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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Lexer for xonsh code.
Written using a hybrid of ``tokenize`` and PLY.
from io import BytesIO
from keyword import kwlist
from ply.lex import LexToken
except ImportError:
from xonsh.ply.lex import LexToken
from xonsh.platform import PYTHON_VERSION_INFO
import xonsh.tokenize as tokenize
token_map = {}
Mapping from ``tokenize`` tokens (or token types) to PLY token types. If a
simple one-to-one mapping from ``tokenize`` to PLY exists, the lexer will look
it up here and generate a single PLY token of the given type. Otherwise, it
will fall back to handling that token using one of the handlers in
# operators
_op_map = {
# punctuation
',': 'COMMA', '.': 'PERIOD', ';': 'SEMI', ':': 'COLON',
'...': 'ELLIPSIS',
# basic operators
'+': 'PLUS', '-': 'MINUS', '*': 'TIMES', '@': 'AT', '/': 'DIVIDE',
'//': 'DOUBLEDIV', '%': 'MOD', '**': 'POW', '|': 'PIPE',
'~': 'TILDE', '^': 'XOR', '<<': 'LSHIFT', '>>': 'RSHIFT',
'<': 'LT', '<=': 'LE', '>': 'GT', '>=': 'GE', '==': 'EQ',
'!=': 'NE', '->': 'RARROW',
# assignment operators
'=': 'EQUALS', '+=': 'PLUSEQUAL', '-=': 'MINUSEQUAL',
'*=': 'TIMESEQUAL', '@=': 'ATEQUAL', '/=': 'DIVEQUAL', '%=': 'MODEQUAL',
'**=': 'POWEQUAL', '<<=': 'LSHIFTEQUAL', '>>=': 'RSHIFTEQUAL',
# extra xonsh operators
for (op, type) in _op_map.items():
token_map[(tokenize.OP, op)] = type
token_map[tokenize.IOREDIRECT] = 'IOREDIRECT'
token_map[tokenize.STRING] = 'STRING'
token_map[tokenize.DOLLARNAME] = 'DOLLAR_NAME'
token_map[tokenize.NUMBER] = 'NUMBER'
token_map[tokenize.REGEXPATH] = 'REGEXPATH'
token_map[tokenize.NEWLINE] = 'NEWLINE'
token_map[tokenize.INDENT] = 'INDENT'
token_map[tokenize.DEDENT] = 'DEDENT'
if PYTHON_VERSION_INFO >= (3, 5, 0):
token_map[tokenize.ASYNC] = 'ASYNC'
token_map[tokenize.AWAIT] = 'AWAIT'
def _make_matcher_handler(tok, typ, pymode, ender):
matcher = (')' if tok.endswith('(') else
'}' if tok.endswith('{') else
']' if tok.endswith('[') else None)
def _inner_handler(state, token):
state['pymode'].append((pymode, tok, matcher, token.start))
state['last'] = token
yield _new_token(typ, tok, token.start)
special_handlers[(tokenize.OP, tok)] = _inner_handler
def handle_name(state, token):
Function for handling name tokens
typ = 'NAME'
state['last'] = token
if state['pymode'][-1][0]:
if token.string in kwlist:
typ = token.string.upper()
yield _new_token(typ, token.string, token.start)
if token.string == 'and':
yield _new_token('AND', token.string, token.start)
elif token.string == 'or':
yield _new_token('OR', token.string, token.start)
yield _new_token('NAME', token.string, token.start)
def _end_delimiter(state, token):
py = state['pymode']
s = token.string
l, c = token.start
if len(py) > 1:
mode, orig, match, pos = py.pop()
if s != match:
e = '"{}" at {} ends "{}" at {} (expected "{}")'
return e.format(s, (l, c), orig, pos, match)
return 'Unmatched "{}" at line {}, column {}'.format(s, l, c)
def handle_rparen(state, token):
Function for handling ``)``
e = _end_delimiter(state, token)
if e is None:
state['last'] = token
yield _new_token('RPAREN', ')', token.start)
yield _new_token('ERRORTOKEN', e, token.start)
def handle_rbrace(state, token):
Function for handling ``}``
e = _end_delimiter(state, token)
if e is None:
state['last'] = token
yield _new_token('RBRACE', '}', token.start)
yield _new_token('ERRORTOKEN', e, token.start)
def handle_rbracket(state, token):
Function for handling ``]``
e = _end_delimiter(state, token)
if e is None:
state['last'] = token
yield _new_token('RBRACKET', ']', token.start)
yield _new_token('ERRORTOKEN', e, token.start)
def handle_error_space(state, token):
Function for handling special whitespace characters in subprocess mode
if not state['pymode'][-1][0]:
state['last'] = token
yield _new_token('WS', token.string, token.start)
yield from []
def handle_error_token(state, token):
Function for handling error tokens
state['last'] = token
if not state['pymode'][-1][0]:
typ = 'NAME'
yield _new_token(typ, token.string, token.start)
def handle_ignore(state, token):
Function for handling tokens that should be ignored
yield from []
def handle_double_amps(state, token):
yield _new_token('AND', 'and', token.start)
def handle_double_pipe(state, token):
yield _new_token('OR', 'or', token.start)
special_handlers = {
tokenize.NL: handle_ignore,
tokenize.COMMENT: handle_ignore,
tokenize.ENCODING: handle_ignore,
tokenize.ENDMARKER: handle_ignore,
tokenize.NAME: handle_name,
tokenize.ERRORTOKEN: handle_error_token,
(tokenize.OP, ')'): handle_rparen,
(tokenize.OP, '}'): handle_rbrace,
(tokenize.OP, ']'): handle_rbracket,
(tokenize.OP, '&&'): handle_double_amps,
(tokenize.OP, '||'): handle_double_pipe,
(tokenize.ERRORTOKEN, ' '): handle_error_space,
Mapping from ``tokenize`` tokens (or token types) to the proper function for
generating PLY tokens from them. In addition to yielding PLY tokens, these
functions may manipulate the Lexer's state.
