Gil Forsyth 6bfa551f69 Squashed 'xonsh/ply/' changes from 393cc558..0f398b72
0f398b72 Minor cleanup of support files
28575bd8 Merge pull request #152 from astrofrog/fix-whitespace
17a726c4 Fixed token order
e8c6af0a Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dabeaz/ply
5d544408 Fixed issue #148
807d3816 Merge pull request #153 from astrofrog/fix-reflags-python3
e678d756 Force reflags to be converted to an integer on Python 3
763acec6 Added regression test for bug in Python 3 with reflags and optimize=True (in Python 3, re module flags are RegexFlags instances, not integers)
3e3b45f8 Remove trailing whitespace
6860652b Merge pull request #135 from laerreal/bugfixes
149a11c5 Merge pull request #131 from hugovk/patch-1
1f9775de Merge pull request #141 from segevfiner/fix-tabmodule-class-in-package
e5925a4d Merge pull request #125 from ignamv/pylint_disable
27b327ee Merge pull request #128 from gvalkov/master
7f9b69fe Merge pull request #127 from psihonavt/patch-1
eed7b381 Merge pull request #139 from segevfiner/fix-find-column
ebf2d286 Calculate the correct tabmodule for parsers defined in a class inside a package
3d7c860b The find_column example returns the column off by +1 for every line but the first.
069239bf test: update README
5a74b95c cpp: check token list bounds during macro expansion
e71a4a04 test: add example of IndexError during expansion of a parametrized macro
12f4bd55 cpp: avoid infinite attempts to expand a word same as a parameterized macro
40bec356 test: add example that leads preprocessor to a dead loop
0f874685 cpp: fixup removal of '##' around macro argument during concatenation
9fdca0bf test: add example of incorrect expansion of concatenation (##) in macro
1fd7e122 test: add a framework for C preprocessor testing
7f4a6cc3 Add title formatting and build badge
15d42d9d Merge pull request #130 from Carreau/docs-id
1fd90675 Fix a couple of duplicated ids in the docs.
a986c8d6 Simple makefile for common tasks
2ef24ded Update yacc.py
d110a058 Add pylint command to disable warnings on generated parsetab.py
cbef61c5 Merge pull request #124 from boriel/fix_parsetab_signature_py3
eb7e15ac Fix issue #31 on python3
b791b089 Bump version
43fe6fc7 Merge pull request #119 from divergentdave/clear-modules-cache
2da92886 Merge pull request #116 from alberth/flakes_fixes
db00266e Merge pull request #118 from divergentdave/patch-1
d59e139f Merge pull request #114 from JackDanger/jackdanger/fix-version-bump
5293c7be Clear table modules from cache when overwriting
877b0ec6 Fix typo in comment
a813d9d7 Fixes for problems reported by pyflakes3
2e21642c bump remaining file to 3.10
d4c86648 Merge pull request #112 from brettcannon/patch-2
c1f07cc1 Merge pull request #111 from brettcannon/patch-1
ac7d4a83 Add some missing spaces in a code example
c3e1c9b9 Fix a grammar mistake in the docs
031fb0ee Fixed issue #110
d951379d Updated dates. Release info
2ba2f31e Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dabeaz/ply
3335be29 Reworked signature code to not use digests or hashes.
11eb4cf0 Merge pull request #107 from oboroc/master
69de7b84 Minor patch up for re flags
b659dab5 Merge pull request #102 from ignamv/ignamv-noverbose
a35469c0 Fixed issue #103
c265bbb0 Switch print to print() as per PEP 3105
fc7b81d9 Make re.VERBOSE flag optional

git-subtree-dir: xonsh/ply
git-subtree-split: 0f398b72618c1564d71f7dc0558e6722b241875a
2018-11-02 14:46:29 -04:00

76 lines
2.2 KiB

language: python
- secure: "pvQHCsdcIRjwNvsBrZxP8cZWEwug0+PLg1T8841ZLkMdCaO3YheqmxF1xGjAqty6hLppz6vX1LFEKmPjKurLL0/i+be6MhT8/ZikFpSan7TdNUqISxeFx31ls+QpuFKzCV7ZEx7C1ms8LPWEGmzMMN6bCtOBVtGznD9KKWZmLlA="
# Travis does not yet support Python 3.7 on Linux
# uncomment the following when it does
#- os: linux
# python: 3.7
# env:
# - MINICONDA_OS="Linux"
# - CI=true
# - TRAVIS=true
- os: linux
python: 3.6
- os: linux
python: "nightly"
- os: linux
python: "pypy3"
- BUILD_DOCS=false
- os: osx
language: generic
- os: osx
language: generic
- python: "nightly"
- python: "pypy3"
- if [[ ! ("$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" == "nightly" || "$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" == "3.6-dev") && ! $BUILD_DOCS ]]; then
wget "${URL}" -O miniconda.sh;
bash miniconda.sh -b -p $HOME/miniconda;
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH";
hash -r;
conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no;
conda update -q conda;
conda info -a;
- if [[ $BUILD_DOCS = true ]]; then
pip install --upgrade -r requirements-docs.txt;
python setup.py install;
pip install --upgrade -r requirements-tests.txt;
- rvm get head || true
- set -ex
- if [[ $BUILD_DOCS = true ]]; then
cd docs;
make html;
cd ..;
doctr deploy --deploy-repo xonsh/xonsh-docs dev;
git checkout $(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`);
git clean -fdx;
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall .;
cd docs;
make clean html;
cd ..;
doctr deploy --deploy-repo xonsh/xonsh-docs .;
py.test --timeout=10;