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292 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tests the xonsh builtins."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import os
import re
import builtins
import types
from ast import AST
import pytest
from xonsh import built_ins
from xonsh.built_ins import reglob, pathsearch, helper, superhelper, \
ensure_list_of_strs, list_of_strs_or_callables, regexsearch, \
globsearch, expand_path, convert_macro_arg, in_macro_call, call_macro, \
from xonsh.environ import Env
from tools import skip_if_on_windows
HOME_PATH = os.path.expanduser('~')
def xonsh_execer_autouse(xonsh_execer):
return xonsh_execer
@pytest.mark.parametrize('testfile', reglob('test_.*'))
def test_reglob_tests(testfile):
assert (testfile.startswith('test_'))
def home_env(xonsh_builtins):
"""Set `__xonsh_env__ ` to a new Env instance on `xonsh_builtins`"""
xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__ = Env(HOME=HOME_PATH)
return xonsh_builtins
def test_repath_backslash(home_env):
exp = os.listdir(HOME_PATH)
exp = {p for p in exp if re.match(r'\w\w.*', p)}
exp = {os.path.join(HOME_PATH, p) for p in exp}
obs = set(pathsearch(regexsearch, r'~/\w\w.*'))
assert exp == obs
def test_repath_HOME_PATH_itself(home_env):
obs = pathsearch(regexsearch, '~')
assert 1 == len(obs)
assert exp == obs[0]
def test_repath_HOME_PATH_contents(home_env):
exp = os.listdir(HOME_PATH)
exp = {os.path.join(HOME_PATH, p) for p in exp}
obs = set(pathsearch(regexsearch, '~/.*'))
assert exp == obs
def test_repath_HOME_PATH_var(home_env):
obs = pathsearch(regexsearch, '$HOME')
assert 1 == len(obs)
assert exp == obs[0]
def test_repath_HOME_PATH_var_brace(home_env):
obs = pathsearch(regexsearch, '${"HOME"}')
assert 1 == len(obs)
assert exp == obs[0]
def test_helper_int(home_env):
helper(int, 'int')
def test_helper_helper(home_env):
helper(helper, 'helper')
def test_helper_env(home_env):
helper(Env, 'Env')
def test_superhelper_int(home_env):
superhelper(int, 'int')
def test_superhelper_helper(home_env):
superhelper(helper, 'helper')
def test_superhelper_env(home_env):
superhelper(Env, 'Env')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('exp, inp', [
(['yo'], 'yo'),
(['yo'], ['yo']),
(['42'], 42),
(['42'], [42])
def test_ensure_list_of_strs(exp, inp):
obs = ensure_list_of_strs(inp)
assert exp == obs
f = lambda x: 20
@pytest.mark.parametrize('exp, inp', [
(['yo'], 'yo'),
(['yo'], ['yo']),
(['42'], 42),
(['42'], [42]),
([f], f),
([f], [f])
def test_list_of_strs_or_callables(exp, inp):
obs = list_of_strs_or_callables(inp)
assert exp == obs
@pytest.mark.parametrize('s', [
def test_expand_path(s, home_env):
if os.sep != '/':
s = s.replace('/', os.sep)
if os.pathsep != ':':
s = s.replace(':', os.pathsep)
assert expand_path(s) == s.replace('~', HOME_PATH)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('kind', [str, 's', 'S', 'str', 'string'])
def test_convert_macro_arg_str(kind):
raw_arg = 'value'
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, None, None)
assert arg is raw_arg
@pytest.mark.parametrize('kind', [AST, 'a', 'Ast'])
def test_convert_macro_arg_ast(kind):
raw_arg = '42'
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, {}, None)
assert isinstance(arg, AST)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('kind', [types.CodeType, compile, 'c', 'code',
def test_convert_macro_arg_code(kind):
raw_arg = '42'
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, {}, None)
assert isinstance(arg, types.CodeType)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('kind', [eval, None, 'v', 'eval'])
def test_convert_macro_arg_eval(kind):
# literals
raw_arg = '42'
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, {}, None)
assert arg == 42
# exprs
raw_arg = 'x + 41'
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, {}, {'x': 1})
assert arg == 42
@pytest.mark.parametrize('kind', [exec, 'x', 'exec'])
def test_convert_macro_arg_exec(kind):
# at global scope
raw_arg = 'def f(x, y):\n return x + y'
glbs = {}
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, glbs, None)
assert arg is None
assert 'f' in glbs
assert glbs['f'](1, 41) == 42
# at local scope
raw_arg = 'def g(z):\n return x + z\ny += 42'
glbs = {'x': 40}
locs = {'y': 1}
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, glbs, locs)
assert arg is None
assert 'g' in locs
assert locs['g'](1) == 41
assert 'y' in locs
assert locs['y'] == 43
@pytest.mark.parametrize('kind', [type, 't', 'type'])
def test_convert_macro_arg_eval(kind):
# literals
raw_arg = '42'
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, {}, None)
assert arg is int
# exprs
raw_arg = 'x + 41'
arg = convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, {}, {'x': 1})
assert arg is int
def test_in_macro_call():
def f():
with in_macro_call(f, True, True):
assert f.macro_globals
assert f.macro_locals
assert not hasattr(f, 'macro_globals')
assert not hasattr(f, 'macro_locals')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', ['x', '42', 'x + y'])
def test_call_macro_str(arg):
def f(x : str):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, [arg], None, None)
assert rtn is arg
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', ['x', '42', 'x + y'])
def test_call_macro_ast(arg):
def f(x : AST):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, [arg], {}, None)
assert isinstance(rtn, AST)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', ['x', '42', 'x + y'])
def test_call_macro_code(arg):
def f(x : compile):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, [arg], {}, None)
assert isinstance(rtn, types.CodeType)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', ['x', '42', 'x + y'])
def test_call_macro_eval(arg):
def f(x : eval):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, [arg], {'x': 42, 'y': 0}, None)
assert rtn == 42
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', ['if y:\n pass',
'if 42:\n pass',
'if x + y:\n pass'])
def test_call_macro_exec(arg):
def f(x : exec):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, [arg], {'x': 42, 'y': 0}, None)
assert rtn is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', ['x', '42', 'x + y'])
def test_call_macro_raw_arg(arg):
def f(x : str):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, ['*', arg], {'x': 42, 'y': 0}, None)
assert rtn == 42
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', ['x', '42', 'x + y'])
def test_call_macro_raw_kwarg(arg):
def f(x : str):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, ['*', 'x=' + arg], {'x': 42, 'y': 0}, None)
assert rtn == 42
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', ['x', '42', 'x + y'])
def test_call_macro_raw_kwargs(arg):
def f(x : str):
return x
rtn = call_macro(f, ['*', '**{"x" :' + arg + '}'], {'x': 42, 'y': 0}, None)
assert rtn == 42
def test_enter_macro():
obj = lambda: None
rtn = enter_macro(obj, 'wakka', True, True)
assert obj is rtn
assert obj.macro_block == 'wakka'
assert obj.macro_globals
assert obj.macro_locals