2016-05-21 15:03:27 -04:00

647 lines
21 KiB

"""Tools for creating command-line and web-based wizards from a tree of nodes.
import os
import ast
import json
import builtins
import textwrap
from pprint import pformat
from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence
from xonsh.tools import to_bool, to_bool_or_break, backup_file, print_color
# Nodes themselves
class Node(object):
"""Base type of all nodes."""
attrs = ()
def __str__(self):
return PrettyFormatter(self).visit()
def __repr__(self):
return str(self).replace('\n', '')
class Wizard(Node):
"""Top-level node in the tree."""
attrs = ('children', 'path')
def __init__(self, children, path=None):
self.children = children
self.path = path
class Pass(Node):
"""Simple do-nothing node"""
class Message(Node):
"""Contains a simple message to report to the user."""
attrs = ('message')
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
class Question(Node):
"""Asks a question and then chooses the next node based on the response.
attrs = ('question', 'responses', 'converter', 'path')
def __init__(self, question, responses, converter=None, path=None):
question : str
The question itself.
responses : dict with str keys and Node values
Mapping from user-input responses to nodes.
converter : callable, optional
Converts the string the user typed into another object
that serves as a key to the reponses dict.
path : str or sequence of str, optional
A path within the storage object.
self.question = question
self.responses = responses
self.converter = converter
self.path = path
class Input(Node):
"""Gets input from the user."""
attrs = ('prompt', 'converter', 'show_conversion', 'confirm', 'path')
def __init__(self, prompt='>>> ', converter=None, show_conversion=False,
confirm=False, retry=False, path=None):
prompt : str, optional
Prompt string prior to input
converter : callable, optional
Converts the string the user typed into another object
prior to storage.
show_conversion : bool, optional
Flag for whether or not to show the results of the conversion
function if the conversion function was meaningfully executed.
Default False.
confirm : bool, optional
Whether the input should be confirmed until true or broken,
default False.
retry : bool, optional
In the event that the conversion operation fails, should
users be re-prompted until they provide valid input. Deafult False.
path : str or sequence of str, optional
A path within the storage object.
self.prompt = prompt
self.converter = converter
self.show_conversion = show_conversion
self.confirm = confirm
self.retry = retry
self.path = path
class While(Node):
"""Computes a body while a condition function evaluates to true.
The condition function has the form cond(visitor=None, node=None) and
should return an object that is convertable to a bool. The beg attribute
specifies the number to start the loop iteration at.
attrs = ('cond', 'body', 'idxname', 'beg', 'path')
def __init__(self, cond, body, idxname='idx', beg=0, path=None):
cond : callable
Function that determines if the next loop iteration should
be executed. The condition function has the form
cond(visitor=None, node=None) and should return an object that
is convertable to a bool.
body : sequence of nodes
A list of node to execute on each iteration.
idxname : str, optional
The variable name for the index.
beg : int, optional
The first index value when evaluating path format strings.
path : str or sequence of str, optional
A path within the storage object.
self.cond = cond
self.body = body
self.idxname = idxname
self.beg = beg
self.path = path
# Helper nodes
class YesNo(Question):
"""Represents a simple yes/no question."""
def __init__(self, question, yes, no, path=None):
question : str
The question itself.
yes : Node
Node to execute if the response is True.
no : Node
Node to execute if the response is False.
path : str or sequence of str, optional
A path within the storage object.
responses = {True: yes, False: no}
super().__init__(question, responses, converter=to_bool,
class TrueFalse(Input):
"""Input node the returns a True or False value."""
def __init__(self, prompt='yes or no [default: no]? ', path=None):
super().__init__(prompt=prompt, converter=to_bool,
show_conversion=False, confirm=False, path=path)
class TrueFalseBreak(Input):
"""Input node the returns a True, False, or 'break' value."""
def __init__(self, prompt='yes, no, or break [default: no]? ', path=None):
super().__init__(prompt=prompt, converter=to_bool_or_break,
show_conversion=False, confirm=False, path=path)
class StoreNonEmpty(Input):
"""Stores the user input only if the input was not an empty string.
