Bob Hyman 53bfe8c99c
Add ptk3 (#3521)
* delete package ptk; rename ptk2 to ptk_shell.; leave ptk2 as alias for ptk_shell.
* SHELL_TYPE "prompt_toolkit" only; remove ptk1 specific behavior.
* Doc updates: eliminate reference to prompt-toolkit < 2.0
* update requirements files ptk>=2; test shell_style="none"
* fix ptk2 stub per code review
* Add ptk2 to list of packages to install.
2020-04-18 10:44:27 -04:00

61 lines
1.9 KiB

Command abbreviations.
This expands input words from `abbrevs` disctionary as you type.
import builtins
from prompt_toolkit.filters import completion_is_selected, IsMultiline
from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
from xonsh.built_ins import DynamicAccessProxy
from xonsh.tools import check_for_partial_string
__all__ = ()
builtins.__xonsh__.abbrevs = dict()
proxy = DynamicAccessProxy("abbrevs", "__xonsh__.abbrevs")
setattr(builtins, "abbrevs", proxy)
def expand_abbrev(buffer):
abbrevs = getattr(builtins, "abbrevs", None)
if abbrevs is None:
document = buffer.document
word = document.get_word_before_cursor(WORD=True)
if word in abbrevs.keys():
partial = document.text[: document.cursor_position]
startix, endix, quote = check_for_partial_string(partial)
if startix is not None and endix is None:
def custom_keybindings(bindings, **kw):
from xonsh.ptk_shell.key_bindings import carriage_return
from prompt_toolkit.filters import EmacsInsertMode, ViInsertMode
handler = bindings.add
insert_mode = ViInsertMode() | EmacsInsertMode()
@handler(" ", filter=IsMultiline() & insert_mode)
def handle_space(event):
buffer = event.app.current_buffer
buffer.insert_text(" ")
Keys.ControlJ, filter=IsMultiline() & insert_mode & ~completion_is_selected
Keys.ControlM, filter=IsMultiline() & insert_mode & ~completion_is_selected
def multiline_carriage_return(event):
buffer = event.app.current_buffer
current_char = buffer.document.current_char
if not current_char or current_char.isspace():
carriage_return(buffer, event.cli)