Daniel Shimon 7ce53f1844
Always capture aliases (#4445)
* specs: Make sure sub-specs are always captured regardless of $XONSH_CAPTURE_ALWAYS

* procs: Ensure env is used in functional aliases

* news: Add always-capture-aliases

* tests: procs: Skip known issues

* tests: Restore all builtins in the 'xonsh_builtins' fixture

* tests: vc: Use monkeypatch to mock CommandsCache functions

* tests: main: Don't use the local machine's xonshrc
2021-09-15 15:14:28 -04:00

169 lines
5.3 KiB

"""Tests the xonsh.procs.specs"""
import itertools
import sys
from subprocess import Popen
import pytest
from xonsh.procs.specs import cmds_to_specs, run_subproc
from xonsh.built_ins import XSH
from xonsh.procs.posix import PopenThread
from xonsh.procs.proxies import ProcProxy, ProcProxyThread, STDOUT_DISPATCHER
from .tools import skip_if_on_windows
def test_cmds_to_specs_thread_subproc(xession):
env = xession.env
cmds = [["pwd"]]
# XONSH_CAPTURE_ALWAYS=False should disable interactive threaded subprocs
specs = cmds_to_specs(cmds, captured="hiddenobject")
assert specs[0].cls is Popen
# Now for the other situations
# First check that threadable subprocs become threadable
specs = cmds_to_specs(cmds, captured="hiddenobject")
assert specs[0].cls is PopenThread
# turn off threading and check we use Popen
env["THREAD_SUBPROCS"] = False
specs = cmds_to_specs(cmds, captured="hiddenobject")
assert specs[0].cls is Popen
# now check the threadbility of callable aliases
cmds = [[lambda: "Keras Selyrian"]]
# check that threadable alias become threadable
specs = cmds_to_specs(cmds, captured="hiddenobject")
assert specs[0].cls is ProcProxyThread
# turn off threading and check we use ProcProxy
env["THREAD_SUBPROCS"] = False
specs = cmds_to_specs(cmds, captured="hiddenobject")
assert specs[0].cls is ProcProxy
@pytest.mark.parametrize("thread_subprocs", [True, False])
def test_cmds_to_specs_capture_stdout_not_stderr(thread_subprocs):
env = XSH.env
cmds = (["ls", "/root"],)
env["THREAD_SUBPROCS"] = thread_subprocs
specs = cmds_to_specs(cmds, captured="stdout")
assert specs[0].stdout is not None
assert specs[0].stderr is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pipe", (True, False))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("alias_type", (None, "func", "exec", "simple"))
"thread_subprocs, capture_always", list(itertools.product((True, False), repeat=2))
def test_capture_always(
capfd, thread_subprocs, capture_always, alias_type, pipe, monkeypatch
if not thread_subprocs and alias_type in ["func", "exec"]:
if pipe:
return pytest.skip("https://github.com/xonsh/xonsh/issues/4443")
return pytest.skip("https://github.com/xonsh/xonsh/issues/4444")
env = XSH.env
exp = "HELLO\nBYE\n"
cmds = [["echo", "-n", exp]]
if pipe:
exp = exp.splitlines()[1] + "\n" # second line
cmds += ["|", ["grep", "--color=never", exp.strip()]]
if alias_type:
first_cmd = cmds[0]
# Enable capfd for function aliases:
monkeypatch.setattr(STDOUT_DISPATCHER, "default", sys.stdout)
if alias_type == "func":
XSH.aliases["tst"] = (
lambda: run_subproc([first_cmd], "hiddenobject") and None
) # Don't return a value
elif alias_type == "exec":
first_cmd = " ".join(repr(arg) for arg in first_cmd)
XSH.aliases["tst"] = f"![{first_cmd}]"
# alias_type == "simple"
XSH.aliases["tst"] = first_cmd
cmds[0] = ["tst"]
env["THREAD_SUBPROCS"] = thread_subprocs
env["XONSH_CAPTURE_ALWAYS"] = capture_always
hidden = run_subproc(cmds, "hiddenobject") # ![]
# Check that interactive subprocs are always printed
assert exp in capfd.readouterr().out
if capture_always and thread_subprocs:
# Check that the interactive output was captured
assert hidden.out == exp
# without THREAD_SUBPROCS capturing in ![] isn't possible
assert not hidden.out
# Explicitly captured commands are always captured
hidden = run_subproc(cmds, "object") # !()
if thread_subprocs:
assert exp not in capfd.readouterr().out
assert hidden.out == exp
# for some reason THREAD_SUBPROCS=False fails to capture in `!()` but still succeeds in `$()`
assert exp in capfd.readouterr().out
assert not hidden.out
output = run_subproc(cmds, "stdout") # $()
assert exp not in capfd.readouterr().out
assert output == exp
# Explicitly non-captured commands are never captured (/always printed)
run_subproc(cmds, captured=False) # $[]
assert exp in capfd.readouterr().out
"captured, exp_is_none",
("object", False),
("stdout", True),
("hiddenobject", True),
(False, True),
def test_run_subproc_background(captured, exp_is_none):
cmds = (["echo", "hello"], "&")
return_val = run_subproc(cmds, captured)
assert (return_val is None) == exp_is_none
@pytest.mark.parametrize("thread_subprocs", [False, True])
def test_callable_alias_cls(thread_subprocs, xession):
class Cls:
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print(args, kwargs)
obj = Cls()
xession.aliases["tst"] = obj
env = xession.env
cmds = (["tst", "/root"],)
env["THREAD_SUBPROCS"] = thread_subprocs
spec = cmds_to_specs(cmds, captured="stdout")[0]
proc = spec.run()
assert proc.f == obj