
218 lines
7.4 KiB

"""Tests pygments hooks."""
import pytest
import os
import builtins
import stat
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from xonsh.pyghooks import XonshStyle, Color, color_name_to_pygments_code, code_by_name, color_by_name, on_pre_cmdloop, color_file, file_color_tokens
from xonsh.environ import LsColors
from tools import skip_if_on_windows, skip_if_on_unix
# Reset
Color.NO_COLOR: "noinherit", # Text Reset
# Regular Colors
Color.BLACK: "ansiblack",
Color.BLUE: "ansiblue",
Color.CYAN: "ansicyan",
Color.GREEN: "ansigreen",
Color.PURPLE: "ansimagenta",
Color.RED: "ansired",
Color.WHITE: "ansigray",
Color.YELLOW: "ansiyellow",
Color.INTENSE_BLACK: "ansibrightblack",
Color.INTENSE_BLUE: "ansibrightblue",
Color.INTENSE_CYAN: "ansibrightcyan",
Color.INTENSE_GREEN: "ansibrightgreen",
Color.INTENSE_PURPLE: "ansibrightmagenta",
Color.INTENSE_RED: "ansibrightred",
Color.INTENSE_WHITE: "ansiwhite",
Color.INTENSE_YELLOW: "ansibrightyellow",
"name, exp",
("NO_COLOR", "noinherit"),
("RED", "ansired"),
("BACKGROUND_RED", "bg:ansired"),
("BACKGROUND_INTENSE_RED", "bg:ansibrightred"),
("BOLD_RED", "bold ansired"),
("UNDERLINE_RED", "underline ansired"),
("BOLD_UNDERLINE_RED", "bold underline ansired"),
("UNDERLINE_BOLD_RED", "underline bold ansired"),
# test unsupported modifiers
("BOLD_FAINT_RED", "bold ansired"),
("BOLD_SLOWBLINK_RED", "bold ansired"),
("BOLD_FASTBLINK_RED", "bold ansired"),
("BOLD_INVERT_RED", "bold ansired"),
("BOLD_CONCEAL_RED", "bold ansired"),
("BOLD_STRIKETHROUGH_RED", "bold ansired"),
# test hexes
("#000", "#000"),
("#000000", "#000000"),
("BACKGROUND_#000", "bg:#000"),
("BACKGROUND_#000000", "bg:#000000"),
("BG#000", "bg:#000"),
("bg#000000", "bg:#000000"),
def test_color_name_to_pygments_code(name, exp):
styles = DEFAULT_STYLES.copy()
obs = color_name_to_pygments_code(name, styles)
assert obs == exp
"name, exp",
("NO_COLOR", "noinherit"),
("RED", "ansired"),
("BACKGROUND_RED", "bg:ansired"),
("BACKGROUND_INTENSE_RED", "bg:ansibrightred"),
("BOLD_RED", "bold ansired"),
("UNDERLINE_RED", "underline ansired"),
("BOLD_UNDERLINE_RED", "bold underline ansired"),
("UNDERLINE_BOLD_RED", "underline bold ansired"),
# test unsupported modifiers
("BOLD_FAINT_RED", "bold ansired"),
("BOLD_SLOWBLINK_RED", "bold ansired"),
("BOLD_FASTBLINK_RED", "bold ansired"),
("BOLD_INVERT_RED", "bold ansired"),
("BOLD_CONCEAL_RED", "bold ansired"),
("BOLD_STRIKETHROUGH_RED", "bold ansired"),
# test hexes
("#000", "#000"),
("#000000", "#000000"),
("BACKGROUND_#000", "bg:#000"),
("BACKGROUND_#000000", "bg:#000000"),
("BG#000", "bg:#000"),
("bg#000000", "bg:#000000"),
def test_code_by_name(name, exp):
styles = DEFAULT_STYLES.copy()
obs = code_by_name(name, styles)
assert obs == exp
"in_tuple, exp_ct, exp_ansi_colors"
, [
(("NO_COLOR",), Color.NO_COLOR, "noinherit")
,(("GREEN",), Color.GREEN, "ansigreen")
,(("BOLD_RED",), Color.BOLD_RED, "bold ansired")
,(("BACKGROUND_BLACK", "BOLD_GREEN"), Color.BACKGROUND_BLACK__BOLD_GREEN, "bg:ansiblack bold ansigreen")
def test_color_token_by_name( in_tuple, exp_ct, exp_ansi_colors, xonsh_builtins):
from xonsh.pyghooks import XonshStyle, color_token_by_name
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.shell.shell_type = 'prompt_toolkit2'
styler = XonshStyle() # default style
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.shell.shell.styler = styler
# can't really instantiate XonshStyle separate from a shell??
ct = color_token_by_name( in_tuple)
ansi_colors = styler.styles[ct] # if keyerror, ct was not cached
assert ct == exp_ct, "returned color token is right"
assert ansi_colors == exp_ansi_colors, "color token mapped to correct color string"
#todo test color changes when ls_colors is updated. Easy case: new color already in cache; hard case, new color is never-before-seen
_cf = {
'rs': 'regular',
'di': 'simple_dir',
'ln': 'simple_link',
'mh': None,
'pi': 'pipe',
'so': None,
'do': None,
'bd': '/dev/sda',
'cd': '/dev/tty',
'or': 'orphan_link',
'mi': None,
'su': 'set_uid',
'sg': 'set_gid',
'ca': None,
'tw': 'sticky_ow_dir',
'ow': 'other_writable_dir',
'st': 'sticky_dir',
'ex': 'executable',
'*.emf': 'foo.emf',
'*.zip': 'foo.zip',
'*.ogg': 'foo.ogg'
def colorizable_files(xonsh_builtins):
"""populate temp dir with sample files and iniialize (hopefully consistent) LS_COLORS"""
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.shell.shell_type = 'prompt_toolkit2'
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.shell.shell.styler = XonshStyle() # default style
lsc = LsColors( LsColors.default_settings)
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.env["LS_COLORS"] = lsc
on_pre_cmdloop() # to add lscolors to style
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
for k,v in _cf.items():
if v is None:
if v.startswith('/'):
file_path = v
file_path = tempdir + '/' + v
mode = os.lstat(file_path)
except FileNotFoundError:
if file_path.endswith('_dir'):
open(file_path, 'a').close()
if k in ('di', 'rg'):
elif k == 'ex':
os.chmod(file_path, stat.S_IXUSR)
elif k == 'ln':
os.rename(file_path, file_path+'_target')
os.symlink(file_path+'_target', file_path)
elif k == 'or':
os.rename(file_path, file_path+'_target')
os.symlink(file_path+'_target', file_path)
elif k == 'pi':
elif k == 'su':
os.chmod(file_path, stat.S_ISUID)
elif k == 'sg':
os.chmod(file_path, stat.S_ISGID)
elif k == 'st':
os.chmod(file_path, stat.S_ISVTX | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) # TempDir requires o:r
elif k == 'tw':
os.chmod(file_path, stat.S_ISVTX | stat.S_IWOTH | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
elif k == 'ow':
os.chmod(file_path, stat.S_IWOTH | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
pass # cauterize those elseless ifs!
yield k, file_path, file_color_tokens[k]
pass # tempdir get cleaned up here.
def test_colorize_file(xonsh_builtins):
# # someday, should parameterize this test, so you get all the failures in one run.
for (key, file_path, exp_tok) in colorizable_files(xonsh_builtins):
mode = (os.lstat( file_path)).st_mode
color_token, color_key = color_file(file_path, mode)
assert color_key == key, "File classified as expected kind"
assert color_token == exp_tok, "Color token is as expected"