2016-06-16 20:58:53 -04:00

206 lines
7 KiB

"""Implements a xonsh tracer."""
import os
import re
import sys
import inspect
import linecache
import importlib
from functools import lru_cache
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from xonsh.lazyasd import LazyObject
from xonsh.platform import HAS_PYGMENTS
from xonsh.tools import DefaultNotGiven, print_color, normabspath, to_bool
from xonsh.inspectors import find_file, getouterframes
from xonsh.environ import _replace_home
pygments = LazyObject(lambda: importlib.import_module('pygments'),
globals(), 'pygments')
terminal = LazyObject(lambda: importlib.import_module(
globals(), 'terminal')
pyghooks = LazyObject(lambda: importlib.import_module('xonsh.pyghooks'),
globals(), 'pyghooks')
class TracerType(object):
"""Represents a xonsh tracer object, which keeps track of all tracing
state. This is a singleton.
_inst = None
valid_events = frozenset(['line', 'call'])
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls._inst is None:
cls._inst = super(TracerType, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
return cls._inst
def __init__(self):
self.prev_tracer = DefaultNotGiven
self.files = set()
self.usecolor = True
self.lexer = pyghooks.XonshLexer()
self.formatter = terminal.TerminalFormatter()
self._last = ('', -1) # filename, lineno tuple
def __del__(self):
for f in set(self.files):
def start(self, filename):
"""Starts tracing a file."""
files = self.files
if len(files) == 0:
self.prev_tracer = sys.gettrace()
curr = inspect.currentframe()
for frame, fname, *_ in getouterframes(curr, context=0):
if normabspath(fname) in files:
frame.f_trace = self.trace
def stop(self, filename):
"""Stops tracing a file."""
filename = normabspath(filename)
if len(self.files) == 0:
curr = inspect.currentframe()
for frame, fname, *_ in getouterframes(curr, context=0):
if normabspath(fname) == filename:
frame.f_trace = self.prev_tracer
self.prev_tracer = DefaultNotGiven
def trace(self, frame, event, arg):
"""Implements a line tracing function."""
if event not in self.valid_events:
return self.trace
fname = find_file(frame)
if fname in self.files:
lineno = frame.f_lineno
curr = (fname, lineno)
if curr != self._last:
line = linecache.getline(fname, lineno).rstrip()
s = tracer_format_line(fname, lineno, line,
self._last = curr
return self.trace
tracer = LazyObject(TracerType, globals(), 'tracer')
COLORLESS_LINE = '{fname}:{lineno}:{line}'
COLOR_LINE = ('{{PURPLE}}{fname}{{BLUE}}:'
def tracer_format_line(fname, lineno, line, color=True, lexer=None, formatter=None):
"""Formats a trace line suitable for printing."""
fname = min(fname, _replace_home(fname), os.path.relpath(fname), key=len)
if not color:
return COLORLESS_LINE.format(fname=fname, lineno=lineno, line=line)
cline = COLOR_LINE.format(fname=fname, lineno=lineno)
return cline + line
# OK, so we have pygments
tokens = pyghooks.partial_color_tokenize(cline)
lexer = lexer or pyghooks.XonshLexer()
tokens += pygments.lex(line, lexer=lexer)
return tokens
# Command line interface
def _find_caller(args):
"""Somewhat hacky method of finding the __file__ based on the line executed."""
re_line = re.compile(r'[^;\s|&<>]+\s+' + r'\s+'.join(args))
curr = inspect.currentframe()
for _, fname, lineno, _, lines, _ in getouterframes(curr, context=1)[3:]:
if lines is not None and re_line.search(lines[0]) is not None:
return fname
elif lineno == 1 and re_line.search(linecache.getline(fname, lineno)) is not None:
# There is a bug in CPython such that getouterframes(curr, context=1)
# will actually return the 2nd line in the code_context field, even though
# line number is itself correct. We manually fix that in this branch.
return fname
msg = ('xonsh: warning: __file__ name could not be found. You may be '
'trying to trace interactively. Please pass in the file names '
'you want to trace explicitly.')
print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
def _on(ns, args):
"""Turns on tracing for files."""
for f in ns.files:
if f == '__file__':
f = _find_caller(args)
if f is None:
def _off(ns, args):
"""Turns off tracing for files."""
for f in ns.files:
if f == '__file__':
f = _find_caller(args)
if f is None:
def _color(ns, args):
"""Manages color action for tracer CLI."""
tracer.usecolor = ns.toggle
def _tracer_create_parser():
"""Creates tracer argument parser"""
p = ArgumentParser(prog='trace',
description='tool for tracing xonsh code as it runs.')
subp = p.add_subparsers(title='action', dest='action')
onp = subp.add_parser('on', aliases=['start', 'add'],
help='begins tracing selected files.')
onp.add_argument('files', nargs='*', default=['__file__'],
help=('file paths to watch, use "__file__" (default) to select '
'the current file.'))
off = subp.add_parser('off', aliases=['stop', 'del', 'rm'],
help='removes selected files fom tracing.')
off.add_argument('files', nargs='*', default=['__file__'],
help=('file paths to stop watching, use "__file__" (default) to '
'select the current file.'))
col = subp.add_parser('color', help='output color management for tracer.')
col.add_argument('toggle', type=to_bool,
help='true/false, y/n, etc. to toggle color usage.')
return p
'on': _on,
'add': _on,
'start': _on,
'rm': _off,
'off': _off,
'del': _off,
'stop': _off,
'color': _color,
def tracermain(args=None):
"""Main function for tracer command-line interface."""
parser = _tracer_create_parser()
ns = parser.parse_args(args)
return _TRACER_MAIN_ACTIONS[ns.action](ns, args)
if __name__ == '__main__':