
318 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* settings */
int default_width = 800;
int default_height = 600;
float zoom_step = 10;
float zoom_min = 10;
float zoom_max = 400;
float scroll_step = 40;
float transparency = 0.4;
/* completion */
static const char FORMAT_COMMAND[] = "<b>%s</b>";
static const char FORMAT_DESCRIPTION[] = "<i>%s</i>";
2010-01-31 02:03:28 +01:00
/* directories and files */
static const char ZATHURA_DIR[] = ".zathura";
static const char BOOKMARK_FILE[] = "bookmarks";
2010-06-14 21:52:19 +02:00
static const char ZATHURA_RC[] = "zathurarc";
2010-01-31 02:03:28 +01:00
2010-01-31 12:35:49 +01:00
/* bookmarks */
static const char BM_PAGE_ENTRY[] = "page";
static const char BM_PAGE_OFFSET[] = "offset";
2010-01-31 12:35:49 +01:00
/* look */
char* font = "monospace normal 9";
char* default_bgcolor = "#000000";
char* default_fgcolor = "#DDDDDD";
char* inputbar_bgcolor = "#141414";
char* inputbar_fgcolor = "#9FBC00";
char* statusbar_bgcolor = "#000000";
char* statusbar_fgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
char* completion_fgcolor = "#DDDDDD";
char* completion_bgcolor = "#232323";
char* completion_g_fgcolor = "#DEDEDE";
char* completion_g_bgcolor = "#FF00FF";
char* completion_hl_fgcolor = "#232323";
char* completion_hl_bgcolor = "#9FBC00";
char* notification_e_bgcolor = "#FF1212";
char* notification_e_fgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
char* notification_w_bgcolor = "#FFF712";
char* notification_w_fgcolor = "#000000";
char* recolor_darkcolor = "#353535";
char* recolor_lightcolor = "#DBDBDB";
char* search_highlight = "#9FBC00";
char* select_text = "#000000";
2010-01-02 14:23:49 +01:00
2010-01-01 20:46:07 +01:00
/* statusbar */
char* default_text = "[No Name]";
2010-01-01 20:46:07 +01:00
/* printing */
char* list_printer_command = "lpstat -v | sed -n '/^.*device for \\(.*\\): .*$/s//\\1/p'";
char* print_command = "lp -d '%s' -P %s '%s'"; /* printer / pages / file */
/* open uri */
char* uri_command = "firefox '%s'"; /* uri */
2009-12-30 00:47:29 +01:00
/* additional settings */
gboolean show_scrollbars = FALSE;
2010-06-18 11:03:11 +02:00
int adjust_open = ADJUST_BESTFIT;
2010-05-18 00:48:46 +02:00
2009-12-30 00:47:29 +01:00
/* shortcuts */
Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask, key, function, mode, argument */
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_n, sc_toggle_statusbar, NORMAL, {0} },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_m, sc_toggle_inputbar, NORMAL, {0} },
{0, GDK_F5, sc_toggle_fullscreen, NORMAL, {0} },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_q, sc_quit, -1, {0} },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_c, sc_abort, -1, {0} },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_i, sc_recolor, NORMAL, {0} },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_u, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { HALF_UP } },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_b, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { FULL_UP } },
{0, GDK_slash, sc_focus_inputbar, NORMAL, { .data = "/" } },
{GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_slash, sc_focus_inputbar, NORMAL, { .data = "/" } },
{GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_question, sc_focus_inputbar, NORMAL, { .data = "?" } },
{0, GDK_Tab, sc_toggle_index, NORMAL, {0} },
{0, GDK_Tab, sc_toggle_index, INDEX, {0} },
{0, GDK_J, sc_navigate, NORMAL, { NEXT } },
{0, GDK_K, sc_navigate, NORMAL, { PREVIOUS } },
{GDK_MOD1_MASK, GDK_Right, sc_navigate, NORMAL, { NEXT } },
