string.return_value = sig
comp_mock.get_signatures.return_value = [sig_mock]
comp_mock.get_signatures.return_value = []
if inf:
inf_type, inf_desc = inf
inf_mock = MagicMock()
inf_mock.type = inf_type
inf_mock.description = inf_desc
comp_mock.infer.return_value = [inf_mock]
comp_mock.infer.return_value = []
jedi_xontrib.XONSH_SPECIAL_TOKENS = []
jedi_mock.Interpreter().complete.return_value = [comp_mock]
completions = jedi_xontrib.complete_jedi('', '', 0, 0, {})
assert len(completions) == 1
ret_completion, = completions
assert isinstance(ret_completion, RichCompletion)
assert ret_completion == rich_completion
assert ret_completion.display == rich_completion.display
assert ret_completion.description == rich_completion.description
def test_special_tokens(jedi_xontrib):
assert jedi_xontrib.complete_jedi('', '', 0, 0,
{}) == jedi_xontrib.XONSH_SPECIAL_TOKENS
assert jedi_xontrib.complete_jedi('@', '@', 0, 1, {}) == {'@', '@(', '@$('}
assert jedi_xontrib.complete_jedi('$', '$', 0, 1, {}) == {'$[', '${', '$('}