_make_matcher_handler('(', 'LPAREN', True, ')')
_make_matcher_handler('[', 'LBRACKET', True, ']')
_make_matcher_handler('{', 'LBRACE', True, '}')
_make_matcher_handler('$(', 'DOLLAR_LPAREN', False, ')')
_make_matcher_handler('$[', 'DOLLAR_LBRACKET', False, ']')
_make_matcher_handler('${', 'DOLLAR_LBRACE', True, '}')
_make_matcher_handler('!(', 'BANG_LPAREN', False, ')')
_make_matcher_handler('![', 'BANG_LBRACKET', False, ']')
_make_matcher_handler('@(', 'AT_LPAREN', True, ')')
_make_matcher_handler('@$(', 'ATDOLLAR_LPAREN', False, ')')
def handle_token(state, token):
General-purpose token handler. Makes use of ``token_map`` or
``special_map`` to yield one or more PLY tokens from the given input.
state :
The current state of the lexer, including information about whether
we are in Python mode or subprocess mode, which changes the lexer's
behavior. Also includes the stream of tokens yet to be considered.
token :
The token (from ``tokenize``) currently under consideration
typ = token.type
st = token.string
pymode = state['pymode'][-1][0]
if not pymode:
if state['last'] is not None and state['last'].end != token.start:
cur = token.start
old = state['last'].end
if cur[0] == old[0] and cur[1] > old[1]:
yield _new_token('WS', token.line[old[1]:cur[1]], old)
if (typ, st) in special_handlers:
yield from special_handlers[(typ, st)](state, token)
elif (typ, st) in token_map:
state['last'] = token
yield _new_token(token_map[(typ, st)], st, token.start)
elif typ in special_handlers:
yield from special_handlers[typ](state, token)
elif typ in token_map:
state['last'] = token
yield _new_token(token_map[typ], st, token.start)
m = "Unexpected token: {0}".format(token)
yield _new_token("ERRORTOKEN", m, token.start)
def get_tokens(s):
Given a string containing xonsh code, generates a stream of relevant PLY
tokens using ``handle_token``.
state = {'indents': [0], 'last': None,
'pymode': [(True, '', '', (0, 0))],
'stream': tokenize.tokenize(BytesIO(s.encode('utf-8')).readline)}
while True:
token = next(state['stream'])
yield from handle_token(state, token)
except StopIteration:
if len(state['pymode']) > 1:
pm, o, m, p = state['pymode'][-1]
l, c = p
e = 'Unmatched "{}" at line {}, column {}'
yield _new_token('ERRORTOKEN', e.format(o, l, c), (0, 0))
except tokenize.TokenError as e:
# this is recoverable in single-line mode (from the shell)
# (e.g., EOF while scanning string literal)
yield _new_token('ERRORTOKEN', e.args[0], (0, 0))
except IndentationError as e:
# this is never recoverable
yield _new_token('ERRORTOKEN', e, (0, 0))
# synthesize a new PLY token
def _new_token(type, value, pos):
o = LexToken()
o.type = type
o.value = value
o.lineno, o.lexpos = pos
return o
class Lexer(object):
"""Implements a lexer for the xonsh language."""
def __init__(self):
fname : str
last : token
The last token seen.
lineno : int
The last line number seen.
self.fname = ''
self.last = None
self.beforelast = None
def build(self, **kwargs):
"""Part of the PLY lexer API."""
def reset(self):
def input(self, s):
"""Calls the lexer on the string s."""
self.token_stream = get_tokens(s)
def token(self):
"""Retrieves the next token."""
self.beforelast = self.last
self.last = next(self.token_stream, None)
return self.last
def __iter__(self):
t = self.token()
while t is not None:
yield t
t = self.token()
# All the tokens recognized by the lexer
tokens = tuple(token_map.values()) + (
'NAME', # name tokens
'WS', # whitespace in subprocess mode
'LPAREN', 'RPAREN', # ( )
'LBRACE', 'RBRACE', # { }
'AT_LPAREN', # @(
) + tuple(i.upper() for i in kwlist)