{GDK_MOD1_MASK, GDK_Left, sc_navigate, NORMAL, { PREVIOUS } },
{0, GDK_O, sc_switch_goto_mode, NORMAL, {0} },
{0, GDK_space, sc_navigate, NORMAL, { NEXT } },
{0, GDK_Escape, sc_abort, -1, {0} },
{0, GDK_i, sc_change_mode, NORMAL, { INSERT } },
{0, GDK_v, sc_change_mode, NORMAL, { VISUAL } },
{0, GDK_m, sc_change_mode, NORMAL, { ADD_MARKER } },
{0, GDK_apostrophe, sc_change_mode, NORMAL, { EVAL_MARKER } },
{0, GDK_colon, sc_focus_inputbar, NORMAL, { .data = ":" } },
{0, GDK_o, sc_focus_inputbar, NORMAL, { .data = ":open " } },
{0, GDK_f, sc_follow, NORMAL, {0} },
{0, GDK_r, sc_rotate, NORMAL, {0} },
2010-06-03 18:12:45 +02:00
{0, GDK_R, sc_reload, NORMAL, {0} },
{0, GDK_h, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { LEFT } },
{0, GDK_j, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { DOWN } },
{0, GDK_k, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { UP } },
{0, GDK_l, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { RIGHT } },
{0, GDK_Left, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { LEFT } },
{0, GDK_Up, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { UP } },
{0, GDK_Down, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { DOWN } },
{0, GDK_Right, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { RIGHT } },
{0, GDK_n, sc_search, NORMAL, { FORWARD } },
{0, GDK_N, sc_search, NORMAL, { BACKWARD } },
{0, GDK_a, sc_adjust_window, NORMAL, { ADJUST_BESTFIT } },
{0, GDK_s, sc_adjust_window, NORMAL, { ADJUST_WIDTH } },
{0, GDK_BackSpace, sc_change_buffer, -1, { DELETE_LAST } },
{0, GDK_k, sc_navigate_index, INDEX, { UP } },
{0, GDK_j, sc_navigate_index, INDEX, { DOWN } },
{0, GDK_h, sc_navigate_index, INDEX, { COLLAPSE } },
{0, GDK_l, sc_navigate_index, INDEX, { EXPAND } },
{0, GDK_space, sc_navigate_index, INDEX, { SELECT } },
{0, GDK_Return, sc_navigate_index, INDEX, { SELECT } },
{0, GDK_F5, sc_toggle_fullscreen, FULLSCREEN, {0} },
{0, GDK_Left, sc_navigate, FULLSCREEN, { PREVIOUS } },
{0, GDK_Up, sc_navigate, FULLSCREEN, { PREVIOUS } },
{0, GDK_Down, sc_navigate, FULLSCREEN, { NEXT } },
{0, GDK_Right, sc_navigate, FULLSCREEN, { NEXT } },
{0, GDK_space, sc_navigate, FULLSCREEN, { NEXT } },
/* inputbar shortcuts */
InputbarShortcut inputbar_shortcuts[] = {
/* mask, key, function, argument */
{0, GDK_Escape, isc_abort, {0} },
{0, GDK_Up, isc_command_history, {0} },
{0, GDK_Down, isc_command_history, {0} },
{0, GDK_Tab, isc_completion, { NEXT } },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_Tab, isc_completion, { NEXT_GROUP } },
{0, GDK_ISO_Left_Tab, isc_completion, { PREVIOUS } },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_ISO_Left_Tab, isc_completion, { PREVIOUS_GROUP } },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_w, isc_string_manipulation, { DELETE_LAST_WORD } },
2010-04-12 19:38:07 +02:00
/* mouse settings */
MouseScrollEvent mouse_scroll_events[] = {
/* direction, function, argument */
{GDK_SCROLL_LEFT, sc_scroll, { LEFT } },
{GDK_SCROLL_UP, sc_scroll, { UP } },
{GDK_SCROLL_DOWN, sc_scroll, { DOWN } },
{GDK_SCROLL_RIGHT, sc_scroll, { RIGHT } },
/* commands */
Command commands[] = {
2010-01-31 21:24:33 +01:00
/* command, abbreviation, function, completion, description */
{"blist", 0, cmd_open_bookmark, cc_bookmark, "List and open bookmark" },
2010-06-16 21:50:28 +02:00
{"bmark", "b", cmd_bookmark, 0, "Bookmark current page" },
2010-01-31 21:24:33 +01:00
{"close", "c", cmd_close, 0, "Close current file" },
{"coffset", 0, cmd_correct_offset, 0, "Correct page offset" },
2010-01-31 21:24:33 +01:00
{"delbmark", 0, cmd_delete_bookmark, cc_bookmark, "Bookmark current page" },
