2016-06-16 21:41:46 -04:00

508 lines
18 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The xonsh abstract syntax tree node."""
# These are imported into our module namespace for the benefit of parser.py.
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from ast import Module, Num, Expr, Str, Bytes, UnaryOp, UAdd, USub, Invert, \
BinOp, Add, Sub, Mult, Div, FloorDiv, Mod, Pow, Compare, Lt, Gt, \
LtE, GtE, Eq, NotEq, In, NotIn, Is, IsNot, Not, BoolOp, Or, And, \
Subscript, Load, Slice, ExtSlice, List, Tuple, Set, Dict, AST, NameConstant, \
Name, GeneratorExp, Store, comprehension, ListComp, SetComp, DictComp, \
Assign, AugAssign, BitXor, BitAnd, BitOr, LShift, RShift, Assert, Delete, \
Del, Pass, Raise, Import, alias, ImportFrom, Continue, Break, Yield, \
YieldFrom, Return, IfExp, Lambda, arguments, arg, Call, keyword, \
Attribute, Global, Nonlocal, If, While, For, withitem, With, Try, \
ExceptHandler, FunctionDef, ClassDef, Starred, NodeTransformer, \
Interactive, Expression, Index, literal_eval, dump, walk, increment_lineno
from ast import Ellipsis as EllipsisNode
# pylint: enable=unused-import
import textwrap
import itertools
from xonsh.tools import subproc_toks, find_next_break
from xonsh.platform import PYTHON_VERSION_INFO
if PYTHON_VERSION_INFO >= (3, 5, 0):
# pylint: disable=unused-import
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from ast import MatMult, AsyncFunctionDef, AsyncWith, AsyncFor, Await
MatMult = AsyncFunctionDef = AsyncWith = AsyncFor = Await = None
STATEMENTS = (FunctionDef, ClassDef, Return, Delete, Assign, AugAssign, For,
While, If, With, Raise, Try, Assert, Import, ImportFrom, Global,
Nonlocal, Expr, Pass, Break, Continue)
def leftmostname(node):
"""Attempts to find the first name in the tree."""
if isinstance(node, Name):
rtn = node.id
elif isinstance(node, (BinOp, Compare)):
rtn = leftmostname(node.left)
elif isinstance(node, (Attribute, Subscript, Starred, Expr)):
rtn = leftmostname(node.value)
elif isinstance(node, Call):
rtn = leftmostname(node.func)
elif isinstance(node, UnaryOp):
rtn = leftmostname(node.operand)
elif isinstance(node, BoolOp):
rtn = leftmostname(node.values[0])
elif isinstance(node, Assign):
rtn = leftmostname(node.targets[0])
elif isinstance(node, (Str, Bytes)):
# handles case of "./my executable"
rtn = leftmostname(node.s)
elif isinstance(node, Tuple) and len(node.elts) > 0:
# handles case of echo ,1,2,3
rtn = leftmostname(node.elts[0])
rtn = None
return rtn
def get_lineno(node, default=0):
"""Gets the lineno of a node or returns the default."""
return getattr(node, 'lineno', default)
def min_line(node):
"""Computes the minimum lineno."""
node_line = get_lineno(node)
return min(map(get_lineno, walk(node), itertools.repeat(node_line)))
def max_line(node):
"""Computes the maximum lineno."""
return max(map(get_lineno, walk(node)))
def get_col(node, default=-1):
"""Gets the col_offset of a node, or returns the default"""
return getattr(node, 'col_offset', default)
def min_col(node):
"""Computes the minimum col_offset."""
return min(map(get_col, walk(node), itertools.repeat(node.col_offset)))
def max_col(node):
"""Returns the maximum col_offset of the node and all sub-nodes."""
col = getattr(node, 'max_col', None)
if col is None:
col = max(map(get_col, walk(node)))
return col
def get_id(node, default=None):
"""Gets the id attribute of a node, or returns a default."""
return getattr(node, 'id', default)
def gather_names(node):
"""Returns the set of all names present in the node's tree."""
rtn = set(map(get_id, walk(node)))
return rtn
def has_elts(x):
"""Tests if x is an AST node with elements."""
return isinstance(x, AST) and hasattr(x, 'elts')
def xonsh_call(name, args, lineno=None, col=None):
"""Creates the AST node for calling a function of a given name."""
return Call(func=Name(id=name, ctx=Load(), lineno=lineno, col_offset=col),
args=args, keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None,
lineno=lineno, col_offset=col)
def isdescendable(node):
"""Deteremines whether or not a node is worth visiting. Currently only
UnaryOp and BoolOp nodes are visited.
return isinstance(node, (UnaryOp, BoolOp))
class CtxAwareTransformer(NodeTransformer):
"""Transforms a xonsh AST based to use subprocess calls when
the first name in an expression statement is not known in the context.