This works by wrapping the converter function.
def __init__(self, prompt='>>> ', converter=None, show_conversion=False,
confirm=False, retry=False, path=None, store_raw=False):
def nonempty_converter(x):
"""Converts non-empty values and converts empty inputs to
if len(x) == 0:
x = Unstorable
elif converter is None:
elif store_raw:
converter(x) # make sure str is valid, even if storing raw
x = converter(x)
return x
super().__init__(prompt=prompt, converter=nonempty_converter,
show_conversion=show_conversion, confirm=confirm,
path=path, retry=retry)
class StateFile(Input):
"""Node for repesenting the state as a JSON file under a default or user
given file name. This node type is likely not useful on its own.
attrs = ('default_file', 'check', 'ask_filename')
def __init__(self, default_file=None, check=True, ask_filename=True):
default_file : str, optional
The default filename to save the file as.
check : bool, optional
Whether to print the current state and ask if it should be
saved/loaded prior to asking for the file name and saving the
file, default=True.
ask_filename : bool, optional
Whether to ask for the filename (if ``False``, always use the
default filename)
self._df = None
super().__init__(prompt='filename: ', converter=None,
confirm=False, path=None)
self.ask_filename = ask_filename
self.default_file = default_file
self.check = check
def default_file(self):
return self._df
def default_file(self, val):
self._df = val
if val is None:
self.prompt = 'filename: '
self.prompt = 'filename [default={0!r}]: '.format(val)
class Save(StateFile):
"""Node for saving the state as a JSON file under a default or user
given file name.
class Load(StateFile):
"""Node for loading the state as a JSON file under a default or user
given file name.
def create_truefalse_cond(prompt='yes or no [default: no]? ', path=None):
"""This creates a basic condition function for use with nodes like While
or other conditions. The condition function creates and visits a TrueFalse
node and returns the result. This TrueFalse node takes the prompt and
path that is passed in here.
def truefalse_cond(visitor, node=None):
"""Prompts the user for a true/false condition."""
tf = TrueFalse(prompt=prompt, path=path)
rtn = visitor.visit(tf)
return rtn
return truefalse_cond
# Tools for trees of nodes.
_lowername = lambda cls: cls.__name__.lower()
class Visitor(object):
"""Super-class for all classes that should walk over a tree of nodes.
This implements the visit() method.
def __init__(self, tree=None):
self.tree = tree
def visit(self, node=None):
"""Walks over a node. If no node is provided, the tree is used."""
if node is None:
node = self.tree
if node is None:
raise RuntimeError('no node or tree given!')
for clsname in map(_lowername, type.mro(node.__class__)):
meth = getattr(self, 'visit_' + clsname, None)
if callable(meth):
rtn = meth(node)
msg = 'could not find valid visitor method for {0} on {1}'
nodename = node.__class__.__name__
selfname = self.__class__.__name__
raise AttributeError(msg.format(nodename, selfname))
return rtn
class PrettyFormatter(Visitor):
"""Formats a tree of nodes into a pretty string"""
def __init__(self, tree=None, indent=' '):
self.level = 0
self.indent = indent
def visit_node(self, node):
s = node.__class__.__name__ + '('
if len(node.attrs) == 0:
return s + ')'
s += '\n'
self.level += 1
t = []
for aname in node.attrs:
a = getattr(node, aname)
t.append(self.visit(a) if isinstance(a, Node) else pformat(a))
t = ['{0}={1}'.format(n, x) for n, x in zip(node.attrs, t)]
s += textwrap.indent(',\n'.join(t), self.indent)
self.level -= 1
s += '\n)'
return s
def visit_wizard(self, node):
s = 'Wizard(children=['
if len(node.children) == 0:
if node.path is None:
return s + '])'
return s + '], path={0!r})'.format(node.path)
s += '\n'
self.level += 1
s += textwrap.indent(',\n'.join(map(self.visit, node.children)),
self.level -= 1
if node.path is None:
s += '\n])'
s += '{0}],\n{0}path={1!r}\n)'.format(self.indent, node.path)
return s