{"export", "e", cmd_export, cc_export, "Export images or attached files" },
{"info", "i", cmd_info, 0, "Show information about the document" },
2010-06-16 21:50:28 +02:00
{"map", "m", cmd_map, 0, "Map keybinding to a function" },
2010-01-31 21:24:33 +01:00
{"open", "o", cmd_open, cc_open, "Open a file" },
{"print", "p", cmd_print, cc_print, "Print the document" },
2010-06-16 21:50:28 +02:00
{"quit", "q", cmd_quit, 0, "Quit zathura" },
2010-01-31 21:24:33 +01:00
{"rotate", "r", cmd_rotate, 0, "Rotate the page" },
{"set", "s", cmd_set, cc_set, "Set an option" },
{"write", "w", cmd_save, 0, "Save the document" },
/* buffer commands */
BufferCommand buffer_commands[] = {
/* regex, function, argument */
{"^gg$", bcmd_goto, { TOP } },
{"^G$", bcmd_goto, { BOTTOM } },
{"^[0-9]+G$", bcmd_goto, {0} },
{"^zI$", bcmd_zoom, { ZOOM_IN } },
{"^zO$", bcmd_zoom, { ZOOM_OUT } },
{"^z0$", bcmd_zoom, { ZOOM_ORIGINAL } },
{"^[0-9]+Z$", bcmd_zoom, { ZOOM_SPECIFIC } },
{"^[0-9]+%$", bcmd_scroll, {0} },
/* special commands */
SpecialCommand special_commands[] = {
/* identifier, function, a, argument */
{'/', scmd_search, 1, { DOWN } },
{'?', scmd_search, 1, { UP } },
/* settings */
Setting settings[] = {
/* name, variable, type, render, re-init, description */
2010-06-18 11:03:11 +02:00
{"adjust_open", &(adjust_open), 'i', FALSE, FALSE, "Command to open URIs"},
{"browser", &(uri_command), 's', FALSE, FALSE, "Command to open URIs"},
{"completion_bgcolor", &(completion_bgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Completion background color"},
{"completion_fgcolor", &(completion_fgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Completion foreground color"},
{"completion_g_bgcolor", &(completion_g_bgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Completion (group) background color"},
{"completion_g_fgcolor", &(completion_g_fgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Completion (group) foreground color"},
{"completion_hl_bgcolor", &(completion_hl_bgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Completion (highlight) background color"},
{"completion_hl_fgcolor", &(completion_hl_fgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Completion (highlight) foreground color"},
{"default_bgcolor", &(default_bgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Default background color"},
{"default_fgcolor", &(default_fgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Default foreground color"},
{"default_text", &(default_text), 's', FALSE, FALSE, "Default text"},
{"font", &(font), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "The used font" },
{"height", &(default_height), 'i', FALSE, FALSE, "Default window height"},
{"inputbar_bgcolor", &(inputbar_bgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Inputbar background color"},
{"inputbar_fgcolor", &(inputbar_fgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Inputbar foreground color"},
{"labels", &(Zathura.Global.enable_labelmode), 'b', FALSE, TRUE, "Allow label mode"},
{"list_printer_command", &(list_printer_command), 's', FALSE, FALSE, "Command to list printers"},
{"notification_e_bgcolor", &(notification_e_bgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Notification (error) background color"},
{"notification_e_fgcolor", &(notification_e_fgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Notification (error) foreground color"},
{"notification_w_bgcolor", &(notification_w_bgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Notification (warning) background color"},