This assumes that the expression statement is instead parseable as
a subprocess.
def __init__(self, parser):
parser : xonsh.Parser
A parse instance to try to parse suprocess statements with.
super(CtxAwareTransformer, self).__init__()
self.parser = parser
self.input = None
self.contexts = []
self.lines = None
self.mode = None
self._nwith = 0
def ctxvisit(self, node, inp, ctx, mode='exec'):
"""Transforms the node in a context-dependent way.
node : ast.AST
A syntax tree to transform.
input : str
The input code in string format.
ctx : dict
The root context to use.
node : ast.AST
The transformed node.
self.lines = inp.splitlines()
self.contexts = [ctx, set()]
self.mode = mode
self._nwith = 0
node = self.visit(node)
del self.lines, self.contexts, self.mode
self._nwith = 0
return node
def ctxupdate(self, iterable):
"""Updated the most recent context."""
def ctxadd(self, value):
"""Adds a value the most recent context."""
def ctxremove(self, value):
"""Removes a value the most recent context."""
for ctx in reversed(self.contexts):
if value in ctx:
def try_subproc_toks(self, node, strip_expr=False):
"""Tries to parse the line of the node as a subprocess."""
line = self.lines[node.lineno - 1]
if self.mode == 'eval':
mincol = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
maxcol = None
mincol = min_col(node)
maxcol = max_col(node)
if mincol == maxcol:
maxcol = find_next_break(line, mincol=mincol,
maxcol += 1
spline = subproc_toks(line,
if spline is None:
return node
newnode = self.parser.parse(spline, mode=self.mode)
newnode = newnode.body
if not isinstance(newnode, AST):
# take the first (and only) Expr
newnode = newnode[0]
increment_lineno(newnode, n=node.lineno - 1)
newnode.col_offset = node.col_offset
except SyntaxError:
newnode = node
if strip_expr and isinstance(newnode, Expr):
newnode = newnode.value
return newnode
def is_in_scope(self, node):
"""Determines whether or not the current node is in scope."""
lname = leftmostname(node)
if lname is None:
return node
inscope = False
for ctx in reversed(self.contexts):
if lname in ctx:
inscope = True
return inscope
# With Transformers
def insert_with_block_check(self, node):
"""Modifies a with statement node in-place to add an initial check
for whether or not the block should be executed. If the block is
not executed it will raise a XonshBlockError containing the required
nwith = self._nwith # the nesting level of the current with-statement
lineno = get_lineno(node)
col = get_col(node, 0)
# Add or discover target names
targets = set()
i = 0 # index of unassigned items
def make_next_target():
nonlocal i
targ = '__xonsh_with_target_{}_{}__'.format(nwith, i)
n = Name(id=targ, ctx=Store(), lineno=lineno, col_offset=col)
i += 1
return n
for item in node.items:
if item.optional_vars is None:
if has_elts(item.context_expr):
targs = [make_next_target() for _ in item.context_expr.elts]
optvars = Tuple(elts=targs, ctx=Store(), lineno=lineno,
optvars = make_next_target()
item.optional_vars = optvars
# Ok, now that targets have been found / created, make the actual check
# to see if we are in a non-executing block. This is equivalent to
# writing the following condition:
# if getattr(targ0, '__xonsh_block__', False) or \
# getattr(targ1, '__xonsh_block__', False) or ...:
# raise XonshBlockError(lines, globals(), locals())
tests = [_getblockattr(t, lineno, col) for t in sorted(targets)]
if len(tests) == 1:
test = tests[0]
test = BoolOp(op=Or(), values=tests, lineno=lineno, col_offset=col)
ldx, udx = self._find_with_block_line_idx(node)
lines = [Str(s=s, lineno=lineno, col_offset=col)
for s in self.lines[ldx:udx]]
check = If(test=test, body=[
args=[List(elts=lines, ctx=Load(),
lineno=lineno, col_offset=col),
xonsh_call('globals', args=[],
lineno=lineno, col=col),
xonsh_call('locals', args=[],
lineno=lineno, col=col)],
lineno=lineno, col=col),
cause=None, lineno=lineno, col_offset=col)],
orelse=[], lineno=lineno, col_offset=col)
node.body.insert(0, check)
def _find_with_block_line_idx(self, node):
ldx = min_line(node.body[0]) - 1
udx = max_line(node.body[-1])
# now check if parsable, or add lines until it is or we run out of lines
nlines = len(self.lines)
lines = 'with __xonsh_dummy__:\n' + '\n'.join(self.lines[ldx:udx])
lines += '\n'
parsable = False
while not parsable and udx < nlines:
self.parser.parse(lines, mode=self.mode)
parsable = True
except SyntaxError:
lines += self.lines[udx] + '\n'
udx += 1
return ldx, udx
# Replacement visitors
def visit_Expression(self, node):
"""Handle visiting an expression body."""