def visit_message(self, node):
return 'Message({0!r})'.format(node.message)
def visit_question(self, node):
s = node.__class__.__name__ + '(\n'
self.level += 1
s += self.indent + 'question={0!r},\n'.format(node.question)
s += self.indent + 'responses={'
if len(node.responses) == 0:
s += '}'
s += '\n'
t = sorted(node.responses.items())
t = ['{0!r}: {1}'.format(k, self.visit(v)) for k, v in t]
s += textwrap.indent(',\n'.join(t), 2*self.indent)
s += '\n' + self.indent + '}'
if node.converter is not None:
s += ',\n' + self.indent + 'converter={0!r}'.format(node.converter)
if node.path is not None:
s += ',\n' + self.indent + 'path={0!r}'.format(node.path)
self.level -= 1
s += '\n)'
return s
def visit_input(self, node):
s = '{0}(prompt={1!r}'.format(node.__class__.__name__, node.prompt)
if node.converter is None and node.path is None:
return s + '\n)'
if node.converter is not None:
s += ',\n' + self.indent + 'converter={0!r}'.format(node.converter)
s += ',\n' + self.indent + 'show_conversion={0!r}'.format(node.show_conversion)
s += ',\n' + self.indent + 'confirm={0!r}'.format(node.confirm)
s += ',\n' + self.indent + 'retry={0!r}'.format(node.retry)
if node.path is not None:
s += ',\n' + self.indent + 'path={0!r}'.format(node.path)
s += '\n)'
return s
def visit_statefile(self, node):
s = '{0}(default_file={1!r}, check={2}, ask_filename={3})'
s = s.format(node.__class__.__name__, node.default_file, node.check, node.ask_filename)
return s
def visit_while(self, node):
s = '{0}(cond={1!r}'.format(node.__class__.__name__, node.cond)
s += ',\n' + self.indent + 'body=['
if len(node.body) > 0:
s += '\n'
self.level += 1
s += textwrap.indent(',\n'.join(map(self.visit, node.body)),
self.level -= 1
s += '\n' + self.indent
s += ']'
s += ',\n' + self.indent + 'idxname={0!r}'.format(node.idxname)
s += ',\n' + self.indent + 'beg={0!r}'.format(node.beg)
if node.path is not None:
s += ',\n' + self.indent + 'path={0!r}'.format(node.path)
s += '\n)'
return s
def ensure_str_or_int(x):
"""Creates a string or int."""
if isinstance(x, int):
return x
x = x if isinstance(x, str) else str(x)
x = ast.literal_eval(x)
except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
if not isinstance(x, (int, str)):
msg = '{0!r} could not be converted to int or str'.format(x)
raise ValueError(msg)
return x
def canon_path(path, indices=None):
"""Returns the canonical form of a path, which is a tuple of str or ints.
Indices may be optionally passed in.
if not isinstance(path, str):
return tuple(map(ensure_str_or_int, path))
if indices is not None:
path = path.format(**indices)
path = path[1:] if path.startswith('/') else path
path = path[:-1] if path.endswith('/') else path
if len(path) == 0:
return ()
return tuple(map(ensure_str_or_int, path.split('/')))
class UnstorableType(object):
"""Represents an unstorable return value for when no input was given
or such input was skipped. Typically represented by the Unstorable
_inst = None
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls._inst is None:
cls._inst = super(UnstorableType, cls).__new__(cls, *args,
return cls._inst
Unstorable = UnstorableType()
class StateVisitor(Visitor):
"""This class visits the nodes and stores the results in a top-level
dict of data according to the state path of the node. The the node
does not have a path or the path does not exist, the storage is skipped.
This class can be optionally initialized with an existing state.
def __init__(self, tree=None, state=None, indices=None):
self.state = {} if state is None else state
self.indices = {} if indices is None else indices
def visit(self, node=None):
if node is None:
node = self.tree
if node is None:
raise RuntimeError('no node or tree given!')
rtn = super().visit(node)
path = getattr(node, 'path', None)
if callable(path):
path = path(visitor=self, node=node, val=rtn)
if path is not None and rtn is not Unstorable:
self.store(path, rtn, indices=self.indices)
return rtn
def store(self, path, val, indices=None):
"""Stores a value at the path location."""