{"notification_w_fgcolor", &(notification_w_fgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Notification (warning) foreground color"},
{"offset", &(Zathura.PDF.page_offset), 'i', FALSE, FALSE, "Optional page offset" },
{"print_command", &(print_command), 's', FALSE, FALSE, "Command to print"},
{"recolor", &(Zathura.Global.recolor), 'b', TRUE, FALSE, "Invert the image" },
{"recolor_darkcolor", &(recolor_darkcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Recoloring (dark color)"},
{"recolor_lightcolor", &(recolor_lightcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Recoloring (light color)"},
{"scroll_step", &(scroll_step), 'f', FALSE, FALSE, "Scroll step"},
{"scrollbars", &(show_scrollbars), 'b', FALSE, TRUE, "Show scrollbars"},
{"search_highlight", &(search_highlight), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Highlighted results"},
{"select_text", &(select_text), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Rectangle of the selected text"},
{"statusbar_bgcolor", &(statusbar_bgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Statusbar background color"},
{"statusbar_fgcolor", &(statusbar_fgcolor), 's', FALSE, TRUE, "Statusbar foreground color"},
{"transparency", &(transparency), 'f', FALSE, FALSE, "Transparency of rectangles"},
{"width", &(default_width), 'i', FALSE, FALSE, "Default window width"},
{"zoom_max", &(zoom_max), 'f', FALSE, FALSE, "Zoom maximum"},
{"zoom_min", &(zoom_min), 'f', FALSE, FALSE, "Zoom minimum"},
{"zoom_step", &(zoom_step), 'f', FALSE, FALSE, "Zoom step"},
/* shortcut names */
ShortcutName shortcut_names[] = {
{"abort", sc_abort},
{"adjust_window", sc_adjust_window},
{"change_buffer", sc_change_buffer},
{"change_mode", sc_change_mode},
{"focus_inputbar", sc_focus_inputbar},
{"follow", sc_follow},
{"navigate", sc_navigate},
{"navigate_index", sc_navigate_index},
{"quit", sc_quit},
{"recolor", sc_recolor},
{"reload", sc_reload},
{"rotate", sc_rotate},
{"scroll", sc_scroll},
{"search", sc_search},
{"switch_goto_mode", sc_switch_goto_mode},
{"toggle_fullscreen", sc_toggle_fullscreen},
{"toggle_index", sc_toggle_index},
{"toggle_inputbar", sc_toggle_inputbar},
{"toggle_statusbar", sc_toggle_statusbar},
2010-06-18 11:03:11 +02:00
{"zoom", sc_zoom},
/* argument names */
ArgumentName argument_names[] = {
{"add_marker", ADD_MARKER},
{"backward", BACKWARD},
{"bestfit", ADJUST_BESTFIT},
{"collapse", COLLAPSE},
{"delete_last", DELETE_LAST},
{"down", DOWN},
{"eval_marker", EVAL_MARKER},
{"expand", EXPAND},
{"forward", FORWARD},
{"full_down", FULL_DOWN},
{"full_up", FULL_UP},
{"half_down", HALF_DOWN},
{"half_up", HALF_UP},
2010-06-18 11:03:11 +02:00
{"in", ZOOM_IN},
{"insert", INSERT},
{"left", LEFT},
{"next", NEXT},
2010-06-18 11:03:11 +02:00
{"original", ZOOM_ORIGINAL},
{"out", ZOOM_OUT},
{"previous", PREVIOUS},
{"right", RIGHT},
{"select", SELECT},
{"up", UP},
{"visual", VISUAL},
{"width", ADJUST_WIDTH},
/* mode names */
ModeName mode_names[] = {
{"all", -1},
{"fullscreen", FULLSCREEN},
{"index", INDEX},
{"insert", INSERT},
{"normal", NORMAL},
{"visual", VISUAL},
/* special keys */
GDKKey gdk_keys[] = {
{"<BackSpace>", GDK_BackSpace},
{"<CapsLock>", GDK_Caps_Lock},
{"<Down>", GDK_Down},
{"<Esc>", GDK_Escape},
{"<F10>", GDK_F10},
{"<F11>", GDK_F11},
{"<F12>", GDK_F12},
{"<F1>", GDK_F1},
{"<F2>", GDK_F2},
{"<F3>", GDK_F3},
{"<F4>", GDK_F4},
{"<F5>", GDK_F5},
{"<F6>", GDK_F6},
{"<F7>", GDK_F7},
{"<F8>", GDK_F8},
{"<F9>", GDK_F9},
{"<Left>", GDK_Left},
{"<PageDown>", GDK_Page_Down},
{"<PageUp>", GDK_Page_Up},
{"<Return>", GDK_Return},
{"<Right>", GDK_Right},
{"<Space>", GDK_space},
{"<Super>", GDK_Super_L},
{"<Tab>", GDK_Tab},
{"<Up>", GDK_Up},