if isdescendable(node.body):
node.body = self.visit(node.body)
body = node.body
inscope = self.is_in_scope(body)
if not inscope:
node.body = self.try_subproc_toks(body)
return node
def visit_Expr(self, node):
"""Handle visiting an expression."""
if isdescendable(node.value):
node.value = self.visit(node.value) # this allows diving into BoolOps
if self.is_in_scope(node):
return node
newnode = self.try_subproc_toks(node)
if not isinstance(newnode, Expr):
newnode = Expr(value=newnode,
if hasattr(node, 'max_lineno'):
newnode.max_lineno = node.max_lineno
newnode.max_col = node.max_col
return newnode
def visit_UnaryOp(self, node):
"""Handle visiting an unary operands, like not."""
if isdescendable(node.operand):
node.operand = self.visit(node.operand)
operand = node.operand
inscope = self.is_in_scope(operand)
if not inscope:
node.operand = self.try_subproc_toks(operand, strip_expr=True)
return node
def visit_BoolOp(self, node):
"""Handle visiting an boolean operands, like and/or."""
for i in range(len(node.values)):
val = node.values[i]
if isdescendable(val):
val = node.values[i] = self.visit(val)
inscope = self.is_in_scope(val)
if not inscope:
node.values[i] = self.try_subproc_toks(val, strip_expr=True)
return node
# Context aggregator visitors
def visit_Assign(self, node):
"""Handle visiting an assignment statement."""
ups = set()
for targ in node.targets:
if isinstance(targ, (Tuple, List)):
ups.update(leftmostname(elt) for elt in targ.elts)
elif isinstance(targ, BinOp):
newnode = self.try_subproc_toks(node)
if newnode is node:
return newnode
return node
def visit_Import(self, node):
"""Handle visiting a import statement."""
for name in node.names:
if name.asname is None:
return node
def visit_ImportFrom(self, node):
"""Handle visiting a "from ... import ..." statement."""
for name in node.names:
if name.asname is None:
return node
def visit_With(self, node):
"""Handle visiting a with statement."""
for item in node.items:
if item.optional_vars is not None:
self._nwith += 1
self._nwith -= 1
return node
def visit_For(self, node):
"""Handle visiting a for statement."""
targ = node.target
if isinstance(targ, (Tuple, List)):
self.ctxupdate(leftmostname(elt) for elt in targ.elts)
return node
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
"""Handle visiting a function definition."""
return node
def visit_ClassDef(self, node):
"""Handle visiting a class definition."""
return node
def visit_Delete(self, node):
"""Handle visiting a del statement."""
for targ in node.targets:
if isinstance(targ, Name):
return node
def visit_Try(self, node):
"""Handle visiting a try statement."""
for handler in node.handlers:
if handler.name is not None:
return node
def visit_Global(self, node):
"""Handle visiting a global statement."""
self.contexts[1].update(node.names) # contexts[1] is the global ctx
return node
def pdump(s, **kwargs):
"""performs a pretty dump of an AST node."""
if isinstance(s, AST):
s = dump(s, **kwargs).replace(',', ',\n')
openers = '([{'
closers = ')]}'
lens = len(s) + 1
if lens == 1:
return s
i = min([s.find(o)%lens for o in openers])
if i == lens - 1:
return s
closer = closers[openers.find(s[i])]
j = s.rfind(closer)
if j == -1 or j <= i:
return s[:i+1] + '\n' + textwrap.indent(pdump(s[i+1:]), ' ')
pre = s[:i+1] + '\n'
mid = s[i+1:j]
post = '\n' + s[j:]
mid = textwrap.indent(pdump(mid), ' ')
if '(' in post or '[' in post or '{' in post:
post = pdump(post)
return pre + mid + post
def pprint(s, *, sep=None, end=None, file=None, flush=False, **kwargs):
"""Performs a pretty print of the AST nodes."""
print(pdump(s, **kwargs), sep=sep, end=end, file=file, flush=flush)
# Private helpers
def _getblockattr(name, lineno, col):
"""calls getattr(name, '__xonsh_block__', False)."""
return xonsh_call('getattr', args=[
Name(id=name, ctx=Load(), lineno=lineno, col_offset=col),
Str(s='__xonsh_block__', lineno=lineno, col_offset=col),
NameConstant(value=False, lineno=lineno, col_offset=col)],
lineno=lineno, col=col)