path = canon_path(path, indices=indices)
loc = self.state
for p, n in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]):
if isinstance(p, str) and p not in loc:
loc[p] = {} if isinstance(n, str) else []
elif isinstance(p, int) and abs(p) + (p >= 0) > len(loc):
i = abs(p) + (p >= 0) - len(loc)
if isinstance(n, str):
ex = [{} for _ in range(i)]
ex = [[] for _ in range(i)]
loc = loc[p]
p = path[-1]
if isinstance(p, int) and abs(p) + (p >= 0) > len(loc):
i = abs(p) + (p >= 0) - len(loc)
ex = [None]*i
loc[p] = val
YN = "{GREEN}yes{NO_COLOR} or {RED}no{NO_COLOR} [default: no]? "
YNB = ('{GREEN}yes{NO_COLOR}, {RED}no{NO_COLOR}, or '
'{YELLOW}break{NO_COLOR} [default: no]? ')
class PromptVisitor(StateVisitor):
"""Visits the nodes in the tree via the a command-line prompt."""
def __init__(self, tree=None, state=None, **kwargs):
tree : Node, optional
Tree of nodes to start visitor with.
state : dict, optional
Initial state to begin with.
kwargs : optional
Options that are passed through to the prompt via the shell's
singleline() method. See BaseShell for mor details.
super().__init__(tree=tree, state=state)
self.env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
self.shell = builtins.__xonsh_shell__.shell
self.shell_kwargs = kwargs
def visit_wizard(self, node):
for child in node.children:
def visit_pass(self, node):
def visit_message(self, node):
def visit_question(self, node):
self.env['PROMPT'] = node.question
r = self.shell.singleline(**self.shell_kwargs)
if callable(node.converter):
r = node.converter(r)
return r
def visit_input(self, node):
need_input = True
while need_input:
self.env['PROMPT'] = node.prompt
raw = self.shell.singleline(**self.shell_kwargs)
if callable(node.converter):
x = node.converter(raw)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception:
if node.retry:
msg = ('{{BOLD_RED}}Invalid{{NO_COLOR}} input {0!r}, '
'please retry.')
if node.show_conversion and x is not Unstorable \
and str(x) != raw:
msg = '{{BOLD_PURPLE}}Converted{{NO_COLOR}} input {0!r} to {1!r}.'
print_color(msg.format(raw, x))
x = raw
if node.confirm:
msg = 'Would you like to keep the input: {0}'
confirmer = TrueFalseBreak(prompt=YNB)
status = self.visit(confirmer)
if isinstance(status, str) and status == 'break':
x = Unstorable
need_input = not status
need_input = False
return x
def visit_while(self, node):
rtns = []
origidx = self.indices.get(node.idxname, None)
self.indices[node.idxname] = idx = node.beg
while node.cond(visitor=self, node=node):
rtn = list(map(self.visit, node.body))
idx += 1
self.indices[node.idxname] = idx
if origidx is None:
del self.indices[node.idxname]
self.indices[node.idxname] = origidx
return rtns
def visit_save(self, node):
jstate = json.dumps(self.state, indent=1, sort_keys=True)
if node.check:
msg = 'The current state is:\n\n{0}\n'
print(msg.format(textwrap.indent(jstate, ' ')))
ap = 'Would you like to save this state, ' + YN
asker = TrueFalse(prompt=ap)
do_save = self.visit(asker)
if not do_save:
return Unstorable
fname = None
if node.ask_filename:
fname = self.visit_input(node)
if fname is None or len(fname) == 0:
fname = node.default_file
if os.path.isfile(fname):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname), exist_ok=True)
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
return fname
def visit_load(self, node):
if node.check:
ap = 'Would you like to load an existing file, ' + YN
asker = TrueFalse(prompt=ap)
do_load = self.visit(asker)
if not do_load:
return Unstorable
fname = self.visit_input(node)
if fname is None or len(fname) == 0:
fname = node.default_file
if os.path.isfile(fname):
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
self.state = json.load(f)
print_color('{{GREEN}}{0!r} loaded.{{NO_COLOR}}'.format(fname))
print_color(('{{RED}}{0!r} could not be found, '